WH, you gutless little SOB, I've heard about you running your mouth, putting me down behind my back while I've been away from AR, which is truly pathetic, but true to form for some drugstore cowboy like you.
You've showcased your level of integrity for all of the world to see, and you don't need any other enemy to fight against other than yourself. Let loose, you'll run your stupid mouth just long enough to self-destruct every time.
Since you feel the need to hide behind some phony internet handle while you hand out insults behind someones back, you better change your name to "Old Yeller".........it fits you better.........
There may be a misunderstanding here. I think that it is possible that you might be reacting to responses by Brad and Western Hunter made to posts by Allan DeGroot who signs his name AllanD. I don't believe any of the remarks were directed to Allen Day but to Allan DeGroot.
Regards, Brian
Meet "Beauty" - 66 cal., 417 grn patched roundball over 170 grns FFg = ~1950 fps of pure fun!
"Scotch Whisky is made from barley and the morning dew on angel's nipples." - Warren Ellis
NRA Life Member
Posts: 479 | Location: Western Washington State | Registered: 10 March 2005
Brian, wrong... "Wstrnhuntr" has continually taken pot-shots at Allen Day since his departure from this forum. Wstrnhunter is an adolescent-chickenshit.
OK, my misunderstanding then. I didn't know that Allen had decide to "depart". Too bad, I enjoyed his posts and thought they were consistently well thought out and based on experience.
Regards, Brian
Meet "Beauty" - 66 cal., 417 grn patched roundball over 170 grns FFg = ~1950 fps of pure fun!
"Scotch Whisky is made from barley and the morning dew on angel's nipples." - Warren Ellis
NRA Life Member
Posts: 479 | Location: Western Washington State | Registered: 10 March 2005
Brad, I regret bagging on you so hard, because I believe when it comes right down to it that you are a good person.
Alan is another story. First of all Alan, everything I have said about you recently has been only in response to your suck ass groupies placing you on a plastic pedestal. If everything about you turned to dust and blew away it would suit me right down to the bone, but when I keep getting this horseshit about what a swell guy you are crammed down my throat I cant help but regurgitate.
Ive tried to be friendly to you before to no avail. In over 5 years never have you offered a kind word, not once. Always the prickly pear, always the self absorbed blowhard. You see Alan, unlike you I appreciate the importance of getting along for the greater good, but a chump like you doesnt care about that. Its all alan all the time to you.
I dont care if you are logged on, logged off, half way around the world or on the other side of the moon, I would still dispise you. If you were dead I would piss on your grave.
Posts: 10193 | Location: Tooele, Ut | Registered: 27 September 2001