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Single Shot for Dangerous Game?
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Picture of EDELWEISS
Assuming that alll DG hunts will have a PH along, is it terrible idea to contemplate using a single shot all else being equal?

To be clear Ive been bitten by the DR bug; but ocassionally I have the urge for a Single Shot. Im not a new comer to Ruger No 1's and can do a reasonably fast second shot. Obviously not as fast as the second shot from a DR; but certainly as fast as the third.

This idea popped into my head while scheeming about a DG hunt and the need for a heavier rifle than my DR in 9.3x74R. Its a matter of weighting the costs of a heavy DR ($10+) versus about $1K for a suitable NO.1. I reeeeely want the DR; but the difference is A LOT of hunting and much more once I start thinking anything above 500NE.


Size Matters--A study of PDW's, PCC's, and SBR's
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I've not hunted dangerous game in Africa with my Ruger #1s, but I have hunted a number of bears with one. Calibers used were .338WinMag, 375H&H, and .458WinMag. There were no comments from those animals shot with them.

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I have hunted DG with a Ruger No 1, K-Gun double, and CZ bolt gun.

Without a doubt you give up a good bit of firepower with the single shot. The DG I killed with the No 1 died without a problem. There were others with the double that I was certainly glad to have the double.

You have asked quite a few questions about rifles and DG. If you are on a budget why not buy a new Winchester bolt gun in a 416 or 458. For not much more than a No 1 you could have a dependable powerful repeating DG rifle.
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Whatever floats your boat. Single, double or bolt . . . they'll all kill em dead if you do your part bwana.

Will J. Parks, III
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Like the Ruger No.1 is not a repeater?
Wear a wrist band ammo carrier and with just a little practice you will reload the No.1 about as fast as a bolt action, for that second, third, and fourth shots, and about as fast as a double for 4 shots. Sheesh!
Do it! No worries!
Fool proof feeding for sure!
Use a rimmed cartridge and you are as pure as the driven snow!
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Picture of EDELWEISS
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Ive hunted 2 and 4 legged animals with bolt guns; but now that Im finally able to hunt in Afrika I want something special. As for a budget, well yes I suppose, my purse isnt bottomless; but Im pretty sure I can afford a decent double in the 10K range without too much suffering. The problem comes when I start thinking about more expensive guns and 21 day safaris.

Its a balancing act for me. I can go with a cheaper rifle and a longer hunt or a really great rifle and a shorter hunt. I like No. 1's and Ive seen some nice custom versions (even a 577NE) for significantly less than a DR.

Im taking my 9.3x74R double and a No.1 in 300WM on a Plains Game hunt next year. I could have easily subtituted a bolt gun that I have; but I wanted something special for Afrika.

The idea of a No.1 as a heavy rifle is just an option I thought was worth discussing.

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Jeez, it is a no-brainer, a less expensive quality bolt action and a longer, safer hunt. horse Big Grin
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A bolt rifle is a single shot. It's just a little easier and a little faster to load the next round.

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Grenadier makes an important point folks.
WHATEVER the choice....PRACTICE getting off a second shot. PRACTICE a LOT.
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Absurd. Irresponsible.

Some folks will try to justify anything.

Bows, spears, knives.

If single shots are okay, get butch and use your bare hands.

Bare hands may necessitate getting closer than a hundred yards, that infamous non-dangerous dangerous game single shot rifle shooting distance. Smiler

Will / Once you've been amongst them, there is no such thing as too much gun.
and, God Bless John Wayne. NRA Benefactor, GOA, NAGR

"Elephant and Elephant Guns" $99 shipped.
“Hunting Africa's Dangerous Game" $20 shipped.

If anything be of note, let it be he was once an elephant hunter, hoping to wind up where elephant hunters go.

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Hell go for it. My son and I did a DG hunt last month, and we both used Ruger no. 1s in 375 H&H. They worked great. I wouldn't even ask around here, just go do it. Big Grin

Mad Dog
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Originally posted by Grenadier:
A bolt rifle is a single shot.

+1 tu2

“A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition” ― Rudyard Kipling
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Picture of Bill/Oregon
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This is a frequent subject here. I think with a lot of practice and a good wrist band holder you would be in pretty good shape with a No. 1. You'll want the front edge of the safety reshaped so as not to impede the empty case from being ejected. I have a No. 1 in .450-400 that keeps begging to go to Africa. But I would have it in the back of my mind that any sudden problem might have to be sorted out by the PH. I'd rather have a double. Maybe even a Sabatti!

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Used a falling block 1904 patent Webley rebarreled to .375 H&H flanged magnum to take a cape buffalo a number of years ago. Had my 500/450 in a trackers hands right next to me, 'tho. the buffalo walked 60 yards and we found him dead.

Must say I would not do it again and believe at least a double is the more sensible way to go...

Regards, Tim
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Picture of SFRanger7GP
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If you are comfortable, confident and competent with the rifle (and the cartridge is capable), go for it. A rifle can only perform up to the capabilities of the shooter.

In my experience, the majority of hunters are "bench rest shooters" and they just stand and gawk at the results of the first shot. The best bolt action can easily be turned into a "jammed single shot" by lack of experience and practice. Just watch most of your favorite hunting shows and you can confirm what I am talking about.

Get what you like and practice with it as if your life depends on it...
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No Way.

I have a Ruger No. 1 in 9.3x74 and was thinking about shooting a Buffalo with it. After my recent hunt in Malapati, no way. After a well placed shoulder shot that also broke the off side leg, the Buff charged and 7 shots later by the PH and client(me), a broken in half rifle, PH and client down, the bastard died. Buy a CZ and stuff it full.


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I have shot all my own DG with my custom Ruger #1 in 500NE. Go ahead and use your single-shot.

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Hunting with a single shot is no different than hunting with a handgun or archery tackle. As long as you can acccept the limitations of your equipment go for it. I always recommend a bolt rifle for several reasons but if a single shot is what will enhance your experience that's what you should do. You just will have to understand that if the first shot is not perfect you may not have a chance for the second follow up that you might have with a bolt rifle.


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They worked for Selous

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship
Phil Shoemaker
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The old timers used single shots quite a bit, but I'd vote for hunting the 9.3 DR...if you're proficient with it.

*Phil, you and I were typing at the same time; there was no connection between my response and yours.

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Originally posted by BEGNO:
No Way.

I have a Ruger No. 1 in 9.3x74 and was thinking about shooting a Buffalo with it. After my recent hunt in Malapati, no way. After a well placed shoulder shot that also broke the off side leg, the Buff charged and 7 shots later by the PH and client(me), a broken in half rifle, PH and client down, the bastard died. Buy a CZ and stuff it full.

Yep, the guys that have been there know better. To think otherwise is just crap.

You can throw the 9.3x74R in that crap pile too.

But there are a lot of folks that are more than willing to tell you what you want to hear. A single shot? Shit yeah. Smiler

Will / Once you've been amongst them, there is no such thing as too much gun.
and, God Bless John Wayne. NRA Benefactor, GOA, NAGR

"Elephant and Elephant Guns" $99 shipped.
“Hunting Africa's Dangerous Game" $20 shipped.

If anything be of note, let it be he was once an elephant hunter, hoping to wind up where elephant hunters go.

Posts: 19403 | Location: Ocala Flats | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by 458Win:
They worked for Selous

But would he have used them if he could have the bolt rifles we have today--that is the question

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Picture of OldHandgunHunter
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I've taken all of Africa's dangerous critters with single shot handguns -- Most of them have been one-shot kills, so having avery fast 2nd shot has been pretty much irrelevant to me. And, with a PH along, whatever relevance remains disappears.

I'm sure that, sooner or later, I'll wish I had that quick 2nd, but I can usually reload almost as fast as I could with a bolt gun, so I'll not let it worry me too awfully much.

Bottom line: Assuming a very careful first shot, single shot guns when you have a PH along are fine. If you aren't careful with the 1st shot, you probably should stay home in the first place regardless of what you shoot.

When you get bored with life, start hunting dangerous game with a handgun.
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Picture of EDELWEISS
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WOW! I really stired the soup with this one. My Apologies AND Thanks.

First let me say I have zero interest in a bolt gun for this hunt. I own them, Ive hunted with them, and as I have mentioned Ive "used" one for work. I dont dislike them, they are fine for what they do and NO Doubt great for hunting; but Ive been dreaming about a Safari and especially a Dangerous Game Safari for 30+ years and none of those dreams included a bolt gun.

What I really want is a Double and in some insane cartridge like 577NE or 4Bore. Once I come back to reality, I at least want a 470Nitro or more likely a 500NE. Then comes another slap of reality, if I spend $25K on a 577, thats half a 21day DG safari. Likewise if I spend $10K+ on a 500NE Double, thats half of a 10day DG safari. Alternatively, a custom No.1 in 500 or even 577 is in the $3K range, or a stock model in 450-400 at $1K and its easier to think about the 21 day trip with a full bag of game.

Its just a thought, something that would get me the custom HEAVY and still get me a LOT of Safari, plus the cool factor of "I shot it with my 577 Nitro Express rifle. It seems to me its no different than guys who want to hunt with muzzle loaders or BPE guns.

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Picture of Todd Williams
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Originally posted by EDELWEISS:
WOW! Then comes another slap of reality, if I spend $25K on a 577, thats half a 21day DG safari . Alternatively, a custom No.1 in 500 or even 577 is in the $3K range, or a stock model in 450-400 at $1K and its easier to think about the 21 day trip with a full bag of game .

I really don't mean to rain on your parade but you've mentioned this 21 day, full bag, DG safari for $50k in this thread and a few others now. With whom and where are you finding this deal because I want to go with!

My contacts show that for Zim, a 21 day Lion and Buff hunt including trophy fees will cost you about $50k. Add in Elephant trophy fee of around $13,000 and Leopard trophy fee of around $4k and you are well over that mark. This doesn't take into account the additional daily rate premium for adding these animals, or the Sable (day rate and TF), charter to camp, airfare, taxes, tips, trophy prep, trophy shipment, BAIT for Lion (Probably a Hippo and couple of Buff Cows) as well as Leopard baits ... Not to mention the other trophy fees on the remaining plains game found on the "full bag" menu! I think you'll be surprised at how fast you close in on, or exceed $100,000! Especially if you start talking Zambia or Tanzania!

At those prices, I doubt that spending $1K on a Ruger #1 instead of the Merkel is going to make much difference!
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Your not raining on anything, its my fault for not being more specific. The prices I listed were far from covering all the costs and did NOT include the trophy fees etc. I used those numbers merely as balance point to weight the cost of a rifle.

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With that said then, a combo that I've used on 2 Safaris now, that I really like is my Ruger #1 in 300 H&H and Merkel double in 500NE. Plenty of nostalgia in the action types as well as the chamberings themselves. Obviously, this is not the best for all safari bag lists but I do like it. On my last trip in June of this year, I took my son as well so we added a scoped 375 H&H to this battery. Perfect in my opinion, but keeping up with 3 rifles is too much for 1 hunter. It was only practical since my son was along to carry and look after the third weapon!

Buy the double. That's what you really want and nothing short of that will satisfy in the long run. Ditto the 500NE!

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I'd much prefer a four+ shot bolt rife or double well before a single shot but then I'm not accustomed to using a single shot. Still would much prefer the extra fire power.
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Originally posted by BEGNO:
No Way.

I have a Ruger No. 1 in 9.3x74 and was thinking about shooting a Buffalo with it. After my recent hunt in Malapati, no way. After a well placed shoulder shot that also broke the off side leg, the Buff charged and 7 shots later by the PH and client(me), a broken in half rifle, PH and client down, the bastard died. Buy a CZ and stuff it full.

+1 tu2
1 in 7or 10 buff dont die they wanna eat you!
which one you gonna get? and you willing to bet your life on reloading in the heat of the moment with the adrenaline pumping?
Ive seen seasoned hunters forget how their bolt action works after the first shot on Buff??

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Originally posted by EDELWEISS:
WOW! I really stired the soup with this one. My Apologies AND Thanks.

First let me say I have zero interest in a bolt gun for this hunt. I own them, Ive hunted with them, and as I have mentioned Ive "used" one for work. I dont dislike them, they are fine for what they do and NO Doubt great for hunting; but Ive been dreaming about a Safari and especially a Dangerous Game Safari for 30+ years and none of those dreams included a bolt gun.

What I really want is a Double and in some insane cartridge like 577NE or 4Bore. Once I come back to reality, I at least want a 470Nitro or more likely a 500NE. Then comes another slap of reality, if I spend $25K on a 577, thats half a 21day DG safari. Likewise if I spend $10K+ on a 500NE Double, thats half of a 10day DG safari. Alternatively, a custom No.1 in 500 or even 577 is in the $3K range, or a stock model in 450-400 at $1K and its easier to think about the 21 day trip with a full bag of game.

Its just a thought, something that would get me the custom HEAVY and still get me a LOT of Safari, plus the cool factor of "I shot it with my 577 Nitro Express rifle. It seems to me its no different than guys who want to hunt with muzzle loaders or BPE guns.

Every now and then mdstewart has a used Merkel in 500NE for around $8,000 and recently Kebco had a Verney-Carron in 577NE for around $17,000 IRC. Other deals like this come up every now and then.

If you don't plan on going on your dream safari for a few years, I would wait to see what comes along. I'm not knocking the single shot concept but it seems the "mystique" that surrounds safari is as important to you as it is to me and many others. If a big bore double would complete that dream, that's the way to go.

Of course, if you go with the single shot and come away thinking "I shoulda brought a double" then you have yet another reason to go back!

NRA Lifer; DSC Lifer; SCI member; DRSS; AR member since November 9 2003

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Of course, if you go with the single shot and come away thinking "I shoulda brought a double" then you have yet another reason to go back!

Spoken like a true rifle junkie...or should I say fellow rifle junkie!!!
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Picture of Bill/Oregon
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Saeed has killed many, many buffalo. Saeed, would you have been hopelessly crippled by a single shot on any of your hunts? How about Walter?

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Originally posted by Biebs:
Of course, if you go with the single shot and come away thinking "I shoulda brought a double" then you have yet another reason to go back!

Spoken like a true rifle junkie...or should I say fellow rifle junkie!!!


NRA Lifer; DSC Lifer; SCI member; DRSS; AR member since November 9 2003

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Originally posted by TEUTONIC:

Won't you try it out on ele, buff and cats. Then give us a bit of a feedback. Wink
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Picture of Tim Herald
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I have killed 2 cape buff and hippo with an Encore. All were 1 shot kills, no problems. I was very selective on the shots and had no problems.

I do not choose to do it now...I would rather have follow up shots if needed. I would be fine shooting a leopard with a single shot from a blind as you are likely only going to get that shot.

So, especially with a backup from PH if absolutely needed, I think single shots can be viable if one wants to use them. They make you think about your shots more and take good ones. I definitely prefer a bolt gun myself now though...

Good Hunting,

Tim Herald
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Picture of Bill/Oregon
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A double is obviously the very fastest and simplest of all firearms for a second shot, but probably tied with a single for shot No. 3. A bolt isn't as fast as a lever action for repeat shots, but again, faster than a single.
The single probably demands three to four seconds between shots. It would be fun to time all these with a stop watch.
Some of the comments on singles are a bit silly, though, almost as if we're talking muzzleloaders don't you think?

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I was in the same boat as you....wanted a double but couldnt afford it at the time. The closest I could come to a classic type "African" rifle was a #1 and I went for it and would do it again in a heartbeat. I say go for it!

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Picture of Todd Williams
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Originally posted by Tim Herald:
I have killed 2 cape buff and hippo with an Encore. All were 1 shot kills, no problems. I was very selective on the shots and had no problems.

I do not choose to do it now...I would rather have follow up shots if needed. I would be fine shooting a leopard with a single shot from a blind as you are likely only going to get that shot.

So, especially with a backup from PH if absolutely needed, I think single shots can be viable if one wants to use them. They make you think about your shots more and take good ones. I definitely prefer a bolt gun myself now though...

Hey Tim,

We need to get T/C to build a double. What do you think? Cool


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