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Video - Disturbing Hunting/Poaching Video
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Picture of DC Roxby

A friend sent me a link to this video and it has to been seen to be believed. It contains a mix of footage showing what appears to be elephant culling, poaching of zebra using ropes strung between jeeps, unkown characters shooting at helicopters, some amazing scenes of cape buffalo, hippo and elephant being taken with spears. and possibly piles of human bodies at the end of the clip.....

I have watched it over and over and it disturbs me and fascinates me on several levels. The scenes of hunting with spears are absolutely primal. Unfortunately there is no context to anything in this video. Don't know if these are villagers hunting on their own lands, or gangs of poachers raiding a national park.

Anyone seen this before and able to shed some light?


I don't shoot elk at 600 yards for the same reasons I don't shoot ducks on the water, or turkeys from their roosts. If this confuses you then you're not welcome in my hunting camp.
Posts: 566 | Location: Ouray, CO | Registered: 17 November 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of SGraves155
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Italian "Documentary" from the 60's and 70's. VHS still available at times, title; "SAVAGE MAN, SAVAGE BEAST" if I remember correctly.

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Picture of Tex21
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Interesting video.

The dude on the lion hunting video I watched after watching the posted vid sure got lucky! I think I'd have to put on fresh pants after taking a blow like that from a lion.


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You were absolutely right about the source, "Savage Man,Savage Beast". Guess it was basically a gross out exploitation film. Pretty fascinating footage anyway.


I don't shoot elk at 600 yards for the same reasons I don't shoot ducks on the water, or turkeys from their roosts. If this confuses you then you're not welcome in my hunting camp.
Posts: 566 | Location: Ouray, CO | Registered: 17 November 2006Reply With Quote
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A link to this same film was posted here not long ago. The comment was made then that it makes one realize how humane a clean one shot kill is by an ethical hunter.

The last 35 seconds are unmentionable and do not belong on AR.

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Picture of DC Roxby
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Sorry for the repost. I did a search on AR first but didn't see it. I also thought the same thing concerning the humaneness of the rifle versus spear. Hunters of course, understand that few animals die an easy death if not taken by a hunter.

Interesting to read the comments concerning this video on YouTube. Hardly anyone mentions the human carnage at the end of the video. There all more concerned about the poor endangered animals. Sad.


I don't shoot elk at 600 yards for the same reasons I don't shoot ducks on the water, or turkeys from their roosts. If this confuses you then you're not welcome in my hunting camp.
Posts: 566 | Location: Ouray, CO | Registered: 17 November 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of ROSCOE
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Originally posted by DC Roxby:
Interesting to read the comments concerning this video on YouTube. Hardly anyone mentions the human carnage at the end of the video. There all more concerned about the poor endangered animals. Sad.

I doubt many tree huggers make it to the end of the video!

R. Lee Ermey: "The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle."
We're going to be "gifted" with a health care plan we are forced to purchase and fined if we don't, Which purportedly covers at least ten million more people, without adding a single new doctor, but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents, written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that didn't read it but exempted themselves from it, and signed by a President, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, for which we'll be taxed for four years before any benefits take effect, by a government which has already bankrupted Social Security and Medicare, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's broke!!!!! 'What the hell could possibly go wrong?'
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Native africans value life differently that we do. Does that make them less ? No, just different. Thats Africa..............JJ

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Originally posted by DC Roxby:

There all more concerned about the poor endangered animals. Sad.

Most greenies could give a stuff about their fellow man. In fact they would rather local populations die out than have animals "harmed".

Callous, superficial, shallow, evil .... is the sort of descriptors I would use to describe their sort.


John H.

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Is the Lion hunt gone bad video a canned hunt in South Africa? At the end of the video it says "Hunters Unlimited of South Africa, Lammie Potgieter and Randy Westraadt".
Posts: 570 | Location: Oklahoma | Registered: 12 November 2006Reply With Quote
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Most greenies could give a stuff about their fellow man

A few years back I was taking some casual French lessons at university...the instructor lady was from the start very 'green' I call my self a stauch environmentalist...I really try live my life accordingly, having as light a footprint as me use of natural resuces and the joy I get from this interaction is part opf that! I love huntng and fishing and many other outdoor pursuits.

...after a few lessons we had to say what our interests were in french...I started...paddling, geography, environmentalism, fisHING.....HUNTING....I could see her face addition, the two hollier-than-thou's next to me (who had previously given me some lame, assinine lecture on what I was trying to 'prove' by seldom wearing shoes) said "Hunting...we are very opposed to that...we own a 'game farm' and will protect all the animals from hunters" .

I was polite and offered a few biology-rationalized points and issues of enviromental superiority of common livestock farming practices. This then just pissed them off...sore losers.

Anyway, my point, the instructor, says "...well I love animals...I collect money for those poor gorillas in Rwanda...those damn blacks just don't care about them, they have no morals for this stuff at all.."

f*uck sakes you dumb-ass pink sneaker wearing, poodle spoiler...can you not make even simple connections???? I like gorillas too..I don't want to shoot them and yes its a serious concservation issue but most rwandans in 1999 were unfortunatly incapacitated in terms of overt caring..I am surethey don't hate gorillas either, but thats the shite o genocide and mass poverty....she was so blindly off base and foaming at the mouth about one could not even begin to add any counter info.

Well, I am sure they all went home and had pork tederloin for dinner, watching their over-watered, exotic lawns flourish under their bi-annual assult of eutrophic pollutants that will have decades of negative effets, while they reviled in the fact that they shared a class with a mean-hearted beast of a hunter...

douche-bags!...I am sure we all have many of these stories..most antis-have really flaky motives...
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Cryptic Order of the Double Rifle Brotherhood, Life Member


What is this in your signature line?

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If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming...

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What is this in your signature line?

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