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21 September 2007, 08:03
I'm considering necking the 6mm Rem to .224 for use in one of my VZ-24 actions.

I realize it's quite a bit overbore but the 6mm round feeds quite well in the action and the swift brass dont feed so well for me. I'm not having a lot of luck with the 22-250 round either and just thought a .224-6mm would be fine.

Any advice on this ???...anyone ever made one?...

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."
Winston Churchill
21 September 2007, 08:11
Should be real close to the 5.6x57RWS cartridge
21 September 2007, 17:32
I build alot of 22/243 Middlesteds some 224 Clarks and the 22/6mm is a very similar round except that it maintains all the parent case but the neck diameter. It is an excellent coyote round and you should have no function issues with the mauser action. Velocities in a 14 twist with 50-55 gr bullets is in the 4000+ range and if you don't "cook" the barrel it will surprise you how many coyotes will die before you need a barrel change.
21 September 2007, 18:40
Basically a 224TTH or a 224Clark with minor changes. I had bought a barrel planning on a 224TTH then ended up selling it as my mind moved on to the next project. I always thought that case capacity made far more sense than the 22-284 or 22-06. Key as I see it is decided on the bullet weight range you plan to shoot and get a twist to match.

As usual just my $.02
Paul K
21 September 2007, 20:26
[QUOTE]Originally posted by ramrod340:
I always thought that case capacity made far more sense than the 22-284 or 22-06. Key as I see it is decided on the bullet weight range you plan to shoot and get a twist to match.[/QUO thumbTE]

Mine has a 1 in 8" barrel. 60 gr. Partions group 3/4". Waiting on some 75 A-Max's.

21 September 2007, 21:44
Lest anyone think they are inventing the wheel, we have the 22 Newton and the 22/4000 Sedgley-Schnerring of the early 1900s and the 22 Gebby Senior Varminter and the 228 Ackley Magnum of later years. Just to mention 4 of many.

They didn't have the 244 Remington case to work with but they did have the 7mm Mauser, 257 Roberts, and the venerable 30-06.


Arizona Mountains
25 September 2007, 03:50
I using the 22-243 with a fast twist barrel and it loves the 69 Nosler CC.

Also shoots the 62 TSX into nice groups with RE-15 thumb

Verbera!, Iugula!, Iugula!!!


04 October 2007, 18:27
I had a 22-6mm once upon a time. It was a Winchester 70 that had been rechambered from 22-250. When I got it, the throat looked pretty rough, so I had the seller set the barrel back to give it a new throat. Once I got to shooting it the throat erroded faster than any other than I've owned. Maybe it was a soft barrel, but whatever it was, it wore out quickly. That said, it was a great longer distance coyote rifle during the couple hunts that it went on out in NW Nebraska and SW South Dakota.

Good luck!


PS: The gunshop/pawnshop in Grand Island (GI Loans?) used to have a 22-6mm reamer.
04 October 2007, 21:16
Confusedroger bewildered

Old age is a high price to pay for maturity!!! Some never pay and some pay and never reap the reward. Wisdom comes with age! Sometimes age comes alone..
04 October 2007, 22:12
Missed this thread.

Vapo, if you are still interested did you see this?

224 TTH

To add to the loading information I posted, I have tried WMR also, and got 3525 fps at the top end.

As I said before, I like the rifle/cartrige, it is fun to shoot, however, comparing what I am getting to the parent 6mm, I am not sure it is worth it. A 6mm set up in a similar way may be pretty close to what I have now and accomplish the same thing. I really would like to get 3600 out of this thing with the 75 Amax, but it isn't going to happen.


Please be an ethical PD hunter, always practice shoot and release!!

Praying for all the brave souls standing in harms way.
13 October 2007, 15:08

What about going the whole hog...........and building a 22-06 thumb


Verbera!, Iugula!, Iugula!!!


17 October 2007, 11:13
Originally posted by pdhntr1:
Missed this thread.

Vapo, if you are still interested did you see this?

224 TTH

To add to the loading information I posted, I have tried WMR also, and got 3525 fps at the top end.

As I said before, I like the rifle/cartrige, it is fun to shoot, however, comparing what I am getting to the parent 6mm, I am not sure it is worth it. A 6mm set up in a similar way may be pretty close to what I have now and accomplish the same thing. I really would like to get 3600 out of this thing with the 75 Amax, but it isn't going to happen.


I had a 22/6mm and used WMR in it to push the 74.5 gr RWS bullet. My max load was about the same as yours. I usually shot 75gr A Max pushed by 4831SC and ran it around 3600. PD, with the 4831 I was able to get the fps way above 3600. Accuracy went down hill pretty quick after passing the 3600 mark.
I finally sold the gun a year ago,just never used it. I'd rather use one of my Swifts on coyotes or 6mm Rem, 257 Ack. for anything else. It was just too over bore for me.

Texas Verminator
Verminator Predator Calls Pro Staff
17 October 2007, 22:03
Idaho Sharpshooter
Just build a 22-284 and go happy! It's an easy case to form, now that we have the Norma 6.5x284 brass to work with. My first one was a Remmie 700 with a 28" 8" twist Lilja barrel. It would shoot the 80gr VLD bullets by JLK nearly 3600fps and in the low threes at 100yds. It's not a volume rifle, get a 223 for that. It IS a capable 1/2mile rifle properly built. That assumes (yeah, I know about AssUMe) you have a good rangefinder and optics, and can dope wind and mirage a little.

If I can do it, anybody should be able to.

Knowledge not shared is knowledge lost...
17 October 2007, 23:47
Originally posted by Tx6BR:
Originally posted by pdhntr1:
Missed this thread.

Vapo, if you are still interested did you see this?

224 TTH

To add to the loading information I posted, I have tried WMR also, and got 3525 fps at the top end.

As I said before, I like the rifle/cartrige, it is fun to shoot, however, comparing what I am getting to the parent 6mm, I am not sure it is worth it. A 6mm set up in a similar way may be pretty close to what I have now and accomplish the same thing. I really would like to get 3600 out of this thing with the 75 Amax, but it isn't going to happen.


I had a 22/6mm and used WMR in it to push the 74.5 gr RWS bullet. My max load was about the same as yours. I usually shot 75gr A Max pushed by 4831SC and ran it around 3600. PD, with the 4831 I was able to get the fps way above 3600. Accuracy went down hill pretty quick after passing the 3600 mark.
I finally sold the gun a year ago,just never used it. I'd rather use one of my Swifts on coyotes or 6mm Rem, 257 Ack. for anything else. It was just too over bore for me.

Thanks Tx.

I will have to look again at my records, I think I may have tried some "regular" IMR 4831 but can't recall exactly.

What exactly is the difference again between the powders? I thought it was just less temp sensitive?


Please be an ethical PD hunter, always practice shoot and release!!

Praying for all the brave souls standing in harms way.
18 October 2007, 04:37
boom stick
My vote is 25 gibbs, 6.5-6, 8x57 or 9x56 MS
(long 358 win)

577 BME 3"500 KILL ALL 358 GREMLIN 404-375

*we band of 45-70ers* (Founder)
Single Shot Shooters Society S.S.S.S. (Founder)
18 October 2007, 17:09
I use my 22/6mm, aka "duece six", for everything and love it. I shoots 55-63gr MEFs at 3800fps and really lay the smack down on the yotes. I usually carry 70gr TSXs in it for deer and hogs. I use Re22 running about 3500fps and it shoots 3" groups at 500yds. One unmentioned is the fact that the 22/6mm can be built on Remington short actions with room to spare. I guess with a long/standard action you could cut the throat a little longer, seat the bullets out a little further and put more powder in the case.

21 October 2007, 03:40
El Deguello
Originally posted by vapodog:
I'm considering necking the 6mm Rem to .224 for use in one of my VZ-24 actions.

I realize it's quite a bit overbore but the 6mm round feeds quite well in the action and the swift brass dont feed so well for me. I'm not having a lot of luck with the 22-250 round either and just thought a .224-6mm would be fine.

Any advice on this ???...anyone ever made one?...

Jeez, VAPO! The FIRST guy I know of to do this was Charles Newton, back about 100 years ago! His round was called the .22 Newton, and he made it out of 7X57mm brass. Used a quick twist, and long, heavy (90 grain) bullets. But he scrapped it when he brought out the .256 Newton, which he considered to be better..... It's possible that Adolph Niedner did it first, I don't know this for sure.

There's some guy in TX who did it more recently (.224 TTH??), and seems to think he had an original idea!! I don't remember exactly what he calls his. Har Har!

The current commercial version is the 5.56X57 RWS. However, the Krauts are using thicker brass, so you can't use Charlie Newton's loading data, the case capacity is too small......

They ain't nuthin' new about this idea!

"Bitte, trinks du nicht das Wasser. Dahin haben die Kuhen gesheissen."
23 October 2007, 04:09
Woodrow S
What is the advantage of the 22/6mm over a 243 shooting the 55gr ballistic tips at 3950fps(factory load yet). I look at the ballistic tables and I don't see any advantage at all, even at long range. What an I missing here, besides just doing something different?
23 October 2007, 22:25
El Deguello
Originally posted by Woodrow S:
What is the advantage of the 22/6mm over a 243 shooting the 55gr ballistic tips at 3950fps(factory load yet). I look at the ballistic tables and I don't see any advantage at all, even at long range. What an I missing here, besides just doing something different?

I suppose if you could fire a somewhat heavier .224" bullet at the same MV as the .243 Win. moves a 55 grain, it would retain velocity longer, provided it had an adequate shape. Other than that, I am at a loss to consider it better.... But I do regard the 6mm Rem. as a better cartridge than the .243 Win..

(55 grains is pretty light for a .243" bullet!)

"Bitte, trinks du nicht das Wasser. Dahin haben die Kuhen gesheissen."