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Yes they do expect you to send nearly 500 dollars in so you can be in the drawing for elk hunting and it has to be in by the 31st of January, not postmarked by then but in their sweaty hands and they hold the draw three weeks later. This is a bit difficult for us working types as it is not far after Christmas and just before the time you have to pay your taxes. The state reeks with democrats that really don't care much for non-residents and right now the oil field is beginning to boom so this year you can expect a lot more traffic in a lot of areas. | |||
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this may open a can of worms but if they need this money which most of us agree that they do not, then why not get it from where most of the money is. the outfitter. i know he has to be a licensed guide/outfitter to operate doesn't he? well a business pays taxes on their operation. alot of these guy's probably take cash that never sees a tax form. im not suggesting all but im sure a few do. it would be better for the nonresident to pay less for the tag and keep do it yourself hunters tags prices down. the extra could be paid to the guide who in turn could pay the g&F. this would be an accepted cost for using a guide. either way your paying the same. the guide pockets the same and we do it alone hunters are not held footing the bill. some of these expensive and unnecessary programs that they fund could be reduced and or done away with. theres waste everywhere you look. n.c. says they do not take in enough money but yet you see waste everywhere. the game violation fines are so low that there is no cost to the violator. they pay it and move on.it appears to me that the state of wyoming is creating a monopoly for the outfitters. im sure their voice and money is behind it as well. we nonresidents do contribute to the problem because most of us use them. i do not. i'll hunt on my own whether i kill a trophy or not. its about the hunt for me. killing is easy. most of the outfitters have the good land tied up and you guys as well as myself who hunt public lands pay a huge price to be crowded on unproductive areas. i did not realize that wyoming was lead by the liberals. i just suspected it from reading these posts. most of the land in n.c. is tied up the same way. trouble here is that land leases have went from 2-3 dollars an acre to 10-15 dollars per acre. the greed of the american people is driving our way of life to hell. | |||
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$95,000 may seem like a lot of money, but not compared to the 'savings' the state will experience in reduced human paperwork over the years. Not sure where the savings will end up, but that's another story. If it works anything like here in NY, there are some advantages: 1. Deadbeat parents owing child-support cannot get a license, 2. Persons with revoked hunting privileges cannot buy a license, 3. No more lost preference points, 4. Lottery type permits are drawn at the time of purchase (the computer randomly draws permits for qualified applicants. For example, I apply for a doe permit in area 7S - I immediately know if I get the permit or not). 5. Lost licenses/permits easily replaced. I'm not saying it's all roses, but there are some advantages. | |||
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I love the way UT does it. Go online apply they charge your CC a application fee which is resonable. If you draw they charge your CC. If not the only thing you are out is the application fee. I wish all the States would use this system. I gues if they al did it this way ther would be more applicants which might be bad for the guy who can afford the out of pocket money but good for the average guy that can not. | |||
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If you Wyoming residents think its bad now, just wait a little while. You all are about to suffer a horrable fate known as THE DREADED "MANINNINGIZATION" When My previous home sate of 40 of my 41 years elected Gov Blago here in IL, our former DOC big wig Brent Manning was given the big chop and went west to low and behold IMHO the finest state in the country for hunting out west Wyoming. Based on my the last ten years of deer hunting here in IL, Brent Manning is interested in one thing and one thing only: Generating as much cash as in possible for the DOC that employs him. Period. He cares not for the hunter of average means, nor for the resident of the state in which employs him. With in three to five years I predict Wyoming will see some if not an attempt at all of the fallowing changes: #1-Appling for tags & CC payment over the net #2-A bonus/preference point system for cash similar to AZ #3-Transfearble landowner tags #4-The reservation of a large percentage (IMO 10-30% MIN) of all types/species of big game tags for outfiting operations #5-Steadly increase of the price of all tags #6-An increase in the number of and types of hunting seasions for most if not all big game species #7-A reduction of the hunting days of big game rifle hunts, especially for elk. #8-An elimination of after being drawn for any big game species, the option of buying a additional same species bow tag. #9-A dedicated, seperate archery seasion for most if not all big game species. I have talked to litterally dozens of IDOC people and 100s of hunters in IL and never ever did any of them have a good thing to say about Brent Manning and his hunting management policies. I sincerely hope I am 100% wrong about this, but I can only judge a mans future actions on those of his past. If any of this is atempted all I can hope you all in Wyoming will have better luck banding together and stopping it. I truely love everything about your state, especially the hunting. Best of luck, Art. | |||
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I doubt you're wrong about any of the above. The state had to search all over for this buttfuck manning. Wyoming is notorious for fucking both the residents and nonresident out of money. Its funny how they can dig these dick heads up. The last director was a fisheries biologist originally and even though he came from the ranks,he quickly forgot where the fuck he was from and started cutting jobs and raising fees. The state has had opportunity after oppurtunity,to bring businesses into the state over the past 20 years and in return generate a healthy tax base. They can't stand the idea of the average citizen having a decent paying job,so they've elected to generate money from taxing and fee raises. Its so bad now with property prices and zoning that no industry can afford to locate in wyoming. Its all part of a few rich assholes vision of what wyoming should be. The only good part about any of this,is you can now go into the field and not worry about being screwed with by fish and game. Since they've gone to a skeleton work force in the field. There are plenty of qualified people in wyoming and the western states to fill the director position,but most locals are sick of whats been going on in the state,so they purposely hire outside of the state. This way they can buy someone that will go along with the vision of the few dickheads that run things in the state. | |||
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Manning is already on the way to greener pastures. Terry Cleveland, long time WY G&F service, is in. Keeping fingers crossed. | |||
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Thanks Holmes, I stand corrected and pleasently surprised. I was not blowing smoke up anyones but when I say Wyoming is IMHO, the best state to hunt out west in, at least for a NR like me. It is still possible to be drawn for an Antelope tag in a good unit and face better than a 50% chance of being drawn. I wish you would do away with the rules ristricting guided hunts only for NR in your designated wilderness areas, but Im still vary fond of your state none the less. I would be more than willing to have to take a compitentcy class to prove my land nav and survival abilities in order to hunt the restricted units, or jump through any hoop to avoid paying, or that is waisting $5,000 or so of my hard earned dollars to be led by the hand elk hunting by some guide that I most likely would do just as good if not better than hunting on my own. Dont get me wrong I mean no disrepect towards guides as a whole, I just know what I have accomplished hunting out west on my own after an unbeleivable amount of reserch and hard work once in the unit. | |||
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The restriction of NR haveing to have a guide in wilderness areas is a farce and has to be illegal some way, shape, or form!!!!! I wish some one or some group would challenge this one! But a DICk Head lick George Taulhman, will support it because it means more $$$$$ in his pocket. It is no longer about hunting it is about MONEY! | |||
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Glad I got my speed goat this past season and am not trying to go this year. ![]() The only reason it was easy is that my father-in-law had been a few years ago and had contacts on what units etc. I can't imagine how bad it would be trying to do it from scratch. | |||
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For starters, I like Wyoming, I live in Wyoming, I hunt in Wyoming and my non-resident friends hunt in Wyoming. I also like the work that the Game & Fish does here. Yes they have problems, but most of you who have posted on this thread pretending to be experts on state government and wildlife management have no clue what you are talking about. I don�t pretend to be an expert either, but I do have a clue and a fair amount of common sense in my head. Initially, I wanted to respond to each post on this topic, but it�s so big now that I�ll just hit on the ones that really got my attention� In the order posted. Marsh Mule: Last time I checked there were TWO game wardens that retired recently, not FOUR. I like wardens and I think there needs to be more of them in Wyoming, but you are WRONG stating that FOUR wardens retired. There were TWO. Holmes: G&F contacted nearly every state with a similar licensing system (electronic) hoping they could just copy someone else�s idea. Most states paid WAY more than Wyoming will because they hired outside vendors to supply a canned system, and they still are very unsatisfied with their results. RMK: I will save you for last. Marsh Mule: There will probably be a $2.00 �convenience fee� associated with all credit card sales. This is to offset the losses from bank fees and the interest lost while your money would normally have sat in the bank. There will still be a loss to the G&F, so the only one making money here is the bank systems. MGC: You might have something there. I think the point of the whole thing was to make it easier for people to get licenses, but we�ll see how the draw odds change. Holmes: Why is it so hard to track G&F money? You have a point with all the waste and multiple mailings that go to successful license applicants, but I think that�s the point of the new system (or one point anyway). This should be reduced quite a bit I imagine. Kudo56: See what I said for Holmes� first post. Wyoming checked with lots of states before making any decisions. They can do it their way cheaper and better. Marsh Mule: They don�t tell you how long the seasons will run because they are setting seasons at that time. Unlike most states, Wyoming looks at all available information including hunter harvest, pre/post-season wildlife counts, public comments, etc prior to setting seasons. While many of you think this is crazy, you must admit that the reason you hunt in Wyoming vs. Colorado or some other state is simple. The hunting here is a heck of a lot better. I credit that to the guys who work in the field, check hunters, arrest bad guys, survey populations and then decide how many tags to issue and for how long. Your comments on the �TRAVEL & TOURISM COMMITTEE � (you misspelled committee, but I corrected that) are simply false and ignorant. You don�t know what you are talking about. We have a Travel Recreation and Wildlife Committee. Rickt300: It�s cold and windy in Wyoming, so nobody here has sweaty hands. That�s a Texas thing. I�ve been there. My hands get sweaty in Texas all the time. The reason it takes three weeks is that EACH application has to be checked over (by a human) to check for idiot human errors created by the applicant. If G&F wanted to, they could hold your money even longer but they don�t. ART338: Manning came and went. Everyone�s happy. I don�t see any of your predictions coming true in the future. What�s wrong with a preference point system? It�s not a cash generator, but rather just a way for people to have a better chance at drawing a tag down the road. Ask any resident sheep hunter. You said you hoped you were 100% wrong. I�d say you are 102% wrong, because Manning left Wyoming long ago. Duckear: Why are you glad you got your �speed goat�? Obviously you hated the scenery here, were offended that the wardens here have modern trucks, and don�t appreciate the fact that you have a local connection (in-law) that can tell you a good place to hunt. I caught a fish in Mexico last year that was bigger than me. I will never go back, because my arms hurt the rest of the day. Conclusion: I think some of you are well intended in your comments, but are not from the area and don�t have a clue as to what really happens here with state government and wildlife management. That�s understandable� I don�t know much about your state either. It�s just sad that you will jump on the bandwagon and believe everything that one or two individuals say, and then offer your �opinion� on the matter. What�s really sad is that several of the people here are from Wyoming. Those are the ones who make everyone in the state look like a bunch of hicks and idiots. So here�s my question to those from Wyoming who insist that the Governor, the outfitters, the non-residents, and the G&F don�t know what they are doing� What would you do? How would you manage wildlife, enforce the laws, sell licenses, compensate landowners for damage (we have wolves now) AND keep the public happy? Oh ya, I promised some words for RMK. First, I am embarrassed that you are a resident of Wyoming. I won�t go into critiquing all of your idiotic opinions simply because I am getting tired and dinner is almost ready (I�m going to eat that dang fish that made my arms so tired, by God, then I�m going to write a letter to the Mexicans and complain). I do think that if you are going to post your opinions/comments/letters etc for everyone in the world to see, you need to work on your English skills. I looked in my dictionary and could not find the words �buttfuck�, �fucking�, �dick�, or �dickheads�. If you want to look halfway as credible as you think you are you should go back to school and learn how to write. You will also gain invaluable reading skills and will then be able to understand Wyoming application booklets. Now I�m so mad I don�t remember who complained about the wardens and the trucks they drive, but I will offer this� As a hunter, I truly treasure the opportunity to hunt trophy wildlife in Wyoming. I go hunting with the intent to take meat home, so I really don�t care how big the antlers on my elk are, although I�d really like to kill a big bull some day. I�ve been contacted by a few wardens from time to time, and have always have had positive relations with them. They live in their trucks during hunting season. Most of them have been divorced a time or two because they work so much and love their jobs so much and sure as hell are not paid like they should be. As far as I am concerned, they should drive vehicles that are reliable and do not break down all the time. RMK, why aren�t you bitching about the Wyoming Highway Patrol? They have all kinds of money (TAX MONEY!!!) and they drive new, cool cars. I�m sure that you bitch on a �general driving down the interstate� forum though. ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
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Quote: Well thanks for the poke in the eye, stranger. I didn't realise I was tarnishing my fellow Wyoming residents with such a negative impression. My complaints with the G&F bureaucracy are pretty minor. Actually, I've worked with the department quite a bit over the years with regard to Hunter Safety and the annual Expo. And the more our legislature becomes involved the muddier accountability becomes, be it financial or other. I agree with most of your comments and I cannot think of another state G&F that I would trade for ours. It's not perfect but I think Terry is going to be a real plus for us all. (It's about time the hard headed SOB accepted the position!) Welcome to the forum and I hope you can undo the damage I have done in representing Wyoming residents so poorly. | |||
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well said. a man willing to be part of the solution and not the problem. i hope that was your intent. the comments were correct when stated that alot of us are not informed enough to make comments. this is the whole purpose for having a forum to listen and understand the issues. it was good to see some of the other side. wyoming is still the greatest in the west to hunt. | |||
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43deer, You are welcome at my campfire anytime,,,, ![]() Good Hunting, MaBell | |||
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Wow 43deer,you must be a transplant buttfuck from colorado. I'm sure texas does leave your hands sweaty,since thats probably where you lived before you moved to colorado.As for finding the definition of buttfuck. 43deer,you need only look in the mirror,that will give you a clearer meaning of buttfuck then any dictionary could As for wardens retiring,it depends on your definition of recent. There has definately been at least 4 retired over the last couple years,if not more. I know of two in my area alone. Hell yes wyoming looked at other state systems,for tag alotments. Wyoming wants to find the most effective way to take money out of your pocket.Thats exactly why they reduced the minimum age to 12 for tag holders. Other states pay more in licensing systems,because they have far more applications from residents and nonresidents then wyoming does.Simply because they have a larger population then wyoming. Ya 43deer,the gf really does a swell job of wildlife surveys and exstensive management. I happen to hunt with a biologist from the Wy gf. The GF does two methods of survey to determine seasons and kill quotas. First they fly the mountain and surrounding winter pasture,and take animal counts. Last year they openly admitted that in my area,the weather never cooperated enough(they fly after heavy snow falls)to conduct a complete survey on mule deer and elk. The other problem with flying surveys and ground surveys,is you only see the animals that are in the open,not those in the trees and cover,which is the majority of animals,since the harsh weather. The second method of survey,is conducted during the early spring on horse back. The GF drops off pairs of both game wardens and biologists and these groups make large loops on horseback,taking counts of all wildlife located. My friend who's a biologist,refers to this two week period as "fucking the dog" and having seen some of the paper work from these surveys,I agree with him. According to some of the surveys,you'd think wyoming had as many moose as alaska or canada does. The problem is,those doing the surveys realize that they are largely inaccuarate. However,the administration looks at two weeks worth of field work and exspense and wants to rely heavily on the findings of the survey,even though the biologists are objecting. The most blatant misuse of surveys and lack of any real management,occured in 1991-1993 and the states mule deer herd has never recovered.I'm sure you don't recall any of this 43deer,since you haven't even lived in wyoming that long. The GF used a newly implemented software system along with field surveys to forecast and come up with harvest quotas. The problem is,the human field surveys didn't match the software. The computer called for three times more licenses as compared to what biologists insisted on. The state looked at what the software cost to implement and also believed that the software wouldn't lie,it had to be the biologists fault. Town meetings were held as usual,the harvest forecast on mule deer was presented and the publics first question,was "where have you seen all these deer,we sure as hell haven't been seeing them". The GF issued additional doe/fawn tags and for three years,you could have as many as three additional tags,plus a general tag.Allowing you to kill up to four mule deer a season. Nonresidents also had this option. The additional tags were sold on a first come first serve basis over the counter. Lines of people stretched out into the parking lot of vendors. All of us that had hunted deer at all,knew that issuing that many tags,was insane. But we still stood in line buying them,because after all GF had to know what was best. The biologist friend of mine later in the 90's told me the full story about how this all came about and I've since then talked to a game warden who confirmed the software problems. So 43deer,don't even try to tell me about Wyoming management practices you stupid fuck. As for states that have better hunting then wyoming. No colorado doesn't have better hunting,mainly because of the over abundant supply of dumb fucks like you and ma bell running around. Montana on the other hand does have as good if not better hunting then wyoming and its cheaper for the resident in montana then wyoming. However,like colorado montana has alot of transplant idiots like you 43deer running around. Wyoming is slowly getting just as bad. I find your comment about the wyoming highway patrol,very fitting of you, since you are more then likely just a colorado transplant. The reason you don't like the WHP,is because they are death on all you dumb fucks from colorado,that think that 75mph is just a suggestion.I spend a great deal of time in the southern half of wyoming due to my job and the amount of coloradoans pulled over is at least 5 to 1 as compared to wyoming residents and other states. As long as you want to talk about the WHP and their vehicle fleet plan,we can go into that also. First the WHP operates on a fleet vehicle plan of rotating vehicles out by the time they reach 70 to 80,000 miles. Considering the amount of driving done,that means every three years.Also a vehicle takes a hit in depreciation at 100,000 miles,so its more economical to dump a car for resale reasons before it hits 100k. Since the GF is part of the state,they too thought that they should rotate vehicles out every three years. The problem is GF is lucky to put 50 thousand miles on a vehicle in three years,but that doesn't stop them from rotating vehicles out. In the GF's case,they are dumping trucks that are diesels and could easily run 200k and still retain resale value. The state is also eating all the depreciation that takes place the first three years and then getting right back into a loss by buying new again. The real kicker is,powerstrokes were chosen,for their pulling ability(horse trailers etc.).However,only about one in five,are even wired to pull a trailer,since the state decided that its own mechanics could save them money by doing the wiring. The friend of mine thats a biologist has to hunt down a select few trucks every time they want to pull a trailer.Diesels and they don't even pull shit with them. Another thing 43deer,the state looked at doing away with the WHP in 1997,but I'm sure you didn't know anything about this,since you weren't in the state in 97 either. The result was the state found out that the WHP generated a ton of money in fines,which is easy to understand when many of the fines are $200 per fine and a Patrolman is required to make a vehicle stop every hour during his 8hour shift. Not to mention the WHP is a police agency that has state wide jurisdiction,which allows it to pursue criminals anywhere within the state. All of which makes it easily earn its keep over that of the GF. The other problem with GF wardens,is every law enforcement officer in the state has the power to enforce game laws,making wardens even less needed. Yes in the end 43deer,you're still a fuckin' idiot and the only reason your arms hurt,is because you've been jerking off ma bell to much,not from fishing. | |||
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Ya know, that would have been an interesting and valuable rebuttal if you could have managed to post your comments sans the personal attacks. I think you know a lot about Wyoming hunting, RMK, but you get lost with all the invective doodoo. Your insights and opinions would go a long way to help the members here if you'd just censor yourself a bit. Oh-oh... I said the C word ![]() Take care. | |||
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WOW,,,,,RMK your vocabulary is impressively degenerative,, ,,,,,,,and what creative spelling you have. | |||
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"In the GF's case,they are dumping trucks that are diesels and could easily run 200k and still retain resale value". I have never seen a game warden in a diesel engined pickup, but then I haven't seen all of the pickups the G&F have either. | |||
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Yes elkslayer the GF does run diesel pickups. I've seen plenty of them in the northeastern part of the state. Wether they'll buy more I don't know. I do know they got alot of flack for buying powerstrokes in my area. The town meetings in my town,had plenty of ranchers in attendance and ranchers use these type of trucks and know what they cost,they weren't impressed.Especially with GF crying about needing more funds. For many years GF didn't buy extracab pickups,because of public outcry. The public couldn't see the need of a single driver/employee needing the option of extra cab,not to mention the extra exspense of this option. Instead the GF went with single cab pickups and contracted a manufacturer to install oversize utility boxes in the trucks,at the cost of around 1200 dollars a piece. Basically the cost of the extracab option. For as long as I can remember,and I've seen dept. pictures dating clear back to the 1950's,Wyoming GF always ran ford pickups with a few chevy's being bought. This was the standard all the way up till 1994. 1994 is a special year,because Dodge came out with its newly designed ram. Suddenly dodge was an option for the GF. It never had been before,but since they now looked pretty cool,dodge then amazingly became an option. Last year when dodge redisigned the ram again,GF ran out and finally bought Dodge ram quadcabs. They aren't to worried about the publics opinions anymore,they to need to be styling when they drive around town all day. | |||
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Just to let everyone know where I stand, You know why the wind blows in Wyoming? Yeah, cuz Colorado Sucks! Second, the Wy G&F "IS" the best deal going. I don't think I ever really slammed them or said anything to the contrary. I support them and have several times volunteered my time to help them build and construct projects. I like the Wardens and think we need more. Fewer biologists and more wardens. I don't like our application procedure and the non-resident requirement to have a guide in a wilderness area! It is everyones public land, and in wilderness areas a non-resident can fish, hike or beat off, but he can't hunt! There is some thing wrong with that. It's ok to do anything in a wilderness except hunt!!!! Go figure, just a way to protect the outfitters. The other problem I have is applying in Jan. and not drawing until May, this is not economically feasible for everyone. How many average Joe's can lay out $1200 for four months, for him, his wife and two kids to apply for a tag???? I can but not everyone can. Rich mans sport, as soon as residents quit applying then the leftover tags will go to non-residents for more money and force the non-resident to use an outfitter because of the wilderness law. Now as for vehicles, the Wy G&F does drive diesels, just go to a community meeting and see how many there are. Our local warden drives one and so did the biologist that now lives in Cody. No biggee. Well 43deer publicly slammed all of us. I take offense to that! | |||
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$1200 utility boxes? You are loosing it. I'm not sure where you are seeing all of those game wardens driving diesels either. | |||
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Another bit of information about the WY GF,that I find kind of interesting. Is through out the state in nearly every town,the GF purchased homes for their Game wardens. Basically the warden has no rent and pays the utilities on the place. These houses are marked with a wooden GF sign in front of them. As a result,the houses act as sort of an information center,that the public can approach a game warden with questions or information. The majority of the time,the only person that ever answers the door or phone in these places,is the wardens kids or old lady. Anyway,there is a warden currently living in one of the GF houses in douglas wyoming. This guy has been eligible to retire for the last couple years. But this warden has a problem. He's lived off the state for so long(your license fees at work),that he and his wife have no home. For the past 30 years while other citizens of the state have been paying off their own home loans and helping fund the GF owned homes,he and other wardens have lived for free. Now they are facing mandatory retirement and can't afford housing. Please raise license fees,so we can continue to fund this type of bullshit. | |||
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he doesn't understand that!! thats a level impossible for him. he first must personally criticize as to relieve the personal feelings he has about himself. which in all is his inadequateness to discuss anything on a mature level. | |||
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a sad note is that hes probably correct on a lot of things. | |||
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43deer,the 1200 dollar utility box,is for real. I've been to community meetings where the local press brought up the subject and GF personnel confirmed the price and the reasoning behind it. The problem I have with the diesels kudu,is I own a ford powerstroke and I've yet to find one that didn't cost $4500-$5000 more then a gas motor option. This becomes an issue when the GF is crying about lack of funding and raising the license fees. What they need to do is take a look at what they're spending their money on. I don't have a problem with the GF biologists and wardens. They like the majority of the working class in wyoming,are working for starvation wages. Its the waste at the administrative level that pisses me off. | |||
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Forum readers, First let me respond by saying I apoligise for RMK. He in no way reflects the attitude of folks living here in Wyoming. It pisses me off even thinking you live in my beloved state (crawl back to what ever hole you oozed out of). Second, the reason he probably is so negative towards the G&F is because he is a freaking poacher (shooting out of your truck again eh??). Wyoming is one of the top places to hunt...without a doubt. I have lived here my whole life, as well as my parents, and my parents' parents. Why is it so great? Well, lemme tell you. I personally know the game warden in my town. He is one hell of a guy (why shouldn't we get to know these guys??) who in my mind loves hunting and fishing so much he made a career out of it. I know the hours he works, the time spent away from his family (writing RMK tickets I presume), and how much he earns a year (not much). I also know he has to deal with armchair biologists such as RMK who have absolutely NO CLUE what is going on, and spew their crap to every half wit he come's in contact with to start up brushfires just because he isn't a good hunter and didn't get his deer. If the G&F sucks so bad, why is the hunting so good?? RMK has been feeding us a line folks...how do I know this?? I took all the BS RMK has been spewing to all of us and asked my local warden about it(have you ever asked RMK,or is this just your personal opinion founded upon your second grade education??). First off, he said there is not one game warden or wildlife biologist in this state that has a diesel vehicle. A few habitat and construction/maintenance section workers are the only ones that have them (don't those guys pull backhoes and tractors??). Secondly, those "$1200" truck boxes RMK is refering to were purchased in the 1960's ![]() This is just a few examples of all the BS RMK has been feeding us. Also, I asked him about the "warden in Douglas who is close to retirement". He told me that guy has another 15 years!!!! Anyhow, I rest my case....RMK, you're an idiot. Ma Bel and 43deer, you guys know what is really going on! I'm just glad to know that there are still a few folks with good heads on their shoulders left out there. | |||
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i met 2 wardens/biologists in the douglas area in 2002. they both drove gas powered ram pickups. they had the sloped shaped green boxes on their trucks. they were both very nice gentleman. we had a tight spot we we're trying to hunt. we could have been in violation just outside of blm land but the wardens gave us the benefit of the doubt due to the map and access points being very vague. they even helped us remove 2 deer we had killed. they were polite and very apologetic about the lack of clear info on the maps. those guys are spread pretty thin. i asked about the changes in another post concerning the tag price changes. rmk gave me the same ill mannered responses. you'll have let that go and realize that arguing with his guy is a waste of breath. hes got some good points but will never be fully accepted due to his attitude. i do not judge people by this guy. we have the same types here in ole north carolina. wyoming is the best place i know out west and i enjoy the hunts and the people very much. if i could i would move and reside there and finish raising my family. im sure liberalism has worked its way into the g&F and some of their practices leave us questioning why they have waste of funds in different areas. we in north carolina have the same concerns. i hunt with 3 local game wardens and its a topic of conversation all the time. keep a positive voice and be proactive in your fight to leave the hunt and the pusuit of it better than when you started the hunt. fight the good fight. believe me, i do not judge wyoming by a few. they have already judged themselves when they speak in this manner. your apology for rmk is not necessary!! learn from this manner of man. he displays what we strive not to be and what we evolved from. thanks for your response. | |||
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First off,isn't it amazing,that all of the sudden all these wyoming residents show up. First the dipshit known as 43deer and now the madgoatchoker,who's probably just the same asshole as 43deer double posting. You need to find a new game warden dickhead,or come up with a new bullshit story. The construction crews that fish and game used,were done away with three years ago. The game and fish came to the conclusion, that it was cheaper to hire civilian sub contractors then employ full time crews that required vacation pay,medical and retirement. A friend of mine was a foreman on one of these crews for the northeast region. He wasn't allowed a diesel either. They gave these crews mostly chevy's,then bitched when they burned up trannies and everything else,towing back hoes. This same guy also installed those 1200 dollar utility boxes,which were new,three years ago. He also claims they couldn't just reuse the warn winches from the previous vehicles. So they bought all new ones. Which he installed The replacement warden in douglas may be down to fifteen years. However,the warden he replaced in 2003 was over his retirement by several years. Ya madgoatchoker,you must be pretty stupid if you think the hunting is as good as it used to be. That or you haven't been in wyoming half as long as you claim. Because deer hunting was a hell of alot better in the 60's and 70's then it is now.So was the antelope hunting. | |||
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Quote: Tell me RMK, was this "Friend" of yours real, or madeup,,,,, ![]() | |||
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RMK, I've hunted in the Douglas area for quite a few years now and the same warden has always been there, and he's still there today. I'm not sure what you smoke, but it sure clutters your ability to tell the truth. I must give you credit though... You sure are creative. Take care buddy! | |||
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Well, I found out just how long the Douglas warden has been there...12 years...the guy before him...10. They did just change biologists though, and got a new guy. (I think my warden here is getting sick of me asking such stupid questions!). Oh yea, the G&F also has an "Habitat and Access Maintenance" branch that does all its construction & habitat improvement work on G&F owned property. Formerly they were called the "HATS" division, but that was all changed in the early '90's. No private work here. And yes, I wasn't around in the 60's because I wasn't born yet, but I am a third generation Wyomingite. What bird flew over and pooped RMK out?? I can definately tell you're not native!! RMK, ever been in a meth lab fire ![]() MG | |||
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The only hunting that is better in Wyoming is elk. Elk hunting has improved dramaticaly, until the wolves showed up. Now as for deer and antelope, no if, ands, or buts, it sucks and has declined since the early 80's. Why has declined? Hell if I know, over hunting, to many doe fawn tags, drought, lions? Yes our warden has a diesel. I just went over last night and asked. I have nothing but respect for those guys. I just don't agree with some of the G&F policies! | |||
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No kudu,the madgoatchoker says no warden gets to drive a diesel.You've been lied to and the diesel sitting in the wardens driveway is fake. The warden in douglas that retired was over his retirement and couldn't afford to retire,because of housing problems. I've asked two wardens in my town and they both knew about it. This guys problem,was even the topic of discussion with the game warden's association. This retiree isn't the first one to have this problem. I wouldn't worry to much about the warden thinking you're stupid madgoatchoker. One look at you and the warden knew he was talking to a fuckin' idiot. As for the maintenance division of GF. The GF did away with the crew in the northeast. They abolished it,then asked for new applications and then again decided to use civilian contractors. Wether they have crews elsewhere in the state,I don't care. They don't have one in the northeast,anymore. | |||
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Hey RMK, can't you read?? Oh yea I forgot...by your use of four letter words you have proven to everyone the extent of your IQ...let's try to use some "big boy" words. The Douglas warden hasn't retired, he's been there for 12 years (if you hold up both hands RMK, you can count to 12). The guy before him was there for 10...he hasn't retired either. Don't know where you're pulling this stuff out of, but I'm sure your doctor wouldn't approve. Kudu, are you sure this guy is a warden?? Just because it is a green truck, doensn't mean he wears a badge. As for elk hunting, yea it's great right now. Deer and antelope have had it pretty rough with several years of drought + oil & gas developement on winter range. Someplaces aren't suitable right now for even turning out earthworms!!! MG Oh yea, the warden before the warden, before that warden in Douglas...he still works for the G&F too. | |||
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I am sure it is a warden, I have known him for 13 years, helped him build two boat ramps, two handi-cap fishing piers, spent days clearing trees from the G&F cabin for him, doanted time and money to the DU banquet that he chaired. Yes it is green, yes it is diesel, and no I wasn't born in Wy. I have hunted here since 1979, lived here since 1981. And I have seen lots of changes. We have no oil or gas exploration to disturbe wildlife up here.NW WY. I can remember around Saratoga in late 70's early 80's, seeing over 300 deer a day during hunting season. I would bet in the limited quota areas, if I can draw, that you won't see 200 deer in the 15 day season. | |||
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Kudu,are you really really really really sure this guy is a warden. Because this genius madgoatchoker,couldn't just be full of shit. | |||
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Ahemm.... Uh, Saeed.... methinks we need a new forum. You know what the topic should be! ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
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Hey Kudu, I've just never known a game warden to build two handicapped accessible fishing piers, two boat ramps, or clear tress from around G&F cabins...sounds like a habitat maintenance branch guy that's all. In fact, I've known the game warden in my town for 20+ years and have never know him to partake in any of that. Why don't you ask him what he does?? You're sure, but not positive. As far as oil/gas, in the SE and NE corners of the state coal bed methane and oil exporation is destroying what is left of those critters place to spend the winter. ![]() MG | |||
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