Ruger #1 handrifle?
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What do you think of this idea?

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I think it would at least get you a visit from the BATFE.


Cheers, Dave.

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Picture of MickinColo
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The idea doesn't work for me. bsflag Get a TC if you feel the need to do this kind of thing.
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Picture of Tyler Kemp
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In 458 Lott of course, might as well be a do-all kind of gun!

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Picture of Akshooter
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I saw a dakota 10 like that once I think it was a one of a kind from the factory.
Interesting but I'll pass.
You never know what the'll come up with after all the 1022 now comes in handgun form.

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Picture of Paul H
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That looks plain wrong.

Now if it was a howdah, say 577, then it would be interesting Big Grin

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Picture of jeffeosso
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thats a trip to the graybar hotel, do not pass go

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Originally posted by jeffeosso:
thats a trip to the graybar hotel, do not pass go

.....not necessarily, if the barrel is 16 inches plus and total length is 26 inches plus it would be legal. Hard to tell in the pic but it might make those requirements. Whether it would be worth having is another question.

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I think that it needs a burial, sent it to me , and I will see that it is taken care of properly!

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Looks like a donor action to me.


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looks like three-to-five from here!

Pistols into rifles, not the other way around!
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From a purely mechanical viewpoint it looks awkward. In an 06 case and above it looks painful.

Heed the advice previously given about legality.
Being retired from law Enforcement, I can accurately say that any action coming from any factory designated as a rifle shall and forever more remain a rifle. Its been that way for better than 60 years!
I have made a number of bolt action handguns using UN- designated Savage actions. On those pretty yellow forms one fills out when purchasing you have three choice boxes to check. Rifle,handgun,undesignated! Undesignated works for transferring the action from FFL to FFL. As a consumer one must check one of the other two boxes. If one checks handgun he can make it into a handgun without shoulder stock. If one puts a shoulder stock on the handgun designated action he has officially and semi-legally ( paperwork)made it into a rifle and legally can not reverse the process.

Normally I would say," just an opinion" and sign off. Except this is the Law not an opinion and would encourage the poster or those in the power, to remove the picture to protect the poster and this forum.

Posts: 41 | Registered: 14 February 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of fireball168
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Additional clarification from the ATF might be in order if one was considering such a project, as at one time Brownells inventoried Ruger #1 barreled actions.

The "new" form 4473 question #18 with the instructions for it

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Thank you for taking the time to post this picture Bryan.
When I buy my undesignated actions I check both the handgun and the receiver boxes as that is what my FFL friend has found best for when he calls the transaction in on the hotline. I have never given the caliber because most times I do not know so I check the handgun box because I do intend to make it into a handgun.

The last time I called ATF, Adam Galbreath was the Chief in charge for all ATF regarding these laws. His words to me is he is where the buck stops. He further stated that many field offices will not know the correct interpretation but all personel in his office can and will send each of us upon written request a letter indicating the inside on what is legal and not legal. I have been asked not to publish Adam direct number is. However Jim Briggs at Northland shooters supply 763-682-4296 and I have both spoken with Adam and others in his office a number of times making sure that we could legally build a handgun from a factory undesignated action.

Bottom line: If it came from the factory designated as a long gun its a federal felony to cut the stock off and make it into a handgun.
One will go to jail if caught and loose his or her civil rights forever since it involved a firearm. There are NO fees or paperwork available to make it different when going from a rifle to a handgun. Give Jim a call, its his livelyhood so he can't afford to make mistakes.


Posts: 41 | Registered: 14 February 2008Reply With Quote
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The lever would turn your fingers into hamburger during recoil on the hard kickers.Anyone who has ever shot a hard kicking T/C Contender or Encore can attest to this.A #1 would be considerably worse.

But if that's what turns a guy's crank.....

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I would differ with the comment above that theere is no fees or paperwork that would allow the alteration pictured above.

Federal ATF Form 1 with payment of $200 making tax) would allow (provided the state law allows) the person to make a Short Barrel Rifle. This would be weapon made from a rifle with a barrel less than 16 inches and/or an overall length of less than 26 in so yes this item could be be legal.
Posts: 158 | Registered: 11 April 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of 22Rimfire
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The short barreled rifle would be able to be manufactured if it were made by a Title 2 manufacturer from jump street.
You cannot alter an existing weapon into a title 2 piece. Not transferable. Taxes and such would make the project cost prohibitive, just get and TC encore and go with it. Also when you but a receiver as such the LEGAL way to havdle the piece is when you make final assembly the person has to pay an exise tax 10% handgun, 11% long gun to the ATF. If you do not have a record of such payment you still have an illegal firearm. JM2CW as a Title 2 Dealer.

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Sorry this information is just wrong. A Form 1 allows someone who is not a manufacturer to make a weapon (a suppressor, short barrel rifle, short barrel shotgun or DD)from a Title 1 firearm. It requires the fingerprints, photographs, law enforcement sign off and payment of a 200 dollar making tax.

I have been a Class 3 dealer and have owned Class 3 item and and made items on the Form 1.
Posts: 158 | Registered: 11 April 2004Reply With Quote
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All the legal stuff aside...when you cropped the photo you also removed the stock bolt. You would have to come up with another way to attach the grip.
Posts: 490 | Registered: 15 March 2004Reply With Quote
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Bottom line: If it came from the factory designated as a long gun its a federal felony to cut the stock off and make it into a handgun.
One will go to jail if caught and loose his or her civil rights forever since it involved a firearm. There are NO fees or paperwork available to make it different when going from a rifle to a handgun. Give Jim a call, its his livelyhood so he can't afford to make mistakes.

Wrong. Perhaps in addition to posting a claim, you could post a link to the law that supports your claim?

I can turn a rifle into a short barreled rifle by paying a $200 tax and registering it on an ATF from 1. I can add a pistol grip and turn it into a pistol (registered as an SBR) the same way. It is a routine procedure. page 88 subpart E


In my opinion the best accessory to put on a rifle is a silencer.
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