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Another reason to reload and another reason not to live in California!
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Picture of DuggaBoye
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Originally posted by kcstott:

But overall there needs to be a balance of regulation to rights

. Kind of like our constitution A system of checks and balances.....

Wow what a concept .

There IS already a CONCEPT--

the right of the People to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

IN FACT this concept IS the LAW

Legislators just choose to ignore it.

Posts: 4593 | Location: TX | Registered: 03 March 2009Reply With Quote
Picture of jeffeosso
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Originally posted by kcstott:
The simple fact is ( If you agree or not) there is no simple answer to gun crime and the rights of gun owners.
sure there is. If you have gun rights, you have them. If you don't, you dont

If I could pull all the illegal guns off the street
the guns aren't illegal. the persons owning them are illegal.
today there would still be some guy that is legally able to own a gun who goes and buys one and either sells it to the gangs or goes on a shooting spree him self. there are already laws against that.
How are we going to stop that? It can't be done.agreed.. but any law trying to stop that is then idiotic
But overall there needs to be a balance of regulation to rights. no, this is socialist/gun grabber thinking
Kind of like our constitution A system of checks and balances..... Wow what a concept.
that already balances it pretty clearly. What part of SHALL NOT BE ABRIDGED is unclear?

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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Picture of fredj338
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Originally posted by kcstott:
I know I said I would not respond but I can't let this one slip by.
These arrests were made because Sacramento has had a CITY ordinance in place for some time now. So this is not propaganda it is fact. The arrests were made, the charges were filed, the bums thrown in jail.
And FYI most of your gang members are born and raised right here. Yes there are a good percentage that are illegal but most are natural born citizens.
The simple fact is ( If you agree or not) there is no simple answer to gun crime and the rights of gun owners.
If I could pull all the illegal guns off the street today there would still be some guy that is legally able to own a gun who goes and buys one and either sells it to the gangs or goes on a shooting spree him self. How are we going to stop that? It can't be done. But overall there needs to be a balance of regulation to rights. Kind of like our constitution A system of checks and balances..... Wow what a concept.

I would have to see the documentation. Unfortunately, I can NOT believe much of the disinformation put out by the liberal left on gun issues. If Sac. has a system in place, how were said gnag bangers able to buy ammo? Sorry, not buying it. What likely happened was they were arrestged for something else, & then ammo or guns were found on them or in their homes & the liberal promoters of the bill want to take credit for it to move the bill. Hopefully the recent bill to repeal AB962 will pass, but I doubt it.
As far as checks & balances, is that what we have now in the current BO admin? The transparencey, the closed door health care negotiations, the appointment of radical left "Czars", seriously, you idealistic liberalsare killing me. If the rest of the country wants to see what 30yrs of liberal rules & regulationsdo to a society, look no further than the once great state of Kalif. Kalif. wil never recover, it's why I choose to leave rather than continue banging my head against the majority stupid masses. They can have the nice weather, that is about al that is left. CRYBABY

Posts: 7752 | Location: kalif.,usa | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
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If Sac. has a system in place, how were said gang bangers able to buy ammo? Sorry, not buying it.

This is why this law is useless. Yes I agree it is in fact useless. there is no instant check. the info they gather will be checked against a "prohibited persons list" and arrest will be made after the fact.

the guns aren't illegal. the persons owning them are illegal.

Correct I miss spoke should have been remove the guns from the people that are not legally able to own them.

today there would still be some guy that is legally able to own a gun who goes and buys one and either sells it to the gangs or goes on a shooting spree him self. there are already laws against that.

Against straw purchases yes but nothing to prevent an otherwise law abiding citizen from going out on the street and shooting someone.
What I'm try to say here is that the radical left would have you believe that if all guns were removed from the hands of the people then gun violence would end. And anyone with a single grain of common sense knows better.
It's a Liberal tactic to make you think that if you banned trailer parks tornados would not happen. They need to face the FACT that there will be no end to gun violence ever. There always has been crime and there always will be. It is human nature to take advantage of the weak. And to think that some piece of legislation is going to fix things over night is total BS

The simple fact is I don't believe that everyone should be able to own a gun. Call me a Liberal call me a socialist, Hell call me a democrat I don't care. But there are people in this country that have neither the respect, discipline, nor understand the responsibility that goes along with owning a gun. Laws are made to protect the week and the just plain stupid. And believe me there are more then a few people out there that just don't understand the consequences when you pull the trigger. just the same as there are people out there that don't belong behind the wheel of a car.
I fully believe in a training program similar to our hunter safety program. I believe in a waiting period for the first time purchase of a gun. i.e if you own a rifle and buy another gun of any type no waiting period. Because if your intent is to kill someone what good does it do to prevent you from buying another gun when you already own one. The same applies to the suicide argument. No waiting period if you already own a gun. But you can't pass out guns and ammo like flyers in a parking lot either. There needs to be a few selected gun laws for the protection of the people. All of the gun laws I favor are already on the books. The rest is just feel good politics.
1. Felons and certain misdemeanors are prohibited from possessing a firearm.
2. You must be 18 years of age to buy or possess a firearm. I would change the 21 year old age limit on hand guns. If you are old enough to die for your country then you should be able to drink and buy a hand gun.
3. you must keep your firearms from direct access of children or unauthorized users. i.e. in your direct control or in a secure location.

That's about all the gun legislation I support.
So flame on
I don't understand our states assault weapons ban when I can buy a M1 garand, an M1A, a Mini 14/30. etc. they are all perfectly legal to own and have the same or similar rate of fire as the evil guns.
Same goes for magazine capacity limits
Ok so I can't have a 15 roun mag for my Beretta or a 17 round mag for my Glock. Fine I now have a 10 round HK USP 45 and four mags to go with it. I'll just carrie more mags no problem.
50 BMG ban well that was just a flat out attack on gun owners. There has never been a documented case of any criminal using a 50BMG in a crime let alone a criminal possessing one to begin with. Whoops Arnold did you for get we can get the 50DTC the 416 Barrett, there's a 408 out there too. Big dent you put in crime with that piece of trash
Let see what else. Oh ah CCW's are non existent. Go for it apply for one and you local Sheriff will deny it faster then you can blink

Oh and I voted for John McCain Just so you know

Deport the Homeless and Give the Illegals citizenship. AT LEAST THE ILLEGALS WILL WORK
Posts: 2534 | Location: National City CA | Registered: 15 December 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of fredj338
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Originally posted by kcstott:
Let see what else. Oh ah CCW's are non existent. Go for it apply for one and you local Sheriff will deny it faster then you can blink

Oh and I voted for John McCain Just so you know

Actually, live in the right counties & CCW are quite easy to get. Kern county I believe, issues more CCW than the rest of the entire state. Clean record, list SD as the urpose & it is yours for the asking. The state legislation IS truly out against gun owners. They only disguise it as crime control. Anyone whop can't see that, really does need to be paying more attention.

Posts: 7752 | Location: kalif.,usa | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
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What is SD?
Posts: 8169 | Location: humboldt | Registered: 10 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by craigster:

What is SD?

Sorry, self defense. Allowed in Kern because it's a rural county & the sheriff feels that is good enough for him. The state AG actually brought suite against the past sheriff of Orange County because we are NOT a rural county. So much for the sheriff being able to make his own decisions. Roll EyesNow we have a retired LAPD as interim chief & she hates gun owners & CCWs.

Posts: 7752 | Location: kalif.,usa | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Well thats good to hear at least one county will issue them. Southern Ca is a Joke. LA, SD, Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino. have issued maybe five in the last twenty years. Don't quote me on that it's just a guess but most likely not far from true.
I agree our state legislation is completely anti gun. And they do a very good job of selling it to the masses as crime control as you said.
I wish people in this state would wake up and realize what they are trying to do.

I do love ti though when a Liberal says they want people in office they can trust not to lie to them. and then try to explain what the anti gun crowd is really about.
They completely freak out

Deport the Homeless and Give the Illegals citizenship. AT LEAST THE ILLEGALS WILL WORK
Posts: 2534 | Location: National City CA | Registered: 15 December 2008Reply With Quote
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Apparently Californians don't recall what the REAL patriots did at Lexington and Concord when old George the III tried ammunition control.

First of all, the patriots of the American revolution were fighting against a monarchy. The monarchy didn't give its subjects a voice in their government. California actually does give its citizens the right to vote. The problem is that liberals far outweigh conservatives and the government reflects the population.

Second of all, the patriots or their parents originally fled the political, religious, and economic pressure of the old world for the prospect of a better life. They knew the situation was hopeless in England, so they left for greener pastures.

I don't begrudge any Californian that chooses to leave for a better life. I choose to stay, but plenty of good Californians made a different decision.
Posts: 519 | Registered: 12 November 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by duckboat:
Apparently Californians don't recall what the REAL patriots did at Lexington and Concord when old George the III tried ammunition control.

First of all, the patriots of the American revolution were fighting against a monarchy. The monarchy didn't give its subjects a voice in their government. California actually does give its citizens the right to vote. The problem is that liberals far outweigh conservatives and the government reflects the population.

Second of all, the patriots or their parents originally fled the political, religious, and economic pressure of the old world for the prospect of a better life. They knew the situation was hopeless in England, so they left for greener pastures.

I don't begrudge any Californian that chooses to leave for a better life. I choose to stay, but plenty of good Californians made a different decision.

I haven't left yet, but have one foot out the door. I could see this coming 15yrs ago. It has only gotten worse & will only continue to get worse. Pesimist, no, realist. As long as the have nots get to vote to take things from the haves, we are doomed as a state & a nation. I have already bought land in Montana, my choice for a state that will even tell the Federal govt. to piss off when need be. Not to mention the entire state has 1/3 less people than the county I live in! Everyone else should plan on taking their retirement in antother state as well. The only thing Kalif. has left to offer is the stupid weather.moon Not enough to keep me here in my old age.

Posts: 7752 | Location: kalif.,usa | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Wait california will tell the Feds to piss off too But only to "legally" sell marijuana.
I still don't understand that one. I thought it was Fed law first then state. Oh well the rule book just went out the window with this state

Deport the Homeless and Give the Illegals citizenship. AT LEAST THE ILLEGALS WILL WORK
Posts: 2534 | Location: National City CA | Registered: 15 December 2008Reply With Quote
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This F***inck Thread should have been started in Political Forum. Good God! Just hate to see people on the same side argue.
Posts: 2268 | Location: Westchester, NY, USA | Registered: 02 July 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by eurocentric:
This F***inck Thread should have been started in Political Forum. Good God! Just hate to see people on the same side argue.

thumb10-4 homerroger

Old age is a high price to pay for maturity!!! Some never pay and some pay and never reap the reward. Wisdom comes with age! Sometimes age comes alone..
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