Moderators: Saeed
2006 on Africa Hunting and AR
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Picture of retreever
I thought this over for many days, and I at least think we should have a fresh start for the New Year.
The name calling, the I hate you's, and whatevers..I believe, let the parties involved solve differences...What has happpened in the past should stay there..
I remember many posting and having disagreements and that was that...That was good for second opinions..
If you have a beef with an individual fine but do it thru email...I too wish the ignore function was here again..
Let's put AR where it was at the top of the forums and not at the bottom with petty jealousies...
This is my opinion...
I wish to all my friends and fellow AR members a happy, healthy, and fine hunting New Year..


Michael Podwika... DRSS bigbores and hunting " MAKE THE SHOT " 450#2 Famars
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I agree. Let the past die away and let's go forward.
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A choice sentiment, one I heartily agree with, and a good way to start the new year. Perhaps people will change and the cow will jump over the moon. Damn I hate being a realist. Drinks are on me... Happy New Year

Member NRA, SCI- Life #358 28+ years now!
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Nice sentiments but I completely and totally disagree with you. If we cannot complain when cheated or defrauded, then it only empowers the thief to find new and unsuspecting victims.

Also keep in mind that the very first and some of the most pungent vitriol was posted by the booking agent.

As for solving it between the parties, if one party refuses to make amends, then how is such a solution possible???

AR is the top hunting forum because those who read these threads can find factual information. If we muzzle the members or censor the posts, then AR will be filled with sharks looking for new victims. There have been enough victims already.
Posts: 18352 | Location: Salt Lake City, Utah USA | Registered: 20 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Amen, brother!
Posts: 383 | Location: Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada | Registered: 25 March 2001Reply With Quote
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I thought this over for many days, and I at least think we should have a fresh start for the New Year.
The name calling, the I hate you's, and whatevers..I believe, let the parties involved solve differences...What has happpened in the past should stay there..

Lets all try and have a civil AR and may many friendships be forged and old ways put away.

Global Sportsmen Outfitters, LLC
Bob Cunningham

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One perspective.

Speak with courage, candor and courtesy.

You are speaking the truth, you are reporting reality as you experienced it. For someone to argue against that reality is a waste of time. For you to argue against someone else's truth, reality as they experienced it, is equally a waste of time. To consider their reality may possibly be useful.

In the words of C Powell; Will you please get your ego out from between me and what you say so that I can see and consider what you are saying?

But by all means speak your truth that your truth maybe considered along side other's truth.
Posts: 404 | Registered: 08 May 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of boom stick
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this is kinda like the wild west of forums...

everyone has guns and occasionaly there is a quickdraw at high noon.

there is a diff. though between petty immature posts and genuine dissagreements.

i like to follow my self imposed rule of type as if you are speaking face to face

always take the high road and just imagine the only thing between you and the others here is a campfire.

common sense,
common courtesy and
common decency in 06 and beyond!
(except in the political forum) animal

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Picture of Balla Balla
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IMHO these are my thoughts ..

This is a FREE forum courtesy of a VERY VERY good man Saeed and his merry band of moderators and general technicial helpers ..

WE all (or most of us went to school) and were taught some manners as to how to conduct ourselves in public ......

Therefore if we just be ourselves and be courteous and leave it to the [ MODERATOR ] to evaluate and delete move or remove as per his criteria that is the best way to go,

Then ABSOLUTELY no one can complain as we all know the forum has freedom and it also has rules (which are quite clear when we join)

If we choose to flout the rules the MODERATOR in his wisdom pings us across the knuckles or if we persist he bans us totally, his decision NOT OURS as we dont own the FORUM and it is a free service.

Cheers and Happy New Year to all

Posts: 3331 | Location: New Zealand | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by retreever:
I thought this over for many days, and I at least think we should have a fresh start for the New Year.
The name calling, the I hate you's, and whatevers..I believe, let the parties involved solve differences...What has happpened in the past should stay there..
I remember many posting and having disagreements and that was that...That was good for second opinions..
If you have a beef with an individual fine but do it thru email...I too wish the ignore function was here again..
Let's put AR where it was at the top of the forums and not at the bottom with petty jealousies...
This is my opinion...
I wish to all my friends and fellow AR members a happy, healthy, and fine hunting New Year..


Mike, you are a nice and honest person,you think that the world would be a better one if we all speak nice about each other,drink beer together and love one another ...

I see no evil in there, I do so see that you possible miss a value of this forum,that of honest sharing of experiences.

Put out in public,ample opportunity is given to correct misconceptions or circumstances.One should not look at divergent opinions as fighting or name calling when done in a civilized fashion.

Agents and businesses continue to advertise here and elsewhere.We the consumer have little to evaluate the claims by,unless we here from honest past experiences.See what is actually received,compare to what has been offered etc.

This is not a mutual admiration club,where businesses can make claims and not deliver without being taken to task.

It matters little whether the business is a paticipant on this forum or outside,what matters is that future prospective clients learn how the business deals with customers.
Everyone can then decide for himself whether to offer their own cash or not.

So while the idea of a clean slate at point x is a nice one,it only protects the business that would like the issue buried,it does not help or support you the client.

Assume you have been abused and misguided,will you love the agents at point X in time without any effort of corrections? and state fine,let me pay again for an encore?

These reports were not statements of " I hate you", "name calling" etc unless you are characterizing certain now deleted contributions by my agent, these were sharing of experiences and everyone can judge for himself.You sign up for a DG hunt of specific expectations ,all understood and agreed,than get switched to an apparent subpar hunt,then get abuse when you question the issue.
My take is that you would do a disservice to our community by not reporting your experiences.
Posts: 795 | Location: CA,,the promised land | Registered: 05 November 2001Reply With Quote
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I agree with retreever on the petty battles and do resolve to ignore those. However, the threads about unsatisfactory hunts or sales should play out. The hunting report forum is a great source of information and should be truthful, whether the experience was fantastic or awful. I think the members here are intelligent enough to realize if complaints or reponses to reports have any validity or not.

This is one reason this website is such a great source of infomation.
Posts: 1508 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 09 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Mike: IMHO if Saeed put the clamps on booking agents an safari companies advertising here for free. Or at the very least kept them to a seperate forum other than this one many of the problems would cease.
2005 saw many long time posters here split from AR. Egos were challenged, and bashing became the order of the day. But look into that bashing an you shall see that generally it was a handful of posters doing it. Most read it then skimmed past as it was judged petty.Cats
Posts: 784 | Registered: 28 June 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of MacD37
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jumping jumping

That's the trouble with "New Years resolutions" They last till night fall of New Year's Day!

Mike's New Year's Day resolution didn't even last three posts, before someone shot it out of the sky! moon rotflmo

This string is just fodder for another pissers contest! BYE!

....Mac >>>===(x)===> MacD37, ...and DUGABOY1
DRSS Charter member
"If I die today, I've had a life well spent, for I've been to see the Elephant, and smelled the smoke of Africa!"~ME 1982

Hands of Old Elmer Keith

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2006 is off and running in the good ole AR way! Happy New Year Mike! beer
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I am sure that many, if not all, of the rest of us agree with what you actually said above.

There is really no reason to share personal sqabbles here in the open forums.

Information sharing, hunt reports [good and bad], information requests, and responses seem to me to be what makes this such a great place to hang out. Opinions, preferences, and experiences shared by all allow us evaluate and make decisions. That, I feel , is the power of this forum and what makes it exceptional.

Thanks for expressing your thoughts. You are certainly not alone.

Posts: 1261 | Location: Clearwater, FL and Union Pier, MI | Registered: 24 July 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Balla Balla
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With human kind being as diverse as we are there is no way EVER in the world we will get all to agree on any subject known to man //

That is why when we are exposed to a FREE FORUM in particular the topics and comment tend to stray across the spectrum and can and do end in personal conflict and ultimately attacks on individual or groups ...

Therfore we need to have (ONE Headmaster) being the (Moderator) who's rules are FINAL, what he says goes, and if we dont like it we have a choice to leave or not to comment on a particular thread if we choose, different if it was a paying forum but is is not it is FREE so we are free to join or leave.

WE from time to time get HOOKED and take the BAIT, sometimes through naivety and other times through anger and butt in on a personal fight, that is our choice, we then suffer the consequences of those actions.

In a free world we need a (dictator) to pull us in line from time to time (-:

Posts: 3331 | Location: New Zealand | Registered: 27 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Rusty
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An admirable goal, but it ain't a gonna happen!

The anonymity of the Internet allows folks to behave in a manner that they would not, if they were face to face with the parties involved.

We Band of Brothers!
DRSS, NRA & SCI Life Member

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Picture of Michael Robinson
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Mike, you seem to me to be an all around nice guy. You always seem to take the high road and to be willing to forgive and forget.

Trouble is, the world, including the piece of it inhabited by this forum, is full of out-and-out cheats and liars who make their meat by abusing peoples' trust and screwing them out of their money.

Liars and internet frauds can be ignored--I have several of those from this site on my personal "Ignore" list.

But cheaters and crooks can do great harm to the innocent and naive and so need to be exposed for what they are. IMO: More power to those who expose them.

Best wishes to you and yours for a Happy New Year!


Wilderness is my cathedral, and hunting is my prayer.
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Mike -
What Rusty said.
But nevertheless, Happy New Year.

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