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Well, the only opinion I have to give about the deer in your post is that it sure has become the proverbial dead horse. I wouldn't pay any mind to the negative posts in your thread, if I were you. I'm sure you've had dogs bark at you as drive down the road. Did your vehicle stop because of this? Nope, you just kept going on down the road. "The irony is, if you're willing to kill a perpetrator, you probably won't have to." Massad Ayoob | |||
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I dont get it....your photos are supposed to show us what exactly?.... what happens when a shot is misplaced? Any further down ie no spinal damage and the deer probably would have made some distance before sucomming to the wound. Or blown both haunches to mush if slightly right. Granted you have the hardware to do the job...I think you need more practise at TARGETS however before trying this again.anyway not much to brag about "I wounded a deer with a 50 cal" Roebuck222 | |||
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Well Damn! As if on cue, here one is ![]() ![]() I guess it must be the thin air, up in those HIGHLANDS. That and having nothing else to do. Except maybe tie brooms, or whatever else the village dolt does to pass his days up there in the foggy mists and all. "The irony is, if you're willing to kill a perpetrator, you probably won't have to." Massad Ayoob | |||
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Granted you have the hardware to do the job...I think you need more practise at TARGETS however before trying this again.anyway not much to brag about "I wounded a deer with a 50 cal" I Stand by what I said No need for the personal attack gone ballistic,however if thats what you want then fuck you ![]() | |||
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Some people need to get off the soap box. | |||
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Holy jeez you guys can get pretty mean...710 yards is a loong ways, and there's all kinds of things that could've happened when he shot to throw the bullet a little off. It isn't a perfect shot, but I'm sure most that are complaining couldn't pull it off... Love shooting precision and long range. Big bores too! Recent college grad, started a company called MK Machining where I'm developing a bullpup rifle chassis system. ![]() | |||
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Tough crowd here, I've never shot a .50, I'd love to and would buy one tomorrow if we had the distance here. I think it was a good shot, hell, that animal must have looked like a mouse out there. Sure it wasn't perfect but who is? He practices, he had the skills and the equipment. A little extra gust of wind and voila, the guy all of a sudden doesn't deserve to shoot or hunt. Like Craig Boddington mentioned once in an article, no one is perfect and keep hunting and you'll screw up eventually too, as long as there is a lesson learned. After all he did recover the deer so it wasn't that bad. I can hit golf balls all day with my 308 at 200 yards prone, but yes I screwed up and gut shot a moose. We recovered it and thankfully it didn't take long. Does this mean I shouldn't hunt? What if this fellow was David Tubb and had the same results? Would you guys all bash him this way? This fellow felt comfortable with the shot, he practices out there and did his best. Hell, I probably couldn't hit a bus out there! That being said, I don't know him from a hole in the ground, but if he had just bought the gun that afternoon and this was the results, then sure a good bashing would be well deserved, and a cuff on the side of the head would be well deserved also. It doesn't look like this is the case so gear down a little! GEEZ | |||
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Man you all got too worked up. Who cares... Whats done is done.. | |||
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missing_something... I'd say so. ethics common sense hunting ability And the fact that you post pics of your "kill" with somesort of glee that you did it makes me sick. weeeeeeeeeee. you can afford a 50 cal. good for you. perhaps you should spend some of that $ on learning how to hunt. if you'd try getting a little closer maybe youd develope some sense of respect for the animal. | |||
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It's not hunting. He just wanted to see if he could "pull it off." | |||
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![]() "The irony is, if you're willing to kill a perpetrator, you probably won't have to." Massad Ayoob | |||
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Nice shot. Nice deer. | |||
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I thought you had to know what's beyond your target. 50 BMG is cool, but I'm glad we can't use cannons to hunt. I'm sure some fellows would try that too. Survival of the fittest? That's just natural selection. | |||
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Boy, if I had a dime for everytime some once a year hunter with a Magnum Cannon muffed a shot at 300 yards or less, I could afford several rifles. Where is the ethics in shooting 1 or 2 rounds at 50 yrd, hit a 12 inch pie plate and consider yourself good for 400 yrds? What about the slobs that drive around all day and shoot from the truck. The hunters who having filled his tag, see's a trophy class animal and shoos it and hides it to return with the used tag or another to collect his trophy. Hunting ability? Ethics? Common sense? Please...The hunter and rifle/caliber who you are slamming, took a lot of time and effort and hunted in a LEGAL manner and with out doubt a safe one, I have more respect for this person, than I do for the majority of the hunters I encounter every deer season. As far as hunting bullets, you want to pay the money, they are out there. | |||
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i have zero respect for someone who ends the life of an animal to make himself feel like a man. i would love to hear an honest answer as to WHY this rifle was used to kill a deer? thats all. WHY a 50? | |||
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KStephens.. Why NOT a .50? He was out doing his normal deer hunting... Why NOT a .50? At least he did his homework... Take a look at this video: Dip-lipped hunter shoots deer in ass Here THESE guys have a full sized shooting bench set up, alll comfy sitting in their chairs, lazer rangefinders, fully supported rifles with front AND rear bags in use, and on the first deer shot on this video ole "Roy" shoots the deer in the ass... "Good shot Roy"? "Yup, I need another dip...". Now THAT is somebody who shouldn't be taking shots at that kind of distance no matter WHAT caliber he was using.... K, if you think that hunting with a .50 will do anything more than put a 1/2" hole in the animal then you are wrong... What's the difference of a 1/2" hole vs. a .338" one or a .30" one..? | |||
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what reason is there too take such a powerful weapon out after a simple deer? to make sure of a clean kill? NO because you couldnt get closer than 700+ yards? NO because thats the only gun you own? please, NO! what possible explanation can one give? when this man woke up and decided to kill an animail he took this rifle for a specific reason. not because it was lighter or more accurate. You want to shoot something with a 50? fine. shoot paper. or water jugs or bags of quickcrete, i dont really care. you want to see how accurate it is in the field? set up a target at an unknown distance and engage that, again i dont care. The reason this animal dies was so this man could say" i killed this deer with my .50". thats a sorry ass reason to kill. i see nothing that resembles hunting. i see target practice using live animals. | |||
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well brotha you go to the restaurant and get way more food than you actally need. The same with the 50 cal.How would you feel if a deer would shoot you with a fifty cal? You'd be pissed and call your representatnive to get the deer banned from hunting men. ![]() No wonder 50 cal's are starting to get banned. That round was not developed for hunting. So just keep abusing them, and one day they are going to be....gone....and you'll be talking...to yourself. Respect the wildlife!!!!
Survival of the fittest? That's just natural selection. | |||
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you're not one of those dogs either, that bark outside the door.
Survival of the fittest? That's just natural selection. | |||
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wouldnt you rather him shoot it with a 50bmg than a 17mach2? id way rather too much power to kill it than far too little | |||
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i'd rather he take up benchrest and leave the killing to people who have an ounce of respect for the quarry. | |||
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If you can't fire it from your shoulder, don't take it hunting. If you want to see what a 50 cal does to an animal, pick a larger one.
Survival of the fittest? That's just natural selection. | |||
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Well..... its nice to see that people in glass houses can still throw stones....... ![]() | |||
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And your narrow perspective on hunting would be? If you use optics, then you have the ability to get a kill at 3-4-500 yards or pick a precise point at 100 yards Does that make you less of a hunter? Why not restrict yourself to irons, then the deer has a chance, because it is hard to hit a deer for many beyond 100 yards. Do you use a modern centerfire repeater? But, if you respect your game animal, then why not use a single shot, since using a repeater, reduces the chance that a deer may get away if you missed the first shot. Why aren't you using a Black powder rifle with iron sights, then you are looking at a maximum range of 100 yards to 150 if using a bullet, and 50 yards or less with a ball. Any argument you use against hunting in this fashion, can be used against any style of hunting. | |||
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So my friend who is in a wheel chair and needs to use a special support to allow him to hold a rifle for hunting, should not be allowed, because he can't fire it from his shoulder and needs to use what is basically a bench, to hunt from and does his hunting from a special blind on my property, is he less of a hunter, because he can no longer walk the fields with the rest of us? but is forced to sit and wait for a deer to step out and his excellent shooting ability allows him the opportunity to harvest his deer. I think he would beg to differ with the both of you. | |||
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My questions are, had you actually shot the 50 at 750 yards or was your information computer generated? And I certainly wisht the phrase "just had to see what a 750gr bullet would do to a deer" had not been included in the post. Finally, the fact that other folks miss, at short range or long, does not excuse you missing. If you've guessed that I am a 300 yard shooter, you're right. But I have no problem with folks shooting long range, short range or what have you if they are properly equiped and, more importantly, properly practiced. | |||
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Now WAIT A MINUTE K.... You are giving yourself a head start down that slipper slope here... What reason is there to use such a powerful weapon? OK... are YOU going to tell us all what is "too powerful" to hunt deer with? What if he were to use a .338 Win Mag/Lapua Mag on the same deer, is that not "too powerful"? How about if he were to use a .300 win mag, but his longest expected shot where he hunted was only 50 yards, would THAT be "too powerful" for that hunting location? How about rabbits, is a 12 gauge "too powerful" for those cute little rabbits? As somebody mentioned before, should this guy have used a .22LR or Mach .17 caliber for deer? Do you see the slippery "anti-gun/anti-hunting" slope you have started yourself out on here... EVERY caliber that can be used (both legally and ethically) to hunt deer SHOULD be used, if the hunter so chooses... Suppose I come to where you deer hunt and decide that .300 Win Mag is "too powerful" for you? Now, on your last statement about his "reason" for hunting, that is 100% "untrue" and also totally irrelivant in this conversation... This guy was out "hunting deer" during a LEGAL "deer hunting season". The .50 cal rifle he decided to hunt with that day was 100% "legal" also.. Now, if you have a problem with "deer hunting" PERIOD, that is something you have to get over with, but the choice of caliber being TOO POWERFUL, is irreliveant in this discussion. Thank goodness he was using a "powerful enough" caliber to take the deer humanely... Another point on this caliber/rifle selection is that ALL of your rifles which have the ability to take a deer humanely CAN and SHOULD be used to harvest deer, as long as you can be proficient enough with it to make a clean "kill shot" at least 90% of the time (in practice), at the distance you decide to hunt at (yes WE ALL should practice at the distances we think we'll be hunting at, with the rifle/caliber we'll use on that hunt, as THIS GUY DID with his .50)... THAT is true NO MATTER WHAT caliber one decides to hunt with... Agreed? I have used .308 calibered "assault rifles" to hunt deer before, do you have a problem with that? Why, is it bacause that rifle "can" accept 20 round magazines (which were not even used during the hunt anyway, only ONE shot was necessary with that "assault rifle" to take the deer). K, I really think that you would do better on keeping your arguement to the issue of "ethical hunting distances" not "caliber of choice" as I think the former is REALLY what you are trying to argue here... What if this same deer was taken at the same distance, with the same shot placement, only with a .300 Win Mag instead of a .50? Would you have a problem with THAT? If not, then the choice of a .50cal for this harvest is 100% moot to your arguement and that makes you a hypocrit.... Face it, NO MORE MEAT was wasted because this deer was shot with a .50, then would have been with ANY other highpowered caliber that was capable of making that kind of shot... The deer died just as humanely (maybe even moreso) being shot with a .50 as it would with ANY other smaller caliber.... So K, what is your REAL problem here? Yes, the .50BMG round ws designed as a "heavy machine gun round" intially, but the use of it has gone WAY beyond that... Just as the .30-06 was also designed as a "military rifle" round. Do you also have a problem with people deer hunting with .30-06 caliber too? Was this kill shot "perfect"? Well, maybe not... Is this hunters accuracy any worse then I/you may have seen on deer taken at even 1/4 the distance with a "smaller" caliber? HECK NO! SO, if we are in agreement on those facts, then what soes the SIZE/POWER of the projectile matter, as long as it was "powerful enough"? You see...? Don't be like that Zumbo A-hole and give the Chuck Schumers of the world more "ammunition" to take ALL your "calibers" away based on some arbitrary "too powerful" BS arguement... That "slippery slope" is a tough one to traverse... | |||
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If you guys have a problem with .50 cal hunting, then THIS is going to give you a heart attack! Howitzer Deer Hunting | |||
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im just asking for 1 reason to kill a deer with an HS50 that follows in any form or fashion "Fair Chase". the shooted was not in a wheelchair, quit tring to justify his shooting of this deer by some moronic argument to that point. he shot it to prove a point and he proved one to me... "he aint a hunter". | |||
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Ohh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize the original poster was in the wheelchair. That's probably what "he's missing"...from the picture though, i wouldn't wish bad to anybody.
Survival of the fittest? That's just natural selection. | |||
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Heart attack? I'm just having fun giving the thumb down to a fella who doesn't know, that hunting is a sport and it involves fair-play. Unfortunately not many of you see Kstephens's argument, it's not about the legality of the caliber used, it's about that big bite that we can't swallow. I'm not gonna spend time explaining, as my pen is running out of ink. I would like to post a picture of the gopher I shot with my 50 cal, unfortunately I never found the thing. Survival of the fittest? That's just natural selection. | |||
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quote: Originally posted by KSTEPHENS: i'd rather he take up benchrest and leave the killing to people who have an ounce of respect for the quarry. Moronic argument? Your statement casts a broad shadow and can be equated to any hunter who hunts in other than the stalk and shoot method, shooting free handed. So by your argument anyone who hunts in a similar fashion even if the range isn't 700 plus, is not a hunter, you can't pick and choose, when you draw a line like that. If they use a bipod or a sand bags and set up in a ground blind to watch a corn field and the farthest shot they can take is 500 yards, and sit there the entire season, waiting for a deer to present itself, is it hunting or shootng? They aren't stalking or wandering the woods, they are set up to ambush the deer and since they aren't moving and are out of the wind, meaning no scent and no movement can be seen from outside the ground blind, then are they hunting? Is that fair chase? and if it is, then how can extending the range and using a larger caliber not be? The deer is going about his business, unaware of the hunter, he can't see him, hear him or smell him, so where is the difference in the hide hunter, and the long range hunter? My friend does that every season, because he can't get out and walk the fields, he is snug and warm and set up to shoot from a platform, that is as close to a machine rest as you can get, so is he hunting or shooting? If you say the hunter in this thread isn't a hunter, then how can you turn around and say that my friend with his 300 H&H who hunt's in very much the same fashion, save his cut off is 500 yards, is a hunter. By your argument you can't. | |||
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700 NE...no problem 50BMG....problem Survival of the fittest? That's just natural selection. | |||
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Maltese, you can type pages and attempt to justify it. its not gonna change the fact. you "friend" with a 300-h&H is shooting a round that is a huntinh round in what is probably a shoulder fired rifle. the guys that shoot 50's at deer know why they do it. i dont respect the smoke and mirrors. its not hunting. no matter how you twist it. | |||
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K, respectfully, you and gabriel are just NOT making sense! As what is the problem with a .50 rifle for hunting, based upon your OWN statements? How is it less "sporting"? HOW is it at ALL different then the guy set up on the edge of an open field with a .300 Win Mag, or a .300H&H if you will? Just because the .50 rifle is tougher (but not IMPOSSIBLE) to fire "offhand", is that the issue? Gabriel, you are pretty hypocritical in your statement that 700NE is acceptable to you for deer and .50 BMG is not... What difference between those towo caliber/rifles make the .50 so "unethical"? I think the both of you are caught in Hollywood and their interpretation of just what a .50 cal can/can't do... This guy wasn't using some "high explosive/take out a tank at 2 miles" type of projectiles like HOLLYWOOD depicts a .50 can do in the movies (which it CAN'T, no matter what projo is shot through them). The reality of a .50 is that even if shooting armor piercing rounds, a .50cal can only penetrate about an inch of armor at 200 yards... .50 BMG has NOT been an "anti-tank" round since the end of WW I. if you want to see the "smallest" antitank round that the military uses NOW, go look at the rounds an A-10 warthog shoots (30mm diameter, the loaed round is about a FOOT long!) If you both look at your own arguements, you are talking out of both sides of your mouth simply because you either have something against .50BMG rifles, OR secretly, you both wish you could have one for yourself? Which one is it, because your arguments are not holding water from a "logic" standpoint... Again, WHAT makes hunting with a .510" diameter projectile (.50 cal) ANY different then hunting with a .308" diameter one, or a .338" diameter one, OR as Gabriel pointed out was "OK" to him, a .700" diameter one? What's the difference? Where's the logic? | |||
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I'v done my time and seen what a 50 is capable of, thanks. the reason has nothing to do with the amount of damage it does or doesnt do. the argument is in the reason a person would choose to use it over a more conventional type of weapon. YOU are the one who is missing the point. A man who CHOOSES to "hunt" with this set up is not interested in hunting, he wants to kill something with his 50 for bragging rights or to say he did it to the boys. thats the problem i have with it. I'd have the same problem if you wanted to hunt with a billiard ball in a sock. there is a time and place for showing off your dick, the deer woods aint it. mainly because as soon as you do something as moronic as hunting with an HS50 the nonhunting populace groups me and you together. thats not fair to me.
Sorry, wrong. The only thing I have against a 50 is the weight of the T&E. If you'd ever humped on you'd know why. Secondly i have no desire to feed one and FROM EXPERIENCE wouldnt feel there was a reason to own one unless i had 1000 yard range nearby. I almost bought a 50 cal. once at a gunshow. the guy also had $10 T-shirts that said "I HAVE A SMALL DICK", so i bought one of those and saved a few thousand bucks. | |||
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Whatever dude... do you know anything about sports,or you just eat all day long? Grab your 50 cal and do some hunting. Don't forget to post some pictures, so we can bark at you! Sometimes that's more fun than hunting ![]() Survival of the fittest? That's just natural selection. | |||
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30/06 which is an improved version of a 30/03 which started out with but one purpose in it's design as a Military round, NOT a hunting one. 7.62X51 NATO or more commonly known as the .308 Winchester, another round which started out, with but one purpose to be used as a Military round, NOT a hunting one. 5.56x45 mm or the .223 Remington which was designed from the outset to be a Military round, NOT a hunting one. 6.5x55mm Swedish, 7x57mm, 7.5 x55 Swiss, 30 M1 Carbine, 30-40 Krag, 7.92x57mm J/JS and more cartridges than you would believe, that started out in life as rounds designed for Military applications, only to later be adapted to hunting and if you want to go further, many of the hunting rounds in use today work off a parent case, which was originally designed and intended for a Military application. So that covers the "Hunting" round argument. Do you know how much my friends 300 H&H weighs? 14 pounds without optics, why should he be worried about weight, when he isn't going to carry it? and it is supported in a bench type device to allow him to aim and shoot it. Yes, you can fire it from the shoulder, but you can do the same thing with some of the lighter 50's out there too, it really depends on how big and strong you are and your accuracy requirements or lack thereof. It's time for hunters to realise that if you are willing to throw someone to the wolves, because they don't hunt the way you do (as long as it's legal and done in a safe manner), then you have just made the Anti's job all that much easier, because every one you chase out of the sport or legislate into oblivion is one less supporter to spend money and support hunting and in 300 million people (US), hunters are a minority, about 18 million IIRC. | |||
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QUOTE 30/06 which is an improved version of a 30/03 which started out with but one purpose in it's all that much easier, because every one you chase out of the sport or legislate into oblivion is odesign as a Military round, NOT a hunting one. 7.62X51 NATO or more commonly known as the .308 Winchester, another round which started out, with but one purpose to be used as a Military round, NOT a hunting one. 5.56x45 mm or the .223 Remington which was designed from the outset to be a Military round, NOT a hunting one. 6.5x55mm Swedish, 7x57mm, 7.5 x55 Swiss, 30 M1 Carbine, 30-40 Krag, 7.92x57mm J/JS and more cartridges than you would believe, that started out in life as rounds designed for Military applications, only to later be adapted to hunting and if you want to go further, many of the hunting rounds in use today work off a parent case, which was originally designed and intended for a Military application.QUOTE I don't mean to interrupt gentlemen, but in your opinion, what are the chances, that the 50 BMG is going to be a hunting round? The way it looks to me, someone in the near future is going to ban that caliber for all kinds of hunting applications, since that's what happens when some of us abuse privileges. How arewe suppose to support someone that we don't agree with by the way? Survival of the fittest? That's just natural selection. | |||
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Maltese Falcon, you simply fail to understand. perhaps i should talk to your back pocket so you can hear me better. this person is not hunting. if your idea of hunting is anything that ends in the killing of a game animal you are lost as well. no use in attempting to reason with you. i suppose that putting out land mines for deer is acceptable to you. | |||
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