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Help me show some stupid liberal anti's they're wrong
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Originally posted by Jordan:
The snob factor of this thread is off the meter!


I don't see any snobbishness mate, just a group of shooters answering a question!
Posts: 323 | Location: Back Home in Aus. | Registered: 24 September 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Jordan:

With all due respect. The premise of these responses touting educational levels is entirely wrong. Whether or not widespread firearms ownership is or is not good for society is not affected one iota by the educational level of gun aficionados or opponents of widespread firearms ownership. The whole issue of firearms ownership is entirely ad hominem [Gun owners are less intelligent than others, therefore guns must be bad, right? Or so goes the argument.] The argument is utterly irrelevant to whether
widespread gun ownership is or is not good for

Furthermore, the fact that computer literate, upscale gun owners [with the means, time and intelligence to dabble in computers] tend to also be more educated tells us nothing at all about the education or intelligence of the average gun owner.

I guess my larger point is, I don't like the snobbishness of this thread. I wonder how some of those who are merely high school graduates [or not even that] feel when they read threads like this?


That was one of the reasons I was reluctant to pose the question in the first place. I meant absolutely no offense to anyone in regards to their education level. It was only when I mentioned this forum to this female as having intelligent and well spoken members (arguing against an original assertion that we're all slack-jawed yokels) that she brought up the question about education level.

I sincerely apologize to anyone who may have been offended

Posts: 153 | Location: Ann Arbor MI USA | Registered: 30 May 2003Reply With Quote
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AAS in electronic systems from the Comunity College of the Air Force.

BBA in Business from Mount Vernon University

MSA in Administration from Central Michigan University.

Books don't make you smart. They just make you educated. The two should never be confused.

Some of the most educated people I ever met in college wouldn’t have recognized a bright idea even if it was humping their leg.
[Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posts: 322 | Location: Ohio, USA | Registered: 18 June 2001Reply With Quote
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As to 'Snob Factor', the question, if I recall, related to the education level attained by the readers of this forum. The responses, mine included, were in no way intended to be a brag session, but a genuine response to a question. I think we all know people who have relatively little education in the formal sense, but who have 'street smarts' that put them WAY ahead of the intelligentsia. Personally, I don't give a stuff about a person's education, I've seen too many people who rely on their credentials - as I say to them, it ain't what you got, it's what you DO with what you got that matters. Formal education means little, unless it is a pre-requisite for entering a career path. Give me the person who understands the concept of critical thinking.

To add to the homily about teaching -

those who can, do,
those who can't, teach.
those who can't teach, become consultants!

Guess what I classify myself as!
Posts: 1275 | Location: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | Registered: 02 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of OldFart
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Of all the threads I've read, this is only the second one where people talked about their education. I don't consider any of the posters "snobs". The snob is the liberal gal that started this thread in the first place. I suspect she is going to school on her dads, our taxes, or someone elses money, and has no real world experience.
In fact, of all the posters, the one I envy the most is muskrat (one of the uneducated ones). He retired at the age of 49. I didn't.
Posts: 700 | Registered: 18 May 2002Reply With Quote
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What's wrong with snob appeal? Half the worlds economy is based on snob appeal... Hell I've seen farmer's laugh at other farmer's based on the tractor they drive.
Posts: 457 | Location: Kentucky | Registered: 25 February 2002Reply With Quote
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B.S. Mechanical Engineering. 43 years building missile systems to defend our nation. Your friends better hope I'm not too stupid. I'm currently working on the one to defend our homeland. Course they probably don't think it needs defending. We just need to "get along" with the terrorists and rogue nations. Probably need to "just get along" with the criminals on our streets too, just give them what they want?

Posts: 10 | Location: Alabama | Registered: 03 September 2003Reply With Quote

BS in Mechanical Engineering, Cum Laude, 3.6/4.0, while playing Div. 1-AA college football.

Recommend advising her to go pound sand.
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I am currently going to SSU right now and I am in my second year of legal assisting. I can tell you this that figuring problems with guns, working on them, and knowing how your guns operates, is a lot harder than any of the work that I do at school.
Posts: 25 | Location: Peebles, Ohio | Registered: 15 October 2003Reply With Quote
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Normally, I always figger that if you has to say you is, you isn't.

But this one's interesting. As others have observed, I think your Harvard miss-prissy should look at reality.

For myself, I'm the black sheep of the family with a BS in English and an MS in journalism. One brother has a Ph.D. in charged particle physics and one is a pianist/professor of music.

Posts: 1224 | Location: Southern Ontario, Canada | Registered: 14 October 2002Reply With Quote

No need to apologize for starting the thread. Actually, I did not read where you had invited responses until after I had posted. So, those who responded were replying to an invitation, not gratuitously advertizing their intellects. My error. Personally, I do get a little turned off by these kinds of threads. But again, no need to apologize. Hope you win your debate with this gal.

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I'm just a lowly Warrant Officer who inherited my love of the outdoors and guns from the strangest place: my father, a doctor.
Posts: 594 | Location: MT. | Registered: 05 June 2003Reply With Quote
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Anvil63, have you tried the smallmouth fishing in the Huron?

[ 10-30-2003, 20:21: Message edited by: jackfish ]
Posts: 1080 | Location: Western Wisconsin | Registered: 21 May 2002Reply With Quote
BS from one of the other Public Ivies (Miami), MBA and PhD from Indiana. Currently a professor at Michigan Tech where all of the dorms have guns rooms (no kidding).'s been my experience that the vast majority of anti-hunters have never lived anywhere near where there is a signifcant quantity of wildlife - they just want to make rules for those of us who do. It's also always interesting to see how quickly a tree-hugger asks you to come 'shoot it' when there's a bear on their backporch birdfeeder or ol' Wiley is in the backyard eating spike the dog.

'Gun Control: The opiate of the pseudo-intelligentsia'
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Kindergarten.Now tell my mom to stop hassling you.
Posts: 111 | Location: Turner Valley, Alberta | Registered: 24 September 2002Reply With Quote
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Ralph, ain't that the truth. We had a similar episode around Red Fish Lake, where some black bears discovered that those neat cabins had shiney white boxes in them, and if you tipped them over, food would come spilling out!

This was just after the Sun Valley crowd (who owns the vast majority of the cabins there) had heartily supported the attempt to ban hound hunting for bears.......

Needless to say, Fish and Game had one HECK of a time finding a houndsman to get the main culprit, even though it was a huge, beautiful cinnamon.

Oh, and I forgot to mention my wife, who will be a PhD in Chemistry as of Tuesday, next week (phew, knock on wood). She prefers to hunt antelope, but also hunts elk, upland birds and waterfowl. She won't hunt deer, because she doesn't like to eat it. Goofy girl..... She also shoots the sporting clays league, and keeps pretending my 6PPC is hers..... Dutch.
Posts: 4564 | Location: Idaho Falls, ID, USA | Registered: 21 September 2000Reply With Quote
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I have an Associates Degree in Applied Sciences.

TO GET YOUR POINT ACROSS, I would respectfully encourage you to change the way that you approach her with the results of your poll to get her to at least consider the information that you present to her.

I know that her attitude just eats at you (and me) and you feel "it's going to be just great to throw it in her face". By using that approach with high negative energy, you will just cause her to respond in like fashion and IT IS JUST WHAT SHE IS EXPECTING YOU TO DO!!

Obviously that won't accomplish your goal of edjucating her and you will be playing right into her hands. A much better way is to CONTROL THE SITUATION AND NOT LET HER CONTROL YOU! No matter how she responds, do not let her emotional state make you raise your voice or speak unkind words, for if you do, like it or not, she is controlling your response.

I would suggest that when you approach her, you speak in a calm but firm voice when you present your information. As distasteful as it may seem to you, I would first set the stage by paying her a compliment on something that she has recently accomplished to try to get her in the right frame of mind, a mind that would be more receptive to what your intentions are.

In fact, be more friendly towards her on a daily basis and ask for her opinion on topics pertaining to your/her field of work. That will help you gain her trust and make her feel that you feel that you have an interest in her endeavors.

Only present your information after several weeks of this,and IT WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE ON HOW SHE RECEIVES IT!

Remember, most women deal from an emotional base and most men from a factual one. By appealing to her emotional side you will help gain her trust.

Definitely do not do this:
"I am even present her with a bound edition of the comments to memorialize her stupidity. Honestly though, I have been a bit mean to this one because she was just such a fanatic".

Be soft spoken and speak kind words, it will pay dividends. Before she reads this thread, I would suggest changing the topic to "Help me provide some insight to some anti hunters" or something like that and editing out any words that would be cause her to put in the wrong frame of mind.

Sorry to have rambled on so long. Thank you for your consideration.
Good luck,

p.s. Obviously you will want me to delete this post so she doesn't read it. Let me know.
Posts: 41 | Location: Erie, PA | Registered: 23 December 2002Reply With Quote
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I have a BS in Mechanical Engineering.
I'm sure your friend will use some kind of excuse on the order of..."They made all of this up just to help you out". If she likes, I will be glad to send her a copy of my diploma.
Elk Country

[ 10-30-2003, 23:33: Message edited by: Elk Country ]
Posts: 180 | Location: Northern Colorado, USA | Registered: 26 March 2002Reply With Quote
I am reluctant to post this, but it came to me as a challenge from a group of anti's. I go to medical school in the "people's republic of Ann Arbor" which if any of you are familar with U of Michigan politics is a good description. The stares I get for my NRA bumper sticker would curdle milk. It amazes me in such a hunter friendly state (relatively) that the largest university is so freakin anti gun. So in the course of a frequent arguement on this subject one of my peers (from Harvard) asserted that any one who hunts is an uneducated, barbaric red neck. I found this obviously insulting and pushed her particularly on the unedeucated part. She asserted that most people who are into guns did not even graduate from high school. While I am not naive enough to judge a person's worth by their formal education level (as is so popular in the academic world), I know that her statement is not true. Well long story short she challenged me to pose this question in an online forum and informed me that "my eyes would be opened by the results."
Well, I am a retired Army officer (redneck barbarian) who, after leaving active duty worked as a behavioral scientist for the Department of Defense, and also as a law enforcement officer. I have a BA from Texas A&M, Master of Military Arts and Science from the Command & General Staff College, an MS is Public Administration and one in Human Resources Management, and have graduated from both the National Defense University and the Industrial College of the Armed Forces.

Now, I don't have a PhD, but many of the PhD's who WORKED FOR ME over the years didn't really impress me that much. Admittedly, most were experimental psychologists, but some of these turkeys couldn't even manage to show up for work on time!!

Just returned from elk hunting in Colorado, where I was fortunate enough to take a 5X4 point bull that weighed in the vicinity of 700 pounds. The meat is excellent!!

Too many people today think steaks grow in packages at the supermarket. I shudder to think what would become of your "Harvard Acquaintance", were she to have to fend for herself without the support of our 21st Century infrastructure! She'd either die of thirst or starvation in short order, as would most of those who "think???" like she does!!

Some of the barbaric rednecks who hunt, or once hunted, include such clods as Bing Crosby, John F. Kennedy, Dwight Eisenhower, Harry Truman, T. R., G. Washington (most of those faces on Mt. Rushmore, actually!!), Winston Churchill, Cecil Rhodes (has she ever heard of Rhodes Scholarships??), the Duke of Edinburgh, and, Her Majesty the Queen!! Tally Ho, whatttt?? [Wink] I understand even Billy Clinton (choke - gasp - barf!!!) shoots ducks!!

None of this, of course, means that there are not some pretty boorish, even dangerous, clods out running around in the woods during hunting season. But not all are, by any means!! [Mad]

(Has she been watching the hunting shows on the Outdoor Channel? I swear, the producers of these things go out of their way to cast the stereotypical "southern redneck" in all their roles!!) [Roll Eyes]

[ 10-31-2003, 00:17: Message edited by: eldeguello ]
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I suggest you "generalize right back" - I mean she's from Haaaavaad, right? She sounds like a typical graduate - tunnel vision right down both nostrils.
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The phrase

"I've made up my mind, don't confuse me with the facts"

applies regardless of education level.
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Law Degree (Juris Doctor), 1978. Joe S
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You know, we all forgot one thing here????
Who was one of the greatest gun inventers ever???
John Moses Browning!!!!!!!!!! If I remember right he had an eight grade education and if i am wrong on this,someone please correct me? This man was one of the smartest that ever lived in MHO and he had four less years of school than me and i have less then most everyone on here.I sure wish I was 1% as smart as old J.M.Browning was!!!!!
just think of all the different types of guns this man invented. lever actions,pump guns,automatic pistols, and three of the best ever full automatic weapons, the 1917-A4,the B.A.R. and the most famous of all the ma-duce fifty caliber machinegun.Which by the way is still being used today all over the world.

So i guess an education isn't the same as knowing and understanding how things work and then designing them ,then producing a working Prototype and keep improving that as time goes by.

I would like to see what this young liile girl contributes to the world in the coming years.
Live to shoot -Shoot to live!
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Geepers Anvil,
Why do you hang around with such snobs. A reply is below the great people who are hunters and shooters. God Bless the shooters and hnters.
Posts: 21 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: 05 June 2002Reply With Quote
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I would suggest that the really "uneducated" person is your colleague who makes a blanket factual statement, without bothering to examine or even be aware of the huge amount of politically neutral national survey research that shows gun owners to be higher income and better educated than the average U.S. resident.

This is collected in data sets such as the General Social Survey, readily available at all institutions of higher learning, and even at Harvard.

John (M.A. in Government with concentration in political theory)
Posts: 1246 | Location: Northern Virginia, USA | Registered: 02 June 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Jordan:
The snob factor of this thread is off the meter!


Maybe so, Jordan, but there's a reason. Lots of folks, including myself, have told of their educational accomplishments and intellectual qualifications for the simple reason that we were ASKED to help refute the assertion of an individual that gun owners are a bunch of uneducated, ignorant barbarians. Nobody here normally goes around boasting of such, and I don't think anyone here feels they're better than anyone else on the board because of their credentials. I don't, at least. The poser of the question doesn't really need someone adding, unasked, objections to the validity of this "poll" given the situation. You can only help to give the "anti" ammunition by doing so, and possibly foment dissention among the board members.

[ 11-01-2003, 03:46: Message edited by: NotRicochet ]
Posts: 424 | Location: Bristol, Tennessee, USA | Registered: 28 September 2003Reply With Quote
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One might have thought history had already provided intellectuals enough examples of problems whose roots lay in characterizing large demographics uniformly.

MBA - Harvard
BS Mechanical Engineering - Cornell

Naval Officer - Best education so far......
Posts: 214 | Location: Texas | Registered: 24 May 2003Reply With Quote
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To state people without degrees are stupid is ignorant & moronic.

I have Bachelor Degrees in Both Commerce & Arts.

But I know a lot of smart people whom have just finished year 12 and I met a lot of bloody wankers while I was at Uni, you'd be suprised how many.....heaps of Anti, bunny rooting, greeny cock smokers & poo pirates. None of them like guns....How stupid could you get [Wink]
Posts: 7505 | Location: Australia | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
<Kevin from ND>
I'll weigh in. I have a BS in Speech Pathology and Audiology (summa cum laude), MS in Audiology, and a Ph.D. in Speech and Hearing Science and Audiology. I am currently a university professor of audiology.

I was a national merit scholar semifinalist and an academic All-American while playing football in college. While I was a college student I worked as a riflery instructor.

I am an NRA Life member and have a CCW permit. I moved my family to this state specifically to enjoy the hunting and other outdoor recreation activities.

Enjoying firearms and hunting does not seem to preclude higher-level cognitive functioning.


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Picture of Wstrnhuntr
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For the brilliant anti in question to lump all gun owners into the class of mindless hillbillies only demonstrates a lack of worldly knowledge on HER part. That is an extremly weak position and makes me wonder how she ever got admitted to Harvard.
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B.S. Industrial Technology, Sul Ross State Un.
Military Officer and former Sgt in the infantry.

Hunted since I was 4 years old.
Posts: 35 | Location: BC | Registered: 19 September 2003Reply With Quote
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B.A. Phi Beta Kappa, M.S. and most of Ph.D. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. When I was in graduate school in the '70s there was a big spike in meat prices. One very liberal young colleague asked me if I would take her husband deer hunting. Talk about hypocrisy!
Posts: 33 | Location: Iowa | Registered: 02 November 2003Reply With Quote
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Was it not Mark Twain who said that a young man should never let his schooling interfere with his education?
Posts: 2758 | Location: Fernley, NV-- the center of the shootin', four-wheelin', ATVin' and dirt-bikin' universe | Registered: 28 May 2003Reply With Quote
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I have a MSc and some professional qualifications (chartered surveyor).

But that is not important right now.

What about those ladies at Ann Arbour??? I had a great fortnight [Big Grin] [Wink] [Wink] [Wink] staying with a mate, his girlfried and her friend from Ann Arbour in their cabin in upstate MI. The mate's girlfriend's father was a surgeon and taught at the uni med school in AA. This would be in 92/93. He was English.

That was the first time I heard a girl say "welcome to Michigan" with their mouth full! [Big Grin]
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I am a junior in college. Wife has a Sociology degree. My dad has about 4or5 different college degrees. Two of my friends(both are working on their masters). I know for sure two of my college professors. About 6 or 7 engineers that I personally know(and who work in Electronic Warfare). And countless family friends have degrees and are into shooting and/or hunting. And that's just the short list.
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<Silver fox>
BS, Chemistry.
MS, Chemistry.
PhD, Fuel Science, Penn State University.
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Quite frankly, I am proud of my hillbilly heritage! Just because I am a true West Virginia hillbilly and I like to hunt and shoot my guns doesn't make me uneducated. It gives me the knowledge and ability to provide for my family under the conditions that Anvil's peer may not have the ability to do the same. It sounds like she might not be as intelligent as she wants you to beleive she is.

By the way, BS in Biology and Psychology.

Proud to be a gun totin', deer huntin' hillbilly from West Virginia!!
Posts: 21 | Location: WV | Registered: 22 March 2003Reply With Quote
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I have read much of the thread, and first of all as somebody who has only some college I am not at all bothered by people telling what their degrees are.

Anvil, I want to point out that the title of this thread is going to probably hurt your case with this person. the whole stupid liber anti's thing :-)

And a lot of people straying into gun ownership, when she apparently said "hunters" were the uneducated morons.

BUT. unless she is a vegan (not just vegetarian) then she has no foundation upon which to condemn hunting. if she eats anything that is meat, or uses anything that has any type of animal derived content then she is a hypocrite. Just because some people are willing to kill their own does not make them lesser people. She is a coward if she has ever eaten a steak but then looks down on the hunters.

So if it were about gun owners being uneducated, she doesn't have a leg to stand on. And to help with the one complaint I saw that said this wasn't very accurate because we are all on the web, can use computers blah blah blah. How is this.

I personally know these people that own guns, (whether they hunt or not)

an MBA
probably at least 4 doctors
a couple of lawyers
a female with a degree in environmental biology
a guy with a degree in something like chemistry or something and working on another degree in computer science
the head of the streets department in my city
At LEAST 5 guys with degrees in different fields of computer sciences
and numerous professionals that have to be educated for their jobs.

In short she is a silly person. but no point in wasting time on people like that, really. Most people that will make a generalization like she did are unable to think logically and clearly enough to change their opinions.

Posts: 4742 | Location: Fresno, CA | Registered: 21 March 2003Reply With Quote
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Apparently this young lady's forebearers must've been at least moderately sucessful hunters. (Perhaps even bloodthirsty.) How else would she exist?

Common sense is not part of her DNA.

Posts: 149 | Location: Nebraska USA | Registered: 22 February 2002Reply With Quote
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I do not have a colledge degree but I have worked in factory management for the last 30 years.

I see that the USA is just like Australia, plenty of so called educxated people that are all brains and no commonsense.
Posts: 53 | Location: Bundaberg,Queensland , Australia | Registered: 10 October 2002Reply With Quote
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