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for purely plains game the 338-06 in a FN Mauser custom.....225 grain Northforks or A-Frames to go.

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In 2004 I did a hunt like this in Limpopo. I took a CZ 550 American in 9,3x62. It was fitted with a 2.5-8 Leupold. Rifle is light and handy. Used 286 gr Nosler Partitions pushed to 2425 fps.

Took Impala, Warthog, Blue Wildebeast, Kudu, and Zebra with the rifle. Performance was simply superb! Could not ask for better. Would take the exactly the same rifle to do the thing again.


DRSS, Womper's Club, NRA Life Member/Charter Member NRA Golden Eagles ...
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It would be my moose gun Cool

458Win, 1-4 Leupold, loaded with 350gr BarnesX, 73gr Norma 200=>2575fps, and then I have to try some heavier BarnesX or solid for the Buff

Posts: 108 | Location: Härnösand Sweden | Registered: 17 June 2001Reply With Quote
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I have a beautiful and accurate Interarms Mark X Safari rifle in .375 H&H that shoots MOA groups and is topped with a 1.5-6x42 Kahles 30mm scope. I also have a even prettier custom Browning FN Mauser in .375 H&H. It is topped with a 1.5-6x42 Nikon Monarch Gold but its groups are about 1.5 inches at 100 and 3 inches at 200. Since this is to be primarily a plains game hunt, I'll go with the tighter groups for long range confidence.
Posts: 1443 | Registered: 09 February 2004Reply With Quote
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My Sako AV in 375 H&H with the Leupold 3.5-10X40 in optilock rings & bases backed up by a 1-4X VXII and open sights. B&C reticle in the Leupold is a good match with 270g Barnes TSX...
Posts: 430 | Location: Anchorage, AK | Registered: 02 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of PWS
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Aagard says "Only the good hits count" so I'd take the ol' "Meat Gun": 8 1/2lb, Stainless Synthetic M70 .338WinMag with 250 grain Partitions or 225 TSX, 1.75-6x Luepy. It's enough bullet and easy to put through the right places.
Posts: 1144 | Location: Kodiak | Registered: 01 February 2005Reply With Quote
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I would and did take my Win 338 mag with 2X8 Leopold shooting 225 gr barnes X and 225 gr Barnes solids. 2 Kude, 2 Gemsbok, Eland, 4 Zebra, 6 Impala 5 Springbok, Stenbok, Common Duiker, Klipspringer, Orbi, Cape Grysbok, 2 Bushbuck, Black and Blue Wildebeasts, Gariffi, Blesbok, Bontebok, Nyala, Blackback Jackel and Warthog. Not on one trip. Smiler
Posts: 5338 | Location: Bedford, Pa. USA | Registered: 23 February 2002Reply With Quote
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I would have to take my Whitworth 375 H&H, with Burris 2X7 scope in removable Talley's.

Loaded with 270gr Barnes TSX's.
Posts: 2034 | Location: Black Mining Hills of Dakota | Registered: 22 June 2005Reply With Quote
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I'll take my custom .375 H&H with Leupold quick release mounts and three different loads.

With my red dot 1x1scope and a Rhino 380gr I'll be ready for buff.

3-7x 40 Lynx Scope and 300gr rhino for the soft skin game


6-24x44 scope with Impala 200gr load for the Kalahari.

Just perrrrfect!!!!
Posts: 94 | Registered: 18 November 2005Reply With Quote
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I would take my Dakota 76 in 375H&H with a Swarovski PH 1.25x4x24 scope in Talley QD mounts and twenty Federal 300 grain Trophy Bonded Bearclaws and half a dozen handloaded Woodleigh 300 grain solids for buff and plains game in thick country.

For the Kalahari I would switch scopes to a Leupold 2.5x8x32 already sighted in for the Federal 260 grain Trophy Bonded Bearclaws and I'd bring twenty of those.


Free 500grains
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My Remington ABG in 375 H&H with it's two fitted drop box magazines, Burris Signature 1.75 x 5 and Burris Signature 3 X 10 scope with Warne QD mounts. My handloads with Barnes X/TSX/Solid 300 grainers in W-W brass.
Posts: 395 | Location: West Coast | Registered: 09 April 2005Reply With Quote
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In this order:
376 Steyr Scout with leupold scout scope or conventional 1.5-6X42 Burris scope.
358 Norma Mag customized M70 with 1.5-6 Kahles scope.
458 Win Mag Steyr S with 1-4 leupold scope.

Posts: 18 | Location: New Jersey | Registered: 28 July 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Riodot
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It would be tough to choose but the winner is my Husqvarna 98 in 9.3x62.

I mounted an old 4x weaver on it (QD rings) but I have new a back-up 2-7 Bushnell 3200 Elite for it also.

Ammo would be Barnes in both TSX 286gr and Flat nosed solids 286gr for the trip. Maybe some 250gr in both TSX and solids for any little guys.


Lance Larson Studio
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My Winchester M-70 Super Grade in 458 Win Mag open sights.

short and fat and hard to get at, hit like a hammer and never been hit back.
Posts: 251 | Location: Just north of Salingrad. | Registered: 07 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Ad nauseum here, my 375 with the 6 power Cabela's Pine Ridge scope that has been on it since I put the 2 together.

Even the rocks don't last forever.

Posts: 31014 | Location: Olney, Texas | Registered: 27 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Hello there!

Interesting thread.(like all threads concerning picking
limited quantity of guns I might add) Big Grin

Here`s 2nd list of the guns chosen so far:
300 WinMag........3
300 WbyMag........3
303 British.......1
8mm RemMag........1
338 WinMag........3
330 Dakota........1
340 WbyMag........1
338 RUM...........1
338/378 WbyMag....1
358 Norma Mag.....2
358 STA...........2
9.3x62 Mauser.....10
9.3x64 Brenneke...1
375/284 SSK.......1
376 Steyr.........3
375 H&H...........33 WOOHOO!!! Eeker Cool clap
375 WbyMag........2
416 RemMag........4
416 Rigby.........4
404 Jeffery.......1
444 Marlin........1
45-70 Govt........1
458 WinMag........2
458 Lott..........1
460 WbyMag........1
4 Bore............1
2 Bore............2

According to the rules in the opening post my vote won`t count
(I don`t own any BB rifles) Frowner Mad
but I would take one of this quartet:
CZ 550 Magnum
Ruger 77MkII Magnum
Heym Magnum Express
Burgess&Milliron Mauser

Caliber would be .416 Rigby Cool


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CZ 550 magnum, 300 win mag topped with 3x9x40 VX II.
Don't believe it's near enough enough for buff, but I'd venture to say allot of buff has been killed with that caliber?
Posts: 9 | Registered: 01 April 2006Reply With Quote
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pre 64 win mod 70 in 375 H&H. Schmidt & Bender 1.5X6

Worked on my first trip.
Posts: 1903 | Location: Greensburg, Pa. | Registered: 09 August 2002Reply With Quote
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.300 H&H Cool

It still works!

DRSS: HQ Scandinavia. Chapters in Sweden & Norway
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Picture of KWard
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Hate to be one to join the crowd but, it would be my Whitworth .375 H&H mauser with a fixed 2.5 Leupold scope with Pilkington quick realease scope lever. Iron sights regulated to 100 yds , other cute folding leaves epoxied down. Gunsmith refinished the stock and it looks really beautiful.Have been using 300 gr Nosler partitions but just got a bunch of the 300 gr Fail safes. beer
Posts: 319 | Location: Arizona | Registered: 31 January 2004Reply With Quote
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Sauer 200, 9.3x62, it's got a 56mm S&B scope on it, which I would change in the real world, but in yours, that would be the one I'd take. Currently sighted for RWS Cone Point bullets, 247 grs. Of course, I can't buy any ammo off the shelve here, so I'd be spending all night loading TSX's...)

Posts: 1717 | Location: Alberta, Canada | Registered: 17 March 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of The Metalsmith
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Remington APR .375RUM with 300gr. Barnes X-bullets, and I might leave it not scoped as it is right now. I've gotten so confident in this rifle's performance I don't think there isn't a thing on this earth it wouldn't put down, except maybe a low flying aircraft!

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.375H&H Heym w/Nickel Supra 2,5x scope mounted via custom qd mount. I would take couple smaller front blade inserts, so I could use Fe 50m,100m,150m sights as backup. "Local" Dentel Ltd. 'Barnes', and SP loaded ammo is ok with me.
Posts: 1126 | Registered: 03 June 2005Reply With Quote
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No it's not ideal but the only rifle I have ready to go right now is my Remington 7600 "carbine" in .35 Whelen with a 1-4 Leupold in QD rings. The barrel has been cut down to 19".
Posts: 575 | Location: VA | Registered: 20 March 2003Reply With Quote
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I'd take my 338 RUM.W/Zeiss 3,5-10.
Loaded with some 250grs Nosler Partitions.

I have never seen enything rise again after one hit from that rifle. Wink

*Treat problems like a dog; Take a sniff ..... If it can't be killed, eaten, or fucked? Just pie on it, and walk on!:-)

Posts: 736 | Location: In the deep Norwegian woods. | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of JOE MACK
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I'd use my .411/.416Remington Magnum on a Ruger #1 with a Kahles 1.5X6. shooting a Barnes X of 300grains. For the small stuff, I can even load pistol bullets. As I'm mainly a handgun hunter, my only other two rifles at present are a Ruger #1 in .338Win Mag, a #1 in .405Winchester, and a Pre-64 M70 Winchester that went from an '06 to a .411Hawk. I've got this "thing" for the .41 caliber.

JOE MACK aka The .41FAN


I am the punishment of God…
If you had not committed great sins,
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Posts: 403 | Location: PRK | Registered: 20 April 2003Reply With Quote
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I'd take the same rifle I took last summer. A pre '64 m 70 action, Lilja barrel, Rimrock stock, Leupold 1.5 X 5. Built by Jim Cloward. Shoots one 5 shot ragged hole group at 100 Yd. Results last year: 10 animals, 11 shots, the zebra was running.

Posts: 2086 | Location: Seattle Washington, USA | Registered: 19 January 2004Reply With Quote
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In the kalahari desert the shot are taken in many cases at long range, so the rifle has to get flat tarjectory and it has to have enough power to take an eland. The 8X68 S with 200 gr Nosler Partition or Swift A-Frame has proven to be effective with this type of game, and enough flat to do long range shoots. If you shoot occasionally a buffalo, take a 220 gr Swft A-frame bullet in this caliber and shoot the animal behind the shoulder and it will do the job

Ignacio Colomer
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Next time I go to Africa..........going back to what I started with, Dasiy BB gun......going to shoot them in the ass, just like I used to.............uhhhh I did shoot that pony that bite me in the Tee Tee. Smiler


High in the shoulder

(we band of bubbas)
Posts: 1868 | Location: League City, Texas | Registered: 11 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Same one I took last two trips-M70 Classic left hand 375 H & H with one of my Leupold 1.5 x 5 scopes. One has heavy duplex (buffalo), one standard reticle, one illuminated reticle (leopard). All fit all of my Africa rifles using Leupold QD mounts. Each rifle has mountholes drilled so scopes are interchangeable. This rifle shot 4" groups from USRAC. I tested by seating bullets nearly into lands and it shot gangbusters, so set barrel back and re-chambered. Now it shoots 1/2" groups with Swift A Frames and 300 Barnes solids.

My other two Africa rifles are M70 458 Lott Krieger barrel, left hand, and a M70 30-06, just added as a light rifle. I got tired of carrying a 10 pound piece.

Each of these prepared by Ed Lapour, gunsmith in Bremerton, WA who truly understands Africa rifles. Ed is a member of the American Custom Gunsmith Assoc. They meet same time as SCI. Check'm out.
Posts: 2827 | Location: Seattle, in the other Washington | Registered: 26 April 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of craven
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As I am leaving for Africa in late June, my Remington 700 classic in 35 Whelen with a 2.5 X 8 vari x III on top launching 225gr. Barnes tripple shock's at 2700+ fps is what I'm taking with plains game on the menu.

Craven beer
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Originally posted by craven:
As I am leaving for Africa in late June, my Remington 700 classic in 35 Whelen with a 2.5 X 8 vari x III on top launching 225gr. Barnes tripple shock's at 2700+ fps is what I'm taking with plains game on the menu.

Craven beer

YOU GO PAL!!! thumb

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My 9.3 x 62 Husky with Leupold 1.75 - 6. I have both 250 Barnes X and 286 Nosler Partitons loaded. Worked in Africa before.

You can borrow money but you can not borrow time. Go hunting with your family.
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No question... My RSM in .375

.22 LR Ruger M77/22
30-06 Ruger M77/MkII
.375 H&H Ruger RSM
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Either of the 9.3x64's. One is on a pre64 M70, the other a Mauser. Both topped with 3-9 Leupold. The Winchester accompanied me on the last hunt along with it's brother in 300 H&H.
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9.3x64 by Frankonia on a 98 action; scoped with a 1.75-6x Leupy.
I'm ready, please send the air tickets. Smiler
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M70 .375 H&H - new or old as I have both. Prefer the newer model.
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this August I'll be taking one rifle for lion, roan, sable and buffalo...378 weatherby with a leopold 3.5 X 10..40mm (heavy duplex)....factory loaded 270 grain barnes X mixed with some 300 Grain FMJ..steve
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I would take my Mark Penrod tuned and bedded M70 Safari Express .375 H&H scoped with Leupold 1.75-6x in Leupold QR mounts shooting 270gr Triple Shocks.
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