Okay, I'll admit it: I'm more than a bit a*** retentive about brass. I HATE to see new brass wasted and discarded unused. My family may shoot 500 rounds during a trip to the range but we always come home with more brass than we shot.
However, the local County Sheriffs have sniper rifles in 300 Win Mag and they cannot, for legal purposes, reload their brass. So, after they were done shooting, my daughters and I scooped up eighty one (81) once fired Frontier cases. The three "snipers" (my 13 year old daughter outshot them with my Rem 260 VLS at 200 yards) even helped us bag them up. I'm sure that someone here can put them to use. Please feel free to email me(AWPorter@REMOVEsbcglobal.net -remove the "REMOVE") and I'll get them off to you.
We are cartridge collectors so you can either reimburse us for postage or send a few cartridges our way. What type of cartridges you send us isn't as important as these great once fired cases being put back to good use
I HATE to see good brass go to waste. Obsessive/complusive disease perhaps or just a strict Welsh upbringing?
My best to you and yours.
[ 07-16-2002, 11:27: Message edited by: QuarterIncherNV ]