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ruger rigby Login/Join
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just picked one up last night and it sure feels good. what expeirences have you guys had with these both possitive and negative. also if i want to rebarrel it how big could i go, as it seems to have a rather large action..thanks
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if it is a 416 rigby length action i would suggest the easiest conversion to the 470 mbogo

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Excellent rifle.. it is a little heavy.
replace the "pad" on it... i used to wonder what happened to marlin rejected pads (the ones without the ridge down the middle, but hard as boiled leather)... till i shot a couple RSMs...

the trigger can be improved, with just the "ruger 77 mkII parts"....

it could stand to be bedded, but not required... i like wrist pins down the wrist of my ig bores, but nor required... i would relieve the tang, at least, and perhas spot bed it.

it's just a great low recoiling big bore, in that weight gun


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I have one but it has been Mag-Na-Ported so the recoil is not representative of factory. Truly a pussy-cat to shoot. The stock has been slimmed considerably and the bolt handle has been replaced with a longer straight handle. Still a very heavy rifle with a HUGE barrel. Not my favorite 416Rigby but it shoots like all get out. An easy inch consistently. Pad is a Decellerator.

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