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Terrorist in Canada
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Gentlemen - Of those 25 states you propose.

How many would be Liberal vs. Conservative in thier politics?

If you can't smell his breath, your're not close enough!

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I don't know...But I am a Canadian, nad I'm not interested in being an American! Razzer

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Boss, after going over my proposed States list, I think we could count on 16 Republican, 9 Dem when push came to shove. Our Feds have been wiggling boundaries of electoral districts to suit themselves for decades. A huge area with little population (Conservative) suddenly includes a chunk of densely populated city (Liberal) to ensure their desired electoral result. This must stop. If the votes were not to be largely in favor of a Republic, then no, we wiggle the borders or leave them behind. Unfortunately, that still leaves a Northern land border somewhere which would need defending.For insularity, I'd be willing to put up with a small minority of moonbats.

When I refer to "Republican", I do not necessarily refer to the party of that name, but rather to the political system of governing a Nation.

Have you all been over to Kim du Toit's NoR site to see what's going on in the "Alberta Secession" thread under the Politics section. Read the link of Link Byfield's article, that jimp posted at the top.
Posts: 37 | Location: East Central Alberta | Registered: 10 July 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of John Y Cannuck
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While I'd love to see southern ontario separated from Northern Ontario (Toronto anyways) I am, and will remain a Canadian.

The only problem with being Canadian, is the presence of Liberals
Canadian Liberal Government= Elected Dictatorship!
Posts: 872 | Location: Lindsay Ontario Canada | Registered: 14 April 2001Reply With Quote
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No need for you Canadian guys to become part of the United States. I have a better idea. The western provinces will secede from Canada and we in the Old South will secede from the U.S. (again!). We'll form our own country. Maybe call it the Confederate Provinces and States of North America. This way we won't be Canadians or Americans - we'll be Confederates!! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

-Bob F. jump
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I'm in Bob. Really, talk of "I won't do this", etc, is just delaying the inevitable. North America WILL become one political entity, it's simply a question of time. - dan

"Intellectual truth is eternally one: moral or sentimental truth is a geographic and chronological accident that varies with the individual" R.F. Burton
Posts: 5285 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 05 October 2001Reply With Quote
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BF; NO MORE PROVINCES: they don't work. Hell, they are bigger than some countries, and very regionalized which is why I keep wanting to cut 'em up into smaller States.
Posts: 37 | Location: East Central Alberta | Registered: 10 July 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by BFaucett:
No need for you Canadian guys to become part of the United States. I have a better idea. The western provinces will secede from Canada and we in the Old South will secede from the U.S. (again!). We'll form our own country. Maybe call it the Confederate Provinces and States of North America. This way we won't be Canadians or Americans - we'll be Confederates!! Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

-Bob F. jump

Bob, not a half bad idea but Bob, I uh, don't know how to tell you this but your flag SUCKS. Big Grin Howzabout we take the Confederate flag and change the white stars for white maple leafs? Do we have a deal? clap beer clap

Posts: 8827 | Location: CANADA | Registered: 25 August 2004Reply With Quote
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The white maple leafs work for me! thumb

Yeah, I know my flag design kind of sucks but it was a quick & dirty graphic. Roll Eyes

OR maybe we could just use the old Grand Union flag instead:

An original, historical American flag but it does, now, kind of look like a cross between the Stars & Stripes and the old Canadian Red Ensign. Of course we might want to update the Union Jack in the canton. What ya think??

-Bob F. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

(Sorry to continue the off topic posts but this is fun.)
Posts: 3485 | Location: Houston, Texas | Registered: 22 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Boss Kongoni
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You might want to get going on that sucession thing BEFORE Texas, California, Az & NM end up becoming Mexican Territorys again. sofa

If you can't smell his breath, your're not close enough!

Posts: 980 | Location: Illinois | Registered: 04 January 2003Reply With Quote
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you guys are warming the cockles of my old heart. Have you read all the similar stuff over at the NoR site yet? This bobbing back-and-forth is tiring on an old guy!
Posts: 37 | Location: East Central Alberta | Registered: 10 July 2005Reply With Quote
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You got that right!!!

-Bob F. Wink
Posts: 3485 | Location: Houston, Texas | Registered: 22 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by BFaucett:

The white maple leafs work for me! thumb

Yeah, I know my flag design kind of sucks but it was a quick & dirty graphic. Roll Eyes

OR maybe we could just use the old Grand Union flag instead:

An original, historical American flag but it does, now, kind of look like a cross between the Stars & Stripes and the old Canadian Red Ensign. Of course we might want to update the Union Jack in the canton. What ya think??

-Bob F. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

(Sorry to continue the off topic posts but this is fun.)

Hmmmmmm.............................I still like the Confederate flag with white maple leafs. Big Grin Big Grin

Posts: 8827 | Location: CANADA | Registered: 25 August 2004Reply With Quote
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Yeah, it would sure beat "Pearson's Beer Label"!
Posts: 37 | Location: East Central Alberta | Registered: 10 July 2005Reply With Quote
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I think we Albertans should just go on our own, ta hell with everyone, we'd do just fine,

aka. bushrat
Posts: 372 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 13 December 2001Reply With Quote
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I was just reading a study ranking all of The States and Provinces in order of tax each individual pays per year.

Alberta paid the 4th least and Quebec paid the 60th least (most).

BC paid 5th most and Washington paid the 20th most.

Washington just had it's 'Tax Freedom Day' on the 7th of July.

Incidentally Labrador recieved the most tax money by percentage. 40% more recieved than paid.

Economic Freedom of North America: 2005 Annual Report
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I've been reading up on the 3 men that have been associated with the recent London bombings. They live in the northern part of England, in Leeds. All indications are that they are rather well liked, active with youth in their communities, hard working, very unlike our impression of terrorists. What's alarming is that they appear to have been assimilated successfully into British society. These aren't outsiders, but people who reside in the attacked country. The US may also find this true shortly. The ability to successfully integrate into the new society doesn't mean they won't be the ones to hurt us. This part of the equation is most disturbing. Where do we go from here?
Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal

Cal Sibley
Posts: 1866 | Location: Montreal, Canada | Registered: 01 May 2003Reply With Quote
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That is the whole point concerning non-traditional immigration; these people, although BORN in the UK, steadfastly maintain their loyalty to the Islamofascists. We have much the same thing in Canada with Sikhs and, I think, Hindu-Tamils as well as others. So, I favour systematic repatriation of these peoples to their ethnic homelands.

Attempting to breakup Canada is an act of sedition, which is a capital offence in this country. I favour firing squads for traitors and I would defend this country to my final breath as many of my forbearers did. If, someone does not want to be Canadian, let them move to the USA or wherever, but, this country will NOT join the USA and that's that!
Posts: 1379 | Location: British Columbia | Registered: 02 October 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Boss Kongoni:
I can asure you a Chicago Democrat is not the same as a Hollyweird(L.A.) Democrat. Roll Eyes Thank God.

As long as Chicago Democrats continue to back the career of one of the most virulently anti-gun politicians in the country, they are no better than Democrats anywhere else.

Roll Eyes
Posts: 985 | Registered: 06 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Cal Sibley:
The ability to successfully integrate into the new society doesn't mean they won't be the ones to hurt us. This part of the equation is most disturbing. Where do we go from here?
Best wishes.

Cal - Montreal

I'll tell you where we should go, though my solution is VERY un-PC.

We round EVERY single RoP member and lock them up in detention camps.
Posts: 985 | Registered: 06 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by kutenay:
Attempting to breakup Canada is an act of sedition, which is a capital offence in this country. I favour firing squads for traitors and I would defend this country to my final breath as many of my forbearers did. If, someone does not want to be Canadian, let them move to the USA or wherever, but, this country will NOT join the USA and that's that!

Shit, you sound just like King George back around 1776! Look what happened to him.

The threat rings hollow to patriots, kute.
Posts: 985 | Registered: 06 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Actually, I AM a patriot, a CANADIAN one and I never threaten anyone, the point is that anyone in Canada who attempts to breakup this country is a traitor and needs a dirt nap. King George III did all right for himself, his descendants are still on the Throne today and his was one of the longest reigns of any British Monarch....not that I am a monarchist.

Anyway, this is all idle speculation as the rapidly changing cultural paradigms in both Canada and the USA strongly preclude any chance of political union, IMO. Parlez-vous la Joual???
Posts: 1379 | Location: British Columbia | Registered: 02 October 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Boss Kongoni
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As long as Chicago Democrats continue to back the career of one of the most virulently anti-gun politicians in the country, they are no better than Democrats anywhere else.

Now, this may come a as shock to you but, not everyone's world revolves around guns. Eeker

His Honnor is doing what he feels is right for the people that elected him. Interesting in that it's about the same type of law that Wyatt Erp had......a man that shaped and tamed our frountier. History & time will tell.

To me a firearm is just a tool to hunt with with. I can understand how one that substitutes a CCW weapon for his balls might argue that point. Wink

If you can't smell his breath, your're not close enough!

Posts: 980 | Location: Illinois | Registered: 04 January 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Boss Kongoni:
As long as Chicago Democrats continue to back the career of one of the most virulently anti-gun politicians in the country, they are no better than Democrats anywhere else.

Now, this may come a as shock to you but, not everyone's world revolves around guns. Eeker

His Honnor is doing what he feels is right for the people that elected him. Interesting in that it's about the same type of law that Wyatt Erp had......a man that shaped and tamed our frountier. History & time will tell.

To me a firearm is just a tool to hunt with with. I can understand how one that substitutes a CCW weapon for his balls might argue that point. Wink

I see. You are one of those for whom the the 2A is about hunting and duck rifles.....

Be careful with assuming too much about someone else's lack of balls. You might be in for a rude surprise.

In any event, now that I understand your true colors, I know to ignore your comments. Someone of your ideological bent isn't worth any more of my time.
Posts: 985 | Registered: 06 February 2005Reply With Quote
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I got news for you McLernon, the US will never accept Quebec as now constituted. No bilingualism and no special favours.

No bilingualism? No special favours? For immigrants and new people?

Been to southern Texas lately?


"Chance favors the prepared mind."
Posts: 1449 | Location: Dallas, Texas | Registered: 24 February 2004Reply With Quote
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So, I favour systematic repatriation of these peoples to their ethnic homelands.

Now that's an interesting way of puttin' things kutenay, I like that.

I must agree that I have no more desire to become a Yank than yourself, but you'd really be surprised how many Albertans feel they'd like to be independant.

It surprises me to see you value confederation so much, you probably know better than myself how Ottawa has been bending the West over the barrel for the last hundred years.

My point is - Confederation didn't work then and doesn't work now, maybe we need to try something different.


Posts: 76 | Location: Calgary, AB | Registered: 02 January 2004Reply With Quote
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Hey cobra!!!

Well, I guess some in Canada don't want to join our new country. Well, that's fine. I guess Texas will just have to go it alone. We'll secede (again!) but we're taking back our former territory!!

-Bob F. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin
Posts: 3485 | Location: Houston, Texas | Registered: 22 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Be careful with assuming too much about someone else's lack of balls. You might be in for a rude surprise.

When It comes to you, I doupt there's any surprise to be had. You prance into this thread and instead of discussing the topic you are compeled to be a smartass. Now your're pissy because I hit a nerve?


If you can't smell his breath, your're not close enough!

Posts: 980 | Location: Illinois | Registered: 04 January 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by BFaucett:
Hey cobra!!!

Well, I guess some in Canada don't want to join our new country. Well, that's fine. I guess Texas will just have to go it alone. We'll secede (again!) but we're taking back our former territory!!

-Bob F. Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

Bob, some people have no vision at all. clap clap

Posts: 8827 | Location: CANADA | Registered: 25 August 2004Reply With Quote
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The majority of Canadians live in the east and that's why we control the vote. Its called democracy, representation by population.

It is also called the tyranny of the majority.

If yuro'e corseseyd and dsyelixc can you siltl raed oaky?

Posts: 9647 | Location: Yankeetown, FL | Registered: 31 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by McLernon:
The majority of Canadians live in the east and that's why we control the vote. Its called democracy, representation by population. McL

It called dictatorship by the liberals in the east, Where the rest of the country has nothing to say.The liberal head honcho just got another
prostitude. Fits in well with all the thiefs

Fred M.
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I think Cobra's concept of "North Country" is the way to go. Have the Northern portion of BC, Yukon Territories and NWT join with Alaska to form their own country. Big Grin I'm not quite sure how to deal with Juneau and parts of Anchorage though Confused

The AR series of rounds, ridding the world of 7mm rem mags, one gun at a time.
Posts: 7213 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by McLernon:
The majority of Canadians live in the east and that's why we control the vote. Its called democracy, representation by population.

If we joined the U.S. we would become 5 states not 25 and two of them would be Ontario and Quebec followed by the State of Western Canada, the Maritimes and Northern Canada. I wonder if westerners would like that? Quit the griping about the Liberals, the Liberals built the country. Like allot of older Canadians I remember what the Conservatives, led by a country pumpkin lawyer called 'Defensomething', did in 1959. Never again, not if I can help it!!


The Liberals "Built this country??"

It is so obvious you are from the east.
The Liberals brought in Bill c-68, you should love that, being a hunter.

All the Liberals ever built was personal fortunes through thievery and under-the-table payments. Do you ever watch the news??
Ever hear of HRDC scandal?

Ever hear of AdScam??

Move out west man, and get a real perspective on life.
Posts: 249 | Registered: 04 January 2005Reply With Quote
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He won't move west Mauser, he would have to give up all those western paid for percs that they get back east. derf

Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati
Posts: 3450 | Location: Aldergrove,BC,Canada | Registered: 22 February 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Boss Kongoni:
Be careful with assuming too much about someone else's lack of balls. You might be in for a rude surprise.

When It comes to you, I doupt there's any surprise to be had. You prance into this thread and instead of discussing the topic you are compeled to be a smartass. Now your're pissy because I hit a nerve?


Actually, it seems I am the one who's hit a nerve with Hizzoner.

Are you one of his Aldermen? Did you lick his balls today?

He is a piece of shit and so are all those who follow him.

And unless Saeed himself tells me I cannot participate in a certain forum or thread, I'll "prance" in wherever the fuck I please.
Posts: 985 | Registered: 06 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by DigitalDan:
The majority of Canadians live in the east and that's why we control the vote. Its called democracy, representation by population.

It is also called the tyranny of the majority.

How true that is. And that is why people of western Canada have such resentment for people of Eastern Canada.
Posts: 249 | Registered: 04 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by HABCAN:
Well, it seems we so far have a sensible American and some non-moonbat Canadians on this thread. I'd like to ask you all for your thoughtful opinions on a subject dear to my heart.

What would you say to the idea of political union of the two countries, under the American Constitution as The United States of North America, with maybe a new capital in, say, Omaha?

Canada could contribute about 25 new States, the borders would be defensible, and the power center would shift from the Liberal/Democratic East to a more level base.

Am I nuts, stumbling in the dark? It makes sense to me for a place I'd want my kids to inherit vs. what they look forward to now.

Is this an idea, or not??

I would go for that.

.......Guns only have two enimies: rust and Liberals.
.......Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.
Posts: 7 | Location: Sask, Canada | Registered: 28 January 2004Reply With Quote
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This kind of talk as been going on for a long time. I remember driving to AK for the first time in 74 the Canada radio was taking about the 50 new providences.

My feeling any country who still honors anothers country King or queen is lacking. They don't have the balls to go it on their own.

I find it hard to belive that the Canada and the Aussies still follow every social BS the brits but out.

When whose two get enough balls to stand on their own they might solve some of their troubles.
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My feeling any country who still honors anothers country King or queen is lacking. They don't have the balls to go it on their own.

Actually Lizzie is the Queen of Canada.She only moonlights as Queen of the United Kingdom.
Canada does not follow Britain's lead in many matters , for example we have stayed out of Iraq while the Brits went in. There are no political ties between Canada and Britiain but there are historical links. Canada has been totally independent from Britain for many decades. As an example in WWI we were technically at war with germany and her allies as soon as Britain was but in 1939 we actually waited a day or so before our Parliament made its own Declaration of War. In large part this was done to amplfy the fact of our independence, and to demonstrate to Quebec that it was a Canadian descision.
As for a republican form of gov't being more protective of minority rights than a Constitutional Monarchy it doesn't fly. The main difference is the term republican means the power resides in the people. In our system the power resides in the crown but the utilization of all gov't power is by the elected gov't. Lizzie has no descretion on how her gov't (the correct term here) will use that power. We choose her gov't for her so in reality the control of all gov't powers rests with the voters.
As for social BS we are much closser in social aspects to the US than Britain. Most of us drink coffee from mugs , not tea from cups. We also cool our beer and put ice in our drinks.

pssst America, your vulnerability is showing.

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