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okie john,
I have been corresponding with Ms. Alice Poluchova by email also. I hope I have been of some assistance with the cause you have made us cognizant of. Our last exchange left it with her visiting the factory in Czechoslovakia in October. To be continued, as you say ...
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Good to hear that there will at least be some discussion with the factory. Sure would be nice to seem'm do the right thing.

If they'd even just sell us the nut pair and allow the swap not to violate warrantee that might get a pass from most.

Here's hoping!
Posts: 6199 | Location: Charleston, WV | Registered: 31 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Mike, I'd settle for being allowed to buy the parts to fix this and have the warranty hold. But I'm going to ask them to make the 550 in stainless, offer a MacMillan synthetic stock as a factory upgrade, put iron sights on the American, and bring back the pop-up sight that was on the old ZKK series.

Why not? Okie John
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Okie John,

All fine ideas with which have no problem. I'd also ask for recontouring of the follower to really allow 4 rounds down in .416 Rigby as this is expensive to do correctly and to fix the bedding of the heavy kickers too.

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Mine look like Minnbogo,s. I have a 9.3x62 LUX and a .270 FS.
Posts: 287 | Location: Florida USA | Registered: 23 February 2002Reply With Quote
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For further details on the "fix" of my firing pin on my 9.3X62 CZ American look at MINGBOGO's picture on this topic above. That is exactly how CZ fixed my firing pin clip. They changed out the configuration to the two nut or two piece retainer. Good luck everyone and hope they treat all as they did me. [Smile]
Posts: 924 | Location: USA | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Of course we are forgotton down here in Oz and I suppose the swap ou parts will never make it here [Frown]

Can my smith just fix the issue or could I just order the numbered parts in the book and swap them out ??
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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i just got my lux model in 9.3x62. it has the c clip as well as a plastic follower and floorplate. i called czusa(1-800-955-4486) and talked to a guy named CJ. he's going to send me steel parts to replace the plastic ones and he also told me that they will soon get parts to replace the c clip set up with the old style double nut set up. so in about a month i'm going to send him my bolt and have it fixed. thought ya'll might be interested. cheers...bud
Posts: 1213 | Location: new braunfels, tx | Registered: 04 December 2001Reply With Quote
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i have to make a correction here. i said that the follower and floorplate were plastic. not true...only the follower is plastic. czusa seems to be being straight with us regarding the firing pin problem and i don't want to put out any false info about their products. sorry about the(my) mistake...bud
Posts: 1213 | Location: new braunfels, tx | Registered: 04 December 2001Reply With Quote
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On my 550FS both the floorplate and follower were plastic. Mike offered to replace them when I callled.
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I've been sitting here thinking about all this and two things seem to keep coming up. (1) There is a statistical rate at which failure will occur in any eventuality. Perhaps CZ looked at this design change and said "It will save us $3.00 and the probability that it will fail is 1:10,00. The old way cost us $6.00 to make and if we have one death caused by firing pin failure it is only 1:250,000 because nobody uses those medium caliber rifles to hunt dangerous game. If it fails in a general use rifle then we repair it for $20 including shipping. Chances are we won't have a suit because it will be in Africa and folks there aren't litigeous but if we do we can settle for $100,000. That's a lot of money in Africa and we're ahead of the fiscal game (Don't hold me to exact computation beacuse I'm in a hurry). They forgot about the popularity of the 9.3x62.
(2) I have discovered in 36 years of medical practice that there is a phenomenon that says "Nothing goes wrong until somebody tells you it can happen". You never tear an artery off until someone says "You know, when you remove the thyroid you better look out for the artery to the capsule because if you're not careful it will bleed after you close the skin and the animal will bleed to death". You say No it can't happen because I've been doing it for years that way and never had any trouble. BIG MISTAKE. The very next time you do what you've been doing for years you'll have a disaster.
Just remember Murphy's Law : "If a part can fail it will do so at the exact moment and in the manner calculated to do the most damage and cost the most to repair".
CZ ought to be proactive about this. It's in their interest.

[ 09-28-2003, 20:57: Message edited by: Dr. Duc ]
Posts: 1275 | Location: Fla | Registered: 16 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Can someone post some pictures of the conversions on the ZKK etc.? Thanks Guys.
Posts: 450 | Location: AB, Canada | Registered: 23 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Could you tell me when you have been calling CZ about the plastic follower and the c-clip? I purchased a CZ 550 Lux in 9.3x62 two months ago, and it came with the plastic follower and the c-clip retainer. I called CZ-USA several times and spoke to Mike the gunsmith. He told me that they would not have the replacement steel follower until after the first of the year, if at all. I was also told that they do not have parts for the two nut retainer set up available because that was the old set up. I was also told that he did not see this as an issue, because I should be checking my firing pin before I went into the field in a hunting situation anyway. If I'm being told this while others are being told their guns can be fixed, this guy isn't doing CZ any favors.
Posts: 43 | Location: Wisconsin | Registered: 03 July 2003Reply With Quote
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trailblazer....when i called the other day i talked to a guy named C.J. he was very helpful and didn't give me a bunch of crap about how or when i should be checking my rifle. i think we have identical guns. good luck with your's...bud
Posts: 1213 | Location: new braunfels, tx | Registered: 04 December 2001Reply With Quote
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I checked both CZ's a 416 Rigby and a 9.3x62 and the little "c" clip is on both firing pin springs. They were both tight but that doesn't make me feel better, especially with the 416 son's dangerous game rifle!
Posts: 740 | Location: CT/AZ USA | Registered: 14 February 2001Reply With Quote
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I checked al
9.3x62 has the c clip
.458 two nuts
.416 Has the c clip
.375 two nuts
.22 Hornet have not checked not real concerned.

We need a fix for this [Confused]

Can you simply order the numbered parts from the magazine and swap them over for the c-clip ?? Is it it that simple ??

[ 10-04-2003, 16:31: Message edited by: PC ]
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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pc...this C.J. guy i talked to said they can't just send the parts to fix the firing pin because your existing, c-clip type, firing pin won't work. apparently, when i send my bolt to them in about 3 weeks, i'll get a new firing pin installed with the double nut arrangement. cheers...bud
Posts: 1213 | Location: new braunfels, tx | Registered: 04 December 2001Reply With Quote
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can you just drop the new firing pin assembly in or is there extensive re-fitting required ??

I also believ that a good smith could make a nut or some better systym to improve the c-clip situation. I would like to eventually have my .416 & 9.3 fixed. CZ America will not deal with us Aussies either [Frown]
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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pc...i don't know the answer to your question but i assume there is some sort of fitting necessary. another thing may be that they don't want to set them selves up for a lawsuite because somebody didn't install the new parts correctly. i agree with you that a gunsmith could fabricate a part that would screw onto the existing firing pin and replace the c-clip. that may be the best route for you guys in Oz since CZUSA won't deal with you. good luck and keep us informed as to how you guys over there solve this problem...cheers...bud
Posts: 1213 | Location: new braunfels, tx | Registered: 04 December 2001Reply With Quote
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I wonder how this will affect me, since I have a Precise Metalsmithing safety and bolt shroud installed on my .416. They might not want to help me out. Oh well, we'll see what happens once they're actually ready to make the repairs.

Posts: 144 | Location: Riverview, MI | Registered: 20 January 2003Reply With Quote
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To those who have conversed with the gunsmith at CZ-USA;
The attitude you experienced, "don't bother me with your questions", is one that I received the two times I have called with an inquiry. I believe that the gunsmith was Mr. Eagleshield. However I am not 100% sure. (the calls were not in reference to the c-clip problem)
Regardless, the company needs to send it's employees to a customer service seminar. I love the product but do not feel at ease calling with legitimate questions. This is an unfortunate situation and, as I am now aware, a re-occuring problem. I would bet that the "owners" or upper management is unaware of the lack of courteous service by their employees and as they are the ones that will suffer if it continues perhaps they should look into it.
The only reason the company is getting a second chance from me is that I truly love their product. Rest assured that if this problem is not rectified then my love will diminish, my response to their flippant attitudes will change and I will make my future purchases elsewhere.
Posts: 333 | Location: Columbus GA | Registered: 21 October 2003Reply With Quote
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CZ USA replaced the whole assembly on my 9.3x62 mm 550 Medium FS. They mailed the firing pin/shroud assembly to me last month. Screw out the old, cock the new, and screw it into the bolt.

Apparently they had only gotten the medium length in from Czechoslovakia, and were still waiting for the Magnum assemblies.

The C-clip is a recent phenomenon, more common on the Medium than the Magnum.

I am sure that CZ has taken notice that the C-clip is unacceptable to most.

I would not buy another CZ rifle with a C-clip, unless I was assured of replacement. CZ know they shot themselves in the foot, and surely will be resuming the support nut + nut setup. No more C-clips please!

Until the Magnum fix is available: How about using the penetrating formula (green) loctite on the C-clip + nut ? One would still have to visually check the firing pin every time before use.

[ 11-18-2003, 09:21: Message edited by: RIP ]
Posts: 28032 | Location: KY | Registered: 09 December 2001Reply With Quote
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This is very interesting. I have a number of CZs and will be checking each one for the C clip.

I agree about Mike Eagleshard. He doesn't want to be bothered by customers. I don't appreciate his demeaner on the phone - particularly when I have about $4,500 worth of their product. Have planned to buy more - have TWO of the upcoming .458 Lotts on order with my dealer. I also get the impression he is not intimately familiar with the rifles. He always tows the company line. Kind of like when you ask a cashier a question at a fast-food restaurant - blank stare and then spout what has been told to you (don't dare think about it...).

Posts: 58 | Registered: 01 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Okay I need to bring back an old thread.


I just recently purchased a new CZ 550 Medium Lux in 9.3x62(DOB=2003,by the target sheet date).
This C-clip issue sounds like it could cause a bit of a problem?(Not sure if mine has this problem,as I'm at work at present.But I cant see why it wouldn't be any different being the DOB was around 2003.Will check out tonight)
I've heard of it happening to one person(On this forum),but has it happened to anyone else?
And is it really necessary to have fixed?
Letter bought forward from this thread(Mstarling).
"Here is the answer from CZ"

Subject: RE: CZ firing pin spring retaining c clip I dont think one incident of the clip coming off
and the nut unscrewing would constitute a need for concern. .It is a good idea to check your firing pin nut,
to insure it is screwed forward (clockwise as you are shooting)all of the way against the clip.
This will trap the clip inside of the groove and prevent loss under recoil.
This must always be done after disassembly of the firing pin, as well.
If the clip is propperly seated you should not be able to un-screw the nut any farther forward than the clip
location (by hand). If this is not the case and the clip pops out of the groove then the nut must be backed-off
and the clip re-positioned, then the nut jammed against the clip, as before. Note: If the nut is not against the clip,
it may allow the clip come loose under recoil.
It is still not clear whether the one individual had ever taken the assembly apart or not.
Calling PC.
Mate I read you fixed yours.Who ending up going the work?Price or was it covered under warranty?

Also mate mine to has the POLYMER(Plastic style floorplate & follower),which looks to be very well made(Strong).
As I dont mind a bit of polymer on my rifle I usually would be happier if they where on a Tikka T3,not a CZ which one would exspect are usually made of all steel.
PC did you get the replacement floorplate & follower?

Cheers blokes,
Tez cheers .

Pic's of the new boy-

PS-Can anyone get hold of a steel floorplate & maybe even the mag follower? bewildered

Posts: 76 | Location: Victoria-Australia | Registered: 07 January 2006Reply With Quote
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that's a sako with a claw.I can see it from here!The Sako is a fine rifle.I can load her faster than a rem or winchester with my eyes closed.It feeds smoother too.The most accurate are Winchesters.The magazine on a Sako can screw you,it can jam your whole rifle up if the metal plate in the magazine gets stuck in the action.I would hate that happening when one is hunting dangerous game.This has never happened to me on any other rifle so far.I have more confidence in a Sako extractor than any other.The Sako extractor will get your case out no matter what without breaking.I have not tried the Winchester claw under harsh conditions but i do not think it is as strong as the Sako.The Sako will get your stuck case out without breaking while you pull the bolt with all your strength and use one foot on the stock as leverage.A steyr Mannlicher extractor will break to pieces if you tried this.The best barrels are Hammer forged Winchesters and Remingtons(hammer-forged).The Sako has the best trigger and firing pin mechanism,remington the worst.Don't trust set triggers.If they contain plastic parts,it will not be long before solvent gets to them.Winchester has also a nice trigger.Winchesters point the easiest when shouldered
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Yep I have the C-pin type.

After closely inspecting this C-clip I'm really not that concerned to tell you the truth.
Sure the pin does flex slightly when screwed tight into item 20.But I cannot see that clip coming off that easy.
Then for the pin to fail,item 20 has to unscrew itself off.Which could happen over time I guess.(Maybe Lock-tight on C-clip & upper thread,would be harder to unwind itself & lose firing-pin-speed for primer ignition?)

Sure the other system worked without any complaints & it was great design I have no doubt.
But I think what PC had done(Link) was the best of both worlds IMO.(Having the bite(Spring) of the C-clip with two threads either end of it).
PC,bloody beautiful mate thumb .

Not sure how the other system works(Item 19 & 20).How do they lock?
Is there a spring washer(Or grub screw?) between item 19 & 20?Or are they fixed together by tightening each other.

But if you are chasing DG I fully understand why you would be concerned,thats just common sense.
For me(mostly deer hunting),I will do the same as PC(great idea).
But at the moment lock-tight will do the job.

Has anyone else reported a failure?

Does CZ still use this C-clip method?Or have they gone back to the old way?

Just my 2 cents.
Tez Big Grin .

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This is how my -05 firing pin looks like
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So by the looks of that system,the firing-pin- spring pushes up(Preasure + thread bite,on items 19 & 20) & holds those two together?

So what's stopping both of those threads unscrewing themselves?Any grub screw?
(Just trying to get my mind around it ,as it is hard without seeing first hand).

Also noticed by that pic.
CZ looks to have gone the pre-fabed firing pin.Yours looks to have different angles to it?

Thanks for the pic bud.

Tez Big Grin

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It´s correct with the angles, it´s flatened at the oposit side aswell, as in the nr 17 in the manual. I have not taken it apart but if you look at the pic. it´s perhaps just turn and lock.
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As a point of Reference, I Have the 50th CZ550 Magnum Receiver made, I just checked, and I have the double-nut retainer.

I suspect the change is a cost cutting measure introduced after the original spec's and Tool-room run.

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I showed my mate(Machinist) this C-clip/firing pin combo to get his opinion on the subject.

He came up with a few suggestions which might come in handy for those affected=

1)He reckons it will be unlikely for this C-clip to come off(But as we know it did happen to one chap),even under recoil.But he did also say this C-clip looks to be CZ's idea of a cer-clip,which would actually snap around the groove in a much more convincing fashion.

2)Replace the C-clip with a cer-clip.

3)He also suggested that a small amount of medium strength lock-tight around the top of the C-clip,which would solve the problem the fast way.(Which could be a hassle if you are always pulling your spring out).
But I've never have had to field-strip my entire bolt eg=spring/item 20/c-clip etc apart in the field.
The most being=unscrew the firing-pin(Pic),then clean her out that way.

4)Or he can make one simular to PC's,only in brass.

Big Grin

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The firing pin in my CZ 550 Mag in 375 H&H looks like the picture posted by jnd.

Jim "Bwana Umfundi"

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jnd & JBoutfishn,

I have 2 cz550 American Safaris purchased in 2005 and the firing pin assembly looks just like the one in jnd's pic.

I appears that cz may have droped the C clip...

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A mates going to make up the piece over the weekend clap.Will be a small brass nut recessed(Over C-clip) at the front,perfect.
Between item 20,C-clip & the brass nut,she'll be better than ever.
Will post a pic soon.


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Has anyone considered what this arrangement will do if fired 200 or 300 times before it is rechecked?
Not a high percentage of gun owners will ever take the firing pin assembly out. Hopefully the factory gets every one of them tight.
What feature of this design stops the forward motion of the firing pin?
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Originally posted by ireload2:
Has anyone considered what this arrangement will do if fired 200 or 300 times before it is rechecked?
Not a high percentage of gun owners will ever take the firing pin assembly out. Hopefully the factory gets every one of them tight.
What feature of this design stops the forward motion of the firing pin?

I wouldn't like to think worse case scenario,but it could very well turn nasty on the critters that bite back.
Like I said,I have only heard of one report(This forum) on this C-clip coming off.
Chances are it has happened before?,but by the sounds of things it's not that common Roll Eyes ?

To answer your question regarding "What feature of this design stops the forward motion of the firing pin".
Item 20(Nut in the pic,below C-clip) could unscrew itself(Only if the C-clip pops off),which would lead to less spring pressure = firing pin speed/pressure down = primer ignition a big ?.
If item 20 unscrews off completely.I'm tipping this would render it useless.

Big Grin

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Here is the fix that was done to both my .416 & 9.3, funnily enough my .375 and .458 had the two nuts, better setup IMHO. Bob De'Vries stated the fix he had done to mine would in actual fact be better than the two nut set up.

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The pics above do not do his "fix" justice, the c-clip is now reccessed under a lip in the nut, meaning the c-clip can't slip forward and it also acts as a stop for the nut ever working forward as well..................I am unsure of how he would have got the c-clip into the recess, fiddly to say the least, as I stated the pics do not really show how recessed into the nut that c-clip actually is.
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They have trays of nuts and bolts at Lowe's and Home Depot stores, you know. Metric included. One of those little Al mini cylinders with thread inside would be about perfect.
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I got to reading this, and since I hadn't took the bolt apart on my CZ 550.

My rifle is a Safari Magnum in 458, and it has the two nuts on the firing pin. The firing pin has the two flats, opposite of each other, along with a metal floorplate and metal follower in the magazine. It is serial number H 6011 and has CZ-USA KANSAS CITY,KS stamped on the rear left hand side of the action.

The only thing that I am contemplating changing is the front sight, as I have trouble seeing that small bead in low light conditions.

Even the rocks don't last forever.

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