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James Baker: Gun laws Republicans can support Login/Join 
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Originally posted by LHeym500:
Originally posted by RolandtheHeadless:
A law that prevents the transfer of external box magazine feed, button release, semi automatic rifles to 18-20 year olds would have prevented this mass murder.

I take issue with this statement. More likely the killers would have used shotguns or other firearms to carry out their massacres.

Or are you suggesting the urge to kill came from an inanimate object, like an evil demon-possessed AR?

A) They are not shotguns. One can buy a shotgun over the counter (pump) for 400 bucks. They are using the more expensive rifle described above. Despite what some here have stated, no you can not kill as many as fast and efficient w a plugged or unplugged 4-8 round shotgun as you can the above described rifle.

B) The Uvalde shooter purchased the above described rifle bc it was the best tool for the job.

Now, I fully admit, such a restriction is going to have a hard time at the S. Ct. given the New York case. Unless, the opportunity gives the opposition another bite at the apple.

When you have an hour to kill people, a shotgun would be just as deadly than a rifle. We need to ask a professional what they would use to clear a house, rifle, shotgun or pistol.
Posts: 985 | Registered: 20 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by RolandtheHeadless:
Aren't we talking about what if we ban ARs? A hypothetical question.

Your answer seems to be, "Then mass murder incidents will decrease."

Show me how that works. The evil ARs do not drive people to murder. Some mass murderers use handguns (e.g., VA Tech). More recently, automobiles and a ball bat have been used.

If anything becomes popular with killers, let's ban it.

That’s not what is being said at all. A complete mischaracterization.

What is being said is let’s focus on the facts. Fact, mass shootings have become a regular occurrence. Fact, most of the shooters are using AR-style rifles and high-capacity semiautomatic pistols. Fact, a high number of mass shooters are young males. Given the facts, if we are serious about trying to reduce the number of mass shootings shouldn’t we increase the scrutiny associated with securing the weapons most commonly used and increase the age for purchasing such weapons. Alternatively we can sit around with our thumbs up our ass and watch the facts above repeat themselves . . . until it is your wife, mother, father, son, daughter or grandchild.

Posts: 22314 | Registered: 03 January 2006Reply With Quote
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At least he didn't propose registration and licensing.
As far as his mental health comments IMO we could spend an amount equal to the current defense budget for mental health and I doubt it would reduce mass shootings much. Weren't a lot of the past mass shooters under some kind of mental health treatment or otherwise known to the "authorities"? And where did that get us? If gun deaths get reduced by 10% how far would that get us with the antigunners? What's their goal? 20% or 50% reduction? A 50% reduction would still be 20+K deaths per year. A lot has changed over the years. The percentage of "mental health issues" that result in firearms related violence is probably very small compared to all other mental health issues. So how do we proactively treat the problem in the hope that we can prevent some of it?

The only sure way to prevent gun deaths is no guns, but that aint gonna happen.

My wife always asks why doesn't Congress do something? The simple answer I give her is that their constituents don't want them to.

Give me a home where the buffalo roam and I'll show you a house full of buffalo shit.
Posts: 1877 | Location: IOWA | Registered: 27 October 2018Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by rabbithabit:
Originally posted by LHeym500:
Originally posted by RolandtheHeadless:
A law that prevents the transfer of external box magazine feed, button release, semi automatic rifles to 18-20 year olds would have prevented this mass murder.

I take issue with this statement. More likely the killers would have used shotguns or other firearms to carry out their massacres.

Or are you suggesting the urge to kill came from an inanimate object, like an evil demon-possessed AR?

A) They are not shotguns. One can buy a shotgun over the counter (pump) for 400 bucks. They are using the more expensive rifle described above. Despite what some here have stated, no you can not kill as many as fast and efficient w a plugged or unplugged 4-8 round shotgun as you can the above described rifle.

B) The Uvalde shooter purchased the above described rifle bc it was the best tool for the job.

Now, I fully admit, such a restriction is going to have a hard time at the S. Ct. given the New York case. Unless, the opportunity gives the opposition another bite at the apple.

When you have an hour to kill people, a shotgun would be just as deadly than a rifle. We need to ask a professional what they would use to clear a house, rifle, shotgun or pistol.

First, you ignore the need to stop and reload giving the law enforcement an opportunity (more of) to engage. Yes , we all now agree LE on the scene failed miserably.

Second, I am not willing to say that. We are assuming with your statement that the AR did not allow the murder to stay engaged for one hour.

The Uvalfe murder first held police off with sustained range fire before making to school correct? If so, I do not see that happening with a shot gun with 3-5 rounds as readily.

I am mot stating we ban ARs. I am making a policy argument against 18-20 year olds being able to buy them. Why? A) The weapon and this class of person are high use. B) The weapons efficiency which is not matched by shotguns despite what some here say. C) This age group is very underreported to the background check system. This is because the juvenile justice system discourages and seals such adjudications. In addition, the mental health reporting issue. D) This is a compromise that limits the higher use, and is much better than an Assault Weapons ban being forced upon us due to our unwillingness to hear public sentiment.

Now, unless the S. Ct. creates a crave out, I strongly suspect such law is unconstitutional given the New York decision. Two years ago, I would tell you such a law is Constitutional.

I actually like the idea of adding AR style rifles as I have defined them here previously as transferable NFA items, then banning 18-20 year olds as we discuss this.
Posts: 13502 | Location: Somewhere above Tennessee and below Kentucky  | Registered: 31 July 2016Reply With Quote
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Banning those guns will stop nothing. Those guns will be gone and they will start on the next. Slippery slope that I am not willing to entertain.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
Posts: 39269 | Location: Gainesville, TX | Registered: 24 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by ledvm:
Banning those guns will stop nothing. Those guns will be gone and they will start on the next.

. . . complete speculation.

Posts: 22314 | Registered: 03 January 2006Reply With Quote
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And neither of us is advocating for an out right ban nor return of the Assault Weapons ban which I do not support.
Posts: 13502 | Location: Somewhere above Tennessee and below Kentucky  | Registered: 31 July 2016Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by MJines:
Originally posted by RolandtheHeadless:
Aren't we talking about what if we ban ARs? A hypothetical question.

Your answer seems to be, "Then mass murder incidents will decrease."

Show me how that works. The evil ARs do not drive people to murder. Some mass murderers use handguns (e.g., VA Tech). More recently, automobiles and a ball bat have been used.

If anything becomes popular with killers, let's ban it.

That’s not what is being said at all. A complete mischaracterization.

What is being said is let’s focus on the facts. Fact, mass shootings have become a regular occurrence. Fact, most of the shooters are using AR-style rifles and high-capacity semiautomatic pistols. Fact, a high number of mass shooters are young males. Given the facts, if we are serious about trying to reduce the number of mass shootings shouldn’t we increase the scrutiny associated with securing the weapons most commonly used and increase the age for purchasing such weapons. Alternatively we can sit around with our thumbs up our ass and watch the facts above repeat themselves . . . until it is your wife, mother, father, son, daughter or grandchild.

You're right, we're talking about different things. I'm asking for a causal connection between new legislation and the prevention of mass murders.

You're stringing facts together and assuming a causal relationship. If we do this, then that. How do you know that these sociopaths and suicidal narcissists won't turn to shotguns?

If you're only talking about banning 18-20 year olds from having ARs, my objections are less. But if they're old enough to vote, to serve in the military, and to be treated as an adult by the court system, shouldn't they be old enough to exercise their Second Amendment rights?

I also worry about allowing the antis an incremental step toward banning firearms. If mass murderers move to shotguns, will we ban them too?
Posts: 7470 | Location: Coeur d' Alene, Idaho, USA | Registered: 08 March 2013Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by LHeym500:
And neither of us is advocating for an out right ban nor return of the Assault Weapons ban which I do not support.

This wasn't clear to me. Thank you for the clarification.
Posts: 7470 | Location: Coeur d' Alene, Idaho, USA | Registered: 08 March 2013Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by RolandtheHeadless:
Originally posted by LHeym500:
And neither of us is advocating for an out right ban nor return of the Assault Weapons ban which I do not support.

This wasn't clear to me. Thank you for the clarification.

Folks can get mad at me if they wish, but I call 18 year olds “baby adults.” I do so for the reasons below:

Now, none of these activities are Fundamental Rights, but 18 year olds cannot buy tobacco products, buy alcohol (not even beer), some states limit contract rights, play at a casino (of all things), not rent vehicles.
Posts: 13502 | Location: Somewhere above Tennessee and below Kentucky  | Registered: 31 July 2016Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by RolandtheHeadless:

You're stringing facts together and assuming a causal relationship. If we do this, then that. How do you know that these sociopaths and suicidal narcissists won't turn to shotguns?

I am not assuming anything. I am saying it is a fact that many mass shooters are young men and it is a fact that most mass shooters use AR-style rifles and high-capacity semiautomatic pistols. We have two choices, address the facts we know in order to attempt to decrease the occurrence of such events or ignore the facts and do nothing hoping things miraculously improve serendipitously. Pursuing one course has the potential to reduce such events by changing the underlying facts. Pursuing the other course is doing the same thing we are doing today and expecting a different result. How do I know that these sociopaths and suicidal narcissists won't turn to shotguns, I don’t . . . just like you don’t know that they will. That’s why we focus on the facts and trying to change the facts.

Posts: 22314 | Registered: 03 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by MJines:
Originally posted by ledvm:
Banning those guns will stop nothing. Those guns will be gone and they will start on the next.

. . . complete speculation.

Isn't that what happened in England? Give up one type, then the next and then all of them.
Posts: 985 | Registered: 20 December 2005Reply With Quote
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the CDC on Wednesday released preliminary numbers for 2022, including 75,217 deaths due to synthetic opioids (primarily fentanyl), and 109,680 overdose deaths overall, a new record.

That is a lot more than gun deaths. Thank you democrats
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Originally posted by crbutler:

If you want an example of switching, look at England. They banned guns, and yet they still have gun deaths, and have an accelerating violent crime rate.

To correct you, the UK banned handguns after a spree shooting in a school.

We have a licensing system as part of which your doctor is asked to check your medical records for mental illness. To be clear a record of some form of mental issue does not automatically preclude a licence from being granted, it depends what it is.

In the case of Dunblaine it it evident that the perpetrator would not have been granted a licence if the police had correctly operated the licensing system.

Hand guns with longer barrels and long guns are not banned.

In the last 23 years there have been 7 spree shootings here, 24 deaths in total over those 23 years.

Gun homicides do happen here, the rate is normally 20-30/year.

Despite what you might think it is actually pretty hard to get hold of a handgun here. The police obviously keep track of guns used in crime and such guns are passed around amongst each other by criminals. There is a tv program about the one which has been used the most in crimes - google Gun Number 6

The homicide rate here is normally 700 or so/year by all methods.

We do have a problem with knife crime, usually young gangsta types.
Posts: 7636 | Location: Ban pre shredded cheese - make America grate again... | Registered: 29 October 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by rabbithabit:
Originally posted by MJines:
Originally posted by ledvm:
Banning those guns will stop nothing. Those guns will be gone and they will start on the next.

. . . complete speculation.

Isn't that what happened in England? Give up one type, then the next and then all of them.

No, see above
Posts: 7636 | Location: Ban pre shredded cheese - make America grate again... | Registered: 29 October 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by MJines:
Originally posted by ledvm:
Banning those guns will stop nothing. Those guns will be gone and they will start on the next.

. . . complete speculation.

Would it not also be speculation that banning AR type rifles will stop the occurrence???

My speculation is more logical than yours.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
Posts: 39269 | Location: Gainesville, TX | Registered: 24 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by MJines:
Originally posted by RolandtheHeadless:

You're stringing facts together and assuming a causal relationship. If we do this, then that. How do you know that these sociopaths and suicidal narcissists won't turn to shotguns?

I am not assuming anything. I am saying it is a fact that many mass shooters are young men and it is a fact that most mass shooters use AR-style rifles and high-capacity semiautomatic pistols. We have two choices, address the facts we know in order to attempt to decrease the occurrence of such events or ignore the facts and do nothing hoping things miraculously improve serendipitously. Pursuing one course has the potential to reduce such events by changing the underlying facts. Pursuing the other course is doing the same thing we are doing today and expecting a different result. How do I know that these sociopaths and suicidal narcissists won't turn to shotguns, I don’t . . . just like you don’t know that they will. That’s why we focus on the facts and trying to change the facts.

This would be a reasonable hypothesis to test in a company setting where a decision can be reversed as easy as set into motion. Our government is NOT that place. Once lost…freedoms rarely come back.

Since being a sociopath IS the underlying cause and an AR IS just a tool…it is logical to believe that the sociopath will adapt to other tools to fulfill its inner desires.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
Posts: 39269 | Location: Gainesville, TX | Registered: 24 December 2006Reply With Quote
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One thing that is not speculation, the increase in mass shooting has coincided with the increased access to semi-autos.

I never suggested banning anything but increasing the difficulty in obtaining AR platforms and semi-auto pistols seems logical to me.

no way someone is going to shoot 413 people in under an hour the way the Vegas shooter did without lots of firepower, that is a fact.

We see that class 3 guns are very rarely used in crimes due to the increased vetting required for obtaining those guns. A more stringent process for obtaining the chosen weapon for mass shootings makes sense to me.
Posts: 3770 | Location: Boulder Colorado | Registered: 27 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by skb:
One thing that is not speculation, the increase in mass shooting has coincided with the increased access to semi-autos.

The increase in mass shooting has coincided with the increased use of electric vehicles. Both are true statements. We also know the rifle did not coerce them into using it. There is no real evidence of a causal relationship. Certainly, it is a good tool for what they desire…but there are many others.

It is the sociopathic disease that creates killers not AR—15s.

I never suggested banning anything but increasing the difficulty in obtaining AR platforms and semi-auto pistols seems logical to me.

no way someone is going to shoot 413 people in under an hour the way the Vegas shooter did without lots of firepower, that is a fact.

We see that class 3 guns are very rarely used in crimes due to the increased vetting required for obtaining those guns. A more stringent process for obtaining the chosen weapon for mass shootings makes sense to me.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
Posts: 39269 | Location: Gainesville, TX | Registered: 24 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Then the relationship between rain and the grass growing must be casual as well.

You can't kill 413 people in an hour using a shotgun.....

They may be sociopaths but sociopaths who can easily access AR-15's have been shown to be a problem.

Make them harder to obtain and you will prevent many of these shootings.
Posts: 3770 | Location: Boulder Colorado | Registered: 27 February 2004Reply With Quote
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413 were not killed
Posts: 1894 | Location: Prairieville,Louisiana, USA | Registered: 09 October 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by MLindsay:
413 were not killed

You are correct, he shot 413 people and killed 61.

You can't shoot 413 people in an hour with a shotgun.......
Posts: 3770 | Location: Boulder Colorado | Registered: 27 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Of course you could. An 8 shot pump or semi in a crowd of people. No 4 buckshot, or BB's. Multiple hits with every shot, reloaded before you ever run and empty mag. There is a reason trenchguns were issued, and a major factor in defending and attacking company sized numbers.
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Originally posted by theback40:
Of course you could. An 8 shot pump or semi in a crowd of people. No 4 buckshot, or BB's. Multiple hits with every shot, reloaded before you ever run and empty mag. There is a reason trenchguns were issued, and a major factor in defending and attacking company sized numbers.

There is a reason mass shooters choose semi-autos.

There is also a reason trenchguns are not standard issue but a semiauto rifle is.

A semi-auto is far more effective.
Posts: 3770 | Location: Boulder Colorado | Registered: 27 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by skb:
Then the relationship between rain and the grass growing must be casual as well.

That^^^is a true statement and can be proven. The AR hypothesis is just that…a hypothesis. And, it is a hypothesis with logical reason to be non-causal.

You can't kill 413 people in an hour using a shotgun.....

They may be sociopaths but sociopaths who can easily access AR-15's have been shown to be a problem.

Make them harder to obtain and you will prevent many of these shootings.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
Posts: 39269 | Location: Gainesville, TX | Registered: 24 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by skb:
Originally posted by theback40:
Of course you could. An 8 shot pump or semi in a crowd of people. No 4 buckshot, or BB's. Multiple hits with every shot, reloaded before you ever run and empty mag. There is a reason trenchguns were issued, and a major factor in defending and attacking company sized numbers.

There is a reason mass shooters choose semi-autos.

There is also a reason trenchguns are not standard issue but a semiauto rifle is.

A semi-auto is far more effective.

Not in a trench. Wink But I digress. 2020

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
Posts: 39269 | Location: Gainesville, TX | Registered: 24 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by ledvm:
Originally posted by skb:
Originally posted by theback40:
Of course you could. An 8 shot pump or semi in a crowd of people. No 4 buckshot, or BB's. Multiple hits with every shot, reloaded before you ever run and empty mag. There is a reason trenchguns were issued, and a major factor in defending and attacking company sized numbers.

There is a reason mass shooters choose semi-autos.

There is also a reason trenchguns are not standard issue but a semiauto rifle is.

A semi-auto is far more effective.

Not in a trench. Wink But I digress. 2020

The fact remains, the vast majority of mass shooters choose a semi-auto because it is the most efficient tool for the job, the US military thinks so too.
Posts: 3770 | Location: Boulder Colorado | Registered: 27 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by ledvm:
Originally posted by skb:
Originally posted by theback40:
Of course you could. An 8 shot pump or semi in a crowd of people. No 4 buckshot, or BB's. Multiple hits with every shot, reloaded before you ever run and empty mag. There is a reason trenchguns were issued, and a major factor in defending and attacking company sized numbers.

There is a reason mass shooters choose semi-autos.

There is also a reason trenchguns are not standard issue but a semiauto rifle is.

A semi-auto is far more effective.

Not in a trench. Wink But I digress. 2020

I would rather have a Thompson or BAR.
Posts: 13502 | Location: Somewhere above Tennessee and below Kentucky  | Registered: 31 July 2016Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by LHeym500:
Originally posted by ledvm:
Originally posted by skb:
Originally posted by theback40:
Of course you could. An 8 shot pump or semi in a crowd of people. No 4 buckshot, or BB's. Multiple hits with every shot, reloaded before you ever run and empty mag. There is a reason trenchguns were issued, and a major factor in defending and attacking company sized numbers.

There is a reason mass shooters choose semi-autos.

There is also a reason trenchguns are not standard issue but a semiauto rifle is.

A semi-auto is far more effective.

Not in a trench. Wink But I digress. 2020

I would rather have a Thompson or BAR.

That argument can be made for sure. But for kill ratio generically across a large variety of troops, especially those with limited training…I bet a Benelli M4 with large TSS comes out on top.

I shoot well. I can kill more hogs from a helicopter with and M4 than I can an AR. And, I have never seen anyone who couldn’t.

J. Lane Easter, DVM

A born Texan has instilled in his system a mind-set of no retreat or no surrender. I wish everyone the world over had the dominating spirit that motivates Texans.– Billy Clayton, Speaker of the Texas House

No state commands such fierce pride and loyalty. Lesser mortals are pitied for their misfortune in not being born in Texas.— Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Texas in May, 1991.
Posts: 39269 | Location: Gainesville, TX | Registered: 24 December 2006Reply With Quote
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Shotguns were still standard when I was in, and for special ops. Even squad strength would have one. Heym, the BAR is way out of the wheelhouse of a regular soldier to be effective, a thompson not far behind. Only hits count.
SKB speaks like someone who has never been in combat, and see's what actually works. An expert with no hands on knowledge.
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Originally posted by MJines:
Originally posted by ledvm:
Banning those guns will stop nothing. Those guns will be gone and they will start on the next.

. . . complete speculation.

Aren’t you speculating as much by supporting “ do something “ just to feel good about yourself?
Posts: 201 | Location: Heart of Europe where East meets the West | Registered: 19 January 2023Reply With Quote
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Fact, mass shootings have increased dramatically in the last ten years.

Fact, most mass shootings are committed with AR-style rifles and high-capacity semiautomatic pistols.

Fact, many of the mass shootings have been committed by male shooters under the age of 21.

For any reasonable person seriously interested in attempting to reduce the number of mass shootings and the number of people killed or harmed in mass shootings, the facts present a meaningful way to try and do so. For those that desire to be intentionally obtuse and look for arguments to leave everything alone and allow mass shootings to continue to escalate, the one thing you cannot change are the facts. And the longer such folks attempt to argue to the contrary in the face of the facts, the more ridiculous they appear to those focused on the facts. In a Gallup poll in February, Americans’ dissatisfaction with U.S. gun laws rose to 63%, the highest in Gallup’s 23-year trend, and an increase of seven points over the past year. At the same time, satisfaction with gun policy has fallen by the same amount to 34%, tying the lowest reading on record. At some point those that dismiss the facts are simply written off as irrelevant.

Posts: 22314 | Registered: 03 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by ledvm:
Originally posted by MJines:
Originally posted by RolandtheHeadless:

You're stringing facts together and assuming a causal relationship. If we do this, then that. How do you know that these sociopaths and suicidal narcissists won't turn to shotguns?

I am not assuming anything. I am saying it is a fact that many mass shooters are young men and it is a fact that most mass shooters use AR-style rifles and high-capacity semiautomatic pistols. We have two choices, address the facts we know in order to attempt to decrease the occurrence of such events or ignore the facts and do nothing hoping things miraculously improve serendipitously. Pursuing one course has the potential to reduce such events by changing the underlying facts. Pursuing the other course is doing the same thing we are doing today and expecting a different result. How do I know that these sociopaths and suicidal narcissists won't turn to shotguns, I don’t . . . just like you don’t know that they will. That’s why we focus on the facts and trying to change the facts.

This would be a reasonable hypothesis to test in a company setting where a decision can be reversed as easy as set into motion. Our government is NOT that place. Once lost…freedoms rarely come back.

Since being a sociopath IS the underlying cause and an AR IS just a tool…it is logical to believe that the sociopath will adapt to other tools to fulfill its inner desires.

What puzzles me is that this spree shooting problem seems to be specific to the US. Other countries do have spree shootings but they are a rare occurrence, not something that happens every few days.

We (UK), have a relatively strict licensing system, and it seems to work, mostly. Other countries who have a much higher gun ownership have more lax systems but again, they don’t have the issue the US does. Iceland, Finland, Cyprus, Canada, Austria and others all have high ownership rates ( tho not as high as the US but all higher than Switzerland).

They don’t have the same rats of spree shooting the US does.

Serbia recently had two within a couple of weeks and thier response has been to hugely restrict ownership.
Posts: 7636 | Location: Ban pre shredded cheese - make America grate again... | Registered: 29 October 2005Reply With Quote
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The Aurora movie shooter James Holmes, had a S&W AR style ( dont remember the model) and an 870 tactical shotgun.
The S&W jammed when he first started to fire. He switched to the shotgun. 12 dead, 70 wounded.
Do you think that fact would be lost on nuts who cant get an AR style?
Posts: 7738 | Registered: 10 April 2009Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by nute:
Serbia recently had two within a couple of weeks and their response has been to hugely restrict ownership.

They have a different history, this shouldn't be much of a surprise...


Our country, right or wrong. When right, to be kept right, when wrong to be put right.

Carl Schurz (1829 - 1906)
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We know what they use TODAY. So what are we supposed to do twiddle our thumbs and ignore that FACT because we want to SPECULATE on what they might or might not do, whether they could kill as many or more with a different weapon, if we made access to what they use TODAY more difficult? I wonder if you would feel the same if you got a phone call tomorrow that your child or grandchild was at the morgue as the result of a mass shooting and asking you to come down and identify the body?

Posts: 22314 | Registered: 03 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by TomP:
Originally posted by nute:
Serbia recently had two within a couple of weeks and their response has been to hugely restrict ownership.

They have a different history, this shouldn't be much of a surprise...

That's true but it doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of countries that have had gun massacres respond by increased restrictions on gun ownership. And, the result is no more gun massacres.

-"I need ammunition, not a ride."

Posts: 16684 | Registered: 20 September 2012Reply With Quote
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And most nations with restrictive laws have had more civil insurrection/civil war than we have had.

Nute, you are certainly more an expert than I on UK firearms laws-

Didn’t they ban any (modern) military style rifle?

Didn’t they ban any use of weaponry for self defense?

Aren’t (excepting maybe rimfires) all semiauto guns, including shotguns illegal?
Posts: 11590 | Location: Minnesota USA | Registered: 15 June 2007Reply With Quote
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I will say ban semi-autos the day after they ban all social media platforms. There are so many that allow bullying, hate, calls for all sorts of violence. Stop those, and I will go along with other steps.
I have said this before.
I watch for the troubled and angry kids. I stop them, ask what they are doing, make them look me in the eye.
They get an invite to come work out, box, wrestle, to get their aggression out, no questions asked, no matter how busy I am. I tell them life can be hard, find an outlet, dont let it control them.
A welder and machinist in town liked what I was doing. He now has an outcast kid that is welding, pitches in to help clean even!!! The welder is a perfectionist, he said when he praises the kid on a job well done, he glows.
There are a number of whiners on this site. What are all of you doing to help these kids?
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Montana did just ban Tick Tok which is probably a violation of the Dormant Commerce Clause.
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