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From The L.A. Times TORONTO -- Though many view Canada as an unassuming neutral nation that has skirted terrorist attacks, it has suffered its share of aggression, and intelligence officials believe at least 50 terror groups now have some presence here. They are from Sri Lanka, Kurdistan and points between and include supporters of some of the best-known Mideast groups, including al-Qaida, authorities say. Osama bin Laden named Canada one of five so-called Christian nations that should be targeted for acts of terror. The others, reaffirmed last year by his al-Qaida network, were the United States, Britain, Spain and Australia. The Canadian Security Intelligence Service, counterpart of the CIA, said terrorist representatives are actively raising money, procuring weapons, "manipulating immigrant communities" and facilitating travel to and from the United States and other countries. Besides al-Qaida, those groups include Islamic Jihad; Hezbollah and other Shiite groups; Hamas, the Palestinian Force 17, Egyptian Al Jihad and various other Sunni groups from across the Middle East, CSIS said. CSIS said the Irish Republican Army, Tamil Tigers and Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and major Sikh terrorist groups also have supporters in Canada. The Air India bombing of 1985 was the deadliest terrorist attack on a commercial airliner prior to Sept. 11, with the government accusing Sikh terrorists living legally in Canada of taking down the airliner over Ireland, claiming 331 lives, most Canadian. The separatist Tamil Tigers of Sri Lanka -- whose followers helped start the trend in suicide bombings when they assassinated Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi in 1991 -- have their political headquarters in a Toronto suburb. Canada's clandestine Communications Security Establishment, which listens in on conversations and translates messages from foreigners under suspicion, has increased its annual budget by 57 percent since Sept. 11, and Canada has spent some $6.5 billion to beef up security along its border. There currently are four Arab Muslim men in Canadian jails under "security certificates," which allow Ottawa to detain suspects without public trial or evidence in the name of national security. All four suspects argue they face risk of torture if returned to their native Algeria, Morocco, Syria and Egypt. A fifth suspect, Adil Charkaoui, was granted conditional release in February but must wear an electronic tracking device and remain in Montreal. Human rights groups have condemned Canada for holding the men. Canada adopted its Anti-Terrorism Act in the months that followed Sept. 11, yet only one man has been arrested under the act: Mohammad Momin Khawaja. Born in Canada to Pakistani immigrants, Khawaja was arrested in March 2004 on suspicion of participating in and facilitating terrorist activities in London and Ottawa, according to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Young men like Khawaja, 26, are representative of the type of recruits al-Qaida is after, CSIS said in a report recently made public by the Toronto Star. "There is a direct threat to Canada and Canadian interests from al-Qaida and related groups," CSIS said. "Converts are highly prized by terrorist groups for their familiarity with the West and relative ease at moving through Western society." If you can't smell his breath, your're not close enough! | ||
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So what do you Canadians think about this: "Osama bin Laden named Canada one of five so-called Christian nations that should be targeted for acts of terror." If you can't smell his breath, your're not close enough! | |||
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This has been an ongoing problem since the gawdamed Liberal's insane changes to our immigration policies circa 1967-68. When it became easy for the wogs to come here, and this was NOT done out of concern for humanitarian issues, they flooded in and became politically active. Now, they do as they please because of "multiculturalism" and so called "hate laws" which deny Canadians free speech. Quite honestly, I fully expect very severe social unrest involving the most extreme violence due to the presence of these vermin. The Sikhs, Pakis and Tamils are the worst and they are armed to the teeth and are both politically active and astute; they manipulate Canadian politics and the media as they do in their own shithole homelands. We need a systematic repatriation of ALL of these peoples throughout North America, they are the enemy and we are their targets of intent. We have not yet seen the end of this whole terrible business of violent attacks and we need to make ready as this IS WWIII. | |||
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I think the problem is especially acute here in Quebec. Much of colonial Africa and the Middle East was under the auspice of France at one time so most of them can speak French. Quebec with its demented reasoning ability will accept everyone who can speak French (English need not apply). We've got more Arabs here than we know what to do with. Thank heavens I'll be out of here soon. Best wishes. Cal - Montreal Cal Sibley | |||
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But, that's the problem, Cal, you are the kind of "immigrant" that we really NEED in Canada and are not getting. I don't blame you for wanting to leave "la Belle Province", this exodus of English speaking people from Que. was one of the major reasons behind fag-commie Trudeau's changes I mentioned above. They want "pur laine" Quebecoise running this country for the wealthy corporate elite.....and it's working! | |||
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I have this thread running on another hunting site also. A gentleman from Onterio postesd: Ok.We've had our concerns with terrorists for some time but we were more concerned with the Sikhs and the Tamil Tigers. Our situation is different from yours because these groups use Canada in much the same way that the IRA uses Boston.They prey on the imigrants from their own country for the money to finance their operations back home. The Air India bombing was the biggest terrorist attack up until the time of 911.Although most of the dead were Canadian nationals they were of East Indian descent.The sikh extremists used a flight originating in Canada to attack Indian property. We haven't had a lot of problems with Islamic extremists,so after 911 CSIS cast a net and didn't get much.They have a couple people in jail that are probably innocent so some of what your reading in the article above is planted...some of it. Back in the '70s we had the FLQ crisis.A bunch of separatists kidnaped 2 people and murdered one.Trudeau declared martial law and the security people(RCMP then)arrested almost 500 people basically everyone on their watch list.They didn't get any of the core group of eight or any of their supporters.Why?Because they had a preconceived idea of who they should watch.When they're caught being complacent they reacted to pressure and got it wrong. Security organizations are blindsided all the time.It's to be expected.How they recover is what's important. Remember,CSIS is there to protect Canada.They will do what they can to help your guys but that's not their primary job. I foundthis very interesting. We have live coverage of Iraq....but, storys as posted above don't get much press here. If you can't smell his breath, your're not close enough! | |||
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The only criminals in Canada i'am worried about are the Liberals. | |||
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Deathwind Is that like a really bad fart?????Theres more going on here than we realize.Its sad, but a mini london might wake up the fruits on the hill | |||
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Hello; It was pointed out to me yesterday, that we do not even have a foreign intelligence agency.CCIS deals purely with domestic matters. The unsuccesful prosecution of the Air India terrorists shows exacrly how well we handle these matters. Grizz Indeed, no human being has yet lived under conditions which, considering the prevailing climates of the past, can be regarded as normal. John E Pfeiffer, The Emergence of Man Those who can't skin, can hold a leg. Abraham Lincoln Only one war at a time. Abe Again. | |||
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Forgive my curiosity, but does anything in this thread have anything to do with hunting in Canada? | |||
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Well, it seems we so far have a sensible American and some non-moonbat Canadians on this thread. I'd like to ask you all for your thoughtful opinions on a subject dear to my heart. What would you say to the idea of political union of the two countries, under the American Constitution as The United States of North America, with maybe a new capital in, say, Omaha? Canada could contribute about 25 new States, the borders would be defensible, and the power center would shift from the Liberal/Democratic East to a more level base. Am I nuts, stumbling in the dark? It makes sense to me for a place I'd want my kids to inherit vs. what they look forward to now. Is this an idea, or not?? | |||
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Maybe you are nuts and stumbling in the dark! The idea of political union with the U.S is absolutely unacceptable to most Canadaians including Quebecers. I think the Americans are fine people and are the most creative society the world has ever known, but I don't want to be one of them!! Liberals in Canada have always set our agenda and always will. | |||
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McLernon, I already know what the reaction of Ontario Liberals is to this idea: I was asking the other gentlemen, who might have a different point of view and a lot more to gain. | |||
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You might want to rephrase that: Most Canadians from the liberal east. I think there are a lot of western Canadians that might disagree with you. We would welcome all western provinces and territories (starting with Manitoba). We'll even take BC, as long as Vancouver/Victoria becomes a subprovince whose political power is offset by the good people of the BC interior. Ontario, Quebec, PEI, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia can remain under the Maple Leaf. Nobody here will miss their political bent. | |||
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HP, of course my information is some 35-40 years out of date, but I would not be too quick to write off the folks in northern Ontario and Quebec, rural southern Ontario, the eastern townships of Quebec, or the NW of NB. They have been politically unrepresented for longer than that, and maybe today are realizing it. Thank you for your input. | |||
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The majority of Canadians live in the east and that's why we control the vote. Its called democracy, representation by population. If we joined the U.S. we would become 5 states not 25 and two of them would be Ontario and Quebec followed by the State of Western Canada, the Maritimes and Northern Canada. I wonder if westerners would like that? Quit the griping about the Liberals, the Liberals built the country. Like allot of older Canadians I remember what the Conservatives, led by a country pumpkin lawyer called 'Defensomething', did in 1959. Never again, not if I can help it!! McL | |||
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I think you mean what Dief tried to do, make western Canada a partner instead of a colony, and you and your smug masters in the east got kinda worried! Never say "never again"! Some of us "older Canadians" have real good memories also. hound Dogs have masters.....cats have "staff"..... but i aint no servant! | |||
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Long memories? I'm in my seventies! Go read my Report from the Northern Front on the RWVA Blog at http://www.rwva.org. No, we won't forget, and yes we'd make sure we had a LOT of States each approximating the size of the ones there already, to make SURE the population imbalance is corrected. TWO Congressmen, TWO Senators, ELECTED. | |||
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If you are refering to The Right Honourable John George Diefenbaker, Prime Minister of Canada, then have the courtesy to spell his name correctly. As to being a "country pumpkin", he was a native born Canadian who graduated from university, served in WWI and was one of the most highly respected and well loved men of his time. Even Pierre Trudeau said, upon Dief's death and I quote " I loved that old guy". As to building the country, the Conservatives under Sir John A, did far more of that then any Liberal government has ever done. Where civil liberties are concerned, P.M. Diefenbaker brought in the Canadian Bill of Rights, but, your ill mannered, arrogant rant sorta ignored that, didn't it? BTW, I am in my 60th year and my family has been in Canada since the mid-1600s, so, your patronizing BS doesn't cut it with me. | |||
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Americans are a hell of a lot smarter than you then, which is why we have a Republic where the minority is protected from mob rule. If we followed your poor example of a Government structure, we would have an effeminate blue blood from Boston for presisdent because that's what the intelligentsia from NYC, Boston, Chicago, and LA would want. However, much to the chagrin of liberals everywhere we have these mechanisms called the Senate and the Electoral college which thankfully give an equal voice to ALL Americans. What you are basically saying is that the issues affecting Western Canada mean fuck all to you, and that their voice is worthless. I wonder how that sits with your western compatriots. | |||
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You're gettin' it, HP! You're gettin' it! THANK YOU for your input, again. | |||
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kutenay, Thank You, too! The Chief and his wife Olive paid many visits as honored guests in my mother's house in Ottawa when I was a youngster. He was a Great Canadian. I was part of an outdoor shooting entertainment for him in Calgary many years later, and he remembered me and my mother's first name! I have a photo taken at the time which we sent to him. He autographed it and sent it back: one of my treasures. | |||
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Expanding on the theme, and trying to get back on the original thread, would it not be easier to defend against terrorist Islamofascists and others as one unified country? A common territory under one policy? We could substitute Baffin Island for Gitmo! All the personnel on the present border would be able to augment those now overworked in the coastal ports. The Coast Guard would have continuous coverage on the Pacific side to Alaska, and it would be real easy to spot a raghead on the east coast of Labrador! Our lumber and fishing industries could stop snarling at each other and get on with the War Effort. Think of the increase in National oil reserves. As kutenay said, this well could be WWIII and we're in it as a continental target. My idea makes perfect sense to me, at least, if only from the view of a continental defense. You can't call out NORAD for one stinkin' raghead with an A-bomb in a suitcase that slipped ashore in wilderness and crossed a porous border. | |||
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I guess you didn't hear me before. We'd take all your conservative Western provinces and let them become however many states they would wish. The rest of Canada can remain where they are. We don't need any more D-A liberals, that's for sure. | |||
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I got news for you McLernon, the US will never accept Quebec as now constituted. No bilingualism and no special favours. The Maritimes would have to learn to get off the welfare train as well. Southern Ontario as one State, the rest of Ontario as another. The Lower Mainland of BC as one State, the rest of BC as another. The rest of the Provinces as States and NWT as it is, a Territory. This would also be a good time to split California in to a Northern and Southern version. Western Canada is getting sick and tired of Ontario taking and never giving. You people in Southern Ontario don't have a clue of where the rest of Canada even is let alone how it thinks, and could care less. IMHO ![]() | |||
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Thank You, Mickey. Boss, where are you in all this? It's your thread! Let's see: Vancouver Island - 1. Lower BC - 2. Upper BC - 3. S. Alberta - 4. N. Alberta - 5. S. Saskatchewan - 6. N. Saskatchewan - 7. S. Manitoba - 8. N. Manitoba - 9. SW Ontario - 10. SE Ontario - 11. NW Ontario - 12. NE Ontario - 13. NW Quebec - 14. NE Quebec - 15. S. Quebec - 16. SE Quebec - 17. N. NB - 18. S. NB - 19. W. NS - 20. E. NS - 21. P.E.I. - 22. Newfoundland - 23. Labrador - 24. Yukon - 25. NWT - Territory. Nunavut - Territory. Yeah, we could do with that, or something like it. Go to your maps and think on't. Then figure how to defend it as a whole. Just gotta be easier! | |||
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HABCAN The US will never accept The Yukon or The NWT as States. Nor will it accept the breakdown of NB or NS. Not enough people and no reason to break it up. PEI, maybe, maybe not. Don't forget that every State gets two Senators. Giving Canada and it's 30 million population 50 Senators while the US and it's 300 million people have 100 won't fly. Quebec would be hard to swallow and they would probably want to be independent anyway. It looks pretty but if the purpose was to fight terrorism the attitude of people in both countries would need a major shift for it ever to happen. Canada has no fear of an outside enemy, how could anyone ever invade Canada? Unless it was the US of course but why would that ever happen? The only reason for Canada to join the US would be for the economic benefits of the larger total population in financing the infrastructure. Not for protection, it has that already just by being where it is. | |||
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How about the simply reason of the western Canadians wanting to be free from the tyranny of the liberal majority? That's a good enough reason for me to let them in and keep Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritimes out. | |||
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Canada will never become part of or join with the USA as a single country as our cultures are far too different. There is absolutely zero benefit for us in such a union and many potential losses. We own a huge amount of fresh water, petroleum resources, minerals and timber which we can sell to the highest international bidder, or, use to develope this country. Why would we want to give these to a foreign power to exploit...it simply is absurd to even consider this. We need certain reforms in Canada, but, joining the USA sure as hell ain't one of them! | |||
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Those very resources waiting to be properly exploited are our bargaining chip. With States' Rights nobody but the residents of that State decide "how much", and "how far". Your beautiful Kootenays would be safer, not open to the whims of the Feds to let a lumbering lease to say, Japan, (in the National interest, of course!) A hundred years from now I sincerely hope they'll look back at your statement and wonder "What was he thinking?" Thanks, HP. | |||
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Good luck getting those reforms through your pairlamentary system of government. | |||
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Dont' get out much, do you? It's 2005. ![]() The Liberals have done thier best to destroy this great country. It's a shame that more easterners can't see that. I guess they are terrified of western domination! ![]() 375 Ruger- The NEW KING of the .375's!! | |||
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Kutes Who is Canada going to sell it's water and timber too if not the US? How can Canada expect to compete against Russia for the international timber market when they are practically giving it away in order to build a market and infrastructure. Do you think Saudi Arabia is going to send tankers over to get water? Much cheaper to disalinate sea water. Canada has much to gain by a union with the US but it won't happen because Eastern Canada would lose it's hold over Western Canada and they won't let it happen. Ontario would become just another medium large State instead of the kingpin of the Country. | |||
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I get a kick out of you guys argueing which party is better. All poli's are scumbags with the possible exception of Randy White and he is talking about retirement. Even Chuck Cadman sided with the Lieberals at the last vote on the budget. And since Mr. Cadman was so sick at the time,maybe his for should be set aside since he was probably suffering from diminished capacity. Recount!! ![]() Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati | |||
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Sorry Gentlemen...This thread was dead until the incident in London. In dealig with 'coons in the Attic and my young Rottwieler Bitch going into heat...I forgot about this. I don't think we Americans should continue our Manifest Destiny in a Northernly direction. That whole French thing in Quebec wouldn't sit well with us considering our feeling toward the France right now. ![]() Last time I was in Louisanna I heard the Cajun's are still ticked-off about being booted out of Nova Scotia. And can you just imagine how we'd screw-up Hockey? We're just to stubbord to deal with the metric system....I must admit a bit of joy driving through Onterio and seeing the speed limit posted "100" What I do think WE learned after 9-11 was that our Government/Law Enforcement network wasn't networking. I think it boggles our collective minds down here that can put men on the surface of the Moon and a guy that wears a bedsheet and lives in a cave with goats.....sucker-punched u....HARD!!! I think the answer is simply to forget about national egos and work together for the common good. I think London was a message...and a test. If you can't smell his breath, your're not close enough! | |||
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Being a Chicagian...I can assure you you are mistaken in that presumtion. If you can't smell his breath, your're not close enough! | |||
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The County by county electoral map assures me that I am not. | |||
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Boss, most of us up here could not agree with you more about the National Egos thing, however, Ottawa (our capital that does NOT speak for all of us!) is NOT your friend, and I'm sure GWB realizes that fact, after recent events. THEY would have this nation hiding behind your defenses rather that pony up like MEN. Know that WE are not OTTAWA. <rant ends> Thank you for your patience. | |||
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HP - Truely a pretty map, lovely shades of red & blue. But, it hardly reflects how people feel about thier politics. We were only offered two chooices......Many of us feel we voted for the lessor of two evils. Like you country, we are diverse. I can asure you a Chicago Democrat is not the same as a Hollyweird(L.A.) Democrat. ![]() If you can't smell his breath, your're not close enough! | |||
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Habcan - I think most intelligent people understand while a government is suposed to represent it's people....it seldom does. The more I get to travel to hunt the more I appreciate that fact. You could put an Ave, Canadian hunter in a camp with the same from the USA, Russia, Tuurkey, Zimbabwe, and China.....and they'd have a great hunt. Real mem reconnize & respect each other. If you can't smell his breath, your're not close enough! | |||
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