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11,2 X 72 Schuler Login/Join
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Anyone have any experience with the 11,2X72 Schuler?

I think I need to own one, and thought I'd find out what experiences people have had with it.

Posts: 987 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 23 June 2003Reply With Quote
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No first hand experience, but what I have read tells about a really bad cartrige. Taylor really hated it - probably olso because of the cheap rifles it was offered in.
It was rebated, had really bad bullets with low sectional density, and was known as a lousy performer.

Today I am sure one can have it made with custom brass and bullets, thus making it a super performer in a good rifle. But it is still rebated, with the same dimentions in the rear as the .425 WR, but longer - 2.8" compared to the 2.65" of the WR.
For original loads, Woodleigh make bullets with original measurements, 401 grs .440".

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Bent Fossdal
5685 Uggdal

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Taylor refers to a ".440 (11.2mm) Mauser" and I believe he's more than likely thinking the 11.2mmx60 Mauser as distinct from the 11.2x72mmSchuler. The Schuler looks the goods as a big game cartridge ... but with serious projectile availability issues.
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You are indeed correct. While both the '60 and '72 were called both Schuler and Mauser (COWT), the 60 had a bulletweight at 332, while the '72 had a bullet weight of 401 grs. In his balistic sections, the 11,2 cartyridge is listed with the 332 grs bullet, so that confirms that it is the smaller one he is talking about.

Nonetheless, the 11,2x72 had the same rebate as the .425WR, rather a bich and a half to work with. The german guns were known to be a lot cheaper than the britts, in addition.

Today, in a gun that fed well, with Woodleights 401 grs SN - or any custom made - it should be better than ever.

The 11.2x60 Schuler.

The 11,2x72 Schuler.

Bent Fossdal
5685 Uggdal

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Send me $10 (shipping) and I'll send you a case to play with. I also have sample bullets in all three configurations, HP, SP, and FMJ.

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I think the 425 W.R. and rum brass is better by far.
here is some rum brass put through 425 dies and the .532 rim left as is for an easy 7 mag barrel swap.

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An original Schüler in caliber 11,2x72. Top quality rifle, Mr Taylor must have had an aversion against everything from Germany!
The rifle was sold at an auction in stockholm 2 years ago for $ 2000 killpc

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That is a beautiful, unembellished rifle.

I would have purchased that in about 2 seconds if given the chance.

Thanks for posting the picture of it.

Posts: 987 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 23 June 2003Reply With Quote
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I enjoy mine completely. I have never had a problem with the rebated case nor did the fellow I purchased it from. He did some level of elephant control in Zimbabwe with it.
Here are a couple cases with soft and solid 401 grain bullets from a company of long ago. The rifle I use is an original and I paid a bit more than the above price but it is the only one I have ever seen.


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Frank, thanks, how is the magazine made up? WR used some arms to guide the cartridge, what are yours like?

Bent Fossdal
5685 Uggdal

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Please, some pictures of the rifle!!
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I will do my best to make time for photos this weekend.
Posts: 6935 | Location: hydesville, ca. , USA | Registered: 17 March 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by N. Garrett:
Anyone have any experience with the 11,2X72 Schuler?

I think I need to own one, and thought I'd find out what experiences people have had with it.



The 11.2x72 is blast! Get one you will not regret it. Bullet selection is limited but good ones are available from Woodleigh. When I was messing with an original Schuler 11.2 I did find that the case capacity was not close to what is in COTW. My load was in the upper 80gr range with IMR 4350. We were shooting through some pretty big pine trees. Charging pine trees naturallySmiler)))

Just like its larger brother the 12.7 Schuler it will kill anything that walks on planet earth.

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I have one with a full stock and 24" bbl that weighs 8 1/2 lbs.and my buddy Tom K has a mint sporter that probably weighs even less. I haven't hunted with it, but we play with it at the range pretty often. We shoot woodleigh 401 gn. and 85 gr. of 3031. Here's a photo with one between a 460 weatherby and a 450 3 1/4
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