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45 bushmaster. NEW dia. New case in an ar gun Login/Join
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comming out about christmas time there is a new round called the 45 bushmaster. a proprietary round by bushmaster. the guy at bushmaster said it is a new dia. (the guy did not specify what dia) according to him this is so they can controll the components and sell more ammo and go over the reloaders heads. so far they are getting a 230 gr bullet going 2600 fps but they are trying to get closer to 3000 fps and the twist of barrel and powders are still under development. hornady will be making the bullets Frowner and loaded ammo.

the case is actualy a 284 case blown out and the rim turned down fyi

it is primarily designed for military/law enforcement but be sure mannny piggies/deer/elk and moose will feel a sharp pain from it i am sure.

more info will be comming out in the following months.

case length is under wraps right now Roll Eyes

thought some might be interested...

looks like a new chapter in wildcatting will be comming out with this new bullet dia...
any bets on actual dia?

here is the 284 case drawing...why oh why did they not go .458! Mad oh well just buy a new barrel and custom dies ect...

anyone have any more info or have spies to get more info???

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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That sure looks like the failed round the Coast Guard was trying awhile ago, it also looks just like an extended 45 win mag round,,could be fun for pigs tho

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Picture of Hog Killer
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$$$$$$$$$$$$ Factory ammo
$$$$ cases, which you will loose most of shooting, except on bare ground.
$$$$ Bullets, bastard size, one source only, poor SD, and will loose speed rapidly
$$$$$$$ top half for an AR

Looks and sounds like another answer looking for a question thumbdown
Remember the:
9m/m Federal
307 Win.
356 Win.
244 Rem.
8m/m Rem Mag.
etc., etc.,etc......

No thanks.

Hog Killer

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Looks like FUN. mgun
Give it a while to see what happens.

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I'm disturbed that our Law Enforcment need this round!

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or, of course, the 458 socom fits the bill

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR.
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I would agree with Hog Killer. They're trying to fill a gap when there never was a gap to begin with and trying to corner US into thinking we need a round that only THEY can supply ammo or components for. bull If Law Enforcement need a bigger round then why not just look at the 458 SOCOM or .50 Beowolf? What about the 6.8 SPC? Or just a good ole 308 in an AR. I'm sure there are others that I forgot but any of them would be better than this lame-assed marketing ploy. I can see this going into the "has been" file faster than just about any of the others on HG's list, right where it needs to be.
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Sounds like another 408 Cheyenne Tac
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Are you sure this cartridge is based on the 284 Winchester case?

As you know, the 30-06 and 308 Winchester cases can be used to make 45 ACP cases, just by cutting the brass to the correct length.

I thought this might be a 308 case, left full length, with the cartridge headspaced on the case mouth, like the 45 ACP.

I look forward to chambering an AR for this round.

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the guy said it was a 284 with the rim turned and try to ger more info...

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

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from the drawing, it looks more like a steyr with the rim turned down...

Boomy, strong rebates are WORSE than belts.

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
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Any statement about cost, and will they offer just uppers? Looks like a 45 ACP super mag.
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I really wouldn't have a proplem with this round and I don't necessarily if it were being marketed as "a new round for a great platform". But it's not, appearently. They're trying to justify it by other than "here's a new option for the AR". They're trying to play us for stupid telling us that there's an actual NEED for it. Gun nuts such as ourselves are the only people that are going to buy this chambering (if it sells at all) and they act like we're too stupid to know that there are a bunch of other rounds that are much better established that will do the same thing or better. Look at how many differnt chamberings there are for the B/A rifle. Most of these will do the same things within a given group of caliber ranges (i.e. .22-.25, .27-.33, .33-.375, .40 and up) with only slight differences in performance but they will all do the job of the others in their class and could be freely interchanged for any given purpose.

Furthermore, most of the folks who might buy this chambering reload. We're gun NUTS. We like everything about guns, hence we reload. Why would you NOT make product available to the only people who are going to buy it? It makes no sense to me. Most, if not all, LE agencies don't have the funding to just buy all new weapons for their officers. If they did they would be carrying an AR in 458 SOCOM, 50 Beowolf, 6.8 SPC, 408 Chey Tac, etc. If any of them were going to switch they would have with the 6.8 SPC since it was a simple rebarrel and Remington was manufacturing ammo. But they didn't. Why? Money. To refit their arsenal was outside of budget.

I'm not saying they shouldn't release the round. Actually they should. However a little market research and truth in advertising would be not too much to ask.
Posts: 144 | Location: Boiling Springs, SC, USA | Registered: 14 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Uh, this looks like a 45 caliber hole into which one pours money.



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i say slap on a 458 socom barrel, blow the damn thing out to 458 and use 45-70 bullets!

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

*we band of 45-70ers* (Founder)
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I like the 5.56 Nato/223 Remington round, but I don't think it's a great personal defense round for in and around the house.

I'd prefer a 12 gauge auto for that scenario, but if I was using a rifle, something like this new 45 caliber round would be perfect.

Big hole, short range, wide option of projectiles.

I spoke to a gunsmith back in the late 80's who used to rechamber the 30 carbine rifle to the 45 Winchester Magnum, but I believe he's retired (or dead) now.

I still see a niche in my closet for this round.

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i say slap on a 458 socom barrel, blow the damn thing out to 458 and use 45-70 bullets!

or, of course, the 458 socom fits the bill

That's what I did... I Love my SOCOM

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