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Americans hunting in Canada
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Originally posted by Dewey:
Originally posted by Fasteel:

Why don't you tell us what it is you would like to see as far as changes? Do you wish to have Zero outfitters?
Zero foreign folks hunting and fishing in BC?

All this back and forth crap with the cheap shots included seem rather childish to me.

Lets stop all that and have outline what exactly it is that you would like to see for the future of hunting in BC

Regards Greg

Good post and more in line with what I think the originator of this thread had in mind.

Originally posted by BBBruce: I don't agree with banning Americans from hunting. Hunting should be shared as widely as possible before the antis do us all out of it.

I would like to see a total five year moratorium on ALL "non-resident" hunting here in BC, starting in 2010. Then, I want to see an "audit" of the entire Ministry of Environment and the whole GO system PLUS serious population studies of our various game animals.

The BC Wildlife Federation is NOW calling publicly for just such an audit, partially to investigate the rapid growth of these internationally active, foreign-funded "hunting" companies that pose as BC Guide-Outfitters and now militate to obtain both larger quotas of our game and restrict resident's access to some of our finest hunting grounds.

Originally posted by BBBruce: We need to get provincial politicians on our side to enforce more inclusive hunting. One of their issues is money - a foreigner can be forced to pay royalties per game animal that citizens don't pay. One answer would be persuading politicians to require more Canadian hunts. That means allowing more hunts so that government can get its revenues, and punishing GO's who refuse to fill local orders. Some will call this interference with private enterprise, but it shouldn't be a problem (beyond the ideological whiners) if done right. Since the GO does not share the royalty, his profit should be the same for any hunt.

When properly conducted, the population studies will give we BCers a better idea of just what game we have and thus how many of each species can be sustainably harvested per season. I tend to query the current MOE figures on population and have learned to never believe anything that a GO says about any aspect of game management, so, these studies are crucial, IMHO.

Once these are completed, I would like to see a system implemented whereby BC CITIZENS get a flat 85% of ALL game and this would be encoded in legislation, NOT left at the "discretion" of the Fish and Wildlife Branch Regional Managers. The other 15% would be, by STATUTE, reserved for CANADIAN CITIZENS living in our other provinces and territories, so that they would have some opportunity to hunt a Stone's Sheep, Roosevelt Elk and a Grizzly; this would be administered by a "preferential points" type of draw and ALL out-of-province hunters WOULD HAVE to hire a "certified" guide OR be accompanied by a BC resident, as is now the case.

Originally posted by BBBruce: BC's hunting regulations are intended to share BC hunting between residents and non-residents. GO's use their facilities to keep residents out of prime hunting country. Dewey has suggested dealing with the issue by banning non-residents. I am arguing that banning is not appropriate, that we should get non-resident support in stopping the abuses by GO's.

I would prefer to see the entire system of GO tenures changed and GOs be licenced to hunt anywhere in BC, BUT, they would HAVE to be BC born, NO foreign investment in their operations would be allowed and the penalty for non-compliance would be SERIOUS gaol time in a "max" joint.

So, with better game-habitat management and a system like this designed for CANADIANS to utilize OUR resources, we would all benefit and I want to see ordinary, working Canucks from Belleville, St. John, Summerside and Twillingate be able to hunt in BC,

rather than have fatass, loudmouthed and bush-inept foreign pricks slaughter our know, the kind that threaten me on this forum when I dare to post that I will politely but firmly tell foreign hunters to leave here as they are not reaction to this, in person, would be fast, brutal and merciless.
Originally posted by BBBruce: As a nation we have always managed to stay above that kind of hate.

I have seen a lot of BC and was just in Alberta last Saturday, I see some similar problems of an environmental-hunting nature and hope to do my duty to my country to alleviate these. What do you think about trying to get the National Parks put on "draw" for all CANADIAN hunters, or, perhaps those over 60 and any handicapped, as in wheelchair bound?

There is a LOT more to this, we are now entering what promises to be another "war in the woods" here in BC due to the never-ending greed of industry and totally inept and morally deficient "management" of our current provincial government....this is going to be one hell of a conservation battle, but, I am confident that we BC conservationists and decent people will win.

This is a very basic description of what I want to see relevant to BC hunting; I want science-based management, a responsible and well-funded government service and BC hunting kept for CANADIAN citizens ONLY as we do not have the wildife to continue allowing the travesty of foreign "trophy" collecting and should ban this, forthwith.

Originally posted by BBBruce: BC's hunting regulations are intended to share BC hunting between residents and non-residents. GO's use their facilities to keep residents out of prime hunting country. Dewey has suggested dealing with the issue by banning non-residents. I am arguing that banning is not appropriate, that we should get non-resident support in stopping the abuses by GO's.

Originally posted by Dewey:

Good post and more in line with what I think the originator of this thread had in mind.

Originally posted by BBBruce:
1. Kicking out foreigners invites cash strapped governments to start charging residents royalties.

2. Banning hunting at any level will lead to banning it at all levels as soon as government sees it can get away with it.

3. Charging anybody for back country access invites charging everybody. That or banning it. It is already happening in national parks.

Posts: 4595 | Location: TX | Registered: 03 March 2009Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dewey:

I would prefer to see the entire system of GO tenures changed and GOs be licenced to hunt anywhere in BC, BUT, they would HAVE to be BC born, NO foreign investment in their operations would be allowed and the penalty for non-compliance would be SERIOUS gaol time in a "max" joint.

Simply amazing. And how do you think this would come about Dewey? Do you have ANY concept of the legal implications of this "idea" of yours? Any WHATSOEVER?

I'll break it down, and type slowly for you...G/O is a business. Plain and simple. As such, they are run as a business. Financial backers are found where they are found. If that is family money from another country, banking institutions, wherever, the money is where it is.

Now, think about this....You want to take a business (that is scattered across the province) and tell the owners that they no longer own it. Now please explain to the readership here how that would not have implications to ANY business owner that is not "born in BC"...?

Some other idiot could decide that he doesn't like the fact that his H'Mong born neighbor owns a 7/11, or that his English friend owns a McDonalds franchise and make a complaint...

Originally posted by Dewey:
have fatass, loudmouthed

Originally posted by Dewey:
my reaction to this, in person, would be fast, brutal and merciless.

As has been said, Pot? Kettle?

Originally posted by Dewey:
I want science-based management, a responsible and well-funded government service and BC hunting kept for CANADIAN citizens ONLY as we do not have the wildlife to continue to continue allowing the travesty of foreign "trophy" collecting and should ban this, forthwith.

You do realize that animals are renewable right? That every year they make more of 'em?

I would like to see a single un-biased study that shows "trophy" hunting has decimated a population of anything anywhere in the province in the last decade...Two decades even.

Your "logic" is quite flawed Dewey, and the anti-everyone-ism is almost startling...Almost.
The ONLY difference between hunters from say, Texas or Kansas and a hunter from St Johns is where his mother happened to be when she went into labour. They both would have the same goal in coming here to hunt any animal; to take the biggest or most representative animal they could possibly find to put on their wall at home. Neither one would be coming to BC to hunt Stone's for meat.
Posts: 38 | Location: Erickson, BC | Registered: 24 August 2009Reply With Quote
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Actually, BM, among my close friends and advisors are a couple of QCs, who were supervised by my wife in her current position; I used to obtain legal advice from a Provincial Court Judge, born at Taghum, BC, in 1905 and a good personal friend of mine and my late mother's employer. No, of course, I don't understand the legal ramifications of my points and you know SO MUCH more than I do, eh.

You simply have considerable antagonism toward me and this is what motivates your rants and attempts to insult me, here and on other venues. I know WHO you are, WHAT you are and consider you to be not worth further discussion.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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So thats a no then? You have no studies to back up the decimation of animal populations by "trophy hunting" to substantiate your position?

What I am? Oh? Do tell.
Posts: 38 | Location: Erickson, BC | Registered: 24 August 2009Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dewey:

You simply have considerable antagonism toward me and this is what motivates your rants and attempts to insult me, here and on other venues. I know WHO you are, WHAT you are and consider you to be not worth further discussion.

Roll Eyes


Posts: 2937 | Location: minnesota | Registered: 26 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Are you SURE your not a drinker,Dewey?


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I think that you misunderstood my initial comment in my long post of this ayem; I simply meant that Bruce had intended to initiate a rational discussion concerning this issue, not that he and I agreed...or, are ever likely to do so.

Unfortunately, Bruce is no longer with us to further comment on the issue of Americans hunting in Canada, my concern is with ALL foreigners hunting, etc., here and I was simply trying to respond to "Fasteel" and explain what I want to see happen here and that is all.

It really does not matter what ANY foreigner thinks or posts here on AR, as this is a decision for we who own the resource and many here in BC agree with my position. Some do not, obviously and have a right equal to mine to lobby for a system they consider worthwhile and may well do so.

In the final analysis, the decision will be made based on what the government thinks will keep them in power and this is a "numbers" game.....and we who wish to protect our lands, waters and other resources simply HAVE the greater numbers and we WILL win, no question.

I have posted what I think and I have enjoyed your posts as I do most here, but, I have nothing to add and am not going to waste time responding to stupid remarks made by fools.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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I also am a resident British Columbian and have hunted and fished across this Province since 1965.I have no issue at all with American hunters coming up here,most of the US hunters I've met have been true sportsman.I DO have issues with some of the GOs,and their efforts to limit Resident access so they can make money.I also am unimpressed with MOE's failure to address the allocation policies previously agreed on by all parties concerned,which have now been turned down by the GOs.This is a Provincial problem which must be addressed HERE,and has really nothing to do with individual American hunters.As far as I'm concerned they are more than welcome.If the laws change in the future,so be it but this is a made in BC problem,and only the Government can turn it around.That's what the BCWFederation is working on at the moment.Monashee
Posts: 165 | Location: British Columbia,Canada | Registered: 31 January 2007Reply With Quote
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As per usual Monashee, well said.
Posts: 38 | Location: Erickson, BC | Registered: 24 August 2009Reply With Quote
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I read this post with bewilderment. I frequently travel to Quebec and Ontario for hunting and fishing and experience none of this anti US rhetoric. Frankly my Canadian friends often talk about their concerns with the Chinese ownership of anything worth having in Vancouver. I believe that's in BC still.
I'm still trying to find out where the fishing part of this rant comes in. I catch a fish and if it is not a shore lunch toss it back. I don't think that hurts anyone and helps the economy.
I suggest you talk to some economists and bankers in Vancouver and discover where you should be concerned.
You have my word I will never spend a nickel in BC! Have a good life!
Posts: 3073 | Location: Pittsburgh, PA | Registered: 11 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Monashee, I agree with BushMonkey, your post was well put and is the sort of comment I WANT to see posted here by other BCers, whether they agree with my comments or not. Geez, BM and I AGREE, must be something weird here! Smiler Smiler Smiler

LJS, please excuse my humble Canadian ignorance, however, some of my family has lived in Vancouver, as I currently do, since 1884. The ...Chinese..., as you call them are usually CANADIAN citizens and, guess what, many of them come from among the very oldest pioneer families here, so, can your racist crap, eh.

As to conversing with economists and bankers, I do just that, as well as with other friends and former college mates, who are biologists, foresters, geologists, historians and doctors. I KNOW exactly where I need to be concerned about my country and WHO I need to be concerned about....and my comments, for about the tenth time, are directed at ALL repeat ALL foreigners, not merely Americans.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dewey:
Geez, BM and I AGREE, must be something weird here! Smiler Smiler Smiler

Are you ready for something really weird? I have a Toyota Tacoma! We agree on something!!! shocker


Posts: 2937 | Location: minnesota | Registered: 26 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Well, there might be hope for you yet!!!
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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I was just repeating what was told me by some Canadian friends. I guess they are mistaken.
How about the fish?
Posts: 3073 | Location: Pittsburgh, PA | Registered: 11 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by LJS:
I was just repeating what was told me by some Canadian friends. I guess they are mistaken.
How about the fish?
Hey LJS,don't worry about it just come on up and enjoy the fishin'!Cheers,Monashee
Posts: 165 | Location: British Columbia,Canada | Registered: 31 January 2007Reply With Quote
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Exactly how was his remark racist?
Posts: 1287 | Registered: 11 January 2007Reply With Quote
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When I was young, the fishing in B.C. was just superb and a substantial part of our annual food supply came from wild Rainbow Trout, Kokanee Salmon and commercially harvested Pacific Salmon and Cod. Now, the daily limit one is legally allowed to keep for food is not enough for ONE person and will likely never increase.

In my home area, this is largely due to the enormously destructive effects of the gawdammed "Columbia River Treaty" dams upon our Columbia River and it's lakes; these were built under political pressure by the Yankees so they could get cheap hydro-power and other riverine benfits. As usual, we decent, trusting Canucks were "ripped off" by the Yankees and some among us still find this acceptable....I don't.

BC-Canada does NOT have fish populations to provide "catch and release" sport for Yankees or any other foreigners. We need what we have left to provide FOOD for Canadians and ALL foreign fishing MUST be stopped here and our fisheries protected.

So, DON'T come and ...enjoy the fishin..., in fact, don't cross the border at all. Your insinuations about the "Chinese" are highly offensive to REAL Canadians and whether you or any other Yankee finds them acceptable, I don't and do not want your kind in my country.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Nurse's time for Dewey's medication.
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Hey, it's ...badger doody..., himself, with yet another foolish comment....typical.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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wtf. Keep your hatred to yourself. To add on to your outline above of changes you would like to see:

Once your 10 year ban on non resident hunting begins then every foreign firearms manufacurer stops shipping hunting firearms and other hunting related items to BC and Canada. Curious what brand of rifle you use to hunt with? Is it Yankee made?

After the 10 year period, those born in Canada that moved to another country may hunt in Canada with their fireram of choice.

While we are at it might as well ban all foreign made fishing equipment too. Wouldn't want to promote hypocrisy there with Dewey and cohorts by having him trash every nationality while enjoying their fine outdoor hunting and fishing products at the same time.
Posts: 126 | Location: North Carolina | Registered: 24 September 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Netwarren:
Wouldn't want to promote hypocrisy there with Dewey

you guys have no idea of the depth of hypocrisy Dewey has.


Posts: 2937 | Location: minnesota | Registered: 26 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Why would CZ, Sako, Beretta, Steyr or any other firearms maker stop selling product to Canadians? This contradicts basic business practices and ONLY the U.S.A. has enacted such restrictions on selling and shipping sporting firearms to Canada....YET, you Yankees continue to post/behave as though you had some "right" to hunt-fish here....typical.

I have guns from all over the world, dozens of them and most are highend, costly models or customs. I DO have about 20 or so American-built guns, but, tend to prefer the superior design and quality of European and Japanese guns and vehicles, optics and, especially, manners.....pity, eh?

The American guns I own were ALL imported here long before I was old enough to own guns and hunt, largely in the '50s. So, my buddies and I consider them to be "Canadian", or, at least as much as "The Chadwick Ram" is "American", get it?

I am IN FAVOUR of COMMONWEALTH citizens hunting in Canada, it is FOREIGNERS such as Americans that I wish to ban...and I could easily be persuaded to allow Norwegians, Icelanders and Irish sportsmen to be allowed here, as well.

I have not ...trashed... ANY nationality, it is simply YOU and your ...cohorts... that I want kept out of my country.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Im beginning to think this is just entertainment for you.I can find holes in all your arguments and statements.I heartily suggest that BC get a more eloquent spokesmen for their cause.Your brand of rhetoric only serves to work against you. If you were to present your arguement to the people who have the power to change the policies of BC,they would just ignore your rants,much like I would ,if I had more to do on this rainy day.


Posts: 2937 | Location: minnesota | Registered: 26 December 2002Reply With Quote
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You can't seem to keep your story straight now. Above you state your desire to ban all Foreign hunting and fishing. So yes, why should any firearm manufacturer (Sako, Beretta, CZ, etc.) ship their respective fine products to Canada then if their citizens are not welcome? Same basic question with fishing stuff too?

Now you have changes to suggest that European's and their fine products would be welcome to hunt and that right? Lift the ban on Europeans but keep the ban on Americans? That is the sift in your opinion based on your last post.

I could not agree more with you about $40,000 for a guided non-resident hunt being wild (and I doubt it is all Yankee clients doing this). But eh, if someone is willing to drop that a lot of people in Canada do stand to benefit. I also could not agree more that it would piss me off if as a resident I could not hunt an area or game becuase preference was given to non-residents...but enough responses here state that is not true.

You do seem to enjoy blaming Yankees for all your problems though. I know this isn't ture, but your posts suggest that Canadians are dumb. Dumb for constantly pursuing all different kinds of business, wildlife and natural resource ventures with Yankees that somehow all go completely wrong for you, eh?
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However,your choice of vehicles,and beer,is spot on. beer


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Dewey, I am curious if you own a truck and what brand it is. The Japanese and Europeans do make fine cars, but IMO no country offers a better full size truck than the three big Yankee auto's.

I somehow picture you tooling around BC in a F150 with a custom shop Remington by your side and a "I hate Yankee" bumper sticker.
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No other way to say it other than Dewey is a fucking idiot....period. ANY moron realizes that renewable resources are just that and are to be mangaed as such. The days are gone where animals flourish without management by man.....and let me clue you in genius, man is not going anywhere.

So keep yammering away about closing YOUR country off to, by and large, good people who pay a lot of money to come hunt animals where you happen to live. Where you came up with this bullshit about effortless, trophy collecting baffles my mind. You are a fucking ingrate and I GUARANTEE you don't represent most BCers.
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I spent most of my working life driving heavyduty 4x4 trucks on BC mountain roads and have driven everything from a Mercedes Unimog to a Datsun smaller than the UM's cargo box. I just put 4700 KMs. on a 2007 Dodge 3500HD-4x4 belonging to one of my best friends..a European immigrant and very patriotic Canadian citizen.

I have found American 4x4s to be mostly junk and not worth buying and we say, "Ford, fix or repair daily" here and none of my buds will own one". I wouldn't own a F-150 if you paid me to take it and hope I never drive another pos Ford.

I have detested, loathed, hated and despised Remington 700s since I shot my first one in 1962 and have NEVER owned one and never will. I DO HAVE a lot of P-64 Mod. 70s, but, my favourite rifles are Brno 21/22 and ZG-47s plus I love Mausers and FN crf ones, as well.

I DO NOT ...hate... Yankees and would NEVER have a bumpersticker of such an offensive and idiotic type on any vehicle or a T-shirt.....geezuz, you guys are sure paranoid, eh?

I own/drive ONLY Toyotas and would regardless of how wealthy I might be and I always buy the basic 4 banger in my vehicles as I no longer work in the bush and do not need to try to impress people by driving some big hunk of iron....and I NEVER have a gunrack in my window, either.

Sorry, to disappoint you, but, I do not fit into your "redneck" fantasies and am a mellow old fellow who merely enjoys hassling with you Yankees and also defending his birthright....stupid, well, he who laughs last.......

Gotta run, have a good day and do not drink TOO much beer, eh! Smiler
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No hard feelings here either...just spirited conversation via the Forum. I completely disagree about US full size trucks. Being from a rural area I have been around trucks my whole life. IMO, the Toyota 4 banger sets the standard with small trucks but no other trucks can handle the work that Fords, Chevy's and Dodge do day in / day out. Toyota has made a big push with their current Tundra to compete but it is too early to tell. The prior Tundra's were as you say some Junk.

At some point, after the states here were founded, my ancestors imigrated to the US from Europe...this is a similar story with people across the US. Does this then exempt us from your wishful hunting and fishing ban? Asking another way, if a Canadian born person moves to the US and has children in the US then , in your "ban" could thier children come back and hunt / fish in Canada? If yes, then why is a Yankee not allowed whose parents came to the US from Europe, when in your "ban" you later decided that Europeans would be allowed to come and hunt / fish?

I would like to also bring my Remington 700, as it shoots consistently very well.
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Hmmm.... still logged in.....must be tough running fast with that leg.


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Netwarren, don't be misled as doody is now being coy because he realizes he exceeded even his douchebaggery limit today. Remember, this is the same guy who routinely challenges people to confront him in person......which I find very funny since elder abuse is as illegal in BC as it is here.
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Norton, I agree. I still can't believe Dewey called my truck a POS...that is uncalled for.

We haven't got into Ammo yet, and what would be allowed under the Dewey Yankee Ban. I will put up Yankee ammunition and Yankee cartridge development against any country. I just don't know of anything better (in their respective class) than .243, .257, 25-06, .270, .280, 30-06, WSM's, 7mm Rem, 300 Win or 338. Just what does Dewey feed his fine European rifles? Must be Norma ammo in some European calibers. I think we will also need to exclude bullets like Nosler, Barnes, Core Lock't, and Sierra too.
Posts: 126 | Location: North Carolina | Registered: 24 September 2003Reply With Quote
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Actually, I have to wait for a buddy to bring me a custom .338WM he built and is tired of, so, I am checking in every so often while packing one of my hunting packs as I might run up country to see if a "Spiker" Moose, which open today is foolish enough to be where I can shoot him and pack him out before the damm hot weather spoils the meat.

Norton, you might want to lower your coffee intake and maybe even take those "meds" you mentioned earlier today.

Netwarren, what I REALLY want to see here in BC is a total re-organization of our current situation and it is a far more complicated one than most here on AR realize. The aboriginals, GOs, resident hunters, anti-hunters and "empire building" government bureaucrats all are involved and we residents are getting shafted...and WE pay the shot for what little environmental management exists.

Trucks, yup, I thought the T-100, and original Tundra were pretty sad and this latest version does not impress me much, either. My buddy was looking into Toyota's Hino line to see if they would import a 1-ton 4x4 to Vancouver, but, no luck.

I USED to like American trucks, such as the 1966 and '67 PowerWagons I had in the BCFS, but, I dislike anything aince about '72...too soft, too fancy and they break down FAR into the bush and are too hard for non-professionals to fix. "Horses for courses", eh, I am not a farmer and my uses are much different.

Now, a number of my aunts and uncles WERE born here in B.C. and went to the USA and had children. These are my cousins and they are Americans and NO, I do NOT think that they should be allowed to hunt-fish here except as other foreigners currently are.

What seems to be my changing insofar as who should be allowed here is simply for discussion and the final situation will not be resolved for a few years yet. Also, it IS OUR decision to do as WE see fit with this and so I post varied possibilities...hell, if Norton calms down and acts less like a teenybopper and more like a man, why, I might invite HIM to go fishing here!

Poor Norton, he sure gets uptight, eh.

So, I am tossing out various possibilities and seeing if I and other BCers here can learn anything from all the far, most have been not very useful, except as entertainment.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by jb:
Hmmm.... still logged in.....must be tough running fast with that leg.

A week ago, today, I carried a full pack up a mountain north of Terrace, BC, in driving rain and dense fog, all day long. I doubt that you have ever even SEEN mountain country like that and you would pizz your diaper if you tried to walk in it.

Geezuz, how pathetic, to comment on another poster's injuries, I really find that almost beyond belief.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Netwarren:
Norton, I agree. I still can't believe Dewey called my truck a POS...that is uncalled for.

We haven't got into Ammo yet, and what would be allowed under the Dewey Yankee Ban. I will put up Yankee ammunition and Yankee cartridge development against any country. I just don't know of anything better (in their respective class) than .243, .257, 25-06, .270, .280, 30-06, WSM's, 7mm Rem, 300 Win or 338. Just what does Dewey feed his fine European rifles? Must be Norma ammo in some European calibers. I think we will also need to exclude bullets like Nosler, Barnes, Core Lock't, and Sierra too.

I have ammo and conponents from all over the place, RWS, Lapua, Norma, these are my favourites and bullets from South Africa, domestic makers, the above and Woodleighs are easy to obtain and work very well.

We have synthetic stocks, barrels, actions, scopes and everything else from domestic and non-US sources.....and could stop shipping the zinc, lead, copper, power, oil and so forth that you need to make Noslers, Sierras and whatever.................

The best thing that could happen to Canada would be to get much further away from the USA in every respect.
Posts: 2366 | Location: "Land OF Shining Mountains"- British Columbia, Canada | Registered: 20 August 2006Reply With Quote
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Dewey, I do empathize with you if you are really restricted as a resident from access to hunting in your Province and across Canada. I have not been to Canada before, but pics and articles from hunts in the Canadian back country are honestly amazing to me. Very beautiful places and superb animals.

Unfortunately for me, I think those back country hunts are way out of what I can afford. However, I am planning to hunt deer in Canada. An earlier reply made an excellent statement that we should find some common ground as hunters before the anti's take that away. I think we can both agree that having a deer, elk, moose in our scope is a feeling that just can't be duplicated and I think that feeling should be open to all, and equally respected.

Best of luck on your moose hunt! I am here in NC a little jealous after reading that.
Posts: 126 | Location: North Carolina | Registered: 24 September 2003Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Dewey:

Geezuz, how pathetic, to comment on another poster's injuries, I really find that almost beyond belief.

Oh,please.You have lowered the post bar about as far as it can go. Roll Eyes

And ,your choice of dog breed is lacking also.Rottweilers are fine dogs,for sure,but surely not the "best" breed.If they had half the courage,loyalty,hunting spirit and heart of a yorkshire,then you would have something.
Our penelope routinely catches birds,rabbits and squirrels in the back yard,yet only weighs in at 8 lbs.If she weighed 160 lbs like your guy,I shudder to think. And ,she can lick you hand,without washing your shoes at the same time. dancing


Posts: 2937 | Location: minnesota | Registered: 26 December 2002Reply With Quote
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This seems to be a forum for one or two fools that want to boast and prove there manliness and a whole lot of others who surprisingly want to argue with fools.
Posts: 7 | Registered: 29 March 2008Reply With Quote
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You left out bystanders who insist on posting just to be posting.
(Not me, of course....)
Posts: 98 | Location: Iowa | Registered: 13 September 2009Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by volta:
This seems to be a forum for one or two fools that want to boast and prove there manliness and a whole lot of others who surprisingly want to argue with fools.

dancing with your first post,you have gotten to the crux of the matter.I commend you sir! patriot


Posts: 2937 | Location: minnesota | Registered: 26 December 2002Reply With Quote
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