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Foreigners in transit with firearms in the USA
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Posts: 784 | Registered: 28 June 2005Reply With Quote
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And your support of these regulations is based upon the notion that "we are at war." That was the same justification used by Hitler to kennel up Jews, and by our own government to lock up Orientals during WWII. Your "logic" was used then, do you agree with it? It seems a little silly when it's a more "serious" issue than firearms in transit. Come on man, can you really believe that a law-abiding hunter (one of our own), who declares his/her firearms, cannot access them during the trip, and really wants to obey laws of our country shouldn't travel through here on a legitimate trip? As MR said, that's asinine. Realistically, what is to be gained by prohibiting the transit of firearms in checked baggage? I'll tell you - nothing. It's a "feel good" move on the part of politicians that want, and get, votes from sheep like you. "Oh no, we're at war, we'd better do something, even if it's wrong." Hell, let's ban all guns, even driver's, nobody seems to care... That's where it's headed buddy, and you're right behind it.

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Posts: 3301 | Location: Southern NM USA | Registered: 01 October 2002Reply With Quote
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So I assume under the prevention mode of protecting america from foreign people with hunting guns, we should then prohibit white middle aged men from renting ryder trucks and buying fertilizer.

I just don't get how someone flying through the US on his way to a hunt in country x is threat. Hell if someone wanted to get a hold of a gun, all they would have to do is land, take a cab to a shady part of any big city, open a bag with some cash, and go on a shopping spree.

Common sense sometimes ain't so common.

The danger of civilization, of course, is that you will piss away your life on nonsense
Posts: 782 | Location: Baltimore, MD | Registered: 22 July 2005Reply With Quote
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Hutty:
So I assume under the prevention mode of protecting america from foreign people with hunting guns, we should then prohibit white middle aged men from renting ryder trucks and buying fertilizer.

large quanities of nitrogen (fert.) are regulated and became so after McVeigh bombed a Fed building with them. I don't see anyone fighting mad anymore about filling in the forms for large ammo purchases. and as I recall that was going to start the confiscating of firearms in the USA by the sky falling in crowd.
Posts: 784 | Registered: 28 June 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Timan
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This country has been at war in one form or another since the day it was founded. To be at war for us should be completely normal and business as usual. It's not about your guns. The guns are just an oppertunity to control you. Why? do you ask? because you need to be secure and safe, gosh we can't handle death, oh it's terrible. That's why we came running with the big aid program when Osamma and his little band of AK packin gypsies were into with the soviets 20 years ago, should have just let the soviets wipe them out, minded ourselves. The soviets probably would have killed Osama. The 9/11 attacks most likely would have never happened. When you are we, you need to develope a formidable adversary it takes twenty years to do that and when he is ready, let him take the frist swing then go ass kickin. The only problem was his first swing was it completely phucked of civilian transportation for good. Thank you, thank you so much, so glad the worlds most powerfull mititary finally is employed again. Of course your secure!, that fat little NSA gramma with severely arthritic hands is keeping you that way, that and picking up a few bucks working part time in her retirement, unbelieveable what a total frigin joke.

Posts: 1221 | Location: Satterlee Arms 1-605-584-2189 | Registered: 12 November 2005Reply With Quote
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Hey! here's an idea ...let's lift that silly regulation of foreigners not having guns in transit BUT only in Liberal voteing states that have international airports...that way if something goes tits up Hillary can slither out from under whatever rock she hides under that day and blame a Republican.
God Bless the it or keep out
Posts: 784 | Registered: 28 June 2005Reply With Quote
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I've held off on posting to this, but I thought that I'd comment.

I travel overseas several times a year. On every international flight I've been on, all passengers have to clear customs upon landing in the U.S. Even those going onto other countries (usually Canada on the flights I take).

Unlike most other nations airports, none of the airports that I've flown through here in the States have a transit area that is behind customs and/or emigration (which I've also never seen here).

When traveling through the U.S. you are forced to clear customs and all your baggage. Then recheck to your next or final destination.

Now I've certainly not been to all the international airports in the States, but this has been my experience.

It seems to me that the regulation reflects the situation as it is here. I don't think that you really can check all the way through to your destination.

So as you are forced to clear customs, you are in the U.S. and could easily take your bags, tear off the luggage tag and enter this grand country of ours. Not saying that this situation couldn't be changed, but would it be worth it for the number of transiting passengers here in the U.S.

I'm sure that some others can comment on internationally transiting through the U.S., but I think that is how it sits.



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Picture of Michael Robinson
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You are correct. But from 1952 until 2003, it used to be possible to transit a US airport from one foreign destination to another without having to present a passport or visa or clearing customs.

The International-to-International transit (ITI) program permitted this as long as the foreign traveler only transited through one airport and did not leave the international transit lounge while connecting planes at that airport.

Just as we US citizens are permitted to do in locations all around the rest of the world.

Because of security concerns, this program was suspended by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security in 2003.


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Posts: 13613 | Location: New England | Registered: 06 June 2003Reply With Quote
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Anyone want to guess what gun laws in the US would be like if we didn't have the second ammendmant?.....

After reading this thread I'm shaking my head

Thanks God for the founding father's wisdom in atta ching the right to keep and bear arms.

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Posts: 28849 | Location: western Nebraska | Registered: 27 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Some people just do not understand a simple question warrants a simple straightforward answer.

Unfortunately, in a democracy, you sometimes have to listen to unreasonable and sensless arguments.

Avoid all the red tape and fly via an European gateway. Spend euros instead of dollars. Best of luck with your safari.
Posts: 34 | Registered: 13 August 2005Reply With Quote
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Well, Cats, does not look like there are "many of us..." out there, but I believe we have them surrounded and keeping them at bay!! Now Timan, not sure what meds you are taking, but would highly suggest you double check with your "doc" and see if he or she can not ease you down from them just a bit.

This discussion has taken a life of it's own and does belong in the political section, but it is amazing that all manner of reasons are given to more freely permit foreign visitors travel with less, repeat less, regulations regarding firearms when the country is engaged in a long term war with Islam all over the globe.
An attempt to associate everything from the slave camps of Jews by Germany, prison camps of the U.S. Japaneese population in WW2, confiscating our personal firearms, etc. to support the lessening of controls for foreign visitiors w/ firearms in the continental U.S. has been made and I am sure someone will claim that flouridation of the domestic water source is next!!
Not that complicated, we are at war, measures are being taken and more to come, to control those who would even remotely think about harming any of our citizens in any way. Does this single out foreign travellers?? You bet it does. Quite simple and not hard to understand.
Now if you really want to get upset and have something to worry about if you are in the safari business, (this is about where Timan and perhaps others will have to increase meds I fear) check out the recent moves by The U.S. State Department regarding funds channeled to various nations in Africa. It is being controlled more and more each day.
Safari is an expensive proposition anyway you look at it and lots of money changes hands up and down the economic food chain. We all know that and we also know that corruption in Africa and w/ government officials is rampant. Is and has been for decades. I know, been there and seen it done for many a year. It is a way of life there. Well, any U.S. dollars finding their way to those unsavory persons even remotely connected with Islamic terror will not be permitted to obtain U.S. Funds. Same holds true for human slavery, child sex abuse, killing of Christians and the list goes on and on. You spend U.S. currency that goes in those directions, it will be traced and blocked.
Noted only recently someone mentioning about hunting in Central African Republic and if there is ever a place in the world you do not want to be, that is definitely one of them. I have even heard that our terrible CIA whisked that idiot from Haiti to that location and he lived there for a while. Shame on us doing that to the "priest." He now resides in South Africa and living quite well I understand. Hell, if you are bored and not having a good hunt in CAR, for the princely sum of 50 American you can kill yourself a poacher, man, woman, child, it matters not. Few more bucks you can have him cooked and eat "the bugger." You have no concept of what can and does take place on the Dark Continent and if some foreign ass is pissed about not able to carry his firearms freely in the U.S. while travelling to Africa, seek alternate travel plans.

PS In closing, let's send Hillary, Schummer, Dodd, Kerry, Kennedy, Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, Harry Belafonte, Cindy Sheehan, etc. on a free safari to Central African Republic. I would bet the reports sent back (that's all that would come back) would be a great read.
Posts: 577 | Registered: 19 February 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of Canuck32
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Driver and cats,
This is really gonna blow your mind but you are not the only country "at war". Right now Canada is in charge of American troops in Afganastan. There are austrailians, british and Canadians in Iraq. Oh wait a minute, do you know that NORAD (The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) is a bi-national United States and Canadian organization charged with the missions of aerospace warning and aerospace control for North America. Aerospace warning includes the monitoring of man-made objects in space, and the detection, validation, and warning of attack against North America whether by aircraft, missiles, or space vehicles, utilizing mutual support arrangements with other commands. Aerospace control includes ensuring air sovereignty and air defense of the airspace of Canada and the United States.), is run by both Canadian and US Military personel on a rotational basis. Matter of fact on 9/11 your president was talking with the commader of NORAD, a CANADIAN.

Sorry, the US is not a special case. What this is about is the slippery slope. First your not allowed to transit the US by forein passengers with checked guns, then it becomes SORRY no US citizen is allowed to take a firearm out of the country. ETC, ETC, ETC. Don't think it will happen? What about the current US law that says no firearms above 50 cal to leave the country which is being ignored by customs but has been discussed extensivly on AR by people concered about taking their rifles out of the country?

Maybe you also agree with CBS that a 50 BMG could take down an aircraft?

Stupid laws are just that sofa

If you have that much to fight for, then you should be fighting. The sentiment that modern day ordinary Canadians do not need firearms for protection is pleasant but unrealistic. To discourage responsible deserving Canadians from possessing firearms for lawful self-defence and other legitimate purposes is to risk sacrificing them at the altar of political correctness."

- Alberta Provincial Court Judge Demetrick

Posts: 615 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 17 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Hello Canuck32,
Not sure what NORAD has to do with this discussion, but if you are trying to state that "OH Canada..." is really in there helping us with the war on Islamic terrorists, then you are truly out of it. You people have done everything you could to avoid any conflict with the terrorists and yet to this day, your borders are wide open to any rag head, camel jockey, Islamic idiot, on this planet. Travelled thoughout Canada, only last year and the place is running over with immigrants. We have our own problems here with immigrants, illegal that is, but we will deal with it. Do you wonder why the conservatives have taken control up there?? They woke up I would say before it is too late.
Everyone who has travelled to various dung holes on this planet knows that if you can "secure" a Canadian passport, the odds of you being bothered are a lot less than any other one. Reason is simply that Canada is known to be a friendly safe house for about anyone running from whatever and from wherever. Show up and you people take care of them for what now, some two years?? A noble approach on your part, but not the real world and especially these days.
Quite the contrary, the United States is a VERY special case in all respects and in fact we intend to keep it that way. Again, any effort on your part to paint Canada as a viable partner in the war on terrorism is utterly ridiculous and not supported by your actions or facts. The issue is not gun control, but control of foreigners, not citizens of the U.S., travelling with firearms. Yours and others attempts to attach the matter to far flung "grand conspiracy..." gun control programs is way off base. As siulhunter pointed out, solution is quite simple, fly elsewhere and other avenues. That certainly will not upset us here one bit.
As for NORAD, you might want to council with some of your learned friends there and inquire if Canada is to be covered by the umbrella of protection provided by the United States developed anti missle program. Some refer to it as star wars and yet some believe that it is already in place. No, we are in no need of advise from Canada, France, Germany and others when it comes to our domestic defensive programs.
The last time I checked the GDP of Canada was somewhere in the magnitude of our State Of Ohio and it is no wonder your treasury is strained with the care you give immigrants. No thanks and if NORAD should catch a blip of "incoming" all I can say for Canada is "tuck and duck."
Posts: 577 | Registered: 19 February 2006Reply With Quote
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Sorry to see that driver missinterpreted my post. I was embarrased by suggesting Antonio take a non us route. Driver's reasoning could turn out to be a clear example of why a large majority of other earth inhabitants get the notion that some US citizens are arrogant, ignorant and blind to the values in other cultures. Focus on Antonio's question....
Posts: 34 | Registered: 13 August 2005Reply With Quote
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Your posts remind me of the Angry American discussions we used to have when I was in School.
The US is an island thing has worked well in the past, think British Empire.
Posts: 475 | Location: Moncton, New Brunswick | Registered: 30 August 2003Reply With Quote
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Your comments about me trying to protect my business are moronic. I book mostly (99%)Americans who can travel to Africa pretty freely.

I VOLUNTEER my own time to help defend the rights of law abiding gun owners, and I have been for years. Many years before I was in the safari biz.

In many ways we are in a global society just like right now we are communicating in real time with people from all over the world.

If you don't think these regulations can affect American travellers in the long run you are mistaken. I have no financial stake in foreigners travelling with guns. As an NRA board member I have a resposibility to look at the big picture.

I really do find it hard to believe that more than one of you would actually take this absurd position.

Do you travel overseas to hunt? If you do this should concern you because s I said we (the US) are setting a very bad example.


Todd J. Rathner
The T. Jeffrey Safari Company

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Posts: 341 | Location: Tucson, AZ | Registered: 27 December 2005Reply With Quote
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well this topic is plain comes down to this: The USA has this law if you do not agree with it go somewhere else, it is your choice.
Posts: 784 | Registered: 28 June 2005Reply With Quote
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Now, now, TJR I am sure the burden you carry as a NRA board memeber is indeed heavy and worrisome and grasping the "big picture..." must be an awsome responsibility. What a bunch of horse shit, pure and simple!! And of course there is no commercial purpose behind you or anyone else wishing to ease the restrictions for foreign visitors transporting firearms in America. You personally are just doing your patriotic duty to defend the "right" for foreigners to do so. If you think for a single minute that anyone in their right mind would buy this line, you are in for a rude awakening. Trust me, your logic being put forth assures me and many others that any changes that might ease restrictions will surely die a quick death in light of your flawed logic and lack of grasp of the true "big picture."
I see that a Canadian has opted to make a remark about something he remembers in school regarding an Angry American. I would not say angry is the right description, but absolutely resolute on defending America and will go to whatever means is required to do so and if a Canadian, Mexican, Chineese, etc. becomes offended by our regulations, that is of no, I repeat no concern whatsoever. In closing TJR, do not let the weighty issues of the world and the NRA Board get you down, keep the stiff upper lip and press ever onward ol' boy.
Posts: 577 | Registered: 19 February 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of Bob in TX
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TJR....Thanks and continue your efforts with the NRA/ILA. The transit regs are ridiculous.

Antonio-I just wish they were fixed now in time for you.

To those of you who don't get it.....well, you don't get it. Driver...personal attacks don't accomplish much.

Hunting rifles that are checked through the USA from one country to another do not present a threat to our security.

Bob......Another Texan
Life NRA

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Posts: 3065 | Location: Hondo, Texas USA | Registered: 28 August 2001Reply With Quote
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May I suggest you fly Mexico-Madrid-Johannesburg with Iberia.

Iberia flies direct from Aeropuerto Juarez in Mejic DF to Madrid, and Madrid-Johannesburg direct as well.

Like that you could do the check-in in Mejico staight through to your final destination. You won't need any permits of any sort while your gun is in transit in Spain.

And if you want to stop in Spain for one or two days for example, either on your way in or out, getting your gun cleared will not take more than 10 minutes and I would be happy to help, should you need anything.

Saludos cordiales desde España

Posts: 874 | Location: Madrid-Spain | Registered: 03 July 2000Reply With Quote
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Thanks for the tip Montero. It is refreshing to hear that Spain, a country with enough credentials to go into "Terror-Paranoia-Plus" mode, is still allowing hunters to travel hasslefree with their firearms.

From a moral standpoint, Spanish hunters can surely ask to be similarly treated by other countries like South Africa. Demands from hunters from other countries just sound hollow or are just an incredible example of asymmetric reasoning and hypocritical double standards...

Regards, Antonio
Posts: 98 | Location: Mexico | Registered: 12 January 2004Reply With Quote
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driver et al: I guess you need to be reminded that my friends and relatives are in Afghanastan right now cleaning up the public relations mess started by the US. There are roadside bombs everywhere. The fact that you are at war has jack shit to do with this and as has been said the US has been at war since inception. Keep your broken record "nobody helps us" as it's been played out. We all know what has happened to America allies as soon as the fighting is over we get shit on again. Enuff already.
I should also remind driver that the 'raghead,camel jockeys' that flew the planes into the Twin Towers were trained in US schools and flew back and forth from the US at will. Get your head out of your ass and realize that the world is not at the beck and call of the US. Mark

A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which he proposes to pay off with your money. Gordon Liddy
Posts: 199 | Location: Sask, AZ | Registered: 18 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Desert Ram. Your post depicts exactly what happened to law abiding gun owners in Canada. Sacrificed to pretend gov't was doing something. It's sad to see this happening in US, the last defence line of gun owners. Mark

A liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which he proposes to pay off with your money. Gordon Liddy
Posts: 199 | Location: Sask, AZ | Registered: 18 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Now, now 35404, you are going to blow a gasket! At least there is one "Oh Canada" out there that expresses some red blood anger. I have been to the places you mention plus many more and there are not many of you given to such outbursts of, shall we say, spirit.
However your points about the United States are somewhat in error, but we will let that go this time since you expressed some form of backbone. Not often found within your population these days. When you are attacked by the terrorists, it would not come as any shock to me and others around this globe that you and your nation will offer to sit down with them and discuss the matter for days on end at the United Nations. I seem to recall you people very much like the UN for it offers a comfort blanket to you in times of stress. Yep, that is what I would do if attacked, run to the United Nations and whine to the other rag heads and muslim idiots hiding there. Trust me, that too will come to an abrupt end and the sooner the better.
Posts: 577 | Registered: 19 February 2006Reply With Quote
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You should increase your Ritalin dose. It's obvious you suffer from a very severe case of ADD.

Your famly has my sympathy.


Todd J. Rathner
The T. Jeffrey Safari Company

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Posts: 341 | Location: Tucson, AZ | Registered: 27 December 2005Reply With Quote
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You are welcome, and thank you.


Todd J. Rathner
The T. Jeffrey Safari Company

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Posts: 341 | Location: Tucson, AZ | Registered: 27 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Driver has one thing correct, that being the USA is about ready to give the UN the boot out of the USA and say Adios forever! Worthless bunch of sanction producing "oil for money" corrupt shit for brains in the world.
How many sanction had they laid on Iraq something like 36 and they couldn't get results because they have no backbone and everyone knows it. How many will they give Iran while they too build a nuke...could be that one is pointed at Toronto...hows that miniscule armed force Canada has going to stop them by themselves? HMMMMM wonder just which country they'll beg to haul their left wing asses out of the mushroom cloud??????????????
Posts: 784 | Registered: 28 June 2005Reply With Quote
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Hey guys,
Driver and cats are likely one & the same troll. Take a look at the syntax, grammar and rhythm of the babbling.


Posts: 7158 | Location: Snake River | Registered: 02 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Well, well, Lawndart, I am proud of you using such words as sytax, grammar and rhythm. From what I have been told, you could not put enough common words together to make a complete sentence, but you fooled us all with such impressive wording.
On the contrary, have no idea who Cats is other than a sound thinking fellow and knows a bunch of phonys when he sees them.
Noticed that some posts back, TJR was complaining and shocked that anyone would disagree with his position and that there could possibly be more than one person in disagreement was beyond his comprehension!! Such rude revelation was just about to drive him from further posting on this site!! WOW!! Horrors of Horrors!!
You and others here must not get around much these days if you are so afflicted with tunnel vision that you think there is no way you could possibly be in error on a subject. Perhaps in the fullness of time you will become more profound in your thinking. One can only hope.
Posts: 577 | Registered: 19 February 2006Reply With Quote
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On the contrary, have no idea who Cats is other than a sound thinking fellow and knows a bunch of phonys when he sees them.

LD: Not only is he a phony, but he's so transparently stupid, he's now suffering from a Narcissus complex, but he still can't spell or write. LD, you're right on the money. jorge

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"Wynnwood" gets caught in a bunch of lies and "cats" appears from out of nowhere to offer support, then "Wynnwood" disappears. Now "cats" is in peril and "driver" shows up as his alter ego. I hope this doesn't mean "cats" is on his ninth life.

"Truth is the daughter of time."
Francis Bacon
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Let me put this in terms of what liberals (UN) would like to happen:
Canada decides to follow the US example and take it on step furthure. For example: No foriegn persons flying through Canadian airspace with checked guns> Since this about security this must be safer and as we all know (tongue in cheek) all US citizens are war mongers = The end of US citizens flying to Alaska for hunting even though they never set foot in Canada. Think US carriers will extend their flight paths around Canadian Airspace? Not likley.
Now lets extend it furthure and IATA takes the same stand. End of hunting anywhere in world with your own gun.

Think it cannot happen? US already gets passenger list of all planes that fly through US airspace and have, (KLM Amsterdam direct Mexico City) turned planes around if there is someone on list. Now I think it is prudent that US does check passengers in light of 9/11 but this is how a simple law can be changed/added to or even blown out of porprotion to affect peoples liberties.

Right now this is just creating an inconvienince for those of us that live in North America but are not US citizens, but unfortunatly in the not to distant future this could affect everyone around the world.

Thank goodness for the NRA beer

If you have that much to fight for, then you should be fighting. The sentiment that modern day ordinary Canadians do not need firearms for protection is pleasant but unrealistic. To discourage responsible deserving Canadians from possessing firearms for lawful self-defence and other legitimate purposes is to risk sacrificing them at the altar of political correctness."

- Alberta Provincial Court Judge Demetrick

Posts: 615 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 17 November 2004Reply With Quote
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You defend a Left Wing Policy on transportation of Firearms and yet you seem to talk like a Right Wing Republican. Is the dichotomy causing you any other problems in your life?

You should be worried that the only other person who defends your postition is 'cats', a known BSr, Troll and a fellow sufferer of a Split Personality Syndrome. Big Grin

Stop defending bureaucratic incompetance and start useing some common sense.
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To split personality you can add an IQ just this side of moronic. YOu'd think that with the ease that IPs and personal data that is available out there, they eventually get smoked out and ridiculed. Like I stated previously, both cats (under the handle of Otjiwarongo) and Ass Clown showed up on another forum and they were quickly shut down by posters. It's a self respect issue but with this idiot, he's too dumb to understand he's the object of ridicule. jorge

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So far those not agreeing with certain thoughts, arguments, etc. are immediately deemed as not only stupid but moronic and low IQ's and on and on. Along comes the inflated ego airplane driver named called jorge(no one would really name their kid jorge would they??) who poses in his cockpit and is in fact screaming to the entire world, "look at me, see me, it is all about me!!!) Perhaps he was an only child???? Really, you do look ridiculous in that photo and for the record, you are not the only airplane "driver" on the planet.
Proper term for this mental state is egomaniac. Polite layman circles often use the term over achiever so as to not offend. It is often said that if you can not defend your position with fact and logic, attack the opponent and there is the chance that the opposite viewpoint will go away in frustration. That does work at times, but not often.

Bottom line, most here are so self inflated and self centered that it is astonishing that such an issue of foreign travelers not able to freely fly within our borders transporting firearms in time of war would be argued to permit such activities. It should be a no brainer as it is often said, and in this case, lack of brain power is evident for those wishing to more freely permit firearms transport by foreigners.
Have your tantrums, call the opposers names, jump up and down, hell, jorge you can even bang your head against the canopy if you want, but the end result is that as of today the restrictions on foreigners carrying, transporting firearms will be closely monitored and even more in the future.
Finally I ask you, how utterly ridiculous does it sound by saying that we in the U.S. must set an example of "free airtravel..." in order for U.S. hunters to do the same while hunting overseas???? Hey,NUMNUTS, we are at WAR and certain niceties for civilized society must be interfered with no matter how uncomfortable it may be. Get a life and wake up and realize the very dangerous world we live in these days. I know it will come as a shock to some, but the quicker you realize that hunting in Africa or elsewhere is way down on the list of important matters in a time of war.
Posts: 577 | Registered: 19 February 2006Reply With Quote
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Bottom line, most here are so self inflated and self centered that it is astonishing that such an issue of foreign travelers not able to freely fly within our borders transporting firearms in time of war would be argued to permit such activities. It should be a no brainer as it is often said, and in this case, lack of brain power is evident for those wishing to more freely permit firearms transport by foreigners.


Since writing is a strong suit of yours but reading comprehension is not I am going to have to walk you through it.

Foreign passangers cannot check their firearms through the US. They do not have control of them and they are not transporting them. The airline is doing both. The travellers are not allowed access to their checked baggage.

Foreigners claiming to want to hunt in the US, may transport their firearms themselves in cars, boats, trains and airplanes. They simply have to buy a State Hunting License and fill out a simple and short US Govt. Form.

If Abdulla the Arab or Sean the Irishman want to use a weapon in the US it is quite simple for them to do so.

If Antonio wants to fly through to Africa he cannot with his firearms.

How does your position of protecting the US reconcile with this?

Shouldn't yur position be that Foreigners cannot hunt here but can pass through if they have no access to their firearms?

Don't you have it backwards?
Posts: 6277 | Location: Not Likely, but close. | Registered: 12 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Hey,NUMNUTS, we are at WAR and certain niceties for civilized society must be interfered with no matter how uncomfortable it may be. Get a life and wake up and realize the very dangerous world we live in these days.

No kiddin'? And what have *YOU* contributed to this endeavor? Here's a clue for, "ego" is but a small component, ever hear the term "duty?" I ask again, what have *you* done in the defense of the national interest.

And BEFORE you come up with an imaginary service record, I can easily verify that. Like some here have stated previosuly,we can verify, including down to your laundry number.
So Wynwood/driver/cats, (and I know you have more than one cmputer/isp) EVERYBODY here knows who and what you are, so let's hear about what you've really done and not just busting chops. jorge

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Originally posted by driver:
So far those not agreeing with certain thoughts, arguments, etc. are immediately deemed as not only stupid but moronic and low IQ's and on and on. Along comes the inflated ego airplane driver named called jorge(no one would really name their kid jorge would they??) who poses in his cockpit and is in fact screaming to the entire world, "look at me, see me, it is all about me!!!) Perhaps he was an only child???? Really, you do look ridiculous in that photo and for the record, you are not the only airplane "driver" on the planet.
Proper term for this mental state is egomaniac. Polite layman circles often use the term over achiever so as to not offend. It is often said that if you can not defend your position with fact and logic, attack the opponent and there is the chance that the opposite viewpoint will go away in frustration. That does work at times, but not often.

Bottom line, most here are so self inflated and self centered that it is astonishing that such an issue of foreign travelers not able to freely fly within our borders transporting firearms in time of war would be argued to permit such activities. It should be a no brainer as it is often said, and in this case, lack of brain power is evident for those wishing to more freely permit firearms transport by foreigners.
Have your tantrums, call the opposers names, jump up and down, hell, jorge you can even bang your head against the canopy if you want, but the end result is that as of today the restrictions on foreigners carrying, transporting firearms will be closely monitored and even more in the future.
Finally I ask you, how utterly ridiculous does it sound by saying that we in the U.S. must set an example of "free airtravel..." in order for U.S. hunters to do the same while hunting overseas???? Hey,NUMNUTS, we are at WAR and certain niceties for civilized society must be interfered with no matter how uncomfortable it may be. Get a life and wake up and realize the very dangerous world we live in these days. I know it will come as a shock to some, but the quicker you realize that hunting in Africa or elsewhere is way down on the list of important matters in a time of war.

Driver: For a while Jorge had a different pic; I told him he should use his pilot shot as there are lots of buffalo hunters (and perhaps more imposters) but fewer aviators.

ForrestB: I was beginning to think the same thing about Driver and Cats. Especially after the quote about Cats being so smart...

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To begin with, anything that you, you being "jorge," might ask or demand is of little importance to a very, very small number of people. I realize that is very difficult for you to believe, but a fact.
You must be very well connected that you can "trace" anything and if someone were to state false information you would be on that like the proverbial white on rice!! My, oh my, is that not impressive. Sorry, not interested in your ego seeking games and only will repeat, your self importance is beginning to almost glow at this time.

As for busting chops, not doing anything along those lines compared to those who are devastated that some do not share their own beliefs on particular regulations regarding firearms in the U.S. Can you and your fellows not see that your positions and obvious frustrations are revealed in their fullest by your responses?? Think about it, your responses literally shout to the world that anyone having a position/argument, etc. differing from your own must be some kind of nut or kook and is to be shouted down immediately and "banned from the kingdom...."
In closing, the one thing that can not be questioned regarding my position on the matter of firearms transport by foreigners in the U.S. in a state of war is I totally support any and all regulations which makes it more difficult or even impossible for possible wrong doers to do so.
Hunting in Africa is not a real important matter folks. No matter the degree of wailing and grinding of molars will make it so.
Oh, and by the way jorge, don't even think about trying to keep up in the race You just do not have "the right stuff..." I fear.
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