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Originally posted by Jules:
I never posted this to put down Jones. I posted this to let everyone know that we was being watched. AND YOU NEED TO GET THE HELL OFF MY CASE JUNIOR!!!!!! [Mad] [Mad] [/QB]

Jules, forgive me for doubting you, but I really find it hard to believe that your only intention was to let everyone know we are being watched! [Roll Eyes] We have all known that since day one! Your first and many of your following posts sure seem to be asking for sympathy over how that mean man JD has treated you!

If everything you posted is true, then it's easy to see you got caught in a lie and JD spanked you.......then you ran here wanting us to tell you it's alright, that you didn't do anything wrong.......sorry, but if you lied to had it coming.......and that's the bottom line!

(NOW I'm On Your Case!)

PS: want to buy some 40-44 dies cheap? [Razz]

Posts: 1499 | Location: NE Okla | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by GonHuntin:
Originally posted by Jules:
I never posted this to put down Jones. I posted this to let everyone know that we was being watched. AND YOU NEED TO GET THE HELL OFF MY CASE JUNIOR!!!!!! [Mad] [Mad]

Jules, forgive me for doubting you, but I really find it hard to believe that your only intention was to let everyone know we are being watched! [Roll Eyes] We have all known that since day one! Your first and many of your following posts sure seem to be asking for sympathy over how that mean man JD has treated you!

If everything you posted is true, then it's easy to see you got caught in a lie and JD spanked you.......then you ran here wanting us to tell you it's alright, that you didn't do anything wrong.......sorry, but if you lied to had it coming.......and that's the bottom line!

(NOW I'm On Your Case!)

PS: want to buy some 40-44 dies cheap? [Razz]


Lie, spanked, ran [Razz] [Razz] [Razz] Your funny Junior.
And i'll take those dies as long as you can prove your not a spy from the pond. [Eek!]
Posts: 1902 | Location: Va. Beach,Va. | Registered: 10 March 2002Reply With Quote
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[ 08-26-2002, 06:16: Message edited by: Jules ]
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[ 08-26-2002, 06:15: Message edited by: Jules ]
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[ 08-26-2002, 06:13: Message edited by: Jules ]
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[ 08-26-2002, 06:11: Message edited by: Jules ]
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[ 08-26-2002, 06:10: Message edited by: Jules ]
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[ 08-26-2002, 06:09: Message edited by: Jules ]
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[ 08-26-2002, 06:07: Message edited by: Jules ]
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[ 08-26-2002, 06:06: Message edited by: Jules ]
Posts: 1902 | Location: Va. Beach,Va. | Registered: 10 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Magnum Mike
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Originally posted by GonHuntin:
This is getting disgusting! Some of you people need to step back and take a look at yourselves and what you are saying!!!

This discussion isn't about whether JD Jones has the right to a proprietary cartridge......that is beside the point entirely! JD owns the dies and can sell them as he wishes.....

Now, many of you are acting like a mob, ready to crucify somebody because you disagree with the way he does business!

I believe that Jules had a line on a used barrel but decided that he would rather purchase new for similar $'s. Wouldnt you?? I aint buyin into the "i promoted them so i am the only one that is gonna make money on em" mentality. THATS BULLSHIT!!

As for the rest of it, i have no animosity towards JD and i am not part of a mob......

Shame on you Jules for considering purchasing barrel from someone other than SSK when it is in one of HIS calibers! LOL!
Posts: 1574 | Location: Western Pennsylvania | Registered: 12 September 2002Reply With Quote
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Yeah Mike

We all KNOW you have no animosity towards JD.... just have to look at your "poll" to see that! [Roll Eyes] Yeah, you're probably the most objective person here. [Roll Eyes]

I'll say it again.........if JD owns the dies, then JD can decide how and to whom he wants to sell them.

Don't like it, don't buy them...simple concept, eh? But don't try to tell the man how to run his business, I'm quite sure he doesn't need your help!
Posts: 1499 | Location: NE Okla | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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me, a spy from the pond????

That's a good one! Anyone who knows my history over there probably just spit their drink all over their screen and keyboard laughing uncontrollablyBig Grin .....

I'm the LAST person that would do anything to help the pond!!! There is a better chance that Mike Bellm is the pond spy than me! [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posts: 1499 | Location: NE Okla | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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I do disagree with this practice but harbor no ill feeling toward him, why would i? I never met him, never talked to him..... Can you understand that, [Confused] that i might really disagree with his policy without hateing him?

"I'll say it again.........if JD owns the dies, then JD can decide how and to whom he wants to sell them."

Sure, that really creates a happy/satisified customer base.... [Roll Eyes]

Don't like it, don't buy them...simple concept, eh? But don't try to tell the man how to run his business, I'm quite sure he doesn't need your help!

OH, you are a real funny got a personal interest in his business?????

EDIT: This is my last post regarding this "discussion". I am not debating my "feelings" with you on this issue. Whether you believe me or not is of no consequence.......

[ 08-26-2002, 06:35: Message edited by: mssmagnum ]
Posts: 1574 | Location: Western Pennsylvania | Registered: 12 September 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by GonHuntin:

me, a spy from the pond????

That's a good one! Anyone who knows my history over there probably just spit their drink all over their screen and keyboard laughing uncontrollablyBig Grin .....

I'm the LAST person that would do anything to help the pond!!! There is a better chance that Mike Bellm is the pond spy than me! [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

Well, Do you have those dies or was that a LIE???? [Eek!]
Posts: 1902 | Location: Va. Beach,Va. | Registered: 10 March 2002Reply With Quote
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What you and several other are missing is that JD can afford to do things the way he wants because he is at the top of the food chain when it comes to Contenders.......good or bad, the JDJ line of cartridges are the benchmark that everyone else in the industry shoot for (pun intended).

Will he stay there......who knows......time will tell.

As to me having a personal interest in the business??? No, if you had read my previous posts in this thread you would know that. I do own several SSK barrels but bought all of them used. I did meet and enjoyed a visit with JD on a flight to Africa last month, but he isn't my hero.
Posts: 1499 | Location: NE Okla | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Please explain to me how a question could be a lie? You are REALLY grasping for straws now. [Roll Eyes]
[Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] Doesn't really matter though, it's against my policy to sell you dies unless you buy the barrel from me!!!! [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posts: 1499 | Location: NE Okla | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Ok... lets look at it this way. JD Jones probably isn't making too much money on the dies. Custom and semi custom RCBS dies run anywhere from $80-$130 bucks. I'm sure JD gets a break buying them in large lots and having a production run made.. But without dies, his barrels and calibers are useless.
Since the the .40-44 never caught on to any large degree, the number of dies made was probably low. By selling a set of dies for one of his old barrels, he's backing up his product. By selling a set of dies for someone else's barrel, he's making a just a few bucks on the dies, not selling a new barrel, all while depleteing his stock of dies, which he depends on. When they're gone and need to be replaced, more than likely he won't need nearly as many as when the round first came out. Order will be smaller, price higher, slight profit even less.
Posts: 723 | Location: Ny | Registered: 17 March 2002Reply With Quote
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AND ANOTHER THING..... lol Isn't this just re-inventing the wheel? Buy a 10mm barrel and have it rechamberd for .38-40! Hot loaded the .38-40 kicks butt. If I can get into the mid-high 1400 fps range (never really pushed it either) with the 6 1/2 inch barrel and (big) cylinder gap on my Ruger Buckeye, there's no telling what a closed 10+ inch T/C barrel would do! Dies are a dime a dozen.
Posts: 723 | Location: Ny | Registered: 17 March 2002Reply With Quote
Originally posted by GonHuntin:

What you and several other are missing is that JD can afford to do things the way he wants because he is at the top of the food chain when it comes to Contenders.......

Gonehunting..JD is NOT on top of the food chain...Both Bullberry and VV out produce SSk with contender barrels and acc. He may FEEL he is at the Top by His Pricing...but FACT is Others produce more product.... and shoot just as well or Better....Top of Food chain??? or Bottom Dwelling MudSucker???...Do you have interest in JD some way...and VEry Argumentative to say the least..yOUR PROFILE STATES ONE OF US???

So lets give Jules some slack..he did nothing to receive the crap he did from JD...Plain and simple

Afording to do something YOUR way does not make it right! he is am I Big *(&YR deal.

Fireball [Razz]
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Note to Jules: The following is in answer to Fireball's post, don't read it or you might think I'm on your case again! [Big Grin] [Big Grin]


I disagree, for comparable barrels, SSK barrels ALWAYS bring a higher price on the used market than Bullberry or VVCG........that is a fact. If SSK wasn't the most desirable, then the price would reflect it.

Once again (how many times do I have to say it?), I have no interest in SSK, financially, personally or otherwise!

If you, or anyone else, think that pointing out the other side of the story is being arguementative, well, I guess I'm guilty on that charge? If, by your remark concerning "one of us", you think I'm going to just fall in step and make nice when I disagree with someone on this board, you are sadly mistaken!

"So lets give Jules some slack..he did nothing to receive the crap he did from JD...Plain and simple"

I strongly disagree with this! Are you telling me that, if someone lies to you, you just give them a pass and don't say anything about it??? I seriously doubt it! JD could have posted his comments on this board, instead, he chose to keep it between Jules and himself.......Jules hung the dirty laundry out in public (and I bet he wishes he hadn't now [Razz] ).

The term "afford", as I used it above, has nothing to do with money. JD can "afford" to choose who he does business with because of the desirability of his product, not because of his financial status........get it????

Some of you guys are taking this discussion W A Y to seriously! [Big Grin]
Posts: 1499 | Location: NE Okla | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
This is Meathead Jules: You knew what you were going to cause when you made your first post. You are a RAT in the worst way in my opinion. You rat out JD simply because he hurt your little feelings so you decided to cause a controversy by posting the drivel that you did. Like a little child saying: Mommie he won't let me play Mommie. He hurt my feelings Mommie. He he made a face at me mommie. Just like a school yard child. I'll bet when you were typing your ratting out post you had a boner that wouldn't quit. Probably the first one you had in months. You even called me a name and I didn't call you one. Just like a child. Now that you are an adult I'll call you a RAT. Rat on this one and rat out that one. Then you got the ire of the good ole boys on this forumn that has never made a mistake or been wrong in their lives to pass judgement on JD when they have heard only one side of the story which is yours. They never considered you might be full of cheese. They just jumped with both feet. I hope you have had your orgasm and are satisfied now.. In case you are out of cheese let me know your address and I'll send you some. What flavor. Before you go ape hockey you started the name calling. I believe in always returning a favor. I hope your proud since you have gotten what you wanted.
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Hey Jules.....I just had a great idea!!!

Why don't you buy some cheap 44-40 dies and screw them into your press upside down? [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

Just funnin' ya!!!

[ 08-26-2002, 17:30: Message edited by: GonHuntin ]
Posts: 1499 | Location: NE Okla | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by cas:
AND ANOTHER THING..... lol Isn't this just re-inventing the wheel? Buy a 10mm barrel and have it rechamberd for .38-40! Hot loaded the .38-40 kicks butt. If I can get into the mid-high 1400 fps range (never really pushed it either) with the 6 1/2 inch barrel and (big) cylinder gap on my Ruger Buckeye, there's no telling what a closed 10+ inch T/C barrel would do! Dies are a dime a dozen.

You are 100% correct Cas.
Posts: 1902 | Location: Va. Beach,Va. | Registered: 10 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by MePlat:
This is Meathead Jules: You knew what you were going to cause when you made your first post. You are a RAT in the worst way in my opinion. You rat out JD simply because he hurt your little feelings so you decided to cause a controversy by posting the drivel that you did. Like a little child saying: Mommie he won't let me play Mommie. He hurt my feelings Mommie. He he made a face at me mommie. Just like a school yard child. I'll bet when you were typing your ratting out post you had a boner that wouldn't quit. Probably the first one you had in months. You even called me a name and I didn't call you one. Just like a child. Now that you are an adult I'll call you a RAT. Rat on this one and rat out that one. Then you got the ire of the good ole boys on this forumn that has never made a mistake or been wrong in their lives to pass judgement on JD when they have heard only one side of the story which is yours. They never considered you might be full of cheese. They just jumped with both feet. I hope you have had your orgasm and are satisfied now.. In case you are out of cheese let me know your address and I'll send you some. What flavor. Before you go ape hockey you started the name calling. I believe in always returning a favor. I hope your proud since you have gotten what you wanted.

Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha,Ha!!!!! I love it!! Your kind words give me a woody [Razz] [Razz] [Razz]
Posts: 1902 | Location: Va. Beach,Va. | Registered: 10 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by GonHuntin:
Hey Jules.....I just had a great idea!!!

Why don't you buy some cheap 44-40 dies and screw them into your press upside down? [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

Just funnin' ya!!!

Wait!!!!! Will that work??? [Eek!]
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I have watched this thread with interest and have learned a lot. I don't want to buy anything from JD and I don't believe anything Jules posts. I see how Jules has 681 posts. Not a flame just fact. We all need to get along with each other for we all have one thing in common we love single shot pistols. Cheap barrels or expensive barrels if we think brand X is best then more power to us. If we think gunsmith X is best all that matters is if we are happy with it.
Everyone have a great day. Tommy in SW Mo
Posts: 601 | Registered: 19 March 2002Reply With Quote

No offense but MePlat has a point. This place is turning into the same thing you guys refer to as "The Pond". Let me tell ya. It isn't too golden here boyz. Two of the biggest posts have been "the pond" and "check this out." Makes me wonder. [Confused]
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This place is NOTHING like the pond....the big fish would have either deleted the entire thread or at least any posts that he didn't agree with!

The beauty of this place is that we can disagree and hammer out our differences without worrying about being censored by some overbearing tyrant who keeps reminding everyone that he owns the board.

All things considered, this thread has been remarkably civil considering the topic!
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I Quit!!!!
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