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I am told there are some new rules for sheep in Alaska. If I understand correctly, a non-resident can take a ram every four years under these new rules. I had about made up my mind to try it again. Give the injury I had about a month before I left for my August hunt, I felt somewhat cheated out of the experience. I wanted to try it again before I got too old. I guess that isn't happening now, at least in Alaska. I will be just short of 65 when I am next eligible in Alaska. Damn this is disappointing especially considering that I am 1 for 3 on sheep in Alaska. | ||
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Hey Larry, I am surprised that the law would be retroactive? I hope for you that it isn't. Jim | |||
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From what I am told, I cannot hunt sheep in Alaska in 2016. I had pretty much made up my mind to do so. If I hunt sheep next year, it won't be in Alaska it appears. | |||
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There is the beginnings of a big push from Alaska residents to either eliminate nonnresident Sheep hunting altogether or severely limited it with a statewide draw. You will see more regulations/proposals coming in the future pushing to limit nonnresidents opportunities. | |||
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Interesting.... I want to do one in the next couple/few years Although the four year limit wouldn't effect most, it makes one wonder just how much they believe this would curb pressure? Seems like it would be a somewhat hollow act... | |||
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The guiding industry will be hurt . | |||
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To bad tired of lack of respect for the resource! kk alaska | |||
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https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/st...lations_complete.pdf Larry, Page 5 of the attached rules,if I am reading it correctly looks like one every four years went into effect July 1 2016. Kathi kathi@wildtravel.net 708-425-3552 "The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page." | |||
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Not really. Very few nonresidents do more than one guided sheep hunt in a four year period. This change was supported by the guiding industry as a way to reduce competition for drawing permits between guided nonresidents and nonresidents hunting with second degree of kin residents (many of whom do hunt sheep multiple times in a four year period). NRA Life Member GOA Life Member Distinguished Rifleman President's Hundred | |||
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Not only was the change supported by many guides, it was proposed by them to the board of game. They also support the rule that next of kin share their bag limit with resident kin. So one sheep/bear/goat between the two of them, all why guded NR can shoot what ever they want each year (sans sheep now). These rules effect next of kin hunters and RESIDENT hunters to a much greater degree than guided hunters. The 1:4 rule was in effect for 2016. Not new this year. The shared bag limit may be discussed again this winter, but will likely go into effect in 2018. $$$ talks, and welfare guides rule the system. They are only worried about NR opportunity when they have their wallet open. Think I'm joking? Look at guide required moose tags in areas up north. Yep we have tags for MOOSE set aside for guided NR. Won't be long and NR will need a guide for everything. We all know the economy will implode without all that money they bring in. Reality is many NR would still use a guide for the guide requied species due to logistics and dismal success for a self guded hunt... but the guides wouldnt wouldn't be gaurenteed a welfare paycheck and some would go oit of business. How do those moose hunting guides stay in business? ![]() | |||
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Larry, You stated, "I felt somewhat cheated out of the experience" regarding your recent sheep hunt in Alaska. Who cheated you? The state of Alaska? The guide? The outfitter? Please let all of us know on AR who cheated you. Or was it yourself, your age, and simply not being fit or prepared properly? If it was yourself why are you posting such drivel on AR? And what the hell does a wealthy bastard like you care about not being able to go to Alaska but once every four years in the future to hunt sheep? You'll just book a sheep hunt in the NWT, B.C., or the Yukon and post glorification of such on AR! "Politicians, attorney's, and shooters of wildlife behind high fences. Take em all down to south Texas, put em inside a high fenced escape proof enclosure without their guns and let the rattlesnakes cull em out." | |||
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? | |||
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If you cared to read, I was injured a month before I left. I am still nursing that injury over 3 month later. The injury cheated me out of the full experience after spending the better part of a year training for the trip. Crawl back under your rock. | |||
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Larry, Yep - I previously read that. Does anyone on AR care about reading that you feel cheated just because you were injured a month before going on a sheep hunt in Alaska? Just another one of your ignorant egocentric posts. "Politicians, attorney's, and shooters of wildlife behind high fences. Take em all down to south Texas, put em inside a high fenced escape proof enclosure without their guns and let the rattlesnakes cull em out." | |||
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Earl Earl Earl . You need help brother . I have made up my mind to no longer bother with fuckwits like you. | |||
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Earl, You sir, are the very definition of an internet TROLL. ![]() | |||
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Larry, No you won't. An egotistical bastard like you always has to have the last word. It just makes my day when I can push your button so easily and reveal your sterling level of ignorance. I've already won Larry. Your just to stupid to realize it! "Politicians, attorney's, and shooters of wildlife behind high fences. Take em all down to south Texas, put em inside a high fenced escape proof enclosure without their guns and let the rattlesnakes cull em out." | |||
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Larry, If any readers of AR need any further proof that you are nothing but an egotistical blowhard touting his own supposed hunting prowess they need look no further than the report you posted at The Hunting Report of your recent Zimbabwe hunt. You state regarding your level of fitness, "Outstanding for my age." Who told you this? Who evaluated you to determine that you are of outstanding fitness for your age? If you are of "outstanding" fitness or health why (by your own account on AR) were you injured a month before your Alaska hunt and still nursing that injury three months later? You're an egotistical sham Larry. A legend in your own mind! "Politicians, attorney's, and shooters of wildlife behind high fences. Take em all down to south Texas, put em inside a high fenced escape proof enclosure without their guns and let the rattlesnakes cull em out." | |||
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Mr. Shores: Please keep hunting and posting your reports. While I will never make it to the S. Ct., I am an attorney and never hunted behind a high fence. Seriously, why do you care if Mr. Shores hunts x animal x times and shares with us. That is the point of this site. I will never do a full bag TZ safari, but I am damn glad Saeed does and sends a film to prove it. No, I do not like this 4 year rule. If a resident wants to hunt one go hunt one, but it is better than thedraws in the lower 48. | |||
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Let me see. How to begin to address a Douchnozzle like Echocram? I will simply say this. Mr. Shore is indeed in fantastic physical shape. I assure you could not keep up with him. I assure you that very few could track elephants in the hilly terrain in 120 degree heat 20 miles per day and love it the way Larry does. I do it but I don't love it. I just love hunting elephants. It has been my honor and pleasure to share camps all over the world with Mr. Shores. At no time is he ever a braggart or a blow hard. He works his ass off for the animals he takes. He backs conservation with his walk, his talk and his finances. To call him arrogant is bullshit. He is kind and generous to a fault and many people take advantage of his largess. Obviously since you hide behind a false moniker and lob turd grenades you have deep issues that no amount of therapy can resolve. Hopefully for the sake of mankind you have not reproduced. If there were more Larry Shores in the hunting world we would have a better community. Why don't you reveal yourself like a man Mr. ass clown sir? Jeff Sevor | |||
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This post here should be enough to earn you a ban. To what end are these posts? You've posted 61 times with nothing but nonsense. You've contributed nothing other than to gum up good threads. | |||
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Brandon: He thinks he is pushing my buttons but I could care less. I have way too many things to deal with in my life than to worry about people like him. It is kind of like waking up and finding out that instead of being 96 outside that day, the new projection is 96.1. It just doesn't matter. Simply stated, he just doesn't matter . Jeff: I do exercise a hell of a lot hoping to stay healthy and hold back Father Time. I am paying the price for running an estimated 150,000 miles in my life. I am trying to figure out how to get in shape for Tajikistan. We have 2 years. It has been 20 years since I hunted at those kind of altitudes. Back to the issue: The rules are what they are. I totally get protecting the resource. On the other hand, I have been 3 times since 1994, taking a single sheep this year. I am not exactly decimating the population. I really like the area and the Company. I would love to backpack 50-75 miles through it. Perhaps a caribou grizzly huntsill accomplish that. | |||
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Wyoming, Montana, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah and probably a few more Western States and all Canadian provinces in the west have guide/outfitter welfare programs, Alaska is no different. I was a police officer in Barrow, and have lived quite a few places in Alaska. I don't think the state does a horrible job of managing wildlife, but they do a completely shit job of letting all the special interest groups have too much over reach. The worst being the Feds Subsistence Programs (which the feds manage moderately cooperatively with the state). Second worst being the guides and outfitter association kicking their ass. The rural Alaskans who get to live by fed or state subsistence rules run the game pretty hard. The city dwellers get what is left over. Bad deal to be someone who lives in Wasilla or North Pole and have a moose standing in the front yard of your 40 acres and not be able to whack him, because you have an obscure tag and an obscure time with brow tine limits that may not be reasonable for your area. | |||
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You've no experience here and obviously don't know how the process works. Regional advisory committee boards and state and federal reg boards meet in public for the purpose of regulating fish and game and setting the rules that go with it all. Anyone is free to attend meetings local advisory or state board, testify and submit proposals for consideration. If a guide, outfitter or rural resident is allowed influence in the process it's because they participate in the process. You ignorant jackass. | |||
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I have tried to follow this thread but it looks like it has ended the way so many do, with non-residents telling Alaskans how corrupt or inept we are at managing our wildlife - which is keeping them from coming up and cheaply killing it when they want to. And I certainly don't understand how being paid for a service ( that entails a lot of expense, time and hard work ) qualifies as "welfare" Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship Phil Shoemaker Alaska Master guide FAA Master pilot NRA Benefactor www.grizzlyskinsofalaska.com | |||
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The state board of fisheries met in Anchorage last year and many Bristol Bay residents attended and participated. In 2018 the board will meet in Dillingham, all are welcome. | |||
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Well it certainly got side tracked. My entire purpose in posting was to let others know about this rule. I had no idea until the date of the post. I had decided to give it another try before I got too close old. I really liked the company I went with. I really liked the area. I was going to book again but was advised of the new rule. I am not being critical . It is what it is. Just letting everyone know. My choices now are to either book a caribou/grizzly hunt with the same people I went with last year or go elsewhere. At almost age 61 from the sea level flatlands I realize my days of backpacking through the mountains are numbered. Sucks to get old but it beats the alternative. | |||
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Sure hope you get to Larry. | |||
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Thanks Scott. Me too. I am taking my wife to Africa for her first trip in July. There are some date issues . Long story. If those get worked out, I will book the grizzly caribou backpack hunt with Riley Putts. Riley is a great guy and I became fascinated with the country. Absolutely magnificent. | |||
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Phil the guide welfare program so many residents refer to is the mandatory guide requirement of bears/sheep/goats. | |||
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Bwana Bunduki, Here we go again with some fool on AR stating things like "I assure you could never keep up with him", referring to me and Larry Shores. Bwana Bunduki - have you ever met me? Do you know how many miles I run per week or ride per week? Do you know of my fitness level or hunting skill compared to Larry Shores? Do you know my age? Same as Larry Shores, 61. How many miles per week or ride per week does Larry Shores put in compared to me? Are those comparisons you need to check before you post such nonsense on AR? By the way - you can't spell either - it's Shores, not Shore! I do have a name Earl, and I just so happen to live in Florida - same as Larry (fitness level "Outstanding for my age") Shores. So Bwana -what's your name? Where do you live? What's your level of fitness compared to me and Mr. (Outstanding for my age fitness level) Shores? Your post is just another example of the profound level of ignorant bovine excrement posted consistently on AR. "Politicians, attorney's, and shooters of wildlife behind high fneces. Take em all down to south Texas, put em inside a high fence escape proof enclosure without their guns and let the rattlesnakes cull em out." | |||
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There's a lot of that going around....on all forums. | |||
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The wheels of government move slowly. I received a sheep survey after I harvested one about 5 years ago. It had a million questions about what I thought on basically finding ways to preserve sheep hunting. It was the writing on the wall some legislation was to happen to restrict hunting these beautiful animals. A lot of this came about when I believe there was a big die off in the Brooks, which the effect would be in the next year or 2 on the 7 and 8 year old rams reduction. Not sure what effect this law will have because most non resident this is a once in a lifetime trophy but resident hunters it's like deer harvest for the die hard resident. So not sure how many sheep will be saved with this law. The non resident that would be on yearly hunts will be replaced by the hunters that maybe never hunted one. I was told almost every outfitter has a waiting list every year for openings. So to me there is no reduction in the harvest. So I guess the next step would be like Canada quota system for non resident harvests. I am happy with mine will concentrate on another brown bear and big moose. Still love Alaska the last real wilderness area a person can visit and hunt. | |||
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I know exactly what they were talking about but am pretty sure most of those complaining don't know a thing about Alaska, F&G or the difficulty and politics of game management. Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship Phil Shoemaker Alaska Master guide FAA Master pilot NRA Benefactor www.grizzlyskinsofalaska.com | |||
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Ahhh gotcha Phil! I actually thought you may have not heard that term over there in paradise! Figured it'd be easier to hear from a frat brother than from someone else yelling it at you. Lol Agree. Most just dont get it. | |||
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Once ever 4 years is fine by me. Takes me 4 years to get over the effort to shoot one! I have to forget the climbs, the weather and Advil. I forget in 4 years, then am ready to go again! | |||
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Reading is not your strong suit nor is comprehension "Earl". My Name is at the end of my post. My location is noted with my posts. At the end of the day you are just a sad angry little troll man. You should not make a habit of attacking my friends. Jeff Sevor. I am not hard to find. | |||
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Echoanne12: You came on AR with a really big chip on your shoulder with respect to Larry. I don't get it - Larry is a great guy who has helped many of us with questions, etc. He obviously earns a lot of money - but unlike guys like Mellon, he made it himself. Hunting internationally is difficult in that you not only have to allocate time, you have to allocate money. Larry has done that and I frankly admire him for that. He has more desire to hunt than I do, but I still admire his drive. Unlike many on AR, he hunts all kinds of game, including the difficult stuff. I would also say I am in outstanding shape; judging by my guide in AK last September, I am in great shape - even though I am 13 years older he had to ask me to stop for rests. I think Larry used to run close to a 4 min mile back in the day. Uninjured, I wouldn't bet money I could out walk or outrun him today. You seem to relish stirring up shit. I am not opposed to a bit of stirring shit myself, but when you do it ad nauseum, it is bound to splatter on you. | |||
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AZwriter, Back in the day don't mean shit! It's what you can do now. Back in the day I could do USTA Triathlons and finish consistently in the top 10 % of my age class. But that doesn't mean shit now. I'm not wealthy, and I don't make alot of money. But I also hunt internationally as well as in the states when I can draw a permit out west. I have to work hard and save wisely to do that. By the way - what is the "difficult stuff"? If one hunts "the difficult stuff" does that somehow qualify them as a defacto expert of hunting on AR? But when some wealthy chest thumping braggart like Larry Shores constantly posts his endeavors on AR as some self appointed hunting expert it needs to be exposed just as that! And to write a hunt report on The Hunting Report this month and describe oneself as "outstanding for my age" in regards to their physical condition just validates his look at me and what I've done self bravado egocentric mindset. But AZwriter you do have one thing absolutely correct. In this day and age it's more about money than outdoor skills in determining who gets to go hunting and where for quality animals. Larry Shores is the self appointed poster boy for that! | |||
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Echo: I don't know what you do for a living, and frankly, it really doesn't matter to me. The fact you say you work hard and save to go on the hunts that you want to go on draws my respect. Seriously. I just finished a hunt in northern MN with some union workers. They don't make a lot of money relative to me, and they know that. They know I hunt a lot more places than they do (but I don't necessarily hunt more than they do). One guy once asked me why I even bother to hunt deer in MN after killing the big four in Africa. I told him, "Because I like to hunt and I love MN deer season!" Well, I am pretty sure Larry S will be in a treestand tomorrow hunting for deer or pigs, just because he loves to hunt. There is always someone on AR who makes more money than you, that has hunted more than you, has more guns that you, is a better shot than you, etc, but at the end of the day I like to think that our common love of hunting is the bond that binds us. Larry used to compete in NC2A track - he has loved running his whole life. I have yet to meet a runner on a hunt who can't keep up, injuries notwithstanding. Good luck hunting this weekend. | |||
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