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I thought that the use of profanity and personal attacks was frowned upon. If that is the case someone should so inform this "fat Cat" GatoGordo of that policy. "When you play, play hard; when you work, don't play at all." Theodore Roosevelt | ||
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I agree with you that personal attacks are B.S. If you want to avoid the garbage stay out of the political forum. Jason "You're not hard-core, unless you live hard-core." _______________________ Hunting in Africa is an adventure. The number of variables involved preclude the possibility of a perfect hunt. Some problems will arise. How you decide to handle them will determine how much you enjoy your hunt. Just tell yourself, "it's all part of the adventure." Remember, if Robert Ruark had gotten upset every time problems with Harry Selby's flat bed truck delayed the safari, Horn of the Hunter would have read like an indictment of Selby. But Ruark rolled with the punches, poured some gin, and enjoyed the adventure. -Jason Brown | |||
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I must admit being an old navy guy that profaniity dosnt bother me. I do understand that it bothers others and as such try to refrain fromusing it. This whole issue isnt about morality though. It is about being civil to one another. We can argue as much as we want. I just dont like it when things degenerate to personal attacks and lots of profanity. In my mind the profanity isnt used to empasize a point but is just name calling. The personal attacks IMO regardless what side of an issue one takes are simply a lack of being able to defend that position for whatever reason. So, a lack of skill at apologetics, lack of facts, or full knowledge of a subject, get replaced by the lower based items. Add in the fact that emotions often run high on issues we hold important and we add gas to the fire. It is still no excuse for not being civil. Please think about that the next time you are arguing a point. There are many ways to make ones point but these are not effective or appropriate. Happiness is a warm gun | |||
Moderator |
What really bothers me are racists and misogynist opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club Information on Ammoguide about the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR. 476AR, | |||
One of Us |
Jerry Springer on AR? It is ashame. Seems like those that have a axe to grind might do it in a PM. Not really sure what is to gain airing BLUE language in a public forum. Sometimes I am led to believe we have a lot of adolescent posters on this forum. | |||
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Funny how easy it is to punch a few keys and say something to or about someone. Saying that same thing to a persons face is a "different story". What's the word I'am looking for? Repercussions?? You might be getting your butt beat or be picking up your teeth? Some folks just have "No Class". I guess if you expect folks to talk to "you" that way, it's OK? Kinda like someone that has a problem with a vendor that they bought from. You only hear their side of the story but when the Vendors side comes out, the customer treated them like trash and used bad language to run them down. Always good to hear both sides of the story. ![]() That usually brings out the posters "real" self for all to see. And sometimes payback is great. | |||
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there are children of all ages | |||
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Anonymity is the fortress of cowards. ****************** "Policies making areas "gun free" provide a sense of safety to those who engage in magical thinking..." Glenn Harlan Reynolds | |||
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Since I am one of those heathens that resort to profanity on an all to regular basis, lets see if I can clarify somethings that you more delicate souls might be able to understand. As an example, I will use the post submitted by Scott King on the thread about the 9.3 versus all other known calibers. Here is the post from Mr. King: You missed me! How sad for you. Heres where you are wrong; In the states there are a good number of guide/ outfitters all competing for client business. As sport hunting is generally assumed to be a pleasant experience, potential clients usually shop for outfitter/ guides that can provide them that. You have proven yourself on this forum to be a dickhead and therefore it is assumed unable to provide clients with a pleasant experience. Way to go dipshit, I hope you and yours have plenty of ketchup to spice up your victorious internet battle dinner. Real food purchased with profits from sucessful hunts as transacted via this website are bound to be negligible in 2011. Speaking of victorious battles, this bull had been un sucessfully hunted for years with cartridges as small as the .223 and as large as the .458. All tried, all fell short. This last fall, all it took was one shot with the 9.3x62 and voila, moose steaks in freezer. Now I don't know this person from Adam, nor does he know me. That is a fine moose that is in the picture, I would like to kill one that big some day. The Point Remains However, for those of you with the brains enough to understand it, a persons, ANY persons opionions, listed on an Internet Chat Room/Forum means nothing when it comes to how they do business, and anyone that feels different, is wrong. A Guide/Outfitter/PH is hired because of their ABILITIES, Not Their Opinions on an Internet Chat Room. Mr. King has his own issues here, and they have nothing to do with me and how I run my guide service. Also, those of you with problems concerning profanity on this site, are pure hypocrites if you live in the real world, I bet all of you hear profanity and use it everyday in your normal lives. Even the rocks don't last forever. | |||
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I guess that's why you go by "Swamp_Fox" ?.. ![]() | |||
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I also avoid threatining folks. ****************** "Policies making areas "gun free" provide a sense of safety to those who engage in magical thinking..." Glenn Harlan Reynolds | |||
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Again, nothing wrong with profanity if it is used to make a point. If it is just name calling like a bunch of kids on the playground that is another story. My point was that making it a personal attack is not a substitute for being able to argue ones point. Happiness is a warm gun | |||
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And THAT crazyhorse is the difference between you and me, right there. I do NOT use profanity, my wife does not. My son does, and when he does, if he is in our house he is told to leave. If he does it on the phone then I just hang up. That behavior is just unacceptable. I believe that I live in the REAL world, just not in YOUR world. If someone cannot express himself without using profanity then, at the very least, it shows a rather limited education, at most it show a vulgarity that I chose not to associate with. Peter. Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong; | |||
One of Us |
Peter: Well said! ![]() | |||
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Sorry,. Peter, I know lots of well educated people that use profanity to make a point from time to time. In fact I have met very few people that can actually say that they have Never used profanity, whether in public or in Private. As Swamp-Fox posted:
I will add that for many people, the InterNet is the ultimate fortress. Peter if you can get thru your life without using profanity at ANY time, even Sub-consciously, then I salute you sir, for you are a better man than I. But, if you think but do not verbalize a profane epiphet, then you sir are a hypocrite. Just because a word or thought is not verbalized or written, it is still profanity. Even the rocks don't last forever. | |||
One of Us![]() |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." Winston Churchill | |||
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Does your obviously advanced education teach you the meaning of hypocrite?
xxxxxxxxxx When considering US based operations of guides/outfitters, check and see if they are NRA members. If not, why support someone who doesn't support us? Consider spending your money elsewhere. NEVER, EVER book a hunt with BLAIR WORLDWIDE HUNTING or JEFF BLAIR. I have come to understand that in hunting, the goal is not the goal but the process. | |||
Moderator![]() |
Busted..... ![]() "Ignorance you can correct, you can't fix stupid." JWP If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming. Semper Fidelis "Building Carpal Tunnel one round at a time" | |||
One of Us |
And, let me welcome you to the internet. ![]() | |||
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I'm sure he has a very good explanation for that slip of the keyboard tongue. Perhaps he doesn't think shit is a vulgarity just like Bill Clintoon didn't think getting blowed by Monica Lewinsky was sex. ![]() Or perhaps when you preface shit with holy it's OK. Good detective work in any event! | |||
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cabin fever, guys? | |||
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You bet. It's snowing like hell right now and the worst is yet to come. Oops, should have typed heck for all the holy roller types. But the FCC allows hell on radio and TV so maybe it's OK here on AR. Let's let the management make that call. | |||
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i'll admit, i am not big on profanity myself, whether i am using it or whether it is being directed at me. i agree with those who say it is a tool of the intellectually weak but i also recognize that it can be used to very good effect when making a point. at the same time i don't see how a group of bastards like us can get together without some of it, so it's about balance. we're all gentlemen ehre but we also all ahve stong opinions, even when we agree. | |||
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Apparently you're not big on capitalization and proofreading either. | |||
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no, i am not a big fan of capitalization. i'll admit that my fingers have a touch of dyslexia as well. want to drag me out back behind the thread and shoot me, or discuss what i actually wrote? rest assured i can spell and i can think. | |||
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No I'd rather discuss how the big ![]() | |||
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probably a good choice - in spite of my finger-dyslexia, i can indeed play grammar nazi all day long, and i can promise you are throwing stones from a glass house. anyway, carry on, folks - | |||
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Well, I go away to play tennis for a few hours and the world as I know it is destroyed! I have been OUTED, or BUSTED as Marko puts it. So let me say this: Yes I said it.! Did it aid the discussion? NO! Was it gratuitous? YES! Should I have said it? NO! Mea Culpa! (You guys can look that up if you want to. If not, that's OK too) I see great joy out there. Perhaps some of: "Ha he thought he was better than us, but in fact he is no different!"? Problem is, I am different. You see, I acknowledge that I should not have written that. I made a mistake. I know that acknowledging my mistake makes me a liberal, but hey, life is tough. So, I WILL try not to do that again. No doubt Gato will keep track of my transgressions. If not, I will! Now for those that have not been following me, there is a difference between saying "That was a mistake, I should not have said that" and "Hey it's the internet", or "hey everyone does it" or "Hey I was just making a point". So, I hope the hyenas will go away, but somehow I doubt it! Peter. Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong; | |||
Moderator![]() |
Touche, Peter! ![]() "Ignorance you can correct, you can't fix stupid." JWP If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming. Semper Fidelis "Building Carpal Tunnel one round at a time" | |||
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Thanks Marko. Now we really do need to go out and kill something. I may have to break down and join a "hunt club" down here just to have a place to hunt. I will let you know if/when that happens. Peter. Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong; | |||
One of Us![]() |
Peter how about this, you don't like to use profanity and normally don't. With me and possibly some other folks, it is a normal, everyday part of our speech, to the point we don't even realize we have said something that might be offensive to someone outside our normal social group. My apologies Sir, but in the future, to save yourself stress over my language, do like that doofus vapodog and put me on ignore, especially AFTER you have read my post, that is really an adult thing to do. Even the rocks don't last forever. | |||
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Funny how you wrote this a mere 8 hours after exclaiming, HOLY SHIT about a stick of walnut. And forgot that you typed it. ![]() | |||
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It is called Selective Amnesia by the Pious. Even the rocks don't last forever. | |||
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"This is a big fucking deal." Joe Biden, Vice-president United States of America. Yep, the draft dodger is un-educated. A bad day at the range is better than a good day at work. | |||
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Actung! Gentlemens, I moost remindink you zat zis foorum ish for tecknikal supports, it ish not for dizcussions! Szchtopt vit ze banter! Heil! | |||
One of Us![]() |
The thread has a gift, the gift is the following picture: ![]() ![]() ![]() I will probably end up banned for the series of pm's I'm about to send to several deserving parties.... ![]() | |||
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Man, I'm ![]() | |||
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You're not the only one around here so afflicted. ![]() | |||
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