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Pictures Added! Fall 2010 Hoot N Shoot DRSS - ARBBA Login/Join
Picture of jeffeosso
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

Proclaim it through your hosts that on October the 23rd of 2010, from 10 AM- 2 PM, in the hamlet of Juliff, Texas the not so Royal and Ancient Double Rifle Shooters Society in association with the Big Bore Association will hold their Semi-Annual Shoot and Hoot - 2010 .

The entry fee, payable when you check in, is $15.00 US. If you just show up to visit and eat lunch that's just fine, the same $15.00 US fee applies. A modest barbecue lunch of brisket with beans and potato salad will be served. Bring your own drinks! No alcohol allowed on the range! Any funds left over after covering the cost of the shoot will be donated to our host facility Bayou Rifles, Inc.

We would like to thank Bayou Rifles for allowing us to use their facility again this year. Please remember that we are guests!

This is a rifle match only. Double rifles, bolt trash, lever actions, trap doors, pump action and single shots rifles may be used. Black powder cartridge rifles are welcome. No muzzle loading rifles. Due to facility rules the following calibers can not be used, 50 BMG, any cartridge based on the 50 BMG, 408 Cheytac or 338 Laupua. Bring your own eye and ear protections. Both are required to shoot in the event.

We would ask those attending to please bring extra ammo so others, if they wish, may shoot your rifle under your supervision, to "try it out".
As we did last year, there will be tables set up to display your rifles. This is not a gun show. Tables are for display only.

The event can handle up to 50 shooters.

Course of Fire-

Stage 1- Shooter, standing, will fire 6 rounds from covered firing line at a bull's eye type target at 25 yards, for accuracy and time. In case of a tie there will be a two round shoot off.

Stage 2- Shooter standing, firing from the covered firing line will engage 2, 1 quart sized DWJ (Dangerous Water Jugs) on a wooden stand at 25 yards . .. A speed event. In case of a tie there will be a shoot off.

Awards, if any to be decided at a later date.
(though used primers will be available for lower placed finishers!)

We all had a great time last year. We look forward to seeing and having fellowship with old and new friends alike again this year.
This event is all about having a good time!

The range is located on Juliff/Manvel Road between Texas 288 south and FM 521. Coming south on 288 look for the turn off to County Road 57 West. It is the second exit on 288 south of Highway 6.I will post a map.

GPS coordinates of the range are-
N 29 27.2005, W 95 27.002

That is all from Houston at this time!

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR.
Posts: 41063 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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I'm your huckleberry! I'll be bringing some of Waynes 600 OK ammo for any sucker...I mean shooter that desires to shoot the 600 OK


We Band of Bubbas
N.R.A Life Member
TDR Cummins Power All The Way
Certified member of the Whompers Club
Posts: 2973 | Location: South Texas | Registered: 15 January 2008Reply With Quote
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I'd give the left cheek of my ass to be there! And Yes, I'd even shoot the .600OK! Man, I HATE being Laid Up and Laid Off! Where is this town, anyway? I might be back to work, and be able to swing by in the Office. Is there room for an 18-wheeler in the parking area?
Posts: 225 | Location: East Kentucky | Registered: 02 December 2009Reply With Quote
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Just drive that big dog straight west to Houston and turn left towards Galveston. Park it at the hotel we are setting up for.

I am groveling at Mamma's feet as we speak...

Posts: 23062 | Location: SW Idaho | Registered: 19 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of jimatcat
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rich----ya need to show up....

go big or go home ........

DSC-- Life Member
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i'll be there.
Posts: 107 | Location: alvin texas | Registered: 09 June 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of ramrod340
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You guys have fun. Wish I could be there. CRYBABY

As usual just my $.02
Paul K
Posts: 12881 | Location: Mexico, MO | Registered: 02 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Why no muzzle loaders?

There are no rules in the 2010 "Bayou Rifles, Inc. Facility and Range Rules/Safety Rules" that negates their use on the 50/25yd range at Juliff? (refer to "specific rules for Juliff Facility J4") Would seem the "original" big bores would be welcome, though as stated it is a "match" and match director can decide what firearms are acceptable.

Seen a few of the double Pedersoli 50's & 54's thru the years this specific 25/50 range.

My youngest & I were pounding away Sat morn at Eldridge Range with our 50cal T&C Renegade. To him this was as big and cool as any. Big boom, big cloud, lots of fun, albeit with dirty hands.

Pete A.
Posts: 107 | Location: Houston, Tx | Registered: 26 September 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of CBNHNTR
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I'll be there, would not miss it.
Posts: 162 | Location: Houston, Texas | Registered: 27 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Rusty
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There are no muzzle loaders because we don't have a class for them. If you want to bring your muzzle loader and shoot it after the match, please do so. We'd be glad to have you!

The competition is limited to cartridge rifles only.

We Band of Brothers!
DRSS, NRA & SCI Life Member

"I am rejoiced at my fate. Do not be uneasy about me, for I am with my friends."
----- David Crockett in his last letter (to his children), January 9th, 1836
"I will never forsake Texas and her cause. I am her son." ----- Jose Antonio Navarro, from Mexican Prison in 1841
"for I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Thomas Jefferson
Declaration of Arbroath April 6, 1320-“. . .It is not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.”
Posts: 9797 | Location: Missouri City, Texas | Registered: 21 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Picture of Fjold
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%$#@!)%$! I'm in Ohio that week.


"I don't know what there is about buffalo that frightens me so.....He looks like he hates you personally. He looks like you owe him money."
- Robert Ruark, Horn of the Hunter, 1953

NRA Life, SAF Life, CRPA Life, DRSS lite

Posts: 12931 | Location: Kentucky, USA | Registered: 30 December 2002Reply With Quote
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I might even try to load some 600 OK for the shoot. It would be nice to have some idea how many folks are interested in shooting the OverKill. I would hate to not have enough ammo!


We Band of Bubbas
N.R.A Life Member
TDR Cummins Power All The Way
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Posts: 2973 | Location: South Texas | Registered: 15 January 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of Rusty
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It will be great to see you again, Andy! Do I need to find another 700 NE for you to shoot?

We Band of Brothers!
DRSS, NRA & SCI Life Member

"I am rejoiced at my fate. Do not be uneasy about me, for I am with my friends."
----- David Crockett in his last letter (to his children), January 9th, 1836
"I will never forsake Texas and her cause. I am her son." ----- Jose Antonio Navarro, from Mexican Prison in 1841
"for I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Thomas Jefferson
Declaration of Arbroath April 6, 1320-“. . .It is not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.”
Posts: 9797 | Location: Missouri City, Texas | Registered: 21 June 2000Reply With Quote
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700NE.....nah, but a 4 Bore would be niceSmiler! A 600NE would be cool to add to my list!


We Band of Bubbas
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TDR Cummins Power All The Way
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Ya know what Rusty......I have some friends coming from north Texas that claim they are unaffected by recoil. Find a 9lb 700! That should fix 'em. Or if Harry brings the 550Magnum with no muzzle break and no pad or other recoil suppressing device.


We Band of Bubbas
N.R.A Life Member
TDR Cummins Power All The Way
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Picture of Mississippian
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There's a darn good chance I will be able to attend this event! I better start practicing now so I dont get laughed all the way back to Mississippi!!

Double Rifle Shooters Society
Posts: 1095 | Location: Yazoo City, Mississippi | Registered: 25 January 2004Reply With Quote
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Sorry to disappoint recoil junkies, but my 600 will not be coming to the shoot with me this fall. It is now in the shop of Tip Burns. There were some feeding/magazine box issues I had not previously been aware of. I might even add another crossbolt. Tip is pretty sure he can get it out by New Years maybe even before. There are other projects ahead of it. By the way anyone within a couple hours of Canyon Lake needs to drive over there and chat with Tip. He is a helluva nice and knowledgeable fellow.


We Band of Bubbas
N.R.A Life Member
TDR Cummins Power All The Way
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Posts: 2973 | Location: South Texas | Registered: 15 January 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of Rusty
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We'll just bring Tip over to the shoot and he can work on it and enjoy the shoot too! Big Grin Eeker

We Band of Brothers!
DRSS, NRA & SCI Life Member

"I am rejoiced at my fate. Do not be uneasy about me, for I am with my friends."
----- David Crockett in his last letter (to his children), January 9th, 1836
"I will never forsake Texas and her cause. I am her son." ----- Jose Antonio Navarro, from Mexican Prison in 1841
"for I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Thomas Jefferson
Declaration of Arbroath April 6, 1320-“. . .It is not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.”
Posts: 9797 | Location: Missouri City, Texas | Registered: 21 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Works for me!! Tip has for sale in his shop a fantastic 10.75x68. The stock is a bit short for me otherwise I might be tempted to buy it.


We Band of Bubbas
N.R.A Life Member
TDR Cummins Power All The Way
Certified member of the Whompers Club
Posts: 2973 | Location: South Texas | Registered: 15 January 2008Reply With Quote
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Hello Men,
Do I have to join a club, be invited, or just throw the shoulder busters and ammo belts in the truck and head south?
Thanks in advance.
Posts: 789 | Registered: 18 February 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of Muletrain
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Here is your official invitation.


Elephant Hunter,
Double Rifle Shooter Society,
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Ten Safaris, in RSA, Namibia, Zimbabwe

Posts: 955 | Location: Houston, Texas, USA | Registered: 13 February 2002Reply With Quote
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Thanks Muletrain Cool
Posts: 789 | Registered: 18 February 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of Rusty
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Just come on down. We'll be glad to see ya!

We Band of Brothers!
DRSS, NRA & SCI Life Member

"I am rejoiced at my fate. Do not be uneasy about me, for I am with my friends."
----- David Crockett in his last letter (to his children), January 9th, 1836
"I will never forsake Texas and her cause. I am her son." ----- Jose Antonio Navarro, from Mexican Prison in 1841
"for I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Thomas Jefferson
Declaration of Arbroath April 6, 1320-“. . .It is not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.”
Posts: 9797 | Location: Missouri City, Texas | Registered: 21 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Thank You to Rusty,
I.ll look forward to meeting and learning from the true professional's Cool
Posts: 789 | Registered: 18 February 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of tiggertate
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Originally posted by drewhenrytnt:
Ya know what Rusty......I have some friends coming from north Texas that claim they are unaffected by recoil. Find a 9lb 700! That should fix 'em. Or if Harry brings the 550Magnum with no muzzle break and no pad or other recoil suppressing device.


I'll be there with the 550, Andy!

"Experience" is the only class you take where the exam comes before the lesson.
Posts: 11143 | Location: Texas, USA | Registered: 22 September 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of jimatcat
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anybody want to get together for dinner saturday night?????... there were several from out of town that we met last yr....

go big or go home ........

DSC-- Life Member
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DRSS--9.3x74 r Chapuis
Posts: 2851 | Location: dividing my time between san angelo and victoria texas.......... USA | Registered: 26 July 2006Reply With Quote
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Darn, I will have just landed in Kazakhstan for another months work. Someday the stars will align and I will make one of these. Have fun.
Posts: 1583 | Location: Either far north Idaho or Hill Country Texas depending upon the weather | Registered: 26 March 2005Reply With Quote
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I'll be there with the 550, Andy!

I am looking forward to shooting that pop gun! Got any full power loads?Smiler


We Band of Bubbas
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TDR Cummins Power All The Way
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Picture of tiggertate
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I can make some special ones just for you!

"Experience" is the only class you take where the exam comes before the lesson.
Posts: 11143 | Location: Texas, USA | Registered: 22 September 2003Reply With Quote
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I can make some special ones just for you!

Harry, make 'em extra special...say 750gr@2500??

I have a couple friends coming from north Texas one of whom wants a 600OK. I have heard one of them say he is not recoil sensitive and the other will probably claim the same.

We Band of Bubbas
N.R.A Life Member
TDR Cummins Power All The Way
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Posts: 2973 | Location: South Texas | Registered: 15 January 2008Reply With Quote
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Picture of tiggertate
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Probably best if they try the 550 first. And FWIW, no fears if they let go. That rifle's been dropped more times than Madonna.

"Experience" is the only class you take where the exam comes before the lesson.
Posts: 11143 | Location: Texas, USA | Registered: 22 September 2003Reply With Quote
Picture of jeffeosso
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they can buy my 458 lott then!

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR.
Posts: 41063 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of tiggertate
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700 @ 2350 is about tops. That is what you and Aglifter were shooting. The pain comes from the fact that the rifle is a little under 10 lbs, loaded.

"Experience" is the only class you take where the exam comes before the lesson.
Posts: 11143 | Location: Texas, USA | Registered: 22 September 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of invader66
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Rich what hotel ?

Semper Fi
STC Hunting Club
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Picture of Rusty
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Just a reminder bump.

We Band of Brothers!
DRSS, NRA & SCI Life Member

"I am rejoiced at my fate. Do not be uneasy about me, for I am with my friends."
----- David Crockett in his last letter (to his children), January 9th, 1836
"I will never forsake Texas and her cause. I am her son." ----- Jose Antonio Navarro, from Mexican Prison in 1841
"for I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Thomas Jefferson
Declaration of Arbroath April 6, 1320-“. . .It is not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.”
Posts: 9797 | Location: Missouri City, Texas | Registered: 21 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Got room for a couple more looky-loo's? My dad and I would like to check it out.
Posts: 188 | Location: Austin, TX | Registered: 12 July 2008Reply With Quote
Picture of jeffeosso
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come on down .. nearly everyone will let you shoot their stuff ...

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR.
Posts: 41063 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
Picture of jeffeosso
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mission accomplished - the sauce has been secured --

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR.
Posts: 41063 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Rusty
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Don't forget the DWG stands! Cya Saturday!

We Band of Brothers!
DRSS, NRA & SCI Life Member

"I am rejoiced at my fate. Do not be uneasy about me, for I am with my friends."
----- David Crockett in his last letter (to his children), January 9th, 1836
"I will never forsake Texas and her cause. I am her son." ----- Jose Antonio Navarro, from Mexican Prison in 1841
"for I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Thomas Jefferson
Declaration of Arbroath April 6, 1320-“. . .It is not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.”
Posts: 9797 | Location: Missouri City, Texas | Registered: 21 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Doing my best to get there, leaving SC in the AM, have to pick up my rifle at the ranch and make it to Houston

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
Posts: 863 | Location: Texas | Registered: 25 January 2006Reply With Quote
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