I too would like to know what the experts have to say on this one. Looks good to me. Peter.
Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong;
The factory records would tell you. My brother has a Holland .450 hammerless made in 1888. The Holland ledger page says #2 royal hammerless. Almost all, if not all, of these were made by Scotts. My brothers has game scenes of Tigers and Lions, a few early Royals had border engraving. These were best grade rifles. The later #2 Hollands were of a lesser grade, Dominion, maybe?
I'd buy that for a dollar Would make a nice leopard gun cut back to 18" barrels Seriously it is a beauty. I have drooled over the HH Paradox 12 gauge Royal in my avatar if you can zoom in to see it. They are beauties to behold and I would love to own one some day. The wood looks great on that rifle and no cheesy animals on it.