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284 basic 2.5"
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Does anybody make a 284 win brass in basic cylinder out to 2.5" or so?

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I am really thinking of a 25 degree shoulder just like a 338 win mag to improve on my 338-06. My original thought was to use 8x68 brass but the bolt on my gun will be pushed to open up to the .510" rim on the 8x68. So my brain got to thinking about a 284 rebated case to be almost a 338 mag when the action won't take much more.

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Picture of D Humbarger
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I don't of any blank brass on the 284 case. You might take a look at 9.3x64 brass. It should fit your needs for reforming though it is pricy.

Doug Humbarger
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I don't know of a 284 basic. If the 338-06 isn't enough easiest jump is 338wmag. Talk to Wayne at or Bitteroot here. The 340Howell is about 78grs of water capacity and based on 06 cylinder brass.

Another option Daryl over on NE is taking a 300wmag case turning the belt off and making a rebated rim to function on an 06 bolt.

As usual just my $.02
Paul K
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Originally posted by Smokin Joe:
284 Cylindrical Cases 2.4"

Well thats pretty darn close. I will see if I can get a few up here to play with.

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Posts: 419 | Location: Alberta, Canada | Registered: 10 May 2004Reply With Quote
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So how much will the length change if I neck this 2.4" brass down to 338? Longer shorter the same? Does it matter what angle the shoulder is?

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popcornSomeone said that Bell Bras was again being made. They just might have what you're looking for. beerroger

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So how much will the length change if I neck this 2.4" brass down to 338? Longer shorter the same? Does it matter what angle the shoulder is

Take these numbers with a grain of salt. I quickly drew up a couple case drawing over morning coffee.

Taking 2.4" 284 case using a .338" neck keeping the same shoulder and 30deg of a 284 the reformed case would be around 2.41. Just using the OS lenght of the case. YOu might get some compression. I would call it basically the same. Angle of the neck had very little if any effect on OAL it would on capacity.

The normal 284 case has very little taper so I would not go much under it nothing wrong with 30deg.

If my numbers are correct the wildcat case would give your around 6% capacity gain. Compared to a 4% for an AI. To me not much gain considering you would need a new barrel. Custom dies and $1.9/case brass.

Looking at AHRs 340 howell. you would get around 12-13% capacity gain. Headstamped brass is available as well as dies for only around $90. It would be a simple rechamber of your barrel.

I don't have a picture of the Howell compared to the 338-06 but in this picture the 2nd from the right is a 338-06 the 3rd from the right is my 340PDK. The howell will pretty much look the same as the PDK. It has a 35deg vs my 40 and the case is 2.6" vs my 2.54" From a 24" I can match and beat most factory 338Wmag ammo. With my 24" vs my 22" in my 338Wmag I can match my own 338wmag handloads.

If you want to try something with the 284 case please do so. The Howell would give you way more bang for your $$ and be far easier.

As usual just my $.02
Paul K
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My thoughts. Like the RUM line is to full length standards like 300Wby, the 284 full length would be to the '06 family. I dont see the brass i need yet so it may be a dream. I like the 340 PDK look and would like to see that on a 284 size case but 2.5 or so long. It would have to be able to clean up an '06 chamber by design.

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Posts: 419 | Location: Alberta, Canada | Registered: 10 May 2004Reply With Quote
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I understand wanting a dream to come together.

Take some Hornady magnum basic brass. Turn the belt off and rebate the rim same as the guy did in the link above. You will never see the .003" difference in the case head.

As usual just my $.02
Paul K
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I can see making it into a standard rim size 376 steyr.

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Originally posted by ramrod340:
I understand wanting a dream to come together.

Take some Hornady magnum basic brass. Turn the belt off and rebate the rim same as the guy did in the link above. You will never see the .003" difference in the case head.

I guess i need to figure out how to do this. I dont mind a long term challenge.

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Posts: 419 | Location: Alberta, Canada | Registered: 10 May 2004Reply With Quote
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Removing the belt and rebating the head is no big deal on a lathe. The head is solid brass anyway. I've even removed the belt using a simple jig in the drill press and a file.

Depending on what rifle you were using you might be able to open the bolt easier than rebating. But that gets away from your 284 look.

Or go off the reservation and build a 33 Newton. Big Grin

As usual just my $.02
Paul K
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popcornHave you looked at the .425 WR cases? claproger beer

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Posts: 10226 | Location: Temple City CA | Registered: 29 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Have you looked at the .425 WR cases?

rotflmo Now that is a 284 case on steriods.

Not to mention cheap at only $4 each shocker

As usual just my $.02
Paul K
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Oh boy. The 425 would be an easy neck down and fireform. If it would fit in the action. I would have to get 3 to try first. Gun shows here i come. It would be over 100gr case capacity and if the shoulder was far enough up probably closer to 115 gr. could easily trim to optimal length.

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Posts: 419 | Location: Alberta, Canada | Registered: 10 May 2004Reply With Quote
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Gun shows here i come

You must have far better shows than we have here in Denver if they have 425 WR brass.

As usual just my $.02
Paul K
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Just never know. But yeah probably not. I know a guy who got me 510 Wells brass who is at the shows a lot.

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Posts: 419 | Location: Alberta, Canada | Registered: 10 May 2004Reply With Quote
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popcornRCBS has the brass or maybe it's Huntington.
Frowner Went that route and wound up opening the bolt face and going with .404 and later .375 Ultra mag. brass. The two brands of .425s were a little soft for todays higher pressures and required a good bit of work to make the .425 feed. beerroger

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Posts: 10226 | Location: Temple City CA | Registered: 29 April 2003Reply With Quote
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As sexy as the 425 case is, i think the 45 basic with the belt removed and rim made smaller would be easy. Then i could use 338 win mag dies to load. Not sur if the reamer would work. Reality sucks but no point going crazy teying to find components.

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Posts: 419 | Location: Alberta, Canada | Registered: 10 May 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of MuskegMan
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Originally posted by PoppaW:
Does anybody make a 284 win brass in basic cylinder out to 2.5" or so?

Z-hat lists .30-06 cylindrical brass if that helps.

I'm pretty sure AHR sells it also.

Posts: 2097 | Location: S.E. Alaska | Registered: 18 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Z-hat lists .30-06 cylindrical brass if that helps.

I'm pretty sure AHR sells it also.

I've purchased from both places for my 380 & 400PDKs. I've found very little if any difference. Except the Howell Basic is about half the cost and Wayne is a lot easier to deal with than Z-Hat. The brass from Z-Hat is Rem and says 35Wheln of the head. The brass from AHR says Howell Basic. Both are right at 2.65"

As usual just my $.02
Paul K
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I missed that you had already posted the AHR link. I'm not a huge fan of Feddy Z.

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