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Unbelievable hunt with Bill C

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29 May 2010, 16:14
martin pieters
Unbelievable hunt with Bill C
Bill and his son have just hopped on a plane in Bulawayo for their return to the US. We have just completed one of the most exciting and rewarding hunts I have had the privilege of being on. I do not want to steal the stories as I am sure Bill will post his report pretty soon.

Not only did we shoot a nice old crocodile, and a trophy bull elephant ( with storybook ivory ), but we had 2 unprovoked charges, one from an elephant cow in the thick Masampa Jesse, and the other 5 clicks from the Ume river by a hippo in some of the thickest riverine you can imagine, ( I will let Bill tell the story as it is only fitting considering he saved his own life ). I hope they have a safe trip home and I eagerly await his report and photos.


" hunt as if it's your last one you'll ever be on"
29 May 2010, 17:00
I can't wait for the report.This season is starting out really exciting.
29 May 2010, 18:52
Mad Dog
Sounds great! Can't wait to read the report, and see the pics!

Mad Dog
29 May 2010, 19:25
Hey Martin!
Good to hear Bill and his son had a super hunt! Look forward to Bill's hunt report and pictures. I thought Bill was due to hunt around this time frame...

On the plains of hesitation lie the bleached bones of ten thousand, who on the dawn of victory lay down their weary heads resting, and there resting, died.

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch...
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
- Rudyard Kipling

Life grows grim without senseless indulgence.
31 May 2010, 07:23
john e
Slow down a little Martin and save some of those "life threatening" experiences for Bwanamrm and I this fall. Counting down the days!

Congrats on a great safari...sounds like the beginning of a very rewarding season!

"How do we inspire ourselves to greatness when nothing less will do" -- Invictus
31 May 2010, 07:41
Do not worry he has plenty of those experiences. Smiler

Anxiously awaiting Bill's report.
31 May 2010, 08:26
Bill C
Be careful what you wish for guys! (those aren't freckles on my face!)

Please be patient...this one is going to take some time. Smiler
31 May 2010, 13:44
Kamo Gari
Where there's blood spatter on someone's mug, you know there's a corker of a story coming down the pike! Smiler Looking forward to hearing all about it; always enjoy your detailed reports and great accompanying pics.


Hunting: I'd kill to participate.
31 May 2010, 14:41
Bill C
Whatever it was, hippo-goo, or cast-off mud, or projected hippo-snot...I'm not sure, but my Ruger and I were painted with it....and it really buggers up a contact lens, guess my eyes were wide-open! Big Grin
31 May 2010, 18:07
Sounds like this is going to be a good one.
31 May 2010, 19:35
Can't wait for the report from the best report writer on AR.
31 May 2010, 21:42
I agree with you on that!!

Originally posted by dogcat:
Can't wait for the report from the best report writer on AR.

31 May 2010, 23:42
Congrats guys.
Thick bush? I don't know what your talking about? Roll Eyes
01 June 2010, 05:50
Get to typing William we need details! BTW, tell me you guys caught this on film... please.

On the plains of hesitation lie the bleached bones of ten thousand, who on the dawn of victory lay down their weary heads resting, and there resting, died.

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch...
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
- Rudyard Kipling

Life grows grim without senseless indulgence.
01 June 2010, 06:38
popcorn popcorn popcorn

I'm ready Bill... popcorn
01 June 2010, 07:30
What other Forum in the Internet World has this kind of stuff???

Looking forward to Bill's report!!

"He wins the most, who honour saves. Success is not the test." Ryan
"Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything." Stalin
Tanzania 06
Argentina 07
Moz 09
01 June 2010, 10:13
Originally posted by Lorenzo:
popcorn popcorn popcorn

I'm ready Bill... popcorn

I'm with Lorenzo. Let's see it Bill!!!


Life Member SCI
Life Member NRA
Life Member WSF

Rhyme of the Sheep Hunter
May fordings never be too deep, And alders not too thick; May rock slides never be too steep And ridges not too slick.
And may your bullets shoot as swell As Fred Bear's arrow's flew; And may your nose work just as well As Jack O'Connor's too.
May winds be never at your tail When stalking down the steep; May bears be never on your trail When packing out your sheep.
May the hundred pounds upon you Not make you break or trip; And may the plane in which you flew Await you at the strip.
-Seth Peterson
01 June 2010, 18:06
matt u
Glad you are safe Bill.
Awaiting your report
Welcome home!
02 June 2010, 02:09
Use Enough Gun
Wow, Bill! We're waiting! tu2
05 June 2010, 09:37
Bill C
I'm working on it guys, works been hectic...I have 8hrs into the report his week and I am already at "Day-1" Big Grin
05 June 2010, 09:45
Looks like this hunt might go down in history.

Lovely old battle scarred ivory and great advertisement for hunting and indeed Zimbabwe.

Email -
Tel/Whatsapp (00260) 975315144
Instagram - kafueroyal
05 June 2010, 17:29


Click for some photos on Instagram
05 June 2010, 18:56
Congratulations Bill

I can't wait!!

J B de Runz
Be careful when blindly following the masses ... generally the "m" is silent
06 June 2010, 05:12
Bill welcome home and nothing like up close and personal.

Waiting for all the stats. Most importantly all came away safe.


Michael Podwika... DRSS bigbores and hunting " MAKE THE SHOT " 450#2 Famars
06 June 2010, 21:47
Kamo Gari
It must have taken forever to get the hole dug for that ele kill trap. What did you use for bait, a pile of bananas? Big Grin

Take your time, Bill, and don't be missing any details in your report, now! Wink


Hunting: I'd kill to participate.
07 June 2010, 07:47
Milo Shanghai
Interesting look on your face, Bill. Very keen to hear the full story.

Not that I positively check all the time, but I have never seen a wire rub on the underneath of a tusk before. Is there one on the upper side of the other tusk?

Write fast, Mr. C.
