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NE WHitetail- Maybe my biggest buck ever...
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Picture of Tim Herald
I always enjoy going to Nebraska for the rifle opener in mid-November each year. My TV partner James Brion owns Gobble N Grunt Outfitters in north central , NE, and there are some huge bucks in the area. One great thing about NE is that a hunter can get 2 buck tags. I decided this year I would try to take the first fully mature buck I could, and then I would hold out my second tag for a real bruiser.

The first morning dawned clear and cold with a nice frost. I wanted to go to a thicker spot near a river as I felt like bucks would chase does in an area like that much of the day, and I was prepared to stay all day. Turns out I didn't need to. Just after daylight, deer filtered in from many directions, and most ended up within bow range. There were a lot of small bucks chasing, and the action was frantic. I saw some really nice 2 year olds and a good 3 year old 8 pt. About 8am, I looked out at 75 yards and there was a buck quartering away, but I thought he was just one of the others. When he turned his head, I saw good mass, and I glassed him a bit. He was a nice 4-5 year old 10 pt. I saw that he was heavy but fairly short tined, and I debated about shooting him. He ended the debate as he chased the 3 year old off and ran a doe in a thicket.

I told myself if I got a crack at him again, I would take him, and five minutes later, he popped out behind me panting behind his doe. I got turned around and smoked him at a mere 30 yards with my TC .300 mag shooting WInchester 180 grain Accubonds.

Day two was a bit slower in the morning as the wind was really high. We did see some bucks, but nothing to consider using my second tag on. The afternoon found me on a high bare hill overlooking a corn field and a creek bottom. From the minute I sat down, I saw deer. Lots of small bucks popping in and out of the woods checking every doe that came by. Early in the sit a huge 10 pointer stepped out, and into a thicket. He was a no brainer. I watched an opening on the far side, and only 2 minutes later a doe emerged with him walking behind. He walked straight away for about 50 yards never giving me any shot. I whistled at him to no avail. I had to watch him just stroll away. I judged him at least 160 and possible 170.

I continued to see deer all afternoon, and 30 minutes before dark, I saw another buck step out up the creek toward the corn field. I got one glimpse, and saw tall G-2's, 3's and good G-4's. He was a shooter. Again, this deer went into a cedar thicket. I hoped he would emerge in the field, and 10 minutes before dark, he followed a dow out. I slipped down the hill 25 yards to get into better position, and the two walked toward me. They were going to some standing corn, so I knew I had to shoot. I placed the first circle of my Nikon BDC reticle on his chest as he was hard quartering to me, and I squeezed the trigger of my TC. The Winchester 180 gr Accubond crumbled him at 260 yards. He never even twitched.

I thought he was another good 10 pointer, but when we got to him, I was really surprised. He was a mainframe 12 point with a bit of a 7th on one side. James and the guys have tons of trail cam photos of him, and simply called him, THE STUD. That he is. I have had a great hunt at Gobble N Grunt this year. I think Nebraska is truly an overlooked hotspot of the Midwest. I can't wait to come back next year, but right now I am looking 4 hours north to South Dakota. I am headed up there in a couple hours to hunt from the 17-20th and hope to find just one more mature whitetail.

Good Hunting,

Tim Herald
Worldwide Trophy Adventures
Posts: 2983 | Location: Lexington, KY | Registered: 13 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Greg Brownlee
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Awesome bucks Tim! Can't wait to see the footage!

Good luck in South Dakota.


Greg Brownlee
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Picture of Fallow Buck
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Hey Tim,

I don't know whitetails but that buck looks like an absolute cracker!!

cool stuff.

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Picture of matt u
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Tim...That buck is "the stud"
Congratulations Good luck in S.D.
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Picture of adamhunter
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He did that hat change thing for the camera again.. Big Grin

Congrats! That buck is what dreams are made of! Well done!!!

30+ years experience tells me that perfection hit at .264. Others are adequate but anything before or after is wishful thinking.
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Wow Tim! Congratulations, you look very happy in those photosSmiler
Posts: 1490 | Location: New York | Registered: 01 January 2010Reply With Quote
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Tim that second buck is a dandy, Congratulations.

Doug McMann
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Picture of Crazyhorseconsulting
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Tim, not meaning to be nosy, but it looks like you were up in the Sandhills area say up around Valentine? I hunted on a private ranch back in the mid 90's between Thetford and Valentine. great country and great bucks in that area.

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Picture of drummondlindsey
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Thats a fantastic buck!!! Congratulations!
Posts: 2096 | Location: Windsor, CO | Registered: 06 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Tim, that's a STUD!!!
Congrats on a successful season.
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Good job my friend!!

Aaron Neilson
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Picture of bwanamrm
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A coupla nice bucks!

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Picture of 505 gibbs
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Congrats Tim, great bucks
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That is a great buck. I've bird hunted in Nebraska, but never deer hunted. I really enjoyed my bird hunts, pretty country. I need to make a deer hunt up there at some point.

Go Duke!!
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Picture of Tim Herald
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thanks all...Crazyhorse- we are east of there close to O'Neill and Spencer.

Got lucky a couple days later in SD. Passed up several 140 type deer and took this old guy with a huge brow tine on our last day. It was 13 below when we went out. COLD!

Good Hunting,

Tim Herald
Worldwide Trophy Adventures
Posts: 2983 | Location: Lexington, KY | Registered: 13 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Fallow Buck
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Nice Buck,

I'm assuming you didn't squirt him to death? Wink

What's in the bottle?

Posts: 4096 | Location: London | Registered: 03 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Ghubert
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Originally posted by Tim Herald:
thanks all...Crazyhorse- we are east of there close to O'Neill and Spencer.

Got lucky a couple days later in SD. Passed up several 140 type deer and took this old guy with a huge brow tine on our last day. It was 13 below when we went out. COLD!

Nice deer Tim, well done.

But seriously now, what's in the bottle? Big Grin


Posts: 11731 | Location: London, UK | Registered: 02 September 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of Tim Herald
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Sorry guys. That was a promo photo for a scent elimination spray that sponsors our show.

Good Hunting,

Tim Herald
Worldwide Trophy Adventures
Posts: 2983 | Location: Lexington, KY | Registered: 13 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Fallow Buck
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Looks like it works!!

Posts: 4096 | Location: London | Registered: 03 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of dukxdog
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Great bucks Tim!

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Picture of Brian Clark
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Tim, Nice Job, It's great to see some nice bucks coming out of Nebraska. Congrats to you.


Brian Clark

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Picture of FishN4Eyes
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ALL nice bucks!

Looks like fun.

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