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338 Caliber
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This post is about 338 caliber rifles.
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Originally posted by Brad:
So Allan, lets here all about your experience with the 338 WM on game and particualrly why a person using 225's or 250's on deer-sized game needs a padded cell... I'm all ears to hear your actual, hands-on experience (as usual) that woud lead you to make such a statement.

You seem to be so well versed in all things "gunny" and have such strong opinions formed I can't help but think you've hunted the world over with a variety of armament and we'd all benefit from hearing about it...

Brad, or is it Mark? you sound so much alike....

I've never found a deer that failed to fall down when shot with smaller rifles I'm just wondering what it is that people are seeing out there that bigger calibers are necissary.

If it's just a case of: "I bought the rifle to hunt "______" but don't get the chance often, so it's an excuse to use my 338rifle"

then why can't people say so?

I do know someone that hunts with a 375H&H.
And his reason for it is simple....
He gets to africa for plains game every other year or so, and doesn't want to become familiar
with another rifle when being used to his 375 may save his life."

the reason makes sense to me, but only because he was willing to SHARE that reason.

Asking for MY reasons and experience?
That's not germaine to the discussion because I'm not advocating the "unusual" of deer hunting with a 338. I'm asking people what their reasons are.

I tried to do so with humor but of course
there's always someone who doesn't get the
joke. (even after someone else was laughing at it)

a 338Federal would be one thing, as it basically duplicates the 358Win.
338-06? a variation on a 35Whelen.

It's the 338Mag guys I'm curious enough to ask to tell everyone why.
It's not a demand or attack, Just curiosity.

what's their reasoning? I'm not demanding enough to insist that they support it with experience because there are many things people do that no ten people who lived to be a hundred
could gather enough experience to have proper "experience".

If you go to africa every year and shoot ONE cape buffalo every year after 20 years you will have shot... 20 buffalo, do you think that 20 buffalo makes anyone an expert on killing buffalo? I think killing 200 or so may, but 20 of anything (unless you do it with bare hands)
falls short of "expert" status.

The proposition was put forth that a 338 was an "all around caliber" I have as much right to question (humorously or otherwise) that proposition as anyone..

If only to question the need to worry about such abstract concepts as restricting one's self to only using ONE bore diameter or cartridge for ALL rifle hunting.

It's about discussion not arguement.

If I wanted an "arguement" trust me I could find one.... like going into the small game forum and start arguing "cruelty" with the guys who shoot feral cats. that'd stir up a crap storm in a heartbeat and a half....


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If you go to africa every year and shoot ONE cape buffalo every year after 20 years you will have shot... 20 buffalo, do you think that 20 buffalo makes anyone an expert on killing buffalo? I

It certainly makes one more of an authority than one that has never even been there!!!!!!!

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vapodog--------Well said!

The only easy day is yesterday!
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Originally posted by vapodog:
If you go to africa every year and shoot ONE cape buffalo every year after 20 years you will have shot... 20 buffalo, do you think that 20 buffalo makes anyone an expert on killing buffalo? I

It certainly makes one more of an authority than one that has never even been there!!!!!!!

without question, but that wasn't my point.

If you shoot 100 deer with several different rifles or loads why do you necissarily have to
have specific experience with one particular caliber/bore/chambering or even model of rifle
to have something more than a general idea that it'll work?

How many deer would I have to kill with
a 338WM and 180/210/225gr bullets to "know"
with sufficient experience in your eyes, that the deer aren't going to get any deader than they do with a 165gr out of a 30-06?

I contest the whole premise that you have to have personally done every permutation to have a right to comment on it.

It's getting to the point were if I state that in a semi-auto 30-06 that I typically load to 308 level that a 308 would kill the same is someone going to ask me how many deer I've killed with a 308win to know that?

Do I have to claim to have been hit by a greyhound bus to say I wouldn't want to be run over by a bus from Continental trailways?

Because that's exactly the type of arguement that's been thrown into my face...
Am I challenged by that? Hardly... "Amused" would be a better description.

Hey, I get looked like I'm some sort of nutcase when I admit to shooting whitetails with a 30-06 as many people (usually 243 owners) consider a 30-06 not merely overkill but "grotesque overkill"...

So I can see why someone might think of using a 338 "because", but why should anyone be afraid to say "because ______ ."

You shoulda seen the looks I got when I started loading my 45-70 on one trip, so I've used "overkill" myselfSmiler
It seemd everyone had thought it was an 1894 in 44Mag rather than an 1895 in 45-70...
they were quickly calling it "Al's Howitzer"... all in good natured humor of course...

I use one particular 30-06 because it's my favorite rifle, and I couldn't tell you why if my life depended on it...
I originally bought my 45-70 to hammer deer flat when hunting on public land....

I'm just facinated that so many otherwise intelligent people on these forums fail to remember that "tone of voice" doesn't carry through in type. and even more fascinated
that the knee jerk belief that every question is some sort of personal attack...

Why do so many assume the worst possible tone?


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As Jro45 initially stated at the top of both pages of this discussion... he asked for comments as to the suitability of the 338 as an all around caliber for the lower 48 states. I may have mistakenly assumed he meant 338 Win Mag. I have both 338-06 and a 338 Win Mag. and would use the Magnum if I was hunting elk in open country or brown bear.
As Thomas Jones stated, and I completely concur... "I don't see why anyone has to justify using a paricular cartridge for hunting any game animal, unless it is too light, Don't really grasp the concept of overkill, after all dead is dead..."
As a rule in most of my rifles I use heavy for caliber bullets unless a particular gun shoots a lighter weight bullet significantly more accurately than the heavier bullet. For example, my .270 Win likes 130 grn bullets much better than 140s or 150s.
I am not one to load mulitple bullet weights per caliber... I find the most accurate heavy for caliber bullet for each rifle I own and stick with it.
Within my self imposed hunting range limitations, my experience tells me that bullet caliber and weight are of greater consideration than the quest for maximum velocity... as long as initial muzzle velocity is at least 2600 fps. I think back to my early years hunting, I bought a used Sako for $400. that had a yellow varnished lighter colored stock and had been rebarreled to 358 Win. With 200 grn and 250 grn factory bullets it killed many deer (and one cow elk) and was very very effective. It would never win awards for high velocity but it was a fantastic killer and I would think that anyone using the 338 Federal would have similar experience. Selling that ugly yellow wood stocked 358 Win. represents one of my biggest blunders to date.


Meet "Beauty" - 66 cal., 417 grn patched roundball over 170 grns FFg = ~1950 fps of pure fun!

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I agree completely (except for not having seen your old ugly rifle)
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Asking for MY reasons and experience?
That's not germaine to the discussion... AllanD

In other words, you have NO EXPERIENCE.
Posts: 3526 | Registered: 27 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Did it ever occur to you that perhaps here in the West seasons overlap and one can as easily kill a deer as an elk?
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Originally posted by Allan DeGroot:
I contest the whole premise that you have to have personally done every permutation to have a right to comment on it.

Of course you would and for obvious reasons...
Posts: 3526 | Registered: 27 June 2000Reply With Quote
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a 338Mag will work, but for edible animals on the smaller
end of the scale it's like using a Monster truck to drive down your paved driveway to the mailbox.
Yeah, you'll get the mail, but you might also crush your mailbox, the neighhbor's dog and your child's tricycle
on the way down....Smiler

Nothing, I've said should be implied to mean that it won't work, I suppose I just can't resist the urge to question the premise of the original question:
Why do you need to worry about having only ONE

atleast when I coined the term "heavy bullet mafia" in another thread people took it in the way it was intended,
though nobody wears it as a badge of honor....... yet! LOL.

I am grateful that I don't have to muddle through life with a 22LR rifle, a 30-06 and a 12ga pump shotgun, but Why consider having to use only one rifle?

Ok tell you what, I'll play along... If I lived in coastal Alaska
I'd have little need to create an excuse to hunt Rabbits with a 338Mag, thereby making it an "all around" cartridge.

What do I win?

Originally posted by Brad:
I've never found a deer that failed to fall down when shot with smaller rifles I'm just wondering what it is that people are seeing out there that bigger calibers are necissary. AllanD

Did it ever occur to you that perhaps here in the West seasons overlap and one can as easily kill a deer as an elk?

If that were the case they could easily SAY so
rather than asking a vague question about "all around" use of a caliber.

Does anyone really need to be told that a crifle cartridge combo that'll kill an elk will kill a Mule Deer? or a Whitetail? or for that matter a domestic Goat or a Charging Rabid Porcupine? LOLSmiler

Originally posted by Brad:
Originally posted by Allan DeGroot:
I contest the whole premise that you have to have personally done every permutation to have a right to comment on it.

Of course you would and for obvious reasons...

Brad you bore me, but can YOU claim to have killed every animal several times with each caliber/cartridge that gets discussed on these forums?

If not what right do you have to post any comments? you can't have it both ways.

and I doubt anyone would believe you if you claimed to have done so.


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My experience indicates that meat damage is due to high velocity and inadequate bullet construction.
My objectives when hunting are:
1) Hunt ethically.
2) Have fun.
2) Kill cleanly, that which I am hunting.

Using the smallest caliber and lightest weight bullet possible to kill a given animal species doesn't allow for worst case scenario. I knew of a group of guys who have sort of a club who hunt elk with .243 Win. Now under ideal conditions I'm sure it can do the job... they've all killed elk with it. Elk hunting tends to bring out the worst case scenarios... just like Murphy's law. Consequently I tend to favor larger caliber and heavy for caliber bullets. I didn't start out that way... remember that 358 Win Sako I spoke of earlier? I sold it because I was convinced I needed a 300 Win Mag. Now almost 20 years later, there hasn't been anything I've killed with that 300 Win Mag that I couldn't have killed with that 358 Win. and the 358 Win did it with far less meat damage than the 300 Winnie that's for sure.

Allan, you can ask a bazillion questions and absorb the answers with the deepest of intent, and none of it will mean anything until you just go find out for yourself. That isn't meant to say that one can't learn from others. It only means that experience will provide you some grounding so that when you hear or read something that someone says you'll know if he's speaking from experience or simply milking without a bucket.


Meet "Beauty" - 66 cal., 417 grn patched roundball over 170 grns FFg = ~1950 fps of pure fun!

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Not to argue with anybody here, but trying to make sense of this mess we are getting into. For the sake of learning, lets stop arguing and tell what .338-rifle calibers and bullets we use for hunting, and what game with hunt. Also, lets not forget significance of the "all around rifle" statement told by the original poster.

I will start as follows: regardless of geographical location, whatever rifle one uses the most for a variety of game hunting can be considered an all around gun. In my case, I use a .338WM rifle for all my hunting in Alaska (from deer to bison and avery thing in between).

A friend of mine uses his .375 H&H for all his hunting in Alaska, which include the same game I hunt. Since deer, caribou and smaller game roam in bear country, it only makes sense to use whichever rifle one is most comfortable with. He uses 300-grain bullets for everything.

All cartridges benefit from a bullet selection one can select from and match to a specific game, or purpose. For example, I can use the heavier .338-caliber bullets for hunting very large game to very small game (such as 250-grain Partition) for small deer to moose:

a. The 250 grainer travels a little slower, which in turn "slows" expansion enough to help with penetration. This is a desired feature for hunting large animals such as moose and bears.

b. At the same time, the heavy bullet leaves a smaller hole (on its way out) through a small deer's lungs, simply because there is little resistance for the bullet to expand rapidly.

So, it means that I can use the same bullet to hunt different size game.

c. A smaller bullet, lest say a 180-grain Partition coming out much faster out of my .338, hitting the same deer and at the same distance, has the potential for much faster expansion on impact, which in turn reduces the penetration I desire when hunting a moose or a bear. It will more than likely pass through the dear, but more than likely it will leave a much bigger hole on its way out. But more than likely it won't perform as well on a moose or bear. This is one of the reasons why I prefer a heavier bullet as the game gets larger (a dual purpose, large and small game).

Since I hunt for meat, I would not shoot a deer through the shoulder, since the lung/heart shot minimizes meat damage.

All that said, there have been a few moose killed with BB's in Alaska. A guy was just charged for killing a moose out of season with a BB gun, and there was an older fellow who shot a moose with a pellet gun a year or two ago. He was trying to scare the moose away from his yard, and hit the moose through the ribs. The pellet hit the lungs, and the moose bedded down at his backyard and died.
Finally, lets keep in mind that whichever gun you use for most of your hunting can be considered your all around gun, be it a BB gun to a .458 Lott.
Posts: 1103 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 04 January 2005Reply With Quote
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can YOU claim to have killed every animal several times with each caliber/cartridge that gets discussed on these forums?

Nope, that's why I limit my thought's to what I've actually used or seen used. It's called being honest, something you apparently have a hard time grasping.
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Ray, great explanation.

It would be kinda cool to say you killed a moose with a pellet gun... just not to a judge. Big Grin


Meet "Beauty" - 66 cal., 417 grn patched roundball over 170 grns FFg = ~1950 fps of pure fun!

"Scotch Whisky is made from barley and the morning dew on angel's nipples." - Warren Ellis

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BTW Allan, I perceive you are a flaming idiot.
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I have the belief that while deer rifles are capable of killing elk, the elk rifle kills elk with less fuss. So then my elk rifle serves as a deer rifle when that situation comes up. Then again I do carry my elk tag when deer hunting at times just in case. But I'm far less comfortable stalking elk with my .25-06 than I am when I am stalking deer with the .338WM! Big Grin

So follow me here.... I will commonly carry my .338WM when I am in elk hunting mode. I keep my deer tag in my pocket and think nothing of using "too much" gun to take one. So then my elk rifle becomes my deer rifle. But taking an elk with my deer rifle doesn't make it an elk rifle, but proves it can be done. So my deer rifle isn't my elk rifle per say, but became an elk rifle of circumstance. Then again save for the last time, I take my deer & elk rifle out when I'm hunting Elk & Deer. That way I can use my deer and elk rifle for elk and deer without any misgivings. Now then, your next comment will be about using an elk bullet for deer in my deer & elk rifle. While deer bullets could kill an elk, they may not perform that task as well as when you kill deer with an elk bullet. So my deer & elk rifle loaded with elk bullets is more capable than my deer & elk rifle loaded with deer bullets.

So stay with me.... Wink if my elk rifle is 1 and my deer rifle is 2, and elk are A and deer are B, and elk bullets are .1 and deer bullets are .2, then I could use 1 for B with .1 so it becomes 1B.1. However using 2.2 for A is not really as good as if you had used 2.1 for A but would not be nearly as well served as using 1.1 or 1.2 for B. Razzer


There did I make this complicated enough? jumping

A deer taken with a .338 WM will have very little bloodshot meat if the bullet isn't light weight and fragile. In fact you'll hear people talk about "eating right up to the hole" as there isn't the velocity to cause the effect.

I don't see anything wrong with using a big bullet on a small deer, but am disgusted every year by some guy who blows a deer in half with his Ultra Magnum Loudenboomer shooting the lightest varmint bullets he can find so he can take the "long shot", but then shoot's a yearling from the road.

I suppose everybody has an idea what they want a bullet to do when it arrives at it's target. I don't have to agree with anyone elses choices, but to me it's a waste to blow the front of a deer up so bad it's all bloodshot just so you can get a few inches flatter trajectory at distances most people shouldn't be shooting.
I guess that makes me part of the HBM! cheers

Now maybe we were supposed to be talking about the new .338F, which in my opinion is no more impressive than the .358W, .35Rem, Whelen ect. It works well for deer I'm sure, but for elk you'd do better to use something with more room for powder and a heavier bullet. But then maybe that should go in another thread. Nate
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Thanks BigNate, that was a fun read.


Meet "Beauty" - 66 cal., 417 grn patched roundball over 170 grns FFg = ~1950 fps of pure fun!

"Scotch Whisky is made from barley and the morning dew on angel's nipples." - Warren Ellis

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Originally posted by brianbo:
My experience indicates that meat damage is due to high velocity and inadequate bullet construction.
My objectives when hunting are:
1) Hunt ethically.
2) Have fun.
2) Kill cleanly, that which I am hunting.

Using the smallest caliber and lightest weight bullet possible to kill a given animal species doesn't allow for worst case scenario. I knew of a group of guys who have sort of a club who hunt elk with .243 Win. Now under ideal conditions I'm sure it can do the job... they've all killed elk with it. Elk hunting tends to bring out the worst case scenarios... just like Murphy's law. Consequently I tend to favor larger caliber and heavy for caliber bullets. I didn't start out that way... remember that 358 Win Sako I spoke of earlier? I sold it because I was convinced I needed a 300 Win Mag. Now almost 20 years later, there hasn't been anything I've killed with that 300 Win Mag that I couldn't have killed with that 358 Win.

Allan, you can ask a bazillion questions and absorb the answers with the deepest of intent, and none of it will mean anything until you just go find out for yourself. That isn't meant to say that one can't learn from others. It only means that experience will provide you some grounding so that when you hear or read something that someone says you'll know if he's speaking from experience or simply milking without a bucket.


you have toned down your apparrent attitude to merely patronizing, but still it seems that like Mark you assume that I don't have field experience commensurate with my age of 44.

I go out, I shoot things they fall down... it's not really all that complicated.

OR that there is something "special" about shooting different species of Cervids....
though many species of "deer" ranging from the tiny introduced Sika to the Moose and everything in between that are to be found in North America... Can you deny that they may be big or small but the anatomy is the same and if you use power proportionate to their size to gain penetration and proper shot placement they all die pretty much the same...

I believe the biggest difference between the various species other than the obvious size difference) is the terrain in which they may be found and that the hard part of killing any of them is finding them in the first place.
they are good at hiding...

On your comment about the 300Mag.
I can understand your getting away from a 300Mag
I've never owned a 300Mag as I just couldn't find a good reason to own one. (not that I'd "need" a "reason" if I really wanted oneSmiler
I figuire if I needed bullets heavier than the 165's or 180's from a 30-06 I should use a 338 to toss them, so I have a 338win (a Remington) mostly as a hedge against ever winning the Maine Moose lottery or the Pennsylvania Elk Lottery. (I just hope I'll win before I'm too old to appreciate it)

but that rifle sits except for when I take it to the range to kill paper with it usually about the time I send off a check to buy my
chance at either of those draws...

So I burn up 20-50rounds of ammo a year
in two range sessions and I clean it carefully each time and put it away.

I'll probably take it out this weekend because I just sent off $25 for the Maine Moose lottery (deadline was midnight last night BTW) or the weekend before the time the draw results are announced.... mostly wishful thinking on my part to be sure, but...

I find if nothing else that shooting the 338Mag is good recoil training.... But I don't need to shoot a deer with it to know that yes, the deer will die when shot with a 338doa bullet....
I'd carry that 338mag rifle deer hunting, but I never bothered to develop loads with bullets appropriate to shooting deer.

but in truth I almost have to chain my 30-06 to the wall to remind myself to carry something else out of the house...

On another note I just got a phone call from an Old Exgirlfriend... and it's funny what she wanted to know... She wanted to know if it really was my picture in the new Leupold catalog
Page 57 with the spotting scopes...
Her current husband thought it was me too... Nope, but that guy could be a missing brother... if I HAD a missing brother. and nope that ain't an April Fools joke. the guy also looks like a 35year old pic of my

BTW, my girlfriend knows my hair and beard are more grey than that... Smiler

Originally posted by Brad:
BTW Allan, I perceive you are a flaming idiot.

Brad I perceive you are a troll, nothing more.

and you suffer under an amazing dilusional complex if you think I care what you or your buddy Mark think.... if Mark really is a different person....


If I provoke you into thinking then I've done my good deed for the day!
Those who manage to provoke themselves into other activities have only themselves to blame.

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LOL, troll... sure. Let's see, you registered a year ago. I've been here since the site opened in 1998 or 99.

Dude, you're thick as a brick...
Posts: 3526 | Registered: 27 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Allan DeGroot:
Brad I perceive you are a troll, nothing more.

and you suffer under an amazing dilusional complex if you think I care what you or your buddy Dave think.... if Dave really is a different person....


BTW, who's Dave... maybe one of the voices in your head?

PS, I love it! You who has never done anything other than shoot a few scrawny PA whitetail's telling someone they're "dilusional" while at the same time holding firm opinions about rifles and cartridges based on nothing other than the air that fills your head and what you gleaned from a magazine whilst taking a shit. That's called "dillusional"... grin.
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Originally posted by Brad:
LOL, troll... sure. Let's see, you registered a year ago. I've been here since the site opened in 1998 or 99.

Dude, you're thick as a brick...

PS, I see you took down your post... you're still thick.

And I ask questions not only as a method to extract specific information but as an "invitation" for people to say more on a specific issue, yes some people want to assume the worst and take that as a chllenge....

Who is that hurting?

you on the other hand like dave seem to be protesting my (successful) attempts to spur the conversation along.

So you registered before "dave" does that prevent Dave from being your Shill?

Seems you repeat the same annoying and irrelevant questions rather than actually add something to the conversation.

then you revert to simple name calling...
Oh great I sure have respect for you now... NOT.

you gotta admit I manage to get people to speak!

I just wonder what baggage people are carrying around to assume every question is a challenge?

Or assume that all questions are loaded questions?

And I'll notice that both you and Dave insist on getting my credentials without ever seaking a single word about you own.... Hmmmm

You challenge my opinions on things but strangely there is no such challenge to anyone else who shares the same me that spell "T R O L L".

No I didn't take down my post, I was just in the process of editing it into my previous post
so you aren't terribly observant either.


If I provoke you into thinking then I've done my good deed for the day!
Those who manage to provoke themselves into other activities have only themselves to blame.

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I have never made a decision to get away from a 300 Win Mag. It's great caliber and a great gun. Whitworth Interarms Mk.X action that I had hard chromed. All bedded in an MPI stock, with a stainless PacNor 24" barrel. It gets a steady diet of 200 grn. Nosler Partitions and was my go to elk rifle (it is now my back up elk rifle) & still is my mule deer rifle for open country in E. Washigton. It shoots 180 grn Barnes TSX's like a house afire, so I'll do more load development this summer for that loading.
I don't regret getting a 300 Win Mag. I own two. The other one is a Winchester Custom Shop Model 70 Classic in 300 Win Mag built in 1997 that still has the hang tags on it... I've decided to sell it, just not sure whether to do the gunbroker auction thing or not.


Meet "Beauty" - 66 cal., 417 grn patched roundball over 170 grns FFg = ~1950 fps of pure fun!

"Scotch Whisky is made from barley and the morning dew on angel's nipples." - Warren Ellis

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Ok so I misread your meaning in that message...

My "thing" about the 300's is that I don't see myself as having a "gap" in my battery that a 300 is needed to fill.

BTW, I LOVE your signatureSmiler

If I provoke you into thinking then I've done my good deed for the day!
Those who manage to provoke themselves into other activities have only themselves to blame.

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You challenge my opinions on things but strangely there is no such challenge to anyone else who shares the same me that spell "T R O L L".


You are truly stupid. I don't challenge people who's opinions are based on EXPERIENCE. It's a truisim in life that not all opinions are created equal and yours aren't worth the cyber space they inhabit because they're the work of a gold medalist in mental gymnastics...
Posts: 3526 | Registered: 27 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Brad:

You challenge my opinions on things but strangely there is no such challenge to anyone else who shares the same me that spell "T R O L L".


You are truly stupid. I don't challenge people who's opinions are based on EXPERIENCE. It's a truisim in life that not all opinions are created equal and yours aren't worth the cyber space they inhabit because they're the work of a gold medalist in mental gymnastics...

you obviously missed that you only challenge MY opinions and/or experience and challenge no one else's.

Are you really claiming to be omnipotent and knowing everything about everyone and using that special inside information as a basis for only verbally attacking me and my opinions?

Yet you and Dave refuse to answer any question I've put to either of you...

I'll just say you have some issues...

Forums are about discussion, but as far as I can see you contribute nothing but acrimony.

you have specifically sought me out in several different topics purely to harrass and challenge me.

Not my interpretation simple reality.

Of your last 11 posts have all been basically
personal attacks, if you simply don't like me ignore me.

Though I had a misunderstanding here with Brian that's between him and me, I doubt he appreciates your "help" and it certainly does nothing for the topic signal-to-noise ratio.

If my interest in a topic is getting people to give me their REAL reasons for certain choices
why is that bad?

And what has my experience got to do with my extraction methods for getting more honest opinions?


If I provoke you into thinking then I've done my good deed for the day!
Those who manage to provoke themselves into other activities have only themselves to blame.

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Originally posted by Brad:
I've never found a deer that failed to fall down when shot with smaller rifles I'm just wondering what it is that people are seeing out there that bigger calibers are necissary. AllanD

Did it ever occur to you that perhaps here in the West seasons overlap and one can as easily kill a deer as an elk?

Here's an answer to your question...
Posts: 3526 | Registered: 27 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Brad:
can YOU claim to have killed every animal several times with each caliber/cartridge that gets discussed on these forums?

Nope, that's why I limit my thought's to what I've actually used or seen used. It's called being honest, something you apparently have a hard time grasping.

Grasp this, you dont have to have experience to have common sense, or an opinion. And not all those who are professed to be "experienced" posses common sense, or even intelligibility for that matter.

Tell me this Brad, Do you think it is possible for a person to learn from the written word? If not then what are we all doing here?

Why dont you just save yourself some time typing and put "what experience do you have" as your signature, then every time you want to post just click the mouse..

You boor me too!

Mr. DeGroot's posts may be a bit overzealous, but theyre a damn sight more entertaining to read than yours ever were. You really should get out more.
Posts: 10193 | Location: Tooele, Ut | Registered: 27 September 2001Reply With Quote
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You won't be overgunned for deer with a .338,in fact you'll most likely see less damage due to a larger heavier jacketed slug at relatively slow velocity.

On game,I've killed two elk with the .338win mag and seen first hand another dozen plus taken with the round plus three black bear. I can't see any differance on game between it,the .270,06,7mag or 300mag.

I've seen a number of elk and black bear killed with the .375 H&H,and 416 Rem. these calibers I believe step things up and on game performance is noticably greater then the .338 and below.

The thing I like about the .338,is its moderate velocities and heavy bullets make using nonpremiums feasible on elk,much like the 30/06. I simply don't believe you need a premium in the 250gr bullets. I've yet to ever recover one,regardless of brand.

The .338 is used by alot of guys who simply want to think they're carrying a cannon.Especially ,guys who hunt in areas with alot of bears. Even though most guides will tell you it kills bears like a 30/06.

Its available in cheaply priced rifles since ruger,savage and tikka have offered it for years. So alot of people buy the caliber who other wise wouldn't,if it cost more like the .375's do.

Its also more then alot of guys can handle in recoil. I've noticed alot of guys who "used to shoot a .338"
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A local guy here used his 338 Win Mag for whitetails routinely. One year he made a front on head shot and we usually tie a rope around the neck to pull them out of the woods. Not this one!!!!there wasn't much to stop the rope from sliding off.

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."
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Originally posted by Allan DeGroot:

Seems you repeat the same annoying and irrelevant questions rather than actually add something to the conversation.



Isnt that amazing, a mere rookie among AR members and he sees right to the heart of the matter. Wink
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Utahhuntr, insults coming from a mental-midget like you who is so insecure as to take pot-shots at Allen Day even though he's long-gone is actually a compliment...
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Originally posted by Wstrnhuntr:

Mr. DeGroot's posts may be a bit overzealous, but theyre a damn sight more entertaining to read than yours ever were. You really should get out more.

Entertainment? I guess that's what you're here for huh? I come for solid discussion based in reality not the rantings of some wanabee who's read too much and gotten out too little while presenting himself as some authority.

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Well, I did go back and read your origional post.Alanand Justify is prety much what you asked somebody to do.
I didnt take it all that seriously.
But If somebody asked me to jutify shooting any animal with any caliber that might be considerd more gun than needed I would simply say my desire to shoot a a racoon with a 50 BMG is all the justifacation I need.
That being said , I rather like the Roberts for deer, and might use my .270 for e;k this year. Just beacuse I like the rifle and I might want to...tj3006

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Originally posted by Thomas Jones:
Well, I did go back and read your origional post.Alanand Justify is prety much what you asked somebody to do.
I didnt take it all that seriously.
But If somebody asked me to jutify shooting any animal with any caliber that might be considerd more gun than needed I would simply say my desire to shoot a a racoon with a 50 BMG is all the justifacation I need.
That being said , I rather like the Roberts for deer, and might use my .270 for e;k this year. Just beacuse I like the rifle and I might want to...tj3006

Like I said before only one who "got" my remark in the spirit in which it was intended was bja105 with his remark on having to penetrate 10yards of mosquito's for the bullet to make it 20 yards to the deer.

Obviously a man who's been to Assateague Island
at some point (probably to see the horses the island is famous for) or atleast knows someone who had....

Frankly, I don't know of actual penetration tests against compacted mosquitos being conducted on Assateague Island, or anywhere else on earth for that matter, so I just can't understand why Brad didn't challenge that mosquito penetration remark and ask about bja105's experience shooting through mosquitos.... LOL.


If I provoke you into thinking then I've done my good deed for the day!
Those who manage to provoke themselves into other activities have only themselves to blame.

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Originally posted by Brad:
I come for solid discussion based in reality

Bullshit! 12 posts youve made in this thread thus far and not one of them contributes ANYTHING to the subject matter. But rather every single one are snyde attempts to discredit other posters.

So tell me more about your noble reasons for being here dickhead. You think yourself to be member to some sort of AR upper eschelon, but the reality is that your snide one liners have no more value than tits on a boar hog.

Why dont you try actually adding to the disgussion once in a while. Everyone already knows how worthless you can be, no need to still be afraid of that.
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Originally posted by Brad:
Utahhuntr, insults coming from a mental-midget like you who is so insecure as to take pot-shots at Allen Day even though he's long-gone is actually a compliment...

Insecure huh? Your tendancy to suck up to a ghost of a jerk is beyond pathetic. At least I dont have to lean on someone else's name to give my posts creedence.
Posts: 10193 | Location: Tooele, Ut | Registered: 27 September 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by jro45:
I think that the 338 with the bullets it can shoot that it is an all round gun for game in the lower 48 states. Any coments.
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My own-actual, real-world, hand's-on, non-imaginary, didn't-find-it-in-a-book, non-mental-gymnastic, non-hair-splitting, non-gunwriter-quoting, in-the-field-experience bears out the 338 WM is indeed a fine choice for all-around NA use.

As I said before, seasons here overlap and one is as likely to kill a small deer as a big deer... below's a biggish deer I killed some years back with a 338 WM. I assure you it works equally well on antelope...

Posts: 3526 | Registered: 27 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Yup.....that's a very nice "biggish" deer.

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."
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