one of us
| The owner was involved in both the GF and politics,so you need to get your facts straight dumb fuck. It was his involvement in the GF that got him the game ranch. |
| Posts: 837 | Location: wyoming | Registered: 19 February 2002 | 
one of us
| This thread should be locked. It's only value is showing what a total idiot RMK is and that is well worn. RMK if Wyoming sucks so bad why don't you move to Cokorado and improve air quality in Wyoming? |
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one of us
| No colorado is where all you texas cocksuckers end up. |
| Posts: 837 | Location: wyoming | Registered: 19 February 2002 | 
one of us
| I just hope everyone in internet land doesn't stereotype everyone in Wyoming by the way RMK responds in his posts. He is a complete embarressment to the state, as well as to the good folks that live here. I don't mind other's opinions, but when obscene remarks are constantly intermixed between BS, it gets a little old. Just biological proof of what inbreeding depression can do to a population...unfortunately Darwin's theory's don't apply well to the modern human population.
MG |
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one of us
| alt: keep giving them advise. they'll eventually understand what they're arguing with. this is all the guy has. he has no other voice. hes been ignored everywhere else and he will get ignored here too. look into all the other posts on this site and ask yourself, why don't he post ideas and comments here on a regular basis. he can't intelligently add anything and most don't want to hear what he has to say. when all you can say is goatchoker,cocksucker,dick sucker,blower,asshole and dumbfuck you tend to lose the intelligent folks. sorry for the 4 letter adjectives. not part of my normal vocabulary. keep giving the advise. don't usher him to colorado just ignore him. |
| Posts: 214 | Location: north carolina | Registered: 16 January 2004 | 
one of us
| Hang in there RMK! They are all full of shit! If they don't don't like or respect our opinions, "F*ck em"! |
| Posts: 10478 | Location: N.W. Wyoming | Registered: 22 February 2003 | 
one of us
| Most of these guys are from Colorado by the way they talk! EWWWWWWWWWW! Makes me shiver! |
| Posts: 10478 | Location: N.W. Wyoming | Registered: 22 February 2003 | 
one of us
| should have added KUDU to your list. I guess birds of a feather flock together. Too bad they reside in WY...they belong in Antarctica "the Antarctic G&F must have killed off all the deer, we sure can't seem to find any!!". |
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one of us
| Snider 700, Yes, I watched him elsewhere He is eventually banned or ignored and leaves. Best to treat him like any other troll and refuse to bite the bait.  |
| Posts: 35 | Location: Texas | Registered: 20 December 2003 | 
one of us
| Start talking about texas cocksuckers and altjaeger shows up. Must of heard his name called.
You assholes can't ignore my posts,or you would have by now.
I agree kudu,fuck'em. The problem is you don't want to tell goatchoker that he'll take it literally,he's into that boy on boy shit. |
| Posts: 837 | Location: wyoming | Registered: 19 February 2002 | 
one of us
| The truth is I have run into several jerks like RMK and Kudu00 in Wyoming. It probably is the only place in America where total idiots can make it without ending up in jail or shot outright just to improve the gene pool. |
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one of us
| See what I mean. Another texas jerkoff has showed up. |
| Posts: 837 | Location: wyoming | Registered: 19 February 2002 | 
one of us
| I actually like Texas and have a few friends from there. So Ricky, it is better to be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt. |
| Posts: 10478 | Location: N.W. Wyoming | Registered: 22 February 2003 | 
one of us
| Ricky, you have never ran into me! I can assure you that if you had, we would have parted friends.
I have no animosity towards anyone. I just don't always agree. RMK and I beleive that the G&F uses doe/fawn and cow/calf licenses to balance the G&F budget. No one will convience me different. I have areas that I used to hunt deer every year, area 125 as an example, that you could dirve around in the evenings and mornings, 8 years ago or so, and see easily 300 deer. I challenge you to take an afternoon drive in that area now and you won't see 100 deer in twice the time. You know why? The G&F sold up to 300 doe fawn tags in addition to 100 any deer tags. So if you had a 70% success on kills you lost 280 deer just to hunters. Now tack on road kills, lion kills and just nataral deaths and your losing ground each year.
I also believe the G&F method of calculating hunter success is srewed up. They don't send a questionare to every hunter. Only to a percentage. They then calcualte the "supposed" success. I think that is a flaw in really knowing what kind of kill they had. They are understaffed and don't have the time to count and check more hunters. I have only been checked by a game warden and asked about success, once in the last 5 years. Wyoming needs more wardens and fewer biologists! |
| Posts: 10478 | Location: N.W. Wyoming | Registered: 22 February 2003 | 
one of us
| Kudu, I would definitely agree with you that Wyoming G&F needs more game wardens, but I would also say they need more biologists. I am a volunteer hunter safety instructor here, and have gotten to know several wardens and biologists here over the years. One thing that can be said about all of them is that they have tremendous workloads, and they can't spend as much time as they want to in the field because of all the other duties they have. The other thing that can be said is that they are highly dedicated, well-trained professionals that are doing their best to manage wildlife and deal with a wide variety of public interests. As in any other organization, they have people there who should consider a different career altogether, but from what I've seen, those people are few and far between.
If Wyoming had enough money to double their number of game wardens, it still wouldn't be enough. Over the years, I have seen some pretty disgusting, unethical, and illegal behavior by hunters and fishermen in Wyoming, by non-residents and residents alike. I spend a lot of time out and about, but I'm sure what I'm seeing is just the tip of a very big iceberg. There aren't nearly enough game wardens to be able to deal with all of these idiots, and our wildlife is taking it in the shorts.
Onto hunter ethics, I always hammer away on that issue when I teach hunter education. It's the lack of ethics and the "win at all costs" attitudes displayed by so many hunters that's going to cause us to lose the sport itself. Look at what's happening in so many other states where wildlife issues have been decided in elections by a voting public that lives in big cities and has no clue about wildlife issues. A lot of those voters hear horror stories or witness slob hunters for themselves and decide we all must drive around shooting anything that moves from the cab of our pickups! We're fortunate that the people of Wyoming generally understand that hunting is important to the state, both for economic reasons and the health of the wildlife and habitat. I dread the day when they don't and the PETA people and their cronies get their way! I commend the G&F for the great job they do trying to keep the public informed and educated on wildlife issues and the excellent work done in the field by an overworked staff. |
| Posts: 28 | Location: Wyoming | Registered: 01 March 2004 | 
one of us
| agreed! |
| Posts: 214 | Location: north carolina | Registered: 16 January 2004 | 
one of us
| I'll second!!  |
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one of us
| I'll second that goatchoker is an asswipe,also. |
| Posts: 837 | Location: wyoming | Registered: 19 February 2002 | 