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Shootaway, I think us Canucks should start a petition to have your POL/PAL reviewed. That would be a stretch indeed, of course, to actually assume you ever got one. Krieghoff Classic 30R Blaser Stevens 044-1/2 218 Bee Ruger #1A 7-08 Rem 700 7-08 Tikka t3x lite 6.5 creedmo Tikka TAC A1 6.5 creedmo Win 1885 300H&H. 223Rem Merkel K1 7 Rem mag CCFR | |||
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An old (politically incorrect) joke I heard in Manitoba: Canuck questioning an American: "Do you know why you have the minoirty gang bangers and we have the French ?" American sez: "I have no idea." Canuck responds: "Because you had first choice." Many folks in Canada I know refuse to fly the "Maple Leaf Flag" (known as "the French rag"). They still fly the real flag that dates to when "the sun never sets on the British empire." Of course most of the "Gorf" folks fly the gold on blue French Lily flag. Before you enter a debate, consider your opponent's qualifications. | |||
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Perhaps someone from Alberta or Saskatchewan can help me, why do some Canadians refer to Quebec as Queerbec? Mike | |||
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Anybody know the official airline of Quebec? | |||
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Molson (with the moose on it). _______________________ | |||
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Shooting with open sights takes years to master and tons of hard work.I guess many here do not believe this. | |||
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OH We believe it--we just don't think you have done it. | |||
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I do not think you believe it and if or not I can shoot is something you already think you know. | |||
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We all learn at different rates. For some it is more difficult to learn how to use open sites than it is for others. I never had much trouble in learning how to use open sites. I also think that if you have experience with an open siighted pistol it decreases the learning curve when switching to an open sighted rifle. 465H&H | |||
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George, See the comment here: http://forums.accuratereloadin...811014581#4811014581 The fact is that most everyone began shooting with iron sights. I can't imagine there were many 3 day or more spans of time while a young man that I didn't have some type of iron sighted rifle in my hands. Like many here, I grew up with irons and have continued to shoot irons of some sort in addition to scoped weapons for most of my life. But as you know, your statements of arrogance go beyond simply shooting iron sights, to include barrel cleaning routines, longevity of barrel life, shooting of solids, and other subjects that you as a self proclaimed but undocumented "expert" seem to be in direct opposition to with the very real and established authorities on this forum. Guys who have built hundreds of custom weapons used to win high level competitions as well as winning contests of note themselves. As I do not posses credentials equal to these men, I consider myself a student of their experiences, and combined with my own, I form my opinions. Many others on this site fall into the same category. Opinions do vary, but with the exception of yours, they tend to fall within the bounds of reasonableness and provide the basis for valuable discussion. You seem to have put yourself on a pedestal as possessing knowledge, expertise, and experience beyond what is widely accepted as reasonable by those with sterling reputations and credentials. May I ask what drives you to this meritless arrogance? Unless you are doing it to "act out" in hopes of attracting negative attention in preference to being ignored, I can find no purpose for it. To be sure, if your against the grain comments were breaking new ground and setting the records straight from erroneously held beliefs, the same would be most welcomed and well received. However, that is not the case by any stretch of delusion. | |||
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Todd, He is getting just what he wants from these ridiculous statements, "attention". 465H&H | |||
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Obviously! | |||
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I am focusing on finding the tip to sight in open sights...somewhere along the line of this debate I lost it... ![]() Please be so kind as to share your knowledge with me... This is the scenario: I build my own front sight and v-express rear sights according to Brownell`s sight height calculator ....It is to be fitted on a .375 H&H Magnum Cogswell&Harrison hunting rifle I would like to use for walk and stalk purposes....I will up-load pictures to provide more insight to this scenario.... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I need to decide what distances I want to dedicate to each distance indicator...should I use the first solid standing indicator as the 25 yards/meters the 1st folding leaf as 100 yards/meters 2nd folding leaf as 150 yards/meters up to the last leaf 400 yards/meters? Taking in account I will use the following loading specks: 65gr S335 CCI Magnum primers 270gr Barnes X bullet. Speed:2680fps en 2750fps I do not have ballistic charts at hand to indicate POI at 25, 50 , 100 150, ect.... Should I start with standing leaf at 100 yards /meters following up to 500 yards/ meters (I willtnot be able to sight in further than 150 yards/meters in a realistic environment.) Any relevant reply to assist me in this endeavor is welcomed....this will be a first time for me to sight in a v-express sight .... | |||
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The first standing should read 100yds.That is how I would do it if I were building rifles.I saw one like this too on an old english double just recently.I guess there were some back then that saw it the same way.There is only about an inch difference between 50 and 100yds(for a 458 Lott).You do not need a separate sight for those distances.If your bore is not cleaned properly,however you may get a 3 to 4 inch drop but that is not the correct bullet path of the rifle.I would go with 200yds for the second and 300yds for the third.You should be dead on at 25,50,and 100yds with the 375 H&H.Don`t try to set one at 50yds,IMO. | |||
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Thank you Shootaway, If I set the first standing one at 100 yards..taking in account the speed of the bullet traveling, will be shooting from muzzel to 100 yards on about the same point of impact ? Am I correct ? So where I aim within o-100 yards the point of impact will be true ? Like to hear from you... | |||
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Forget to ask...regardless of bullet weight? I will use the 270 gn and likely the 300 gn bullets..will there be a big difference in POI? | |||
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Yes it will be true like a laser beam and only this way should it be done. | |||
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I am still waiting on more replies to assist me in the correct sighting in of open sights ...any suggestions will be appreciate...as stated previously ...this is a first time for me ....I am sure there are many hunters who build their own rifles...and experienced the same difficulties I am experiencing now...I would like to do it correct the first time..for example ...can I do the regulating/sight-in process shooting from a bench, standing , lying prone off-hand? | |||
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No difference.Also,you do not have to shoot at all at 25 and 50yds if you sight in at 100yds-it will be dead center or my name is not shootaway! | |||
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Doin't think I can go with this. I can't tell you how menay recurts rifles that I have sited in at 25 meters and then shot them to 250 menters and they all shot very well. This was over a peried of 9 years as a army drill sgt. I have even shot the same m16 with a 22 long rifle adp. at 25 meters for score and no change to the site. Most of my hunting rifles were set up to hit on at 25 and they would be good to 100 so doin't see how this would work. | |||
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I know a guy who hunted with my father and I a couple of times long ago who could not hit anything with any rifle or shotgun.During a lunch break on the field we had a little shooting competition with a open sight rifle and before it was his turn he told us about his army shooting experience and all.He then shot missed the target by a foot even though it was at close range.I have heard the army shooting bullshit thing said many many times before, to the point that whenever I hear it I know the fellow can`t shoot. | |||
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Sight your scope at 25yds and then trust it to shoot bullseye minus trajectory for 300 and you will be in for a big surprise with the bullet striking a metres away. | |||
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jwm I was going to highlight the same part. Shootaway You are so full of it, that is why you have a 4 inch drop !!! Previously 500N with many thousands of posts ! | |||
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The 4-inch drop is due to shootaway's furious cleaning regimen...I suspect that he is cleaning from the muzzle end, and while sawing away frantically with the cleaning rod he has worn a groove in the top of the crown. Escaping gases force the bullet downward, our of its "natural path". This could be easily corrected by wearing a corresponding groove in the bottom of the crown, to cancel out the effect. Better yet, you could actually sight in your gun this way, thus keeping the scope adjustments centered and in the optical sweet spot for best image quality. This technique is fully explained in the owner's manual for Sabatti doubles, under the heading "regulation". | |||
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Oooohhhhh that's low, but true !!! Previously 500N with many thousands of posts ! | |||
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I did all my trainging at a time when scopes and red dot site were not used and it was my job to see to it that they could shoot. They all could. They shot a corse that was pop up and moving targets from 25 meters to 250 meters. They didn't have all day to shoot as the targets would go down and not be scored I didn't have any that could not pass that test as they have to to be able to to get out of basic training. sorry you think you are the only one that has it right but what you are saying is not what I have observed. | |||
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Evidently I have been sighting in incorrectly my entire life. Thankfully the animals didn't know! | |||
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It is bad enough that you have us reading this for entertainment value only but to give advice like this to a new poster is total crap; which by the way you are full of. | |||
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Exactly. Shootaway Ply us with your BS as it is quite funny to read each morning but for god sake, don't screw up newbies asking advice. If you don't know, let someone else answer it. Previously 500N with many thousands of posts ! | |||
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I put three in the bulleye at 100yds open sights yesterday and tested at 50yds for another bullseye! I had to adjust my sights in the beginning because I was shooting 6 inches right at 100yds but still bullseye at 50yds.I always have to adjust my sights at 100yds before I shoot because getting the barrel hot means POI can shift especially with this rifle.I would never get a custom rifle hot like that.It would be hell trying to re-sight.Next time out I will force myself to take more time and allow the barrel to cool.No point in shooting offhand with opensights if POI is shifting while I am shooting. | |||
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Shootaway I am sure others will have some ideas to put to you but here are mine. Your gun should not be doing that and it is likely because something (ie the stock) is creating pressure on the barrel as it heats up, pushing your POI away from where it was. Before you even think of shooting again. 1. Get an A4 piece of paper and slide it between the barrel and the stock. It SHOULD be able to be slid all the way up to the action. If it doesn't or is a bit tight, then your wood is touching the barrel and IMHO, this needs fixing. How ? Remove the barreled action from the stock, find out where it is touching and sand bank the wood in the barrel channel. The way your gun is today, I wouldn't take it shooting or hunting because it would be useless if I came across a mob of pigs or Buffalo that I wanted to shoot. I am sure others will have some input. "I would never get a custom rifle hot like that" Really. I've had some of my English rifles that hot from 20 shots in 2 minutes, if the game is there they don't wait around for the barrel to cool. Previously 500N with many thousands of posts ! | |||
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It has nothing to do with the stock.Getting a rifle extremely hot will wear down the rifling before your eyes and naturally change POI. | |||
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Y'all keep forgetting-- Shootaway lives in an alternate Universe-the laws of Physics are different there and english words mean different things-- Metal reacts differently and ballistics change according to range and whether there is a scope on the rifle or not. | |||
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To the members engaging this thread....I am deleting my question to you...if possible since I do not receive any functional answers but only members bashing each other ....as I mentioned previously...I surely did not find any positive comments regarding this topic...please be so kind as to excuse me from this forum. | |||
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I thought we got lucky and this tread died on the 9th oh well. | |||
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Gert,I was serious in my response to you.It is what I have learned all along.Obviously other people do not agree but I stand by what I have shared with you. | |||
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You are so full of it it in unbelievable. If the above was true, how come on a number of occasions I have managed to wipe out mobs of buffalo and pigs, with between 8 and 22 shots, then gone on to keep shooting with that rifle and it is still 100% on target. You need to go see a shrink. Previously 500N with many thousands of posts ! | |||
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Whats with Gert? After over 3 pages of posts on this thread where shootaway is being taken to task on some rather absurd postulations on how only he has the knowledge on how to sight in a rifle with iron sights while the rest of us are complete idiots, he suddenly comes in on the post to partake of shootaway's stupendous knowledge on the subject and gets the pip when he is warned not to listen too seriously to shootaway. I almost suspect they are drinking buddies trying to support each other! What a hoot. Gert you are excused. Shootaway I do get some laughs from your banter but please try and distinguish between fact and fiction especially if giving advice to those less experienced. As for most of us here I think we are all pretty safe. | |||
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Eagle Agree - on all counts. Why would someone, anyone listen to a poster when everyone is saying he is sprouting BS. Oh well. Previously 500N with many thousands of posts ! | |||
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