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Statistically most likely events?

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26 February 2010, 18:55
Statistically most likely events?
Do any of our LEOs know the most likely events--
Where a civilian would need a weapon?

Car jacking attempt?
Mugging attempt by multiple BG's?
7-11 Robbery in progress?
Lunatic at large?
Teenagers on a Wilding?

"He wins the most, who honour saves. Success is not the test." Ryan
"Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything." Stalin
Tanzania 06
Argentina 07
Moz 09
26 February 2010, 19:40
Rick R
In my experience citizens most often use a firearm for:

1) Self defense in a domestic incident
2) Against a burglary / home invasion
3) During a robbery attempt / mugging

Numbers 2 and 3 occur in about the same numbers but number 1 is the type of incident where I've seen the most use of a firearm. Domestic violence is some pretty sad stuff. Frowner

Lunatics / active shooters gain a lot of media notoriety but really don't amount to a large number of incidents. Plus they are usually smart enough to target gun free zones.

Some of the other LEOs might have seen more incidents of carjacking but it's really not a problem here in WV. Probably because a hillbilly will run over your ass. Smiler
27 February 2010, 03:01
Not real sure, try asking the NRA...pretty sure someone there knows/keeps those numbers.


If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people, under the pretense of taking care of them, they must become happy. Thomas Jefferson, 1802
27 February 2010, 03:31
Home invasion. Have a look at NRA "Armed Citizen." About 90% of their reported incidents are home invasion.

Confrontation on the street is a situation which allows "retreat" and "defusing" of the situation. But a home invasion has you pretty much captive in your house.

Muggings and armed robbery -- Down the list I think, unless you're just plain hanging out in the wrong part of town.

CCW instructor noted: "If you're going places with a gun you wouldn't go without one, you need to stop going."
27 February 2010, 05:25
CCW instructor noted: "If you're going places with a gun you wouldn't go without one, you need to stop going."

Best advice I've seen in a while.

A bad day at the range is better than a good day at work.
27 February 2010, 06:21
Rick R
Originally posted by 0X0:
CCW instructor noted: "If you're going places with a gun you wouldn't go without one, you need to stop going."

Great quote, I'll use it in the next class I teach.
27 February 2010, 11:03
N E 450 No2
I would say home invasion, followed by a car jacking,for a female a rape incident, then robbery of an individual, then a store robbery incident...

However you just never know...

27 February 2010, 17:52
Originally posted by Rick R:
In my experience citizens most often use a firearm for:

***1) Self defense in a domestic incident***
2) Against a burglary / home invasion
3) During a robbery attempt / mugging

Numbers 2 and 3 occur in about the same numbers but number 1 is the type of incident where I've seen the most use of a firearm. Domestic violence is some pretty sad stuff. Frowner

Lunatics / active shooters gain a lot of media notoriety but really don't amount to a large number of incidents. Plus they are usually smart enough to target gun free zones.

Some of the other LEOs might have seen more incidents of carjacking but it's really not a problem here in WV. Probably because a hillbilly will run over your ass. Smiler

So who's the idiot that set up shooting courses for our spouses. dancing

02 March 2010, 10:01
So who's the idiot that set up shooting courses for our spouses. dancing

I don't think it's legal to shoot your spouses.