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Is the traditional definition of Religious Cult no longer sufficient? Login/Join 
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I had to choose a heading for this discussion, so I tried to choose something that is less offensive.

For example, another choice could be: Is Christianity a doomsday/apocalyptic religion?

There have been many articles and commentary using the term "cult-like", referring to Trump's Christian base.

The only thing I can see that prevents that relationship from being declared an outright cult is that it's fomented in mainstream organized religion. Usually, cults are fringe, and they hinge on one leader. Trumpism/evangelicalism are not fringe. Also Jesus is still the center.

So, when does cult-like become cult?

I decided to start a new thread on this, which started in another thread not specifically about this but related.

I'll start with some edited quotes from the other thread:

Originally posted by Magine Enigam:

There is a lot of significant information about Israel, history and present, especially the relationship with the USA.

For expediency I'll single out one (of many) recent video which gives some history and brings that relevancy into today:

The US-Israel relationship explained

Perhaps the most significant aspect of the relationship is briefly described starting at 7:51 in the video:

So, this link starts at 7:51, same video:

Here's more info from Wikipedia. I skipped down to "Biblical interpretations"

There are many sources of info on this.

The End Times, Second Coming, Rapture, Biblical prophecy, fundamentalism, etc.

The prime reason there is so much political pressure is because of Biblical belief.

IOW, politicians must support Israel to get elected.

All the conversations I've had recently with my fundamentalist friends and relatives and some I don't count as friends boil down to they believe we are in the End Times, with all the associated implications.

Granted, I live in the Bible Belt of the USA, and a disproportionate number of zealots live here.

And most importantly, they are okay with it. Some are more than okay with it. They find all the answers they need in such belief. For one collateral thing, that's why MAGA exists and the basis for Trump support.

Think about it.

Suppose, based on lots of evidence, that the real reasons for Trumpism and support for Israel's genocide on Palestinians (infidels) is because fundamental Christians want to fulfill the prophesy of the Bible - help it along - so when the Big Daddy in the Sky decides to send his Son back, he will have a soft and welcoming landing spot on earth.

Imagine that - justifications for the means to an End, war, genocide, based on an ancient middle east religion, specifically a book in the Bible, Revelations, a prophesy practically impossible to decipher accurately, a fantasy, written by a madman about 2000 years ago.

Originally posted by Magine Enigam:

There is something important that everyone needs to understand. Trump's Christian supporters understand it very well, innately.

This is the unspoken which should be said out loud: Fundamental Christians and Trump have an apocalypticism pact, and they are leveraging the country and the world. Trump has his reasons and the Christians have theirs. Somehow they mesh, probably because Trump is conning them and of course they want to be conned. Whatever the different reasons are, they are both sick. It's like a suicide pact for the nation.

It is zero-sum. The premise is that it's the final battle between good and evil - a Biblical Prophesy. Of course, it is essential that Trump paints evil for the True Believers, and most certainly something other than himself. And they buy it.

Trump uses lots of coded wording in his speeches. One he repeats often is "This is the Final Battle". Christians understand it to be referring to the Armageddon battle, mentioned one time in the Bible, in Revelations. Trump is making an allegory, not the actual site of the supposed final battle in the Bible, although that may be included. The battle Trump is referring to is his political and legal battle, and of course if he wins, he can fix it all, including foremost keeping himself out of jail.

He's painting himself the mighty warrior in the existential fight of good vs evil, and he is the chosen one, the only one who can win for the Christians.

You don't even have to imagine that. Just look at his words.


Trump's coded message in "the final battle":

Originally posted by Magine Enigam:

There's one thing for sure - Trump painting himself as good, with good intentions, and the belief that's true and reality says all that's needed to know about all of MAGA, Trumpism, and mostly the GOP, and the future they envision for the nation and world, and their distinction of good vs evil, right and wrong.

How about the Maddow blog for a dose of truth and reality? Smiler

Why it matters that Trump keeps talking about the ‘Final Battle’
When Donald Trump tells his followers that the 2024 race is "the final battle," it's a phrase with deeper meaning for a specific group of voters.


But what matters about the campaign commercial is the audio that plays while the Republican is seen walking:

“This is the final battle. With you at my side, we will demolish the Deep State. We will expel the war mongers from our government. We will drive out the globalists; we will cast out the communists, Marxists, and fascists. We will throw off the sick political class that hates our country. We will route the fake news media, and we will liberate America from these villains once and for all.”

At first blush, this might not seem especially remarkable. Trump has already served one term in the White House, and he expects to win a second in the fall. As such, from his perspective, it stands to reason that the 2024 race will be his “final” fight for elected office.

But there’s a bit more to it than that. The Washington Post’s Philip Bump had a terrific piece along these lines a couple of months ago:

If your immediate point of reference for that [“final battle”] phrase wasn’t to the Book of Revelation’s depiction of the apocalypse, you are probably not a Trump supporter. (A 2012 poll from PRRI found that the religious group most likely to say that the end times as predicted in Revelation would occur during their lives was evangelicals.)

Noting the invocation at a Trump rally in Iowa in November, Bump highlighted the rhetoric from a conservative Baptist preacher, who insisted that “lies, corruption, and propaganda are driving civilization to ruins.”


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Per my far-right friend: "reality sucks"

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To me, cult implies a cohesive structure, certainly not in Trump's case, just millions of people fixated on one guy, like birds in a flock. . Confused

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Is the GOP cohesive?

Is Trump the likely nominee for the GOP?

Is that cohesive enough for ya?

Originally posted by Grizzly Adams1:
just millions of people fixated on one guy, like birds in a flock. .

Isn't that by definition a cult, when religion is center?

And besides that, it's not just the guy, it's the Big Idea, which without the religious implications would maybe just be culture or politics.

Don't let the magnitude of it relegate it to something lesser.


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Per my far-right friend: "reality sucks"

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Here's a related article:

Trump’s MAGA voters aren’t 'forgotten' – they’re 'deluded' and want revenge: conservative
Story by David Badash, The New Civil Rights Movement • 7h

And another:

The Deification of Donald Trump Poses Some Interesting Questions
Jan. 17, 2024


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Per my far-right friend: "reality sucks"

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It's a challenge to boil this down to reality using primarily facts and evidence, drawing inference from that. Belief is so significant in this topic. It is an essential part of the mud and the clarity.

So, the premise, based on the scripture and traditional teachings and interpretations, is that Christianity is in fact a doomsday/apocalyptic religion. It has always been. The significance of that is, without exception, what the end game is for all doomsday/apocalyptic religious cults. They are and were all self-fulfilling destiny. And when they culminated in their fantasy, it effected many others. Think of the potential consequences for the phenomenon of Christianity as a whole.

So, the question is what does that mean today, especially focused on Trumpism and his Christian base, which he courts/woos because there is no path for him, politically, without them? Perhaps also there is no path for him to avoid criminal conviction under secular law without his Christian supporters' intervention, who, ironically, believe it's God's intervention, not them.

If you think this is of no concern to you, or that this is out in La-La Land, then read no further.

I've stated my premise and will support it best I can as follows: BTW, it should be clear that there is no way for me to provide support for my premise(s) on this topic without Appeal to Authority. Either accept that or not - your choice.

I started this video at 43.06 because it's too long IMO. But based on the summary at the end, if you want to watch the whole thing - go ahead:

This is an introduction. Pay close attention to what he says at 46:57. I replayed that part three times, to make sure it was relevant.

Why isn't Christianity a Doomsday Cult?


Here's a article from PBS which delves into perhaps, as we all know, the most familiar modern doomsday/apocalypse cult based strictly in Christianity.

Doomsday Cults?

Also: (this is the best short explanation, IMO)

Apocalypse Worldview Explained


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Per my far-right friend: "reality sucks"

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Part of the problem is your view of reality isn’t the same as many others. You are like the Trumpites in that you are picking and choosing some items that are factual, some that are opinion, and synthesizing something you feel is reality.

If you are a Christian, there is no way you can feel Trump (or any politician) is godlike.

If you are of a predestination belief pattern, then a higher power has predetermined everything. It defies pretty much all Christian theology, but some folks do… including nonchristians.

Another way to look at it is why are some folks so desperately clinging to a man who does not do what they believe is important?

Maybe it has more to do with what the opposition has done and its absolute disregard for them?

I’m not in Dr. Easter’s boat that all democrats are bad. But given the way they have been behaving in the last couple decades I can see why he feels that way… and also why some leftists feel similarly regarding republicans.

Unfortunately the demonization of your opponents only serves to make the matter worse.

As a conservative, I’ve gotten an earful about how I’m a RINO because I don’t support Trump… even when I point out his non conservative views. They minimize those and make the comment that those points are relatively minimal, and then state I’m going to give it to the democrats.

My point being is that politics is the art of making reasonable compromise. The democrats have not made a compromise in decades- they just continually move the definitions.

The religious right just won’t compromise.

So a lot of us are standing around constantly choosing a repugnant less bad choice. That Trump has finally annoyed me to the point of refusing to vote for him doesn’t mean I think Biden is any better… in Trump’s case many of his policies are good… but I can’t support him due to the other baggage and a suspicion that I’m going to be thrown under the bus anyhow by him. I know the democrats will do bad things, but that’s not enough to vote for a guy whose only point (to me) is that he’s not a democrat.
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Originally posted by crbutler:
Part of the problem is your view of reality isn’t the same as many others. You are like the Trumpites in that you are picking and choosing some items that are factual, some that are opinion, and synthesizing something you feel is reality.

First, saying that I'm like Trumpites is a great insult. I have to take exception.

And you are right about the picking and choosing some facts. I do it to be concise, not to twist reality.

Synthesizing definition: combine (a number of things) into a coherent whole. Things in my case are facts, evidence to a coherent reality.

The coherent reality, which is my premise, is that Christianity is first and foremost a doomsday/apocalyptic religion. All the rest pivots around that fundamental belief. It's inescapable. It has been that way from the beginning. It was toned down for centuries, but always the undertone, fired up again maybe 100 years ago. Preachers around here feed fodder off it.

If you are a Christian, there is no way you can feel Trump (or any politician) is godlike.

For Christians "feel" and belief run parallel. "Godlike" is not the belief; God-send is.

If you are of a predestination belief pattern, then a higher power has predetermined everything. It defies pretty much all Christian theology, but some folks do… including nonchristians.

Yes they do, and yes it is.

Another way to look at it is why are some folks so desperately clinging to a man who does not do what they believe is important?

I suppose, by "important", you mean refraining from pussy grabbing and bragging about it, etc. In case you didn't understand my premise - the relationship is transactional. He and they exchange something (different) of value to each side. Need I define the "somethings" that each side gets in the exchange?

Maybe it has more to do with what the opposition has done and its absolute disregard for them?

I’m not in Dr. Easter’s boat that all democrats are bad. But given the way they have been behaving in the last couple decades I can see why he feels that way… and also why some leftists feel similarly regarding republicans.

Yea, well, "behavior" is the thing. Most democrats do not ID with the riots, the albatross that republicans hang around dem's necks. Most republicans do in fact ID with the doomsday/apocalypse, and their behavior reflects that.

Unfortunately the demonization of your opponents only serves to make the matter worse.

Demonization is what happens a lot with conservatives. It's not so much a liberal thing. Another word for it is de-humanizing. It's an essential step in christofascism or any fascism. It is one of the first steps in justifying the means to an end. What I'm doing for example is not demonization. For one thing "demon" has spiritual connotations. I'm agnostic, so I don't use those terms or ideas relating to humans, except I might have made a mistake, in a hurry at the time. If republicans/conservatives do stuff that could be construed demon-like, that's someone else's call. I don't believe in demons, or demonic. IMO, humans bare the sole responsibility for their actions, as a group or individually.

As a conservative, I’ve gotten an earful about how I’m a RINO because I don’t support Trump… even when I point out his non conservative views. They minimize those and make the comment that those points are relatively minimal, and then state I’m going to give it to the democrats.

Rationalization is a strong art-form among True Believers.

My point being is that politics is the art of making reasonable compromise. The democrats have not made a compromise in decades- they just continually move the definitions.

The religious right just won’t compromise.

So a lot of us are standing around constantly choosing a repugnant less bad choice. That Trump has finally annoyed me to the point of refusing to vote for him doesn’t mean I think Biden is any better… in Trump’s case many of his policies are good… but I can’t support him due to the other baggage and a suspicion that I’m going to be thrown under the bus anyhow by him. I know the democrats will do bad things, but that’s not enough to vote for a guy whose only point (to me) is that he’s not a democrat.

Lesser of bad is not a worthwhile argument to me. I'll pass. For one thing, in general, Liberals don't cherish the doomsday/apocalyptic dream, which is the root of the momentum in the MAGA movement, and they will take us all down with them, given what they want.


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Per my far-right friend: "reality sucks"

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The point of comparing your methodology of thought to Trump was meant to be insulting enough to make you think a bit.

Your method is very similar.

Both sides pick and choose some facts, and then apply opinions they agree with, and then declare their opinion to be fact.

Christianity to anyone who has studied mainstream Christian theology is not a doomsday or apocalyptic religion. It’s very pointedly stated that no one knows the time, and God deliberately made the signs in revelations sufficiently vague so that they always seem like they are coming shortly to make the point that every day is potentially judgement day, live your life like that so that you are doing good.

Similarly while God has the ability to predestine anything, he clearly has stated that we have free will and life is our challenge to do what it takes to make it to heaven. There can be no sin without free will. That’s the whole concept of original sin- you need to do what god has set forth to avoid damnation.

If your church had a different take, they certainly were not following the Bible. If they don’t follow the Bible, they are not Christians.

Now, do they live up to the teachings? None do (again, a theological point…)

The beauty of Christianity is redemption.

It’s the devil (evil) that warps teachings to gain power or control over others.
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I hope that you realize that I appreciate your POV on this. I do appreciate it regardless of whether I agree or not. That's part of the point of introducing this thread. I know it's not likely to change anyone's mind on this, but at least I can explain why some people are concerned about what's happening with Trump and Christianity. There have been many attempts to make sense of it. Sometimes I think many Christians don't understand it either.

I haven't declared my opinion to be fact. That's one difference in your analogy. Again, I disagree that Christian theology is not a doomsday or apocalyptic religion. Jesus figured it would happen in his time. Christians have been deferring it and rationalizing it since. And denying the implications of the books Revelations and Daniels doesn't make the significance of them go away. They tie the theology together.

I like your take on it, about living so that you are doing good, etc. But, ironically, your paragraph there contradicts itself by saying it's not then it is.

Free will is potentially long topic. So is "original sin". Regarding free will, it's easy to claim, yet questionable to prove when in cult-like realms. For example, do you think the 900+ persons who drank the cool-aid had any free will left in them?

The church I attended, as most churches, asserted that they did follow the Bible. Note - there are many denominations of Christianity.

"The beauty of Christianity is redemption"

Can that include redemption for complicity or advocacy of genocide on non-believers? Can it include demonizing or dehumanizing by race or culture or politics? How convenient. The devil did it.


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Per my far-right friend: "reality sucks"

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Trump Explodes After Being Ridiculed In God Parody Ad


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Per my far-right friend: "reality sucks"

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Trump isn't Christianity, but then folks who are christian can support him politically. I can understand supporting him and saying god forgives him... but to say that god demands you vote for him?

Of course, the same can be said of Biden.

The church is made up of men. Man is fallible. The church can be in error unless you are a catholic who believes that the Pope is infallible when he speaks ex cathedra. Of course, the view of that is that as God ordained the church, he would not allow it to fail that way... (and I am not a catholic...)
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Trump is not even a Christian. He's a fake Christian. God forgives him? Who says? Did God say that? One tenant of Christianity is that God's forgiveness is between him and the sinner. Nobody else's business. People who say he's forgiven by God are just rationalizing their support, despite the reality. People who say he's faking it just look at the evidence including facts.

So, you can understand supporting him? If you can understand it, then please explain it. Lots of thoughtful people have considered it, and no whole answer has emerged, even from the supporters.

I have offered an explanation.

Yes, in the context of your post, the same could be said for Biden, but it would make no sense at all.

I haven't seen anything saying that God says one must vote for anyone. Maybe it's implied.

The trait/belief you described about the Catholic Church is in itself an error or failure, just covered up by indoctrinated belief. It's THE fundamental flaw with Catholicism. But the same could be said accurately of protestant churches too.

The error now is attributing something more than what is, or maybe attributing something that isn't at all with Trump, and associating that with the End Times apocalypse Christian narratives/beliefs.

It's a real situation. You just won't admit it.


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Per my far-right friend: "reality sucks"

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So, you can understand supporting him? If you can understand it, then please explain it. Lots of thoughtful people have considered it, and no whole answer has emerged, even from the supporters.

I thought more about my question quoted above and realized it's an impossible question and really all the answers offered so far in the media and elsewhere are somehow both sufficiently understandable and lame, taken as a whole, especially considering reasons to not support him.

The premise of my explanation for his support is limited to his Christian base and their ties to the End of Times worldview.

All the other justifications for his support are far less disturbing, IMO, and may be okay even if barely in the realm of reality somehow. But the combination of preppers, bug-outters, militias, anarchists, and end of timers, ultra-nationalists, other zealots, etc. is toxic.


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Per my far-right friend: "reality sucks"

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I don’t get your end of times correlation with Trump.

He’s not into warfare. He tends to capitulate as long as the other side feeds his ego… no war.

I’m not defending Trump in this, I’m stating that religion really doesn’t have a role here. Do some folks professing to live by Gods rules claim that supporting trump is godly? Yes. They are in doctrinal error, just like Naki is when he claims Jesus is a liberal.

You can find folks misusing god and religion. Happens a lot. Look at WWII Wehrmacht belt buckles… swastika and “gott mit uns”. Doesn’t make it Christian.

You are conflating the bad acts of some adherents to the religion.
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I find it very weird how obsessed you are with Christianity and who you believe is Christian or not. Or your obsession with 'cults', etc.

I don't recall you being so obsessed with 0bama and his claim to Christian status after being raised Muslim. You have decided
Trump is not even a Christian. He's a fake Christian.
You have no merit other than being ridiculously obsessed with Christianity and that you don't spread your obsession with others who have questionable claims such as 0bama.


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Originally posted by Aspen Hill Adventures:

I find it very weird how obsessed you are with Christianity and who you believe is Christian or not. Or your obsession with 'cults', etc.

I don't recall you being so obsessed with 0bama and his claim to Christian status after being raised Muslim. You have decided
Trump is not even a Christian. He's a fake Christian.
You have no merit other than being ridiculously obsessed with Christianity and that you don't spread your obsession with others who have questionable claims such as 0bama.


Here’s the issue. Changing Americans to believe words like, MAGA, White, Nationalist, Christian are dangerous is the goal…period.

They’re having some success at it.

If you repeat the lie often enough, some start to believe it.

I’m white, and if loving my country as defined by the Constitution makes me a Nationalist, so be it.

Just watch TV commercials. The white heterosexual married couple just doesn’t exist anymore. Why?

Why aren’t Black Baptists targeted by the Democrats as bad? Because they are still holding on to a large part of that voting block. Votes are all that matters.

Republicans are no different, but the Democrats are just better at it.

Formerly "Nganga"
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Steve, I totally understand. Media and politicians make a constant big deal out of things. Most people do not care about it though there are enough that do, like Magine. So much that they keep trying to convince such people that everyone is out to get them.

Divide and conquer!


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Originally posted by Magine Enigam:
So, when does cult-like become cult?

depends on how open minded one is - there are many things that fit the role of a religion/cult that aren't even "religious" --antifa, humanism, tds, and maga for some examples -


opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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You have to remember something. kabob lives in constant state of fear. His posts contain the phrase " I'm afraid, or I fear or I'm worried" more than anything else.
He put me on ignore after telling the lie I bullied civil servants. He must have flashbacks to wetting himself when people asked questions when he was a clerk. I have no problem asking why, or how come to anyone. If the biologists or other experts know their stuff, they can handle questions and not quiver about it.
I admit, I'm the polar opposite. I cant feel fear, my wiring was not connected at birth for it.
I can feel adrenalin. So it's why I was a good soldier, business owner and town officer. I only see a challenge to overcome. The bigger the challenge the more I can feel excitement overcoming it.
There will be issues I dont agree with, or will impact me no matter who gets elected.
I will simply deal with things as they come.
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blindly pushing D in the voting booth with no other information about the candidate.
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Well, NOW we're talking. Smiler

It took some prodding though to get ya'll to crawl out from under your rock.

I'm happy. Smiler

More later. archer


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Per my far-right friend: "reality sucks"

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Originally posted by crbutler:
I don’t get your end of times correlation with Trump.

He’s not into warfare. He tends to capitulate as long as the other side feeds his ego… no war.

I’m not defending Trump in this, I’m stating that religion really doesn’t have a role here. Do some folks professing to live by Gods rules claim that supporting trump is godly? Yes. They are in doctrinal error, just like Naki is when he claims Jesus is a liberal.

You can find folks misusing god and religion. Happens a lot. Look at WWII Wehrmacht belt buckles… swastika and “gott mit uns”. Doesn’t make it Christian.

You are conflating the bad acts of some adherents to the religion.

I'll have to count that as a good post, even though I don't agree with it.

The reason I think it's good is because I think it's honest, plus somewhat thoughtful, and IMO naive at the same time.

But, I don't understand how you can think the Christianity end times correlation doesn't exist after all I posted supporting the notion.

How could you think religion doesn't have a role? I'm estimating here - but I think the majority of Trump supporters are Christians of various sorts, mostly fundamentalists.

"Doctrinal error"?? That's a judgment call. The End Timers think it's a doctrinal truth. You can't dismiss the significance just by calling it an error. Just look at the effect, and most importantly the projected effect, actuated by acts affecting it.

"Conflating the bad acts of some adherents"? Trump wouldn't be the lead GOPer candidate if not for the "bad acts". He wouldn't have been elected in the first place if not for Christian support. Sure, there are some, perhaps many, Christians who have their heads in the sand about this, like you. But there is no doubt that, for example, Trump uses terms like "the final battle" he's dog whistling to the End Timer Fundamentalists.


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Per my far-right friend: "reality sucks"

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Originally posted by jeffeosso:
Originally posted by Magine Enigam:
So, when does cult-like become cult?

depends on how open minded one is - there are many things that fit the role of a religion/cult that aren't even "religious" --antifa, humanism, tds, and maga for some examples -

That's not open-minded. It's BS.


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

Per my far-right friend: "reality sucks"

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Originally posted by Aspen Hill Adventures:
Steve, I totally understand. Media and politicians make a constant big deal out of things. Most people do not care about it though there are enough that do, like Magine. So much that they keep trying to convince such people that everyone is out to get them.

Divide and conquer!

That seems odd to me.

It's a well-known phenomenon that Christians harbor as part of their ID/worldview the persecution/victim syndrome.

And it's not about trying to get me personally. I'm immune. Apparently the "system" is vulnerable. It's about trying to get the whole system to adhere to a religious doctrine, when basically the "system" of law and governance in the USA was designed by the Founders as secular.


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Originally posted by Aspen Hill Adventures:

I find it very weird how obsessed you are with Christianity and who you believe is Christian or not. Or your obsession with 'cults', etc.

I find it weird too, and sometimes wish it wasn't that way. But then I think of reality and how important that is, so I just go with it.

Think of it like this: Imagine a person in his youth deep into some religious cult, brought in by his parents. Then as he grew up, he realized these people are crazy, and escaped. (I divorced a fundamentalist wife, sold everything and moved to Alaska) The indoctrination didn't stick with me, as it did with the rest of my family. I came from a long line of Christian fundamentalist, primitive Baptists, holy rollers, tambourine shakers, snake handlers, tongue speakers eyes rolling back in their heads rolling in the pews, etc.

Now, outside looking in, (or back) I thoroughly understand them in retrospect, and the present.

It's a been there done that thing. I know what they are about.

I think of it not as an obsession, but instead an awakening.


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

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Why are religious idiots supporting Trump?

He stands against every teaching religions glorify! clap
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Originally posted by Saeed:
Why are religious idiots supporting Trump?

He stands against every teaching religions glorify! clap

Except power and control to dictate conformity. He stands for that foremost. And he bedevils all opposed. And his Christian base welcomes it.


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

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Originally posted by Magine Enigam:
Originally posted by jeffeosso:
Originally posted by Magine Enigam:
So, when does cult-like become cult?

depends on how open minded one is - there are many things that fit the role of a religion/cult that aren't even "religious" --antifa, humanism, tds, and maga for some examples -

That's not open-minded. It's BS.

yep, sounds like something a cult member would say in defense of their cult ---

I think the first rule of CultClub is
"We don't call it a cult"


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Originally posted by jeffeosso:
Originally posted by Magine Enigam:
Originally posted by jeffeosso:
Originally posted by Magine Enigam:
So, when does cult-like become cult?

depends on how open minded one is - there are many things that fit the role of a religion/cult that aren't even "religious" --antifa, humanism, tds, and maga for some examples -

That's not open-minded. It's BS.

yep, sounds like something a cult member would say in defense of their cult ---

I think the first rule of CultClub is
"We don't call it a cult"

I think you are correct in your last post. So, you mean like the KKK, which co-opted Christianity?

Since you mentioned "rules" and Club, in a debate club there are rules. Of course here in our informal debates, such rules generally don't apply in this club. Nonetheless, some "rules", for lack of a better word, are worth mentioning whether written, or not, agreed upon or not - informal.

I called your first post, quoted above, BS for a reason. I think you violated an informal debate rule several times in one sentence.

Use of the terms "open-minded", "one", "fit the role", "aren't even religious", then you include "things" (your word) that are cultural, intellectual, philosophical, human rights, or political stances or movements, and one term, tds, which is a spinoff of maga, ALL are off-topic distractions/deflections. They require context and generally agreed definitions,

Even if you are correct in categorizing, lumping, and the concept of open-mindedness would include those "things" in the definition of cult, then so what?

Is what you said not a deflection, distraction, dismissal of the main point of this thread?

It's tempting for me to get off on some tangent, provoked by you, write an essay on definitions, their misuse, appeal to authority. For what? Been there, done that and you still come up with BS. And if I do that, pursue your tangents, then you win the debate by default.

So, that's my short version of support for my claim of BS.

Regarding cults, my focus here is religious cults, specifically doomsday/apocalypse cults.

There is so much to read. It's not easy to make it concise, but I'll try.

In the 1940s, the long-held opposition by some established Christian denominations to non-Christian religions and supposedly heretical or counterfeit Christian sects crystallized into a more organized Christian countercult movement in the United States.

The Christian countercult movement asserts that Christian sects whose beliefs are partially or wholly not in accordance with the Bible are erroneous. It also states that a religious sect can be considered a cult if its beliefs involve a denial of what they view as any of the essential Christian teachings such as salvation, the Trinity, Jesus himself as a person, the ministry of Jesus, the miracles of Jesus, the crucifixion, the resurrection of Christ, the Second Coming, and the rapture.[160][161][162]

Countercult literature usually expresses doctrinal or theological concerns and a missionary or apologetic purpose.[163] It presents a rebuttal by emphasizing the teachings of the Bible against the beliefs of non-fundamental Christian sects. Christian countercult activist writers also emphasize the need for Christians to evangelize to followers of cults.[164][165][166]: 479–493
Doomsday cult
Self-fulfilling prophecy
Christian Prophecy
Predictions and claims for the Second Coming


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

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Wow, what a long, defensive post defining not being in a cult -

first rule of cultclub ....


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So is scientific theory a doomsday cult?

A large number of scientists believe that at some point the universe will suffer an end due to energy loss (entropy)...

Humanists believe that they end when they die.

Just because some muslims believe in sharia and the caliphate doesn't mean ALL muslims believe and that it is central to the religion (as it is practiced in any one place..) What's the difference between Dubai and Kabul?

Your issue is what some individuals who call themselves evangelical Christians and tell the rest of us to do... its kind of interesting what happens when someone who is reasonably versed in the bible (and believes it) gets into a discussion with folks like that. Usually it becomes quite respectful. Its when some person who has no respect for the other's point of view starts telling the other guy where it is going to be that it gets ugly.

When your whole argument is that the religious person's beliefs are BS and not "reality" (and thus treating them like an ignorant child) and you use terms like that, no wonder folks who don't believe as you do take you as a crackpot.

I actually get the idea of a secular government...and agree with it. What I don't agree with is that it means that no religion in the public sphere.

If Ilhan Omar wants to take her oath of office on the Koran, fine.

If you would wish to just say you solemnly swear to do so, fine.

But don't say that my oath on the bible is just my invoking "sky daddy".
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Originally posted by jeffeosso:
Wow, what a long, defensive post defining not being in a cult -

first rule of cultclub ....

Interpret it any way you want. I can't influence you in that.

But, I do have a choice in not letting you lead the conversation, between you and I, down a rabbit hole.

I exercise that choice by just not participating.


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

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Originally posted by Magine Enigam:
Originally posted by jeffeosso:
Wow, what a long, defensive post defining not being in a cult -

first rule of cultclub ....

Interpret it any way you want. I can't influence you in that.

But, I do have a choice in not letting you lead the conversation, between you and I, down a rabbit hole.

I exercise that choice by just not participating.

aww , i mean weird, since i am the only one actually talking about cults on your little cult thread, ...


you lost control of the conversation and suddenly you don't wanna talk no more?

weird .. hey, ley me run this past my great-great grandson ---

What was that? "What a baby" ... oh, he's not a baby, he just presents as low EQ

oh, btw the way, requiring to be "in control of the conversation" is a sign of a lecture AND/OR that one is talking to a narcissist

btw2 - you already AGREED that rationalism/humanism fits the role of a religion - and let the gaslighting begin... at least that part will tell me if this was just a lecture or no


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Originally posted by crbutler:
So is scientific theory a doomsday cult?

A large number of scientists believe that at some point the universe will suffer an end due to energy loss (entropy)...

I didn't know there is a scientific theory of a doomsday cult. What you give as example isn't a theory relating to a cult of any sort. It's just a theory.

Humanists believe that they end when they die.

Quote from definition: Across the world, the number of non-religious people is growing all the time. It is estimated there are 1.1 billion people in the world who are religiously unaffiliated, which means they identify as atheists, agnostics or describe their religion as “nothing in particular.”

Humanists are non-religious people who strive to lead fulfilling, meaningful and ethical lives, using reason and empathy to guide their decisions and actions.

Humanists base their understanding of the world on reason and science, rejecting supernatural or divine beliefs.

Humanists reject all forms of racism and prejudice, and believe in respecting and protecting everyone’s human rights, including the right to freedom of religion and belief.

Humanists believe we have a responsibility to respect and care for one another and the natural world.

Agnostic: a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God.

Just because some muslims believe in sharia and the caliphate doesn't mean ALL muslims believe and that it is central to the religion (as it is practiced in any one place..) What's the difference between Dubai and Kabul?

To answer your question - geography I suppose.

Your issue is what some individuals who call themselves evangelical Christians and tell the rest of us to do... its kind of interesting what happens when someone who is reasonably versed in the bible (and believes it) gets into a discussion with folks like that. Usually it becomes quite respectful. Its when some person who has no respect for the other's point of view starts telling the other guy where it is going to be that it gets ugly.

It's not just the individuals. It's an organized power. And it extends into practically every corner and facet of life and culture in the USA, and beyond. It got Trump elected one time and may do it again. And I do in fact respect their worldview, just as I respect venomous snakes as species. It's inherently ugly specifically because of the End Times and rapture prophesy, and the self-fulfilling aspect. I'm not "telling" anyone where it is going. They are. They are explicit about it. And most importantly, it's not fringe. It's mainstream.

When your whole argument is that the religious person's beliefs are BS and not "reality" (and thus treating them like an ignorant child) and you use terms like that, no wonder folks who don't believe as you do take you as a crackpot.

It's not my whole argument. And I'm not treating them like an ignorant child. What they are doing IMO is much, much more malevolent than that. The foremost thing is that they don't deny the doomsday/apocalypse theology. It's exactly the opposite. They embrace it, whole.

I actually get the idea of a secular government...and agree with it. What I don't agree with is that it means that no religion in the public sphere.

Well, good, you "get it". So did the Founders. And, it's practically impossible for "no religion" in the public sphere. It's an inherent fact of practically everything in the USA, culture, society, life in general, politics, and so forth. It's been that way from the beginning and will continue. What needs to be understood is that there's religion, then there's a secular government, by design. Two things that shouldn't be conflated. There are many ways to conflate, but this thing with the end times worldview is a conflation of magnitude beyond all else.

If Ilhan Omar wants to take her oath of office on the Koran, fine.

If you would wish to just say you solemnly swear to do so, fine.

But don't say that my oath on the bible is just my invoking "sky daddy".

Oaths to abide the duties of Govt. office, and honor the constitution, and public service thereof, are really a declared promise and commitment to a secular form of government, as formed by the Founders. "Swearing" on the Bible or the Koran or any religious text, IMO is a conflation, and thus such oath is contradictory from the get-go.


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

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Ignored post by jeffeosso posted 21 January 2024 05:29


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

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Originally posted by Magine Enigam:
Ignored post by jeffeosso posted 21 January 2024 05:29

jumping jumping jumping jumping

awww, talk about a control freak -- baby, you so extra!

I still wonder, though, if this ALSO included a lecture?

I kinda like being on ME's ignore list, as i guess there's nothing like facts to drive a libbie crazy -- along with being on sgt peckerwood's list, i just need one more EQ-of-a-3-year-old person to put me on their ignore list, for the hat (hate?) trick


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Ignored post by jeffeosso posted 21 January 2024 06:23

IOW, rendered impotent insofar as I am concerned, just as TB40 and JTEX. De-nutted, like a neutered dog howling at the moon, pissing in the wind.


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

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Originally posted by Magine Enigam:
Ignored post by jeffeosso posted 21 January 2024 06:23

IOW, rendered impotent insofar as I am concerned, just as TB40 and JTEX. De-nutted.

Awww -- and just like peckerwood, keeps looking


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It's the software, AH. You are not on my ignore list. I'm just ignoring you on this thread.

Ignored post by jeffeosso posted 21 January 2024 06:31

Post something reasonable and constructive then maybe I'll respond likewise. Quagmires and insults aren't worth the effort to respond.


"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." - Sinclair Lewis

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best day this week


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