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Moderators: Paul H
6 days & counting
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Well, time is getting near. My first flight is at 5:10 AM on Saturday morning.

I am about 98% packed. Just for entertainment, I put my things in my pack yesterday and weighed it. I am 28 pounds without gun & water. I guess being an old man and having done this before pays off.

Given my injury, I an struggling with two decisions as follows:

1- Which pack? I have my Barney's pack. I also have a Stone Glacier pack which weighs 4 pounds less yet has the same volume. I have never trained or hunted with it. I like the idea of a lighter pack but I am afraid to take an untried pack. Given my injury, I am also afraid to try it before I go.

2- Which rifle? I have a Rifles, Inc. 300 Win Mag. that is super light. I also have an old stainless Browning A Bolt in the same caliber which quite honestly shoots as good or better than the other lighter rifle. The A Bolt weighs about 2 pounds more. Riley has said to me many times to be prepared to shoot at 500 yards. Well, at 500 yards, I would prefer the A Bolt hands down but it weighs 2 pounds more. If I know I was going to shoot at 200 yards, I would take the light rifle all day long.

Decisions decisions decisions.
Posts: 12267 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Light rifle and trusted pack. To late to be tossing a wildcard in the mix and using a pack you haven't trained with a bit. 500 yards is doable with any rifle. Know your ballistics and limitations. Maybe spend the next couple days working your light rifle out at the range to get familiar with longer distances.
Seems like you would have had this rifle thing figured out a long time ago, your guide just tell you they could be 500 yard shots? Trying to get one of the most important components of a sheep hunt chosen is something that usually don't happen a couple days before the hunt.

Master guide #212
Black River Hunting Camps llc
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This is crazy Larry - 500 yard shots and hauling stuff thru the Alaskan mush.

Again reminds me why I am not going Cool

I am hunting axis in Texas next weekend. My preparation will included stopping in New Orleans for 2 nights on the drive to hang out in the French quarter, buy boudin in Lafayette, drink single malt in Houston and eat good ethnic food (Houston hs probably best ethnic food in country), hunt and then repeat the same activity on the return.

Alaska is too hardcore for a wuss like me.

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I am going to take the old pack even though it is 4 pounds heavier.

I am leaning toward the A-Bolt even though it is about 2 pounds heavier. My reasoning is as follows:

1- I have had it over 20 years. It has been shot a hell of a lot. I have shot a lot of critters with it.

2- I have the exact same rifle in 22 LR, 22 Hornet, 243, 270, 30-06, 7MM, 300 Win Mag & 338. I have shot 10's of thousands of rounds through them. I think it is fair to say I am intimately familiar with it. The light rifle, I have shot about 100 rounds through.

3- The A- Bolt shoots as well or better than the light rifle.

4- In the wind or at long range, that extra 2 pounds ( actually 1.7) might make a difference.

5- Both rifles have the exact same scope with a ballistic turret. NO advantage either way.
Posts: 12267 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Beretta682E:
This is crazy Larry - 500 yard shots and hauling stuff thru the Alaskan mush.

Again reminds me why I am not going Cool

I am hunting axis in Texas next weekend. My preparation will included stopping in New Orleans for 2 nights on the drive to hang out in the French quarter, buy boudin in Lafayette, drink single malt in Houston and eat good ethnic food (Houston hs probably best ethnic food in country), hunt and then repeat the same activity on the return.

Alaska is too hardcore for a wuss like me.


Still open Mike!
Posts: 12267 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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I would also opt for the light rifle and Barney pack. I as well have a Stone Glacier, but I will always choose my Barney pack for hunting purposes.

As for 500 yard shots, well, just not my cup of tea.
Posts: 102 | Registered: 02 September 2015Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Adventure907:
I would also opt for the light rifle and Barney pack. I as well have a Stone Glacier, but I will always choose my Barney pack for hunting purposes.

As for 500 yard shots, well, just not my cup of tea.

Me neither. If it is the last day and my only chance, I will take that shot with a good rest.

I killed my big horn at 527. One shot.

When I go to Vegas, I go shoot 1,000 yards in Boulder City. It is not that hard.

Hell, if I have my choice, it will be about 50 yards. Keep in mind he is not saying that the shots WILL be at 500. He is saying there is a possibility. The longest last year was 360. The shortest was 10, yes 10.
Posts: 12267 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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I hear ya Larry. My philosophy is to get as close as possible, thereby reducing the margin of error.

I know Riley, he's a good guy. You will have a great hunt.
Posts: 102 | Registered: 02 September 2015Reply With Quote
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I've called Rams into 3 yards. Short shots happen. Sheep aren't invincible.
Why take a long shot at the end and not the beginning? Why is there a difference?
Sometimes the first day is the last day with weather up here. Client broke his ankle once on the second day once. Lots of situations that make that day the last day on a sheep hunt. I talk clients out of any plan that has "but on the last day..." in the conversation. Because any day can be the last day. A good sheep on day two is still a good sheep on day 10. A doable shot on day one is still the same shot on day 10. Only difference is, we never know if there will be a tomorrow. We only know what we are doing at the moment.

Master guide #212
Black River Hunting Camps llc
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Originally posted by larryshores:
The longest last year was 360 . The shortest was 10, yes 10.

Which is why I was going to bet you that unless you really want a 500 yard shot I bet your distance will not be more than 300 yards.

My other vote, Barney's pack and light rifle.

See you in a week.


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2015 His & Her Leopards with Derek Littleton of Luwire Safaris - http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/2971090112
2015 Trophy Bull Elephant with CMS http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/1651069012
DIY Brooks Range Sheep Hunt 2013 - http://forums.accuratereloadin...901038191#9901038191
Zambia June/July 2012 with Andrew Baldry - Royal Kafue http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/7971064771
Zambia Sept 2010- Muchinga Safaris http://forums.accuratereloadin...6321043/m/4211096141
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How do you call Rams in?

I'm not doubting you, you make a living at this, but I've not heard of calling in sheep before.
Posts: 444 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 11 February 2008Reply With Quote
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Haha that's information I don't share!! Called in one for Steves outdoor adventure TV show. Just shy of legal but we let him come to within feet of us. All on video...

Master guide #212
Black River Hunting Camps llc
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I'm going to have to try and look that show up.
I've hunted sheep all over the world, I'm a N. American slammer, working on multiples and I've never seen nor heard of it. I'd love to see that done.
I've had rams close enough to knife, but always through stalk or ambush.
Learn something new all the time!
Posts: 444 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 11 February 2008Reply With Quote
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Ya call steve tell him you wanna see the show where jake called in the dall sheep...but on a side note I had them edit out the sound I made so my calling technique wouldn't get leaked out. Smiler

Master guide #212
Black River Hunting Camps llc
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Hi Larry

I hope you have a great hunt. I hunted with Peter last week in the Northern Territory and we got a great Banteng bull. I can't wait to hear about the great ram you get.
Posts: 164 | Location: Sydney, Australia | Registered: 31 July 2006Reply With Quote
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Thank you sir.
Posts: 12267 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Why take a long shot at the end and not the beginning? Why is there a difference?

You're probably a helluva guide, but that's a real dumb statement. It's because the hunter is running out of time. Early on he might pass on a tougher shot at long range but late in the hunt, it might be his last chance.

FWIW, which is zero, I'd vote for the light rifle.

When considering US based operations of guides/outfitters, check and see if they are NRA members. If not, why support someone who doesn't support us? Consider spending your money elsewhere.


I have come to understand that in hunting, the goal is not the goal but the process.
Posts: 17099 | Location: Texas USA | Registered: 07 May 2001Reply With Quote
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A dumb statement?!?!

"Early on he might pass on a tougher shot at long range but late in the hunt, it might be his last chance."

To me that's the dumb statement, no way I'm gonna vote for the same tough shot later because it's the last chance! Desperation shots, last chance, tough shot, running outa time, we better TRY it! It's either a shot you can make at the beginning or a shot you can make on the end. But if you pass a shot EVER because it's a tough shot you should NEVER take that same shot later cause it's your last chance! This has nothing to do with being a guide and everything to do with respecting the animals and shooting within my confidence and capabilities!

Then again, maybe some folks become better shots when they get desperate or get into crunch time. Otherwise, I don't see the difference in the shot from day one to day ten. Shot is still the same. If you could make it on day one....but if you felt you couldn't make it on day one, all of a sudden you feel like you can 8 days later? And the only change is that it could be your last chance....?

Maybe we are not saying the same thing and this is just another interweb misunderstanding. Lol

Master guide #212
Black River Hunting Camps llc
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I suppose in your world all shots and all conditions are the same. In the end, to take or not take the shot is up to the hunter and time remaining does have something to do with it, whatever you choose to believe. If you respect the animal so damn much, don't kill it at all and quit guiding.

When considering US based operations of guides/outfitters, check and see if they are NRA members. If not, why support someone who doesn't support us? Consider spending your money elsewhere.


I have come to understand that in hunting, the goal is not the goal but the process.
Posts: 17099 | Location: Texas USA | Registered: 07 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Well, I have vacillated back and forth on the rifle. I think I am going to take the lighter rifle.

I want to go to the range but this little thing called work is stopping me. I have to make one more trip before I leave . I really don't want to go but duty calls.

I have found some interesting things on line. For example, on the Weather Channel app, it looks like the sun will be down for less than 2.5 hours a day. The weather doesn't look too bad thus far.

I keep wondering what I am missing.
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Larry sorry for the side topic here.
Gatogordo, no one likes to hear their opinion is dumb and I turned around and did the same thing to you about yours, I was outa line and it was uncalled for. I apologize for that.
What I was saying is that a shot on day one and the same shot on day ten is no different. Maybe a difference for the shooter but the shot is no different. Sorry to ruffle feathers, we just weren't connecting on what we were trying to say. I see your point though. And agree it is different, for the shooter. Ballistic wise the shot is the same.
Again, I apologize for stepping over my bounds.

Master guide #212
Black River Hunting Camps llc
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Originally posted by Fourtyonesix:
Larry sorry for the side topic here.
Gatogordo, no one likes to hear their opinion is dumb and I turned around and did the same thing to you about yours, I was outa line and it was uncalled for. I apologize for that.
What I was saying is that a shot on day one and the same shot on day ten is no different. Maybe a difference for the shooter but the shot is no different. Sorry to ruffle feathers, we just weren't connecting on what we were trying to say. I see your point though. And agree it is different, for the shooter. Ballistic wise the shot is the same.
Again, I apologize for stepping over my bounds.

I apologize as well. I could have chosen my words better and not made it appear so personal which was not my intention. My bad.
I'll try to be more gentlemanly in the future, especially when I'm in the company of highfalutin sheep hunters and guides. Big Grin

When considering US based operations of guides/outfitters, check and see if they are NRA members. If not, why support someone who doesn't support us? Consider spending your money elsewhere.


I have come to understand that in hunting, the goal is not the goal but the process.
Posts: 17099 | Location: Texas USA | Registered: 07 May 2001Reply With Quote
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Haha always wondered how to spell highfalutin!!

Master guide #212
Black River Hunting Camps llc
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I get what both of you guys are saying. Both of you are right. I have a special appreciation for what Jake is saying. On my first Alaskan sheep hunt, I got to hunt sheep one day, then was snowed in for 11.

When the flew in to get us, the pilot said they were relieved they could get us as " a really big storm is on the way." I told them to take take me to Anchorage. I was tired of being somewhere where my American Express card didn't mean anything. Had a hell of a good time as I recall.
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Good luck mate.
Just in case you need a memory jolt her is Peter and I with our Ram from last year.
I talked to Peter and he is taking you to the same spot.
Another good friend of mine and fellow AR member , Faisal , will also be on the same hunt. You will meet him in Happy Valley.
Go get em.

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Thanks. I remember. I hope I am as lucky as you were.

Hopefully, I will get to meet Faisal. I think we are flying out of Kavik rather than Happy Valley.
Posts: 12267 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Good luck, Larry.
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Good luck Larry,,

I'm envious,,,

500yds is a long shot in the mountains with a pack rest and swirling winds, too long for me but I've seen it done sucessfully 4 times, 2 not so good. 400yds is usually a reasonably sure thing though!

We are waiting for your report!

Jim reg 983

I tend to use more than enough gun
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"Sometimes the first day is the last day with weather up here." Now that is rock solid truth tu2 - with your permission sir, I will use that quote.

Larry, I would vote for the Barney's pack and the light rifle.

Double Rifle Shooters Society
Heym 450/400 3"
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Originally posted by larryshores:
Thanks. I remember. I hope I am as lucky as you were.

Hopefully, I will get to meet Faisal. I think we are flying out of Kavik rather than Happy Valley.

Best of luck Larry, I fly into Deadhorse and on to Kavik on the 20th so will probably miss you.
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Good luck to you sir. Actually ,we might cross paths. I am supposed to leave Kavik the 20th.
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I personally would take the rifle that I have the most confidence in to make any shot that presented it's self.

Of all the things that could spoil the hunt, 1.7lbs +/- probably isn't one of them.

Keep yer weight on yer uphill foot & post a report!

Safe travels.


All We Know Is All We Are
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I am sitting in a hotel room in NC. Flying home tomorrow. I am fretting about everything, wondering what I missed. Wondering about the injury and the fact that I haven't lifted weights or carried the pack in 3 weeks. Thinking about how f'ing hot it is at home and how much colder it will be in the mountains .

I have come to one revelation. The portion of the injury on my side was sudden and instantaneous . While I initially worried more about the portion in my back, I am now worried more about the portion in my side. I am going to make a trip to Barney's to make 100% sure I have the pack right.

I think I will be fine . This reminds me of the nervousness when I ran track in college. It was all gone when the race started. I feel this will be the same way.
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You are going to do just fine Larry. You have one of the best guides in the world in Peter Mayall, let him do his job and everything is going to work out great for you.

I was in Barney's today. Bob and Kevin will take care of you. Get them to fine tune how your pack fits, and you will be good to go.
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Good luck Larry,you'll do fine!
Posts: 124 | Location: Hickory, PA | Registered: 13 May 2015Reply With Quote
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You must be just about ready to depart on this adventure.
Are you intending to video this hunt ?
Travel safe and enjoy the experience.
Good hunting.
Posts: 465 | Location: New Zealand, Australia, Zambia | Registered: 25 May 2009Reply With Quote
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I am taking a small video camera with the intent to do a bit of filming.
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Good luck Larry and have a safe and nice hunt.
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I am told there is a lot of snow the last 2 days.

Thanks all.
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I am hunting axis deer tomorrow in shorts and in deep thought at a dairy queen eating a blizzard thinking about what beer to buy for hunt camp. I am too much of a wuss for Alaska - good luck Larry
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