One of Us

| There are some cats that ask for a unique form of revenge. I always wondered just how perplexed a cat would be if it was caught and had SuperGlue inserted into its excretory openings to effectively seal them. This followd up by an endless availability of open cans of cat chow and lots of water.
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one of us

| Dowse it in skunk scent, after making it look like it had been in a fight. Owner will think a rabid skunk got to it.
IGNORE YOUR RIGHTS AND THEY'LL GO AWAY!!! ------------------------------------ We Band of Bubbas & STC Hunting Club, The Whomper Club
| Posts: 4553 | Location: Walker Co.,Texas | Registered: 05 September 2003 | 
one of us

| You got that right HK! The next one I get with a owner tag is getting stirred well with my potato rake, lathered good with the skunk scent from "The Old Time Trapper's Supply" and delivered to the owner with a BILL for the rescue. Unmarked ones will continue to go to the posh neighborhoods to seek their own salvation.
"Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you" G. ned ludd
| Posts: 2374 | Location: Eastern North Carolina | Registered: 27 August 2003 | 
one of us
| N.S.S. have you tried the half full 55 gallon drum with a layer of gas? First throu in cat followed very closely by a lit match. If the neighbors ask what happening? Just say your burning some trash.  338vt |
| Posts: 255 | Location: Left coast, Right mind! | Registered: 16 July 2004 | 
One of Us

| We feed them to the gators at the inlaws in flordia
NRA life Delta Pheasants Forever DU Hunt as if your life depended on your results
| Posts: 591 | Location: NW ,Ohio 10 Min from Ottawa NWR | Registered: 09 January 2005 | 
One of Us

| A new product! Gator Chow. Excellent.
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one of us

| 338VT just gave me an inspiration. I'm going to thin some RTV down and dip one in it. Then I'm going to drop it in a box of cat litter and shake well before releasing it. This would be one with an owner's tag of course. "Here kitty, kitty. What have you gotten into?"
"Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you" G. ned ludd
| Posts: 2374 | Location: Eastern North Carolina | Registered: 27 August 2003 | 
one of us

| quote: I'm going to thin some RTV down and dip one in it. Then I'm going to drop it in a box of cat litter and shake well before releasing it. This would be one with an owner's tag of course. "Here kitty, kitty. What have you gotten into?"
Light it up before release and the owner can have a oven-fired ceramic crat. 
My Strength Is That I Can Laugh At Myself, My Weakness Is That I have No Choice.
| Posts: 5567 | Location: charleston,west virginia | Registered: 21 October 2003 | 
one of us

| OK guys, what the heck is RTV? I guess I have led a sheltered life, never heard of the stuff.
IGNORE YOUR RIGHTS AND THEY'LL GO AWAY!!! ------------------------------------ We Band of Bubbas & STC Hunting Club, The Whomper Club
| Posts: 4553 | Location: Walker Co.,Texas | Registered: 05 September 2003 | 
one of us
| Used to be story, when I was a kid, about taking two toms, tieing their tails together and hanging them over a clothes line. I never saw it done though.
Put your nose to the grindstone, your belly to the ground, and your shoulder to the wheel. Now try to work in that position!
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one of us

| quote: what the heck is RTV
Also known (rightly or wrongly) as silicone sealant...the smelly clear (can be white or tinted, additives required to make it higer temperature, gas resistant, etc.) sealant in a tube that releases acetic acid as it cures...hence the smell.
Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
| Posts: 1780 | Location: South Texas, U. S. A. | Registered: 22 January 2004 | 
One of Us

| One local kid took a hint from the stuffed animals, usually Garfields, that have suction cups in their paws and that are used to stick them up on car windows from the inside. He caught the neighbors cat which he was always at war with and Super-glued and RTV'd some 3 inch suction cups to its paws. He then snuck over to the neighbors house and stuck the cat up on their big front picture window. I later told him he didn't have to pay me back for the suction cups.
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One of Us
| You guys are too funny. The most annoying cat is a breathing one.
What about dipping them in that plastic stuff you can get to coat tool handles? Or maybe some of that cheap bedliner stuff that you roll on yourself? |
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one of us

| Old Elk Hunter you are making me paranoid. Somehow I think you have a black mask and leave poetry at the scene of the crime (so to speak) the neighborhood kids commit.
"Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you" G. ned ludd
| Posts: 2374 | Location: Eastern North Carolina | Registered: 27 August 2003 | 
One of Us

| All I have to say is "vicarious" and "anonymous".
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