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Kudu, are you sure this guy is a warden?? Just because it is a green truck, doensn't mean he wears a badge Kudu tells you that he's "sure",its a game warden driving this diesel pickup,yet you still can't handle the fact that you're a fucking idiot drawing at straws. So then you revert to are you "positive". Maybe kudu could get you a picture of this warden driving the diesel pickup and then you could accuse him of trick photography. This whole methane and exploration theory,that has supposedly caused the downfall of mule deer doesn't hold to much water. Like kudu said,the area he lives in doesn't have any of this development going on yet he has seen a decline in deer. The problem I have with it,is I've spent alot of time in the coal mines around gillette and sheridan. You can't find a place with more activity and disturbance going on,yet these mines have some of the biggest Mule deer bucks living right in the mines. I find it hard to believe that you're from douglas madgoatchoker. I read your post on the bison thread and you knew about the NX bar that is clear up by montana,yet you didn't know the name of the bison ranch by wright, wyoming thats about 60 miles from douglas,the town you supposedly live in. Not to mention there's a fuckin' billboard right along side highway 59(the same highway that leads out of douglas no less) with the name "Durham Ranch" on it and buffalo on both sides of the highway grazing. Yep,your status as head buttfuck on here is still unchallenged. | |||
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RMK, I can't seem to see where Madgoat ever said he was from Douglas. I used to live in Gillette. Are you the guy that used to call the local radio station when they had talk shows on in the mornings and talk like you knew everything about anything? It was funny, because every time that guy called in, all that he did was make a fool out of himself like you have on this thread. | |||
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I give up! I have known the guy for 13 years, two of my kids are class mates to his kids, his wife is from my home state, he wears a badge, a red shirt, he wrote one of my kids a ticket for shooting 15 minutes after legal time, he arrested an IRS agent for poaching antelope and he is a pretty good guy. Yes we worked to gether on several projects as volunteers and I helped on the trees becuase the G&F didn't have the money to hire some one to do it. I climbed the trees and topped them and then cut them down while he pulled them away. Why am I telling you dorks this? Good GOd! I don't think a photo will work either. RMK I am with you, you at least tell it like it is, you have the attributes of a real Wyoming native that is blunt and straight forward. Conservative and independant. Like Mr. Cantrel said, I don't care what they think! "Fuc*em! And my favorite bumper sticker. "Your in Wyoming now" I don't give a DA*M how you did it back home! | |||
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Ya kudu,I hear you. I kinda like the way Gerry Spence got that Cantrel off and after the verdict of not guilty was read. Spence asked him what he thought of the citizens of wyoming thinking he was guilty. Fuck'em I'm free. | |||
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43deer; At the time of my posting the number of Game Wardens retiring (ing) not(ed) was taken from an article in the Billings Gazette at that time period. If you wish to prove me wrong with documented fact, please feel free to do so. (Hint research the Billings Gazette archives of that time period) Regardless if it were 2, 4, 6, or 8 gentlemen retiring, they (G&F) have no plans to replace even one! That was the point! Wyoming cannot afford to lose even ONE Game Warden to budget cuts. I am glad to see you like Wyoming and enjoy hunting there. I happen to like Wyoming very much also, and have Hunted there since the late 60's! I have watch it turn into a mear shadow of it's former self regarding the Hunting aspect. A $2.00 convenience fee? That's almost laughable, I'd be willing to bet in will 3 to 5-times that. There will be no loss of revenue to G&F whatsoever, billing will take place at the same time as always and funds place in an interest bearing accout payable to G&F. They don't credit to my license fees, any of the interest they make off my money . That's got to be bordering on an illegal practice. While I may have not spelled COMMITTEE correctly, I appreciate you correcting me on that, That must be very important to you. Also I may have not correctly named that COMMITTEE, but even you figured out what I meant. After clicking on this link; http://legisweb.state.wy.us:8765/ Type in any number listed below, each number represents a different bill for the year 2003. In the appropriate sub-bill text ( for HB0034 it's the forth one listed) you will see that it is indeed the Travel Recreation and Wildlife Committee that controls the purse strings of the G&F. So I would say to you that your statements are, to use your own words; "are simply false and ignorant. You don�t know what you are talking about." HB0034 HB0036 SF0027 HB0073 And just for little more insight: http://www.sportsmenslink.org/Sportman/ | |||
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Ok Mule Marsh, First, I agree with you that Wyoming cannot afford to loose any more wardens. Last year two guys retired and their positions were not filled. Beyond that, I don't see any point in arguing anymore. I am very aware of the TRW committee, and was simply correcting your original definition of it. Again, no big deal, as with the spelling of committee. Sorry about that. The G&F Commission will be meeting in a couple weeks in Cheyenne, and the new licensing system is on the agenda. Right now, the plan is for a $2.00 convenience fee. Maybe the Commission will change that. Right now, the plan is that license fees will not be charged to credit cards until the person draws the license. Maybe the Commission will change that. My original post was critical of you and many others, but I simply wanted to get the facts out. Reading posts from RMK which are so far from the truth is probably what provoked me to rip on everyone, when in reality I should have just directed everything towards him, rather than making fun of your spelling. Fair enough? | |||
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Sorry RMK, not from Douglas. Wright isn't north of Gillette either last I looked (go back and read the post)...I was thinking of Marion Scott's bison ranch north of Gillette. If you've been around Gillette (you probably live there, judging by your use of four letter words and can-care-less attitude towards anyone else in any of these forums, I should have realized that earlier) you should realize just how much the CBM activity has destroyed the countryside, as well as impact big game populations. Anyone who is ignorant enough (I'm sure you probably make a paycheck off raping the landscape either at one of the many mines in the area or you have drilled a well or two) to think all that activity hasn't impacted the local wildlife is just plain nuts. Lots of that country had big deer/antelope before this latest boom, now with all the new roads, powerlines, pipelines and dirtbags driving around the big ones get popped before they have a chance to breed. Also, a pile of habitat needed for those critters to survive in winter has been trashed. As for the mines, they control hundreds of thousands of acres of MY public land and don't allow any hunting. That = the few large bucks you have seen. | |||
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Wow, this is interesting. I surf this forum for reloading information all the time but when I saw Wyoming on a subject line on the big game forum I just had to take a look. An hour later after reading the entire thing, I just had to make a comment or two... Then I figured out how to register to post here. I am a warden in Wyoming. I don't know much about the new licensing deal yet but I know it is going to be a huge improvement to what we currently have; both for sportsmen and the department. Since the whole thing is still in the making, that's all I have to say on it, since that's all I know. Two wardens retired last year, and we lost those positions. We were able to make 8 of our "reservoir crew" jobs permanant. These are the guys who check you on the lakes while you are fishing or water skiing. They used to be "contract" jobs, which were not permanant and had no benefits. Wardens in Wyoming don't drive diesel trucks. We get new trucks after a minimum of 75,000 miles, which takes 2-5 years depending on the district. Those tool boxes in our trucks are old, rusted, and falling apart. Every time I get a new truck, I have to keep the old tool box because it's not in our budget to buy me a store-bought standard box. I've gone through several trucks and have had to keep the same box and just re-paint it so it looks good. I used spray paint. We had the option of extended cabs for one year, but then had to go back to standard cabs due to costs. The warden in Douglas has been there quite a while now, and he's still there. He has a long way to go to retirement. This is my one and only post to this forum, so don't ask me anything expecting a response. I know there's people out there who question what we do and why we do it. We are a government agency, and you should question us. That's what makes an agency work hard to try to please everyone. We know we can't please everyone and never will, but we try. | |||
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Very well said by someone who has a clue.... Thanks for all you do PoacherSmoker...keep it real. MADGOAT | |||
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Nice try! A government agency is funded by the government and represents the whole of society. The Wyoming Game and Fish, which is unique, and a good trait, is independant of any governement, they are self sustaing and funded entirely by license sales, and donations. | |||
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Nice try??? What are you talking about Kudu?? I guess if the G&F is seperate from the state of Wyoming...the legislature has no say then right?? MG | |||
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The funding and ependitures are different. The rules are decided by the legislature after recomendation from the travel and recreation comittee and G&F. The nice try was whoever possed as the supposed Game Warden. The ISP# is the same as a user on this forum. | |||
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Damn,first it was the dipshit known as 43deer. Then the dumb fuck known as madgoatckoker showed up,and now we've got polesmoker the fearless GF janitor. I looked back at the post I made madgoatchoker,and I didn't mention anything about douglas being north of wright. Yep,goatchoker you're still a dumb fuck. I don't work for the mines or methane either. I don't live in gillette either. But you goatchoker have the makings of a real 17 county cocksucker. The antelope and deer numbers sucked before the methane started in 1998. GF loves to pass blame onto everyone but themselves. They use the drought,spring snow storms and now methane to transfer the blame.Instead of looking at their own piss poor management. The problem with methane,is the taxpayers are going to end up paying for most of reclamation and clean up. All of these nonresident assholes like you goatchoker,that are here to make a buck. Will pick up and leave after all the money has been made. Methane is more of an eyesore then it is a problem to wildlife. It also brings in alot of white trash like you goatchoker. The red desert area of wyoming,is a spider web of oil roads,yet the best antelope in the state are killed in this area,exploration has done little to this area to hurt antelope. The mines haven't tied up shit for state lands,however plenty of ranchers have,why don't you whine about ranchers goatchoker. Most of the crying about methane,comes from all of the ranchers,that wanted to act as their own agents and got fucked when they signed contracts for pennies on the dollar. They didn't know what the fuck they were doing and got screwed. The fed methane contracts have sold for thousands of dollars per acre. These same ranchers bought property without mineral rights and then cry when their lands are developed. | |||
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I really like reading your posts RMK...you're obviously so far beyond us poor mortals...what is your wonderful idea to solve all the wildlife woes of the state?? If antelope and deer are impervious to stupid trival things like weather, habitat destruction, urban expansion, oil exploration, and drought what can it be then?? Come on, you're such an expert on everything else, I'm sure we all would like to hear what your "grand plan" has in store for us. And like before, you're never wrong, so it has to work. So put that well earned grade school diploma to work and tell us all how it is. Oh, but before you start spilling your guts, my only request is you have some actual numbers from books (no, the TV Guide and Readers Digest won't count) that prove your insanity, or atleast back up your BS. Frankly, I think you have absolutely no credibility, and pulling facts from your butt crack won't fly here. PS-I'm not from Gillette either, but hopefully I don't live in the same town you do | |||
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Hmmmmmmmm? Most interesting indeed! ![]() Take the personal attacks out, and show me some documentation to refute my statements! Why do you keep ignoring and side-stepping them? ![]() | |||
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I know you're not from gillette goatchoker,chances are you aren't even from wyoming. Since you want to know what is causing the problems with wildlife in wyoming. Here it is. The mule deer situation is the result of both urban sprawl,overkill in the early 1990's and whitetails. Mule deer don't handle people well and they need space and winter range. The people are building permanent homes and golf courses in the winter range.The whitetail is more aggresive then muleys and they actually thrive around people. Whitetails love to eat lawns and golf courses. I also agree with John barnsness and his views on elk competing with mule deer for the same habitat. I've seen the greatest losses in mule deer numbers and trophy quality,in low elevation prairie areas. The mountains don't yield as good as they used to,but still are better then the lowlands. These numbers have been bad since before the drought that began in 97 and the methane boom of 98. I'm sure predators like coyotes,that have went unchecked since trapping is no longer popular,have had an impact on deer. Those deer left,are still trying to recover from the overhunting that occured in the early 1990's. The elk herds in wyoming are good and they're great in areas without wolves. I contribute this increase in elk,to the wishes of the public. The GF is under heavy flack for doing nothing but managing elk anymore. The forest service,wants to do clearing and logging projects and the GF cries about loss of cover. This topic has been well discussed in my area of the state. There have been plenty of studies in the big horn mountains as of late,showing that other species have suffered as a result of the GF managing elk in the way they have. Antelope numbers have been in piss poor shape since before the drought and methane started. I'm sure predators are partially to blame. Still how much do you hear from GF about the management of antelope. Its mostly elk you hear about. Urban sprawl is to blame also,since antelope aren't very tolerant to people. The bottom line,is what does GF actually do. They raised the price of tags in 1997 and now they've raised the prices in 2004. What have we gotten for the money? Fewer deer and antelope? Game and fish likes to cite inflation for the need to increase license fee's. What the hell are they spending this money on? It sure as hell isn't wages to wardens and biologists. There's fewer of both and they haven't seen wage increases. What the GF has done,is build high priced facilities and hire more admin. jobs. The latest issue of the GF quarterly paper,even went as far as to state the most of the decisions GF make,are the result of hunter surveys. In other words,they trust the word of somebody that probably lied about killing a deer,elk or antelope and then take this misinformation and base season dates and kill quotas off of this and they also allow the contractor(that doesn't even have a wildlife management background) doing the surveys to have input. Fuck going into the field and actually checking things out or really running game check in stations. They can't run these stations,because they don't have enough law enforcement. 5 years ago they tried to hire moonlighting cops to run these check ins,because they personnel to do it themselves. The latest director for the GF,stated in mid january,that he'd like to see wolf management. In the next breath he talked about getting all the federal funding possible. The problem with this,is the feds will take away funding if you don't do what they want. So that throws out any chance of wolf management at the state level. The end result is the one animal that is thriving(elk),will be at low levels also. A real novel idea,would be the GF actually taking responsibility for fish and wildlife conditions in wyoming.Instead of trying to pawn them off on somebody or something else. | |||
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I think allowing 6 doe, fawn tags, and one any deer tag is over kill. That's 7 deer for one hunter. It did happen lots during the early 90's. I still see two doe, fawn and a limited quota or general buck only tag in lots of areas. I have seen trailers from Wisconsin with as many as 18 deer on it headed back to Wisc. I don't blame the hunters, they shoot what they can. I can't imagine wht shape the deer were in when they got back, and who could eat more than one Muley? Not me. That is over kill. You won't see the enviro nuts spend money on real needs with wildlife. They are the last ones to put thier money where thier mouth is. | |||
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I've also seen a share of Wisconsin, Minnesota, and especially Michigan trucks jam-packed full of every possible dead animal that they could get a license for. I haven't a clue what they do when they get those unskinned slabs of meat home, but they sure do enjoy killing stuff. The funny thing is that you never see them with a big rack of any type. I think they buy all the tags they can, come here and shoot (party hunting) as fast as possible the first animal that walks into their sights. Kind of grosses me out, but I guess it makes them happy. I think those extra tags are sold for a reason though, since as others have pointed out Wyoming's deer/antelope habitat is in pitiful shape right now and in certain areas their numbers need to be reduced in a major way. Otherwise the cattle and wild horses will starve (sarcasm). I think the same scenario fits for the early 90's when a guy could get all those extra tags. I don't know what I'd do with six deer, but they had to be killed, and people took advantage of it. I didn't live here at that time (RMK was right on one thing), but I've heard that there were some major winter-kills immediately following those seasons, which tells me that MORE tags should have been sold. New subject: What does everyone think of Sportsmen for Fish & Wildlife? Just curious. | |||
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I like Sportsman for fish and Wildlife. I haven't joined because I am kinda organization member'erd out! DU, Mule Deer Foundation, NRA, Wyoming Shooters Association, Two Unions, SCI! Pheasants Forever, (NE. Chapter)! I would like to start a Wyoming Wolf Free club! ![]() | |||
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Holmes did you used to work for a power company here in Wyoming? | |||
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kudu: i saw the same thing from a group out of wisconsin. whole load of mulies laid on a trailer with flies covering the darn things. this really gives the animal rights people fuel when you see irresponsible behavior such as this. clean and quarter the game the right way. their blind ego and arrogance gives hunters a bad name. the horns they killed was ridiculous. shot the first thing they saw. | |||
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First off, eat shit RMK. I lived in Wyoming from 1982 to 1996. We had all those tags because the deer were eating themselves out of a home, they were everywhere. Second the winter of 92 was bad, 78 below bad, windy and lots of snow, BAD. Diesel trucks were coming to a halt running down the highway because their fuel was turning to jello diesel. The buck I killed that year had to be thawed out on the kitchen table so we could cut it up in February! I hope to never see another winterkill like that. Herds of antelope were coming into Rock Springs trying to get something to eat. Moose were being hit by trains in between Rock Springs and Green River. The Mule deer were hit as bad as the antelope, bad. The reason the Mule deer are not the number one game animal in Wyoming is because the elk herd handled the weather better than the deer and filled in the areas left barren of deer. The elk occupy areas now that then there were few or none before 92. Antelope and Mule deer have no trouble living near man and if you don't know that you must not be from Wyoming. The only thing the oilfield does is make roads where there were none providing access for us. So bitch some where else gophershit. | |||
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Damn,at least you did something right rick,you took your oil patch trash ass, back to that shithole called texas. The oil field does more then build roads,it brings in a bunch of fuckin' scrotums like you rick. Mule Deer and Antelope are less tolerant of people then whitetail are and if you spend any time in the field at all. You'll see many more whitetails in what was mule deer habitat previously. You'll find mule deer and antelope eating peoples yards in the harsh of winter,because they're starving to death. Whitetails will do the same thing year round and thrive. The over issuing of deer tags,was a mistake. The GF knew it was wrong but did it anyway.The population still hasn't recovered and with the urban sprawl,it never will get back to where it was. Trains kill hundreds of animals every year in wyoming. This last year,they wiped 60 plus antelope out in one shot this past fall and we've had a mild winter. I've seen moose areas closed,because of to many road kills. I'm sure the sub zero temps of 92 didn't help what was left of the deer herd after being over hunted. | |||
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"Mule Deer and Antelope are less tolerant of people then whitetail are and if you spend any time in the field at all. - RMK" Perhaps you could explain all of the antelope on the golf courses around Wyoming not just in winter but in summer too. Or how about when they have to close the rifle range over in Casper at Stuckenhoff's because the antelope are walking around between the targets. Maybe you have an explaination for the antelope up at the Events Center which you can walk within 30 yards of. Ever driven up Garden Creek in Casper and looked at all of the mule deer laying around peoples yards? They sure seem to be tolerant of people walking around. You don't even have to leave the city limits, just look around the residential areas behind Sunrise Shopping Center. You will find plenty of mulies. Oh well, I just wanted to point out there are two kinds of antelope and mulies. The city variety and the country variety. ![]() | |||
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Well gophershit I am from Idaho and I moved to Texas to have a bit more than sheep for a winter companion though judging by your attitude sheep are fine and probably too good for you. Moose are not that common in the Red Desert and I was using them as an example of how far these animals traveled out of their range to survive. My experience with Wyoming Game and fish has been very positive. I had a couple of the GF people clean humpback salmon for me below the Fontenelle dam, Had a warden help me get access to public property where I had to cross private property to get to it, Ice fishing on Flaming Gorge a warden directed us to a great place to catch Lake trout and so on. You must be one of those anally focused types that won't work for a living, sell dope in the bars and probably live with your folks. The weather manages wildlife in Wyoming gophershit and it is out of the hands of Game and Fish. | |||
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I have pictures of mule deer eating potato chips from the driver side window of a car on Garden Creek. If G&F sold too many tags, why all the winterkill after the season closed? Rickt300: You forgot to mention that he's probably abusing unemployment and disability benefits while cooking meth his kid's bedroom. That's all for now. | |||
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You are full of gophershit. The G&F has oversold, the winter kill didn't hit the whole state. Here in the Basin this is the first winter we have had in 13 years. THey still sell lots of doe fawn deer and antelope tags. If you don't have doe's you will not have fawns and no fawns means no deer or bucks. It is a money thing. They have to make up shortfalls some where and it is done with additional tags. You don't think 2 doe and one buck are not to much then come up here and try to find a deer!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet you guys are pro wolf to! The story is still unfolding on the wolf and the damage it has done. | |||
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I used to think that myself when I was a resident. Now looking at it as a non-resident who has to go thru a drawing to get a tag for anything I have to disagree. For instance in 2002 900 nonresidents drew for 13 elk tags in area 100. In most areas I have a less than 15 percent chance of drawing out for antelope. For elk my best chances are for a cow tag. The areas I chose to draw for give me a 60 percent chance and a 28 percent chance of drawing out. If the tags were oversold don't you think it would be easier for someone paying nearly 500 dollars for an elk tag to get one? Or approximately 230 dollars for an Antelope tag, 270 dollars for a deer tag? By the way if you know where to look finding deer is not that hard. Try getting out of the truck once in a while. | |||
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It's better to see those deer in the back of a truck than dying a slow, starving death on what is supposed to be a winter range. But I guess we non-natives don't know what we are talking about. Rickt, you are one of the few with a clue. If you want a good place to hunt, lemme know and I'll tell you where some of RMK's secret poaching spots are. I've heard he is from Colorado. The only thing about Wyoming he knows is the jail in Rawlins, and the mental hospital in Evanston. | |||
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Yes 43deer,you finally got something right. You don't have a clue what the fuck you're talking about. You're the only greenie cocksucker on here 43deer,so spare me the colorado bullshit. Speaking of road hunting. Some texas cocksucker like yourself rick,should be an expert. Texas the home of feeding deer and then shooting them from a truck,or a truck with a high rise seat,or the real sporting way a tripod with windows and chair. By the way rick,who gives a fuck about elk tags and antelope tags. We were talking about additional over the counter doe fawn tags,that every body and their brother had. If you're having a hard time drawing a tag,try putting in for more then just one area. If you don't like the wyoming drawing system,keep your ass down in texas where it belongs. By the way rick,if the weather manages wildlife in wyoming and not the GF. Then what the fuck are we paying the GF for. Why don't you let the GF in on your ideas rick,you two sound about equally full of shit. | |||
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Rickt300 Thanks for pointing out the odds for an elk tag in area 100. I hunted that area with a friend from Pinedale a couple of years ago. He keeps asking me every year if I will put in for that area but I can't see wasting my first choice. I have heard the odds were bad but didn't know the exact numbers. | |||
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Most of the doe/fawn tags are sold to Wyoming residents. Not many people are going to drive 500 plus miles spend $144 dollars for 2 (all you can get) doe fawn tags to get less than 150 pounds of meat. These tags are all limited quota meaning that the Game and Fish people decide how many of them are to be sold. I don't see what gophershits snivel is as last year I saw many deer and antelope in the area I hunted. In 4 days we saw at least 1000 antelope and 200 deer. I can only assume gophershit is an idiot. Maybe Freud has some kind of therapy for his type. Worse than idiot I bet he's a democrat. | |||
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Well dumb fuck,when the GF over issued all of the doe fawn tags back in the 90's,it was an over the counter sale for nonresidents also,not that it really matters who bought the tags.Since it was overkill,regardless of wether a resident or nonresident did the shooting. Plenty of nonresidents buy additional tags,most don't want to go home empty handed and could careless what they shoot. Also rick,considering the fact that you have your boyfriend believing the width of a dollar bill is 12 inches.I highly doubt you saw 1000 antelope and 200 deer in four days. | |||
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We have had no bad winters in the Basin in 12 years and the game and fish still sold way to many tags. Two does and one buck is to many when numbers are so low. It is all about money! MONEY! Do you dipshits understand? | |||
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Well, no bad winter...no good summer either. They can't eat dirt you know!!! You guys are't smart enough to realize that if winter forage isn't growing, deer can't make it. What else to do than reduce the herd and allow the habitat to come back. It isn't possible, as well as not responsible to hold deer numbers artificially high all the time. Both RMK and KUDU aren't looking at the whole picture. When a rancher runs out of hay, does he still by 100 cows??? You're both been smoking too much gopher shit. (Unless the G&F sold way too many gopher tags too!!) | |||
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Numbnuts I don't smoke anything! You have pissed me off now you fucking loser! The Game and Fish need x amount of dollars to operate and pay wages. They will get it any where and at any expense. Selling doe fawn deer and antelope tags in areas where the drought is minor and lots of feed is just a way of making money. The ranchers up here have even asked the G&F to back off on doe fawn tags. To no avail. I am not slamming the G&F, they are still the best brand going as far as I am concerned. BUT THEY NEED MONEY! It takes money to operate and they will get it however they can! You need doe's to make fawns to make bucks to have deer to hunt. GOOD GOD! Go back to Texas and where ever you came from! The deer hunting and antelope is the worst it has been in 20 years and getting worse every year due to over hunting. The deer is the bread and butter of the G&F ask them! Now ask the non-resident and see how good the hunting has been for mature bucks! They shoot does and 2 points not mature bucks. They are allowed to kill 3, 4 or 5 deer still. You fucking morons! | |||
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Well Kudu, you've just proven yourself a dumbass...again. I'm not from Texas, in fact I've been here my entire life and a lot longer than you. What you don't realize is that the habitat is in poor shape. Yea, deer and antelope are the bread and butter of the G&F. I also know the "basin" to which you refer extremely well (I was born there). You can get it into your damn thick head that if habitat is crappy, so are the critters. Bucks, even mature, can't grow antlers if there isn't any high quality feed out there. Ever grow 30" of bone in 5 months?? I think not. You're problem, is you don't realize a limiting factor when you see one. How many mature BIG bucks do you think you can grow on a dirt farm?? OK, the summer range is in fine shape, but funnel those deer onto small patches in winter and watch them try to digest tertiary growth of sage and mahogany. You're problem is that you're one of these freaking arm chair biologists that only is in the field during hunting season and you don't know what these critters go through the rest of the year. During years of drought (yea numbnuts, the "basin" is in a drought...even in a good year it looks like it is in a drought) you have to reduce numbers...otherwise they end up as worm food. One other fact that you're wrong on, is show me an area (deer, antelope, or otherwise) where it is open to harvest 4 or 5 animals?? Refer to you're Wyoming regulations and look under "Issuance of Deer and Antelope Limited Quota REduced Price Doe or Fawn LIcenses and Elk Limited Quota reduced Price Cow or Calf Licenses" and you'll see just how many are allowed per hunter. I'm not seeing 4 or 5, maybe you can jump on RMK's train of misinformation and just "make it up". Yea, deer hunting and antelope hunting may not be prime right now, but if you need to pass blame...try mother nature. Oh yea, I'm sure you can't even manage your checkbook, let alone an antelope or deer herd...you're idea's of what is going on are totally wrong. MG | |||
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Geez,we haven't heard from the madgoatchoker in a while. The problem with your story goatchoker,is the deer and antelope herd has been on a steady decline for the past 12 years and there hasn't been any artificial herd size. GF's own figures even show this decline,yet they still keep issuing tags,because the majority of nonresidents show up for deer and antelope,not elk. Yes in wyoming,a rancher that was out of hay would buy another 100 head of cattle then cry about dead cows. The secrets out on the whole gopher thing. It turns out that rick,madgoatchoker and 43deer,belong to a secret society of deviants that specialize in ramming gophers up each others ass. Rick is pretty hard core he lets the fuzzy little bastards eat their way out,hence his fixation with gopher shit. | |||
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Evidently the basin area has some bad cases of brothers and sisters fucking and having kids,because madgoatchoker is one retarded motherfucker. I never stated you could still buy three additional mule deer doe fawn tags. What I did state,was in the early 1990's you could purchase three additionals plus one general tag. That adds up to four mule deer,the last time I checked. The ending result,was to many deer were killed. The deer herd has never recovered and their target population hasn't been reached since. Add this to the drought we've had since 97 and the deer are in piss poor shape. The antelope population has fallen also,at one time the estimated population was over a million in the early 1990's,now GF is estimating the herd at 500,000 animals or less. Madgoatchoker,I'm sure you aren't old enough to remember the hunting in the early 1990's,because if you were you wouldn't be making these stupid posts. Your biggest problem is,you're going on what rick said and rick doesn't have a fucking clue either. | |||
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