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Dereck Friggen Joubert, BS baffles brains
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Confederation of Hunters Associations of SA

Press Release from PHASA


Pretoria, 14 October 2014 – The Professional Hunters’ Association of South Africa (PHASA) has condemned in the strongest possible terms a statement by Botswanan animal rights activist Dereck Joubert likening hunting to the Holocaust and Apartheid.

In an interview with National Geographic on Uganda’s apparent decision to re-impose a ban on hunting in that country, Joubert says: “I believe that hunting will one day be regulated to the category of awful things we did as humans, alongside Apartheid and the Holocaust”.

“We’re used to emotional and unfounded criticism from animal rights activists but to compare hunting to two of the biggest atrocities in modern history is grossly insensitive to Jewish and South African communities,” said Hermann Meyeridricks, PHASA president.

He said that hunting is recognised globally by leading conservation organisations – including the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) – as a significant contributor to wildlife conservation and provides poor rural communities with a valuable source of income, social services, infrastructure and food security.

“The comparison is therefore ludicrous and we are dumbfounded at the depths these activists will descend to impose their viewpoint on the rest of the world. We call on Dereck Joubert and by extension National Geographic to clarify this statement or, if they can’t, to publicly apologise to those who suffered under the policies of Apartheid South Africa and Nazi Germany,” he said.

For further information contact Hermann Meyeridricks, PHASA president on, 083 303 0498.
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Is Uganda closing?
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Picture of Bill/Oregon
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Was this interview printed in Nat Geo, or will it be?
Mr. Joubert is a tosser of the first order, I'd say.

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Too late to reason with him, and too early to shoot him!
Posts: 426 | Registered: 13 June 2012Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Tim Ferrall:
Too late to reason with him, and too early to shoot him!
Soft bosses?

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Soft bosses?

His hard head makes up for the soft bosses.

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Cecil Leonard
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Guys, it's all about the money. If the bunny huggers wouldn't be pumping him money he would give a rats a** about the animals! It's all about the money!!!!
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Originally posted by sevenmagltd.:
Guys, it's all about the money. If the bunny huggers wouldn't be pumping him money he would give a rats a** about the animals! It's all about the money!!!!

I don't think so. He believes what we do is immoral, just like many people think abortion is immoral, like gay sex is immoral, like eating meat is immoral, etc. etc.

The ultimate human right is the right to live according to your own set of morals, not what others would dictate to you, as long as those rights don't interfere with the lives of other humans.

Don't Ever Book a Hunt with Jeff Blair

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Picture of Michael Robinson
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The Jouberts are oxygen thieves.

Their supporters are rich oxygen thieves.

What a world . . . .


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Originally posted by Matt Graham:
Originally posted by Tim Ferrall:
Too late to reason with him, and too early to shoot him!
Soft bosses?

No, just soft in the head! Big Grin

Andrew McLaren
Professional Hunter and Hunting Outfitter since 1974. The home page to go to for custom planning of ethical and affordable hunting of plains game in South Africa!
Enquire about any South African hunting directly from

After a few years of participation on forums, I have learned that:

One can cure:

Lack of knowledge – by instruction. Lack of skills – by practice. Lack of experience – by time doing it.

One cannot cure:

Stupidity – nothing helps! Anti hunting sentiments – nothing helps! Put-‘n-Take Outfitters – money rules!

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Say what you will about him but he is making strong arguments to the gullible. The hunting Community could do with a few "joubert types" speaking out for the pro-utilization corner.

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The press release from PHASA is dated October, 2014 however the Joubert article talking about Uganda sport hunting closing was one from November, 2010.
Posts: 344 | Location: Reno, Nevada | Registered: 05 September 2007Reply With Quote
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Someone please correct me if I am wrong, but it is my understanding that Joubert is very wealthy in his own right from making "documentary" films. He doesn't need wealthy backers, and he truly believes what he is preaching.
Posts: 426 | Registered: 13 June 2012Reply With Quote
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Picture of Bill/Oregon
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Well, perhaps Mr. Joubert will enjoy presiding over Uganda becoming the teeming wildlife paradise that Kenya has turned out to be.

There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.
– John Green, author
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Originally posted by Bwanamich:
Say what you will about him but he is making strong arguments to the gullible. The hunting Community could do with a few "joubert types" speaking out for the pro-utilization corner.

Well said tu2
Posts: 3430 | Registered: 24 February 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Tim Ferrall:
Someone please correct me if I am wrong, but it is my understanding that Joubert is very wealthy in his own right from making "documentary" films. He doesn't need wealthy backers, and he truly believes what he is preaching .

I had dinner with someone that knew him from Bots long before Nat Geo gave his filming notoriety. He was not anti hunting until he saw the $$$ derived from the message.

Maybe he's believing his own crap now.

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Originally posted by AnotherAZWriter:
Originally posted by sevenmagltd.:
Guys, it's all about the money. If the bunny huggers wouldn't be pumping him money he would give a rats a** about the animals! It's all about the money!!!!

I don't think so. He believes what we do is immoral, just like many people think abortion is immoral, like gay sex is immoral, like eating meat is immoral, etc. etc.

The ultimate human right is the right to live according to your own set of morals, not what others would dictate to you, as long as those rights don't interfere with the lives of other humans.

AAW - My friend, make NO MISTAKE about Derek Joubert. ITS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!!!! Take a long look at his past, his present, his personal ties, etc. A little digging and you will see his real motive - MONEY!!! And he's done an awesome job of making a lot of it, thanks to the uninformed idiot.

Aaron Neilson
Global Hunting Resources
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Originally posted by Aaron Neilson:
Originally posted by AnotherAZWriter:
Originally posted by sevenmagltd.:
Guys, it's all about the money. If the bunny huggers wouldn't be pumping him money he would give a rats a** about the animals! It's all about the money!!!!

I don't think so. He believes what we do is immoral, just like many people think abortion is immoral, like gay sex is immoral, like eating meat is immoral, etc. etc.

The ultimate human right is the right to live according to your own set of morals, not what others would dictate to you, as long as those rights don't interfere with the lives of other humans.

AAW - My friend, make NO MISTAKE about Derek Joubert. ITS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!!!! Take a long look at his past, his present, his personal ties, etc. A little digging and you will see his real motive - MONEY!!! And he's done an awesome job of making a lot of it, thanks to the uninformed idiot.


He would probably say the same thing about you.

Stating he is only in it for the money is not going to change the perception of the public. IMO, we must force the non-hunting public to consider all of the things they do that might be construed by others as immoral. After all, even if you are right, and Joubert is disgraced, there will be another to take his place, just like terrorists. Then what is your strategy?

Don't Ever Book a Hunt with Jeff Blair

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Then what is your strategy?

"Make hay while the sun shines" Big Grin
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When the Jouberts first started out ,in Botswana, they were supported by none other the HUNTERS AFRICA. Hunters Africa was the largest outfit at the time. They received support in the form fuel, food and transport.. etc

Also most of these camps and lodges in Botswana serve venison ....
Posts: 246 | Registered: 23 March 2012Reply With Quote
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Dereck and Beverly Joubert are the two most vocal anti hunting lobby personalities in Africa today.
They started their career at Mala Mala where Dereck was a jeep jockey/ manager and his wife a caterer - the owner Mr Ratray did not allow non married couples to live together so they lived in two seperate camps, they left there and started filming in Botswana where they bummed off the hunting concessionaires - they became personal friends of Alistair and Ronnie McFarlane ( Alistair lost his PH license and has been aledgedly involved in many wildlife transgressions ) . They often state during this time they witnessed many violations of the wildlife act - we have repeatedly requested them to substantiate and submit proof so the perpetrators can be brought to book - silence !, They have written often about how they took over the Selinda which was a desert in terms of wildlife due to hunting - however I have read many articles for Nat Geo where they speak about the area having no water but once the floods came and the Selinda spilway flowed once again all the wildlife returned - they however use this to say that hunting caused the decline in wildlife but once they took over and closed hunting the wildlife returned - the anti hunter will never let a good story be ruined by the truth. Their latest guidance to Government as self appointed experts is that if all hunting is closed then the sound of gun shots will only be from poachers - as the shots from hunters masks the shots from poachers - now why our Government has not seen just how naive and misinformed this is eludes me as anybody with the smallest knowledge of poaching is aware that poachers use suppressors and advanced silences, so the professional poacher does not need the cover of hunters - we also all know the presence of armed hunters deters poachers - we all know that all hunting vehicles in Botswana were always accompanied by a Government Wildlife Officer with powers of arrest - again the poachers stayed clear. Everybody knows this including the JOuberts - but they also know the truth is not good for their cause. Time will reveal the hidden agendas of the Jouberts in my opinion
Posts: 473 | Location: Botswana | Registered: 29 October 2003Reply With Quote
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The Jouberts have been very effective with twisting the truth about hunting and wildlife in Botswana , and unfortunately this appeals to the anti hunting fraternity - who throw bundles of cash at these heart felt stories of suffering caused by hunters to wildlife. If anybody takes the time to watch any of their documentaries you will notice that they are far from honest in the timeline and scenes they show - often you can see they filmed a bunch of different scenes with different landscapes and different time lines to make up a story - if someone has the time and expertise - it maybe a good time to scrutinize and reveal how they have misled their audiences , this may discredit them as the public hate to be misled and made fools of.
Posts: 473 | Location: Botswana | Registered: 29 October 2003Reply With Quote
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UGANDA IS NOT CLOSING, the article alluded to dates from 2010, and as everyone who followed the saga knows, Uganda is still a pristine hunting destination...

Since it's not the first time in the past weeks that I come across the same rumor mongered by - surprise, surprise... - "anti-whatevers", I seriously wonder if there is some hidden agenda behind the resurgence of this nonsense.

Unless, of course, it's down to sheer stupidity, and the bambi-lovers spreading this crap did not even bother to really read the source. Nothing surprises me from that crowd.


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