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I noticed this post by OkieJohn over under "gunsmithing" and and given how the CZ550 is one of the sweet heart favorites for Dangerous Game for several on this sight I was somewhat surprised by the lack of response or interest....
any thoughts?


On Tuesday, my CZ 550 American in 9.3x62 misfired when I was 15 meters from a band of feral cattle. I had two down, the dust was flying and my sights were on a third when I heard a click instead of a bang.

I snapped the bolt hard, kicking myself for short-stroking the action, and things started to happen in slow motion. I remember a live round spinning lazily in the air, and I remember thinking that something had gone wrong. I squeezed the trigger again. Another click-instead-of-a-bang. Very soon five live rounds with progressively lighter firing pin strikes lay on the ground and I was approaching my target heart rate for the day. Fortunately, the cattle ran off and I didn't get hurt.

The S&B factory ammo and handloads I tried later had no firing pin strike at all. Upon field stripping the bolt, I found what looks like a wire C-clip on the shaft of the firing pin just forward of the knurled ring that retains the firing pin spring. I think this clip keeps the ring in place but it broke and the ring came unscrewed, reducing firing pin spring tension so much that my rifle now fails to fire. But that's just a guess.

When this happened I was in thick forest and hogs were also on license, so things could have been a lot worse. I thought about retightening the ring and carrying on, but my confidence in this particular rifle was somewhat diminished, so I borrowed a Model 95 Winchester in 30-06 and got four more cattle despite the open sights.

I'm thinking of scrapping the CZ and going back to a pure 98 Mauser, but I had my CZ perfectly set up and I really liked it until this happened. To open this up a little, the airline can't seem to find my CZ right now, so I may be due for a completely new rifle. Any thoughts, O my brothers?

Thanks, Okie John.

Posts: 289 | Location: Denver, Colorado | Registered: 16 January 2003Reply With Quote
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I guess someone is going to have to take a photo of the "problem" part and show me.....I've had the bolt of my 416 apart twice looking for the wire c-clip and I sure don't see it on my rifle!
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Yes, I'm very interested in any problems with the design since I am trying to buy an action right now.
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It's the little circular wire under the firing pin nut. If it's right you have to screw the nut up on the firing pin to see it.
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I was talking to Jack Belk about this yesterday. He agrees with me that the clip CZ uses is a piece of shit. We decided the best option is probably to try to find a true E-clip of the proper size and ditch that little piece of wire. Loctite it in place, too.

Now, anyone have any ideas on where/how to find an appropriate E-clip?

Posts: 144 | Location: Riverview, MI | Registered: 20 January 2003Reply With Quote
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I talked to CZ america, I really didn't like the excuse the tech guy gave me.

I'm going to take my 416 to Dewight Marshal in Refugio Texas and get his take, Dewight is really good.

I want to see if he can do away with the clip and do something like a model 70 or M98.

I don't think wire clip or even an E clip is a good idea for a deer/elk gun much less a DGR.
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ELKampMaster, thanks for rescuing my post from obscurity on Gunsmithing. We're working the topic pretty hard on the Medium Bore forum, too--lots of 550 fans over there, just like here.

Loctite or solder make it far harder to strip the bolt for cleaning or inspection in the field. I can almost always see the Pacific Ocean from high ground during hunting season. My rifles are often exposed to salt air, so routine disassembly is a big point for me.

I'd like to see CZ offer a retrofit of the bolt internals that strips without tools and that has all parts coming off the back of the firing pin. They should do it the same way Ruger does with the Old Model single action revolver. In a perfect world the parts would be plated with electroless nickle (which CZ does exceptionally well) or made of stainless steel.

This is the only thing I don't like about my 550. It is too good of a rifle for this kind of shoddy engineering.

Okie John
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Is this problem unique to the CZ for standard calibers, or does the Safari Magnum use the same set up?
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There! Badboyz has nailed down the question for this forum. Is the same deal used on the double square-bridge magnum? And wheretheHell is it? If it's part of the bolt shroud, then the answer is simple. Replace it [i]and[i/] the POS sidewinder safety with a M70 type from Precision Metalsmithing and all will be good again. This is especially interesting given JudgeG's report of an American stocked .375 due out in November.
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Since this topic started, I have twice disassembled the bolt on my CZ 550 in 416 mag to see exactly what the problem is......I just now dug out the owners manual and looked at the parts breakdown because I could not find the problem part on my rifle.....well, I still can't find it because it's not there......I guess my rifle is made differently because there is no clip of any description on my firing pin!

See parts breakdown below.

There are two notches cut into the "firing pin spring nut(#20)" and a "firing pin spring support(#19)" has matching "tits" that lock into the notches preventing the nut from unscrewing as long as there is tension on the firing pin spring. Maybe these parts could be retrofitted to the rifles with problems???

Posts: 1499 | Location: NE Okla | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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I have 5 cz's now;

1.458 win mag (at smiths being made into a lott)
2..375 H&H
3. .416 Rigby
4. 9.3x62 (1999 manufacture, 3 pos safety a real little beauty deep bluing a real suprise)

5. .22 Hornet.

I have yet to take these rifles bolts apart as I am not ver technically apt, but which of these rifles have the problem. Are the CZ 550 Magnums devoid of this issue ?? That is the question I would like to know. I ma afarid to pull my bolts apart in case I can not get them back together.
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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I have 9 of the CZ 550's, 1 Medium, 8 Magnum. I have never had any problems with this item, nor paid any attention to the details. Come Monday, when I have some time off, I will disassemble the bolts of the Medium and a Magnum and see if there is any difference. Then I will compare them to the BRNO ZKK 602 for my own edification.

Scary stuff here!
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Gon Huntin': That diagram looks more like a ZKK 602 than a 550. If your rifle looks like the picture, I don't think it's possible for you to have the same problem that I do.

PC: Why don't you get your smith to look at the one he has and render a verdict? As he explains it, you'll probably learn how to disassemble the bolt.

A couple of side notes:

American Hunting Rifles builds rifles exclusively on CZ 550 actions; I called to talk with them but they were out of the country until 7 September. When they get back, I'll allow them a few days to settle in, then give them a call.

I also called CZ USA and asked to talk to their attorney, but the receptionist made a command decision and sent my call to the head of CZ USA instead. We talked for a bit and I sent her an email describing our problem at length. Along with the email, I gave her URL's so she can follow our threads. I also told her how much we think of CZ rifles, and that we'll continue to stand behind them if they stand behind us on this. The experience was completely positive and I think she got the message. I think we're done fooling around and will see real action soon.

We can hope, anyway.

Okie John
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As I have a serious "love thing" going on for CZ firearms, I hope this is the case....
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I will mention it to my smith and see what he says. Maybe it's a problem exclusive to the medium action ??

Dagaron, I am looking forwards to hearing your comments on this when you pull your bolts apart. What rifle do you have in the medium ??
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My CZ550 Magnum bolt guts are identical to those in the picture provided by GonHuntin. There are many differences between the standard and magnum actions gentlemen. Obviously, this is one of them. ~ Judy
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THAT'S what I wanted to hear, Judy, thanx!
Posts: 2690 | Location: Lakewood, CA. USA | Registered: 07 January 2001Reply With Quote
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Thanks Judy,

Looks as though my sweet little 9.3 is the only cz I need worry about [Smile]
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So Judy = Todd E??? [Confused] [Confused] [Confused]
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i looked at my 550 (6.5x55) and, sure nuff, there that little spring is. i'm not a designer of any type, but it looks like someone went out of their way to make that a bad design. a jamb nut would have been a better idea. the spring rides in the thread on the firing pin and is therefore getting pressure on the bias of the thread. it looks like that uneven pressure could pop the spring out of the thread or, like Okie John is saying, his just unthreaded itself. seems like an oddball design.
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One of the numerous reasons to buy a Winchester model 70! [Cool]
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lb404: i agree....
Posts: 466 | Location: Oklahoma | Registered: 20 December 2000Reply With Quote
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Just pullet the pin from my 550 Safari Mag SN# F20xx(416 Rigby) it has the wire clip.

To find out (or strip the bolt) is quite simple. Cock the firing pin, press and hold the button thats on the left side of the shroud while you raise the bolt (this locks the striker back). Remove the bolt from the rifle (release on the left side of the bolt), and unscrew the shroud/pin assy. from the bolt body. Look at the thread just ahead of the knurled "spring nut" #20 in the above drawing.
Thats as far as you need to go, to see if you have one or not (or to put some locktite on if desired.
To re-assemble, screw the shroud/pin assy in as far as it will go, than back off just enough to re-aline with the top of the bolt. Reinstall in the rifle, the lock button will release when you close the bolt.

[ 08-31-2003, 19:22: Message edited by: Tailgunner ]
Posts: 2124 | Location: Whittemore, MI, USA | Registered: 07 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Tailgunner, you are correct, my bad. I posted last nite from memory, but I just pulled the firing pin mechanism out of my rifle and sure enough there is a wire clip in front of the knurled spring nut.

What loc-tite product would ya'll recommend? Sorry for the confusion. [Smile]
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I have D884X which I am told was the first CZ 550 .416 Rigby imported into the US. Upon disaasembly, it looks just like the drawing it looks just like the drawing posted by GonHunting.

Appears that there was a change in the production somewhere along the line. You'll have to check each rifle to see how it is built.

Sure is worrisome. We ought to all lobby the CZ folks to fix this and to bring out a retrofit for those rifles needing it!
Posts: 6199 | Location: Charleston, WV | Registered: 31 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Pulled apart the bolt on my CZ550 Magnum (G0xxx, 375 H&H) and no clip!

I really like this rifle! It both shoots and handles well. Just got back from the range and it placed 3 Rem 270 gr's factory loads and 3 250 gr Sierra handloads in a nice tight group. Now I can always use the Rem's if the handloads run out [Big Grin]

Next up are the 300 gr Sierra and the 265 gr GS HV ...
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Humm... Sounds like I'm going to have to wait until this is fixed, before getting an action. [Frown]

Any ideas or estimates about how long it's gonna take?

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Both my .416 Rigby (magnum action) and 9.3 (standard action) have the cheesy little clip. I'm not happy with them and need to find a better answer.

Posts: 144 | Location: Riverview, MI | Registered: 20 January 2003Reply With Quote
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mstarling, the serial number on my CZ 550 Safari (416 Rigby)is 0009X. I naturally assume this makes it much earlier than yours. I does in fact have the little wire clip do-dad! judy

[ 09-01-2003, 07:58: Message edited by: Judy ]
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nextjoe, you could always sell me your 416, for a lower price now that we know it has a problem [Razz] [Wink]
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Just checked my 9.3's- both have the clip. My 416 #H3xxx does not. It doesn't look like it would be difficult to replace the parts with a fix by CZ. Ruger bit the bullet early.
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I had similar problems and it was a weak trigger spring. Put a stronger spring in and I was immediately in business. Not a misfire since. Good thing too since I had some buffalo shooting that needed doing. CZ 2, Buff 0. Good hunting. D
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I am just going by what the importer told me. the rifle is ealy enough that it doesn't have a set trigger ... just a very good normal trigger. I think it was a transition piece between the 602 and the current 550 Safari Mag. It is marked as a CZ 550.

Other serial numbers I have seen for these rifles seem to be <character> <4 digits>. Any chance yours is <Oh zero zero nine X>? Could make it a pretty new pup.

Regardless, mine does not have a clip.
Posts: 6199 | Location: Charleston, WV | Registered: 31 August 2002Reply With Quote
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mstarling-it is possible it is an 'O' but it sure looks like a '0'. judy
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Why can't they quit fixing things that worked perfect? The part number 20 and 19 are identical to my 602 in .458 and the firing pin assembly has never failed in any form shape or fashion aand during the past 6 years that I have carried this thing while guiding in Alaska I have submerged it numerous times and submitted it to the worst of treatments possible. One of the reasons I love this thing is the simplicity of the firing pin assembly, and now you guys are telling me they have totally screwed this up in the new 550's! I certainly hope they get this resolved, because I was considering one in the future, but not now. No wonder I can't find any old 602's for sale anywhere.
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I have checked the firing pins on 9 CZ rifles and can find no C-clip on any of the Magnums, but alas there is one on the Medium. The Magnums are all like the drawing from the Instruction Manual, Illustration and List of Parts, kindly posted by GonHuntin above, but the Medium is not, the C-clip is there, even though the manual with the Medium showed the better nut and support as pictured.

I have not seen an "O" series serial number yet. The latest I have are "H."

The AHR actions have no alpha prefix, but have 5 digit SN's. Maybe Judy has an AHR action or that is a "C" instead of an "O"? The AHR actions have no "CZ Billboard" on the left side of the receiver. They are more discretely marked below the stock line on the left side, no lettering visible when in the stock.

Here are the ones I have. (parts # 19 and 20) firing pin spring nut and firing pin spring support: GOOD
C-clip: BAD

550 Medium
G9XXX (9.3x62mm Mauser) Full Stock Lux: BAD!

550 Magnums: all GOOD!
D1XXX (.300 WinMag rebarreled to .338 Lapua)
H2XXX (.375 H&H)
50XXX (AHR action) (barreled to .375 RUM)
C2XXX (.375 H&H rechambered to 378 Wby)
H3XXX (.416 Rigby)
F2XXX (.458 WinMag rechambered to .458 Lott)
F5XXX (.458 WinMag rechambered to 45 Lapua)
F1XXX (.416 Rigby rebarreled to 45 Lapua)

I will go to the local dealer and check other 550's in hopes of finding the elusive C-clip.

Luckily I have encountered no plastic in any of mine, but I know the local dealer has a 550 Medium in 7mm RemMag that has a plastic floorplate and magazine follower (shudder). I dropped that one like a hot potato.

It is so easy to disassemble the CZ 550 bolt that no one should buy one off the shelf if there is a C-clip involved, now that we know what is going on here.

It also looks like it ought to be easy to simply replace the C-clip and BAD nut with the good combo. Just need the parts?

A good feature of the CZ 550. Field strippable in the twinkle of an eye.

I'm still very fond of my hogback/humpback/Euro/Bavarian/Jaeger-style Lux stocked rifles. And those 550's with straight-combed custom walnut, McMillan, and ArmTec stocks, well, I can live with those too.

Edit: Mea Culpa! I got one C-clip! I only glanced at, at 2 AM as the last of nine I checked. I just rechecked after some sleep. Please excuse. Must have been blinded by the elation of all the Magnums with the proper parts, wishful thinking. The 9.3x62 is relegated to varmints until fixed.

[ 09-07-2003, 00:11: Message edited by: DagaRonnie ]
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And now that I am awake, after a trip to the local gun emporium, having checked every CZ with a bolt disassembly plunger, here are more C-clips:

.243 Win. CZ 550 American E7XXX

7mm RemMag CZ 550 Medium Lux H4XXX: plastic floor plate and follower, the only one I have seen so far.

270 Win. CZ 550 American E7XXX

.308 Win. CZ 550 American G8XXX

.308 Win. CZ 550 Varmint H2XXX

22-250 CZ 550 Varmint H6XXX

.308 Win. CZ 550 Varmint H5XXX

.458 WinMag CZ 550 Magnum Safari H6XXX

.375 H&H CZ 550 Magnum Safari H5XXX

And a real find, used, also GOOD mechanism:
270 Win. CZ 550 Medium, with round top taking Remington contour scope bases, A0XXX.

This was an "A" "zero" "XXX" serial number. Left side of receiver had only small roll printed "CZ 550" then an even smaller "MRI MPLS MN."

Something special for a Minneapolis, Minnesota distributor for the first batch of CZ 550's?

So far it is looking to me like all the later model Mediums, American's, and Varmint configurations have the C-clip.

I haven't seen a Magnum with a C-clip yet, but others have. What gives? Parts is parts to some assemblers?

Yes, I have added the A0XXX to the CZ collection. It is sweet.

[ 09-07-2003, 00:44: Message edited by: DaggaRon ]
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Model CZ 550 safari 375 H&H with C-clip
Serial # Fxxxx

Will loc-tite not fix the problem, at least temporarily?


Gone to check those on display at gun shop.
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I will have to work out how to take my bolts apart and see if my rifles have the problem.

Hope I can put them back to gether.

Daga I am betting my 9.3x62 has the clip as it had a plastic follower and floorplate. Other than that the thing is awsome and points like a fine english shot gun. Getting parts swapped out with the plastic junk.

Love my lux stock to [Wink]

My 9.3x62 lux has a better barrel lug set up than the magnums I reckon, it's is just a standard block of metal on the barrel minus the screw and it is forwards of the main action lug by a small amount, seems to be mounted further back than on the magnums. Will mean more of the barrel will be free floating if I remove the pressure that is apparent on the right hand side near the end of the forend.
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Somebody with a digital camera and the offensive clip please post a pic..

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