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Moderators: Saeed
Big, Big Buff...
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Picture of Crazyhorseconsulting
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For those willing to open their mind to actually read and not try to assume, the point I am trying to make, is making deragatory remarks concerning how or what another individual chooses to shoot under perfectly legal circumstances actually accomplishing anything more than proving that "Hunters" as a group can not/will not set aside Personal prejudices.

It does not matter whether the person/incident in question was perpetrated by a "Known" individual, or some First or maybe Only Time hunter in Africa or where ever with their first and maybe only "Trophy".

Each and every person on here can damn well bet that if I do go to Africa anmd do kill a Kudu or a cow Buffalo or whatever, I will damn sure post pictures of it and be damn proud of it and any one making deragatory comments will only confirm how small minded the individual making them is.

At some point people are going to have to decide what is best for the overall health of hunting, having people out there enjoying legal hunting and spending the $$$ associated with doing such, or having fewer people in the field trying to live up to the standards of others.

I just do not agree with the constant need some individuals have to be critical of what another person chooses to hunt or how they choose to hunt, as long as it is legal and they are comfortable with what they are doing.

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Posts: 31014 | Location: Olney, Texas | Registered: 27 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of Nakihunter
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You took the words out of my mouth!

There seems to be some genes in Tanzanian buffalo that produce long wide shallow hooks with narrow boss. A new world record male was shot - over 66" that had similar horn configuration.

Originally posted by ddrhook:
his daddy was a water buff?? rotflmo rotflmo

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Posted 12 May 2012 03:11 Hide Post
You took the words out of my mouth!

There seems to be some genes in Tanzanian buffalo that produce long wide shallow hooks with narrow boss. A new world record male was shot - over 66" that had similar horn configuration.

Typical of the Manyara buffalo but also observed in Uganda - I have not come across this type of horn configuration in other ares of Tanzania.

If I am not mistaken, the new WR was a "pick up" in the Manyara area.

It is a known fact that there are no game ranches in TZ (for now)so genetic manipulation between Syncerus Caffer and Ankole cattle is out of the question - followers of the Lebenborn project are still way south of our borders and I hope they stay there.
Posts: 2731 | Registered: 23 August 2010Reply With Quote
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Picture of buckeyeshooter
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I kind of like it. Not saying it would be my first choice out of a group that had a solid boss with some nice width. But it is an interesting Buffalo.
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Picture of chuck375
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Originally posted by Crazyhorseconsulting:
A little too much drama on this one CHC. Sorry, just sayin!

Sorry Todd, now drama at all. If you cannot say something nice, don't say anything.

In actuality, if no one had said a damn thing, that would have sent a louder and clearer message than all the negative comments that have been made.

One of the reasons people post pictures of their kill is personal vanity. Whether they have the intestinal fortitude to admit it or not, they are saying to everyone that views the pictures, "Hey, Look At Me, See How Great A Hunter I Am, See What I Was Able To Go Do".

Everyone does it, they want their 15 minutes in the spotlight, they want the accolades for something they are proud of having done.

The quickest way to minimize their accomplishment is instead of posting negative/deragatory comments, thereby starting a pissing contest or causing folks, other than the person posting the pictures, to stop posting reports/pictures of their hunts, is to simply after viewing the post/pictures move along and not make any type of comment. Basically ignore the incident.

Saying all the negative stuff only brings out the same horse horse horse arguements, you know that, I know that, anyone that has been on this or any other hunting site knows that.

"Was it killed under legal circumstances, If So, what is the damn problem"? "What difference does it make if it is a cow, a bull or a steer, it iss what the hunter wanted to shoot, what's the problem"? "If he/she is paying for the hunt and everything is legal, what difference does it make to you what they want to shoot or think of as a trophy"? The list goes on and on.

How about the membership petition Saeed to set up a "Photo Review Board" and ALL pictures/videos of trophies/hunts must be submitted to those individuals for approval for being posted. How many individuals are in favor of doing that? Hpow open minded do you think Saeed is going to be about setting up such a review board?

It has nothing to do with drama, it has to do with courtesey and sending a message. Degrading people and their personal trophies helps no one, except those wanting to take our sport away from us.

Basically ignoring a persons efforts, while not getting them to change their habits, won't make other people re-consider posting pictures/reports of their hunts.

If you or anyone else wants to view it as drama, that is your perogative. I just feel that there are better ways of getting a message across then alienating a bunch of folks, while trying to rub one individuals nose in the crap.

CrazyHorse, I agree with you in most cases, but in this case if they're claiming a world record they're inviting scrutiny. I was on the 24hourcampfire forum and someone was very proud of his brown bear (which his guide never should have let him shoot!) posted it on the 24hourcampfireforum. I've also seen yearling black bear cubs posted with their proud shooters posing with them. At some point there's a line where you just can't give a guy a pass. Though for the brown bear (you just need to search on rubbed rat) it was horrible that the guide let the hunter shoot him. The hunter was on his first brown bear hunt and was proud of it, he just didn't know any better. I felt very bad for him and the forum should've given him some slack and PM'd him rather than embarrasing him and just killed his guide on the forum.

I would probably make the same mistake going for my first cape buffalo (going for spread, not hard bosses and spread). But you guys have edumacated me ... lol



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I've never shot a buffalo but I have looked at enough pictures to tell me that I wouldn't be happy with this one world record or not.
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CrazyHorse, I agree with you in most cases, but in this case if they're claiming a world record they're inviting scrutiny. I was on the 24hourcampfire forum and someone was very proud of his brown bear (which his guide never should have let him shoot!) posted it on the 24hourcampfireforum. I've also seen yearling black bear cubs posted with their proud shooters posing with them. At some point there's a line where you just can't give a guy a pass. Though for the brown bear (you just need to search on rubbed rat) it was horrible that the guide let the hunter shoot him. The hunter was on his first brown bear hunt and was proud of it, he just didn't know any better. I felt very bad for him and the forum should've given him some slack and PM'd him rather than embarrasing him and just killed his guide on the forum.

I understand what you are saying, I really do, but in the end, for the individual hunter, which should matter more, their own opinion or the opinion of the crowd? Did the crowd foot the bill for the hunt? Where or when does the wishes/desires/expectations of the individual out weigh or displace the scrutiny/prejudices of the crowd?

People mention the business about a hunter first hunt and how the guide/outfitter/PH should dictate what the hunter shoots, are you, me or anyone else on this site or in real life GUARANTEED another hunt???????? No we aren't. We hope that there will be future hunts, but life does not always work out that way. Why take what possibly might be an individuals one opportunity at doing something, and cheapen it, because it did not/does not meet yours or someone else's concept of a "Trophy".

At some point, people have to understand that not everyone has the same goals/expectations or standards. I am more than happy with a representative specimen of whatever I am hunting. A good hunt is more than just the trophy, it is the whole experience.

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Posts: 31014 | Location: Olney, Texas | Registered: 27 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of chuck375
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Originally posted by Crazyhorseconsulting:
CrazyHorse, I agree with you in most cases, but in this case if they're claiming a world record they're inviting scrutiny. I was on the 24hourcampfire forum and someone was very proud of his brown bear (which his guide never should have let him shoot!) posted it on the 24hourcampfireforum. I've also seen yearling black bear cubs posted with their proud shooters posing with them. At some point there's a line where you just can't give a guy a pass. Though for the brown bear (you just need to search on rubbed rat) it was horrible that the guide let the hunter shoot him. The hunter was on his first brown bear hunt and was proud of it, he just didn't know any better. I felt very bad for him and the forum should've given him some slack and PM'd him rather than embarrasing him and just killed his guide on the forum.

I understand what you are saying, I really do, but in the end, for the individual hunter, which should matter more, their own opinion or the opinion of the crowd? Did the crowd foot the bill for the hunt? Where or when does the wishes/desires/expectations of the individual out weigh or displace the scrutiny/prejudices of the crowd?

People mention the business about a hunter first hunt and how the guide/outfitter/PH should dictate what the hunter shoots, are you, me or anyone else on this site or in real life GUARANTEED another hunt???????? No we aren't. We hope that there will be future hunts, but life does not always work out that way. Why take what possibly might be an individuals one opportunity at doing something, and cheapen it, because it did not/does not meet yours or someone else's concept of a "Trophy".

At some point, people have to understand that not everyone has the same goals/expectations or standards. I am more than happy with a representative specimen of whatever I am hunting. A good hunt is more than just the trophy, it is the whole experience.

Excellent post, for what it's worth I agree



"There's a saying in prize fighting, everyone's got a plan until they get hit"

Michael Douglas "The Ghost And The Darkness"
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At least it was taken with a Double? sofa
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Picture of Will
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Nice buff. Doubt anyone would have passed on it.

Will / Once you've been amongst them, there is no such thing as too much gun.
and, God Bless John Wayne. NRA Benefactor, GOA, NAGR

"Elephant and Elephant Guns" $99 shipped.
“Hunting Africa's Dangerous Game" $20 shipped.

If anything be of note, let it be he was once an elephant hunter, hoping to wind up where elephant hunters go.

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Picture of Crazyhorseconsulting
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Doubt anyone would have passed on it.

Oh No, several of the more elite members of this site have stated that buffalo should not have been shot.

You have to remember, unless the animal meets the standards set by a few individuals, it is not worthy of being called a trophy, and NO ONE should post a picture of such an abomination.

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Posts: 31014 | Location: Olney, Texas | Registered: 27 March 2006Reply With Quote
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And those individuals can do whatever they want,
except ram their thoughts down other hunters throats.

As was so well put above "At some point, people have to understand that not everyone has the same goals/expectations or standards. I am more than happy with a representative specimen of whatever I am hunting. A good hunt is more than just the trophy, it is the whole experience."

I haven't hunted Africa but have hunted Water Buffalo here in Aus, and turned down what turned out to be a 110 SCI Bull solely because it was walking in from the flood plain and we saw it as we were driving past from another hunt.

Nice trophy but it wasn't a hunt as I would have walked 200 yards and stood behind a tree.

Now I have taken Bullocks and Cows with big horns that were more of an overall hunt / experience and am proud of the horns.

Each to their own.

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Originally posted by Fritz Rabe:
Imagine what he would look like if they left him to become hard in the boss.

Was thinking the same thing...
Posts: 58 | Registered: 25 September 2011Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Crazyhorseconsulting:
Doubt anyone would have passed on it.

Oh No, several of the more elite members of this site have stated that buffalo should not have been shot.

You have to remember, unless the animal meets the standards set by a few individuals, it is not worthy of being called a trophy, and NO ONE should post a picture of such an abomination.

I've never been to Africa.

I hope to go there some day and be lucky enough to harvest a Kudu and a Cape Buffalo.

More than likely "if" I get to ever go, it will be a once in a lifetime deal.

I am not an elitist, but I would not have shot that buffalo. To me, believing in the sport also means putting forth the effort to harvest mature animals, that and I just plain like the look of a hard boss vs one that isn't.

Having said that, the original poster put up pictures that were not his own, thus one expects that on the Internet a discussion will ensue. I do not believe that people with opposing views to mine, hold any less love or support for the sport of hunting than I do.

We've no way of knowing the circumstances this animal was taken in - might have been a once in a life time hunt, a herd culling, a high fence hunt or even the "specific" type that hunter was looking for. Regardless of what the circumstances were - I prefer a hard boss and stated as much. I am no more or less an advocate for hunting than anyone else by having done so.

I truly enjoy this site. It's the same as many others though, in that not everyone will agree on everything...
Posts: 58 | Registered: 25 September 2011Reply With Quote
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Picture of Crazyhorseconsulting
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Good post. tu2

To each his own, as I have already stated, and a trip to Africa would/will be a one time thing and that animal has its own uniqueness, I would shoot it in a heart beat. I hunt for myself, not the accolades of others. I wish you the Best of Luck if you ever do make it to Africa, but you might want to be prepared to adjust your goals, the thoughts of coming home empty handed from a one time/really expesive hunt get to weighing awfully heavy on folks as the days till the end of the hunt get fewer and fewer.

That is not an indictment against you, just an observation from someone who has spent a little time in hunting camps and seen high road ethics/ideals get modified as the hunt draws to a close.

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Posts: 31014 | Location: Olney, Texas | Registered: 27 March 2006Reply With Quote
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The girls always get prettier at closing time!
Posts: 152 | Location: Michigan | Registered: 03 December 2004Reply With Quote
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yuck and true!
Posts: 5735 | Location: Ohio | Registered: 02 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Crazyhorseconsulting
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The girls always get prettier at closing time!

clap clap clap tu2 tu2 beer beer Excellent analysis of the situation. My hat is off to you sir. beer

Even the rocks don't last forever.

Posts: 31014 | Location: Olney, Texas | Registered: 27 March 2006Reply With Quote
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