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Which Gunwriter/Hunting Writer's Ass is Most Worthy of Kissing?
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Picture of daniel77
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Originally posted by adrook:


As long as I have the dollars I am willing to bet there will be more than enough folks willing to sell safaris. I seriously doubt that the fact that I think CB is a douchebag will keep me from hunting.

But, if what you are saying is you are somehow putting honor above dollars and you don't want to book any more safaris for me then so be it, I can shop elsewhere.

BTW, Joe Coogan is one of the writers that I do enjoy.

I was laying by silently until I read this. Mark is a PH that you apparently highly regarded for the service he provided you. He is trying to be a friend to you by offering, in a very civil way, some good sound advice for your benefit. In other words, he was looking out for you just as a guide should. Adrook, you are a piece of shit. Whether or not you like Boddington, is immaterial. You should conduct yourself like a gentleman. His daughter is in a bad situation right now, and regardless of how it played out, she stood firm and showed courage in a situation that would make most men, including a pasty, spoiled, prisspot like you, crap their pants. You may have some money, but that doesn't make you worth doing business with.
Posts: 3628 | Location: cajun country | Registered: 04 March 2009Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by daniel77:
Originally posted by adrook:


As long as I have the dollars I am willing to bet there will be more than enough folks willing to sell safaris. I seriously doubt that the fact that I think CB is a douchebag will keep me from hunting.

But, if what you are saying is you are somehow putting honor above dollars and you don't want to book any more safaris for me then so be it, I can shop elsewhere.

BTW, Joe Coogan is one of the writers that I do enjoy.

I was laying by silently until I read this. Mark is a PH that you apparently highly regarded for the service he provided you. He is trying to be a friend to you by offering, in a very civil way, some good sound advice for your benefit. In other words, he was looking out for you just as a guide should. Adrook, you are a piece of shit. Whether or not you like Boddington, is immaterial. You should conduct yourself like a gentleman. His daughter is in a bad situation right now, and regardless of how it played out, she stood firm and showed courage in a situation that would make most men, including a pasty, spoiled, prisspot like you, crap their pants. You may have some money, but that doesn't make you worth doing business with.

#1 Mark isn't a PH he's a booking agent and #2 he should know better than to get into the middle of pissing contests with a client on a public forum. As for your opinion of me, who cares?
Posts: 3071 | Registered: 29 October 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of daniel77
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You would be the one responding, so obviously you do. I strongly suspect you'd not come close to having the balls to have this kind of mouth if you weren't safely behind your computer screen. I strongly suspect I'm not alone in that assessment.
Posts: 3628 | Location: cajun country | Registered: 04 March 2009Reply With Quote
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And you should know just because you can hide behind a computer doesn't mean that you can't show some courtesy.

I don't believe that you would talk this way if these people were standing in front of you.
Posts: 11636 | Location: Wisconsin  | Registered: 13 February 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by daniel77:
You would be the one responding, so obviously you do. I strongly suspect you'd not come close to having the balls to have this kind of mouth if you weren't safely behind your computer screen. I strongly suspect I'm not alone in that assessment.

No, I've been around here a while, whereas you are new, my identity is no secret and never has been. I've had enough of this thread now. So long.
Posts: 3071 | Registered: 29 October 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of daniel77
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Originally posted by adrook:

No, I've been around here a while, whereas you are new, my identity is no secret and never has been.

But you aren't face to face with any of these people, they are in fact on another continent. I stand by my assessment you are a spoiled little bitch with a big mouth. Any man who raised a daughter with the sand to stand up to a leopard attack isn't too worried about the likes of your pasty kind. You are in the wrong. Period.
Posts: 3628 | Location: cajun country | Registered: 04 March 2009Reply With Quote
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adrook I bet your about as popular at the AR get togethers as a fart in church.

I think Adrook gets his jolly's spewing this crap.
We should just ignore his posts he will go away.
I refuse to respond to any more or your crap.
Hope you enjoyed this last one.

Posts: 1366 | Location: SPARTANBURG SOUTH CAROLINA | Registered: 02 July 2008Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by adrook:
No, I've been around here a while, whereas you are new, my identity is no secret and never has been. I've had enough of this thread now. So long.
Sorry - what's your name ... Andy who??

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Picture of daniel77
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He's made my ignore list along with DaMan. Good company. I'm not sure what my being 'new' here has to do with anything. He's 'old' here and an "ignorant asshole" by overwhelming opinion on another thread
Posts: 3628 | Location: cajun country | Registered: 04 March 2009Reply With Quote
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Picture of Frostbit
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Originally posted by adrook:
Originally posted by MARK H. YOUNG:

You forgot Joe Coogan. Spent his teens in Kenya and learned his trade at the elbow of Harry Selby. Understand he is a personal friend of mine before you start up with anything insulting.

As for ass kissing I'll be more than willing to bare my fat, hairy bottom anytime (in public) if you'd like to provide a lip lock on it. Sounds like a challenge.

Andy I know you are getting a chuckle out of winding up some of the AR folks but there are a few people on the board and others monitoring the sight that really are players in the safari business. Those folks might be in a position to be of great assistance to you even years in the future. Maybe you should quit now before you completely alienate yourself and find that everyone has taken their toys and gone home leaving you to play alone.



But, if what you are saying is you are somehow putting honor above dollars and you don't want to book any more safaris for me then so be it, I can shop elsewhere.

Like I said Mark....your post took nads. I figured Andy would take your advice like he did and do exactly as I expected.

Kinda reminds me of a 9 year old saying, "I'll take my ball and go home." CRYBABY

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Picture of Charles_Helm
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Originally posted by adrook:
I've had enough of this thread now. So long.

But I thought you started the thread to get people stirred up? Confused
Posts: 8773 | Location: Republic of Texas | Registered: 24 April 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Charles_Helm:
Originally posted by adrook:
I've had enough of this thread now. So long.

But I thought you started the thread to get people stirred up? Confused


I just get sick of the self-righteous keyboard commandos on here and their slobbering over CB, PHC, Cindy Garrison, etc. Hypocrites. It's okay to bash some (Mark Sullivan is a good example, Tred Barta is another) but not others.

And you know what? Both Mark Sullivan and Tred Barta are more entertaining than watching that boring damn Craig Boddington drone on or PHC stumbling around half-crocked wearing that ridiculous beret and monocle.

So I think that CB is a twit and PHC is a fraud and Mark A. Keefe IV is a know nothing? My opinion. I also believe that there is no such thing as a hunting accident, only fuckups that get people hurt and killed. I would rather take my chances with a leopard than a centerfire rifle bullet from an over-excited client.

The following I think are fine writers, too bad we don't have more like them.

Finn Aagard
Jim Carmichael
Jack Lott
Art Alphin
Ross Seyfried
Layne Simpson
Garry James
John Taffin
Elgin Gates
Jack O'Connor
Elmer Keith
Townsend Whelen
Posts: 3071 | Registered: 29 October 2005Reply With Quote
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I note that adrook has a little "Free 500 Grains" happy face at the bottom of his posts. I have a suggestion I think might make everyone happy, an exchange. Bring back 500 grains, ban adrook. adrook gets something he wants and a lot of people on AR get something that will improve the quality of posts and the general level of civility. Just a thought, but a pleasant one.
Posts: 763 | Location: Montana | Registered: 28 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by HunterMontana:
I note that adrook has a little "Free 500 Grains" happy face at the bottom of his posts. I have a suggestion I think might make everyone happy, an exchange. Bring back 500 grains, ban adrook. adrook gets something he wants and a lot of people on AR get something that will improve the quality of posts and the general level of civility. Just a thought, but a pleasant one.

Why, because you disagree with me? I can promise you that Dan shares my views on Boddington.
Posts: 3071 | Registered: 29 October 2005Reply With Quote
Picture of Whitworth
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Originally posted by Dave Fulson:
As for me, I would vote for that handsome devil Dave Fulson!
If he didn't have so much class he would probably say something crass like "Read a little closer dumbass, I'm not simply a cameraman for CTB, I own the fucking company that produces all the stuff you hate so much "

LOL! Thanks for posting this response! thumb

"Ignorance you can correct, you can't fix stupid." JWP

If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming.

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Originally posted by shakari:
Before anyone asks:


Gives a whole new meaning to being in the bush too long.


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Originally posted by Saeed:
You can worship anyone you bloody well like, don't expect me to do that to any human being, thank you.

Yeah, me, too.

I enjoyed Boddington's buff book. I read it, followed it, and got a one-shotter on my very first buff hunt.

I don't worship any man, and I don't kiss anyone's ass, no matter how much money he has or how good looking his wife is or if he drives a Ferrari. That way, I sleep well at night.
Posts: 11729 | Location: Florida | Registered: 25 October 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of KPete
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Originally posted by daniel77:
I strongly suspect you'd not come close to having the balls to have this kind of mouth if you weren't safely behind your computer screen. I strongly suspect I'm not alone in that assessment.

Theodore Roosevelt once wrote:

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”

Far from being marred by dust or sweat or blood, I would wager that Adrook is a man who has never had the courage to even enter the arena. And, with this failure staring back at him each and every morning, he compensates by attacking those who have achieved what he can only imagine. It's actually sad - and somewhat embarrassing - to see such a public display of immense personal inadequacy.


Merkel Double .470 NE
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Picture of Scott King
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Originally posted by adrook:

As long as I have the dollars I am willing to bet there will be more than enough folks willing to sell safaris.

What a lovely defining virtue. "I've got money to spend so folks gotta put up with me no matter how low I stoop."

Too true! I'm certainly one of those vendors that has a price for nearly everything to everyone. Adrook I'd do business with you anytime. FYI, I am a small construction contractor, and if I can ever provide for you a $100k kitchen sink, $100 million 10sf cabin, a $500 million front door replacement or a $10 billion bathroom remodel please let me know.

Nothing personal, but to contract with you it would have to be a 100% due cash in advance. Just business.
Posts: 9439 | Location: Dillingham Alaska | Registered: 10 April 2006Reply With Quote
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If I'm gonna worship a human, it's gonna be Charlize Theron or Monica Bellucci...

"If you’re innocent why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”- Donald Trump
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Picture of MikeBurke
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Originally posted by Jefffive:
If I'm gonna worship a human, it's gonna be Charlize Theron or Monica Bellucci...

How about Cindy? sofa
Posts: 2953 | Registered: 26 March 2008Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Mike70560:
Originally posted by Jefffive:
If I'm gonna worship a human, it's gonna be Charlize Theron or Monica Bellucci...

How about Cindy? sofa

Cindy is not entirely without scenic merit, but Charlize and Monica are in a whole 'nuther league Eeker

"If you’re innocent why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”- Donald Trump
Posts: 10445 | Location: Tennessee | Registered: 09 December 2007Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Scott King:
Originally posted by adrook:

As long as I have the dollars I am willing to bet there will be more than enough folks willing to sell safaris.

What a lovely defining virtue. "I've got money to spend so folks gotta put up with me no matter how low I stoop."

Too true! I'm certainly one of those vendors that has a price for nearly everything to everyone. Adrook I'd do business with you anytime. FYI, I am a small construction contractor, and if I can ever provide for you a $100k kitchen sink, $100 million 10sf cabin, a $500 million front door replacement or a $10 billion bathroom remodel please let me know.

Nothing personal, but to contract with you it would have to be a 100% due cash in advance. Just business.

Coretta Scott King weighs in.
Posts: 3071 | Registered: 29 October 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Mike70560:
Originally posted by Jefffive:
If I'm gonna worship a human, it's gonna be Charlize Theron or Monica Bellucci...

How about Cindy? sofa

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"If you’re innocent why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?”- Donald Trump
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At age sixty (in September) I'm probably too old to start kissing anyone's ass. Craig is absolutely the best of the current group of outdoor writers, and a genuinely pleasant human being to boot.

Buff Killer
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Picture of Scott King
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Originally posted by adrook:

Coretta Scott King weighs in.

'Rook Baby! I'm you're man!

Say Bro' if you don't end up doing any more business with Mark, call me! For you any you only I'll become a booking agent! You can have me exclusively. Oh what the heck, 500g too.

For the two of you only our little exclusive deal will be a retainer of $500g annually, ( just business of course but that will be cash in advance as I mentioned before,) and 75% of the daily rates per safari with the sticky part being you two will have to come up with that fee, it can't come off the Safari operators fee.

Let me know my man, I can't wait to do business with you!
Posts: 9439 | Location: Dillingham Alaska | Registered: 10 April 2006Reply With Quote
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Some of the comments here may be facetious. I wouldn't recommend accepting them blindly without advice.
Posts: 10328 | Location: Houston, Texas | Registered: 26 December 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of Scott King
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Originally posted by lavaca:

Some of the comments here may be facetious. I wouldn't recommend accepting them blindly without advice.


Hey, Mark will vouch for my omnicient experience. Uhhhhh,.....scratch Mark.

Ok feel free to contact any of my satisfied Dillingham customers.......Eeeewwww,.......never mind them either.

Hey! just take my word for it! 'Rook, I'm you're Main Man!

Uh, you're not going to call unless you've got the money in hand right?
Posts: 9439 | Location: Dillingham Alaska | Registered: 10 April 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of BrettAKSCI
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Originally posted by daniel77:
You would be the one responding, so obviously you do. I strongly suspect you'd not come close to having the balls to have this kind of mouth if you weren't safely behind your computer screen. I strongly suspect I'm not alone in that assessment.



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Rhyme of the Sheep Hunter
May fordings never be too deep, And alders not too thick; May rock slides never be too steep And ridges not too slick.
And may your bullets shoot as swell As Fred Bear's arrow's flew; And may your nose work just as well As Jack O'Connor's too.
May winds be never at your tail When stalking down the steep; May bears be never on your trail When packing out your sheep.
May the hundred pounds upon you Not make you break or trip; And may the plane in which you flew Await you at the strip.
-Seth Peterson
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Adrook we will be in booth # 511 at the SCI show please come and see us so we can kick your unrespectfull ass!!! It is very easy to give your unwanted remarks if you have not been in the situation, i guess the most dangerous thing you have hunt was a Buff on a game ranch in South Africa... You do not know shit so keep your fucking mouth shut or come by my booth sowe can shut you up!!! Saeed please ban this Democrate from this site!!!!
Posts: 63 | Registered: 13 February 2009Reply With Quote
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Sounds like this man has a hatred inside him thats eating its way out.
Posts: 4558 | Location: South Island NZ | Registered: 21 July 2008Reply With Quote
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Jeffive, Please put me first in line to kiss Charlize and Monica's asses. dancing
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Picture of BNagel
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Question : "Which Gunwriter/Hunting Writer's Ass is Most Worthy of Kissing?"

Sounds like you better get a start on all of 'em. (Don't fret, you're ignored.)


Posts: 4882 | Location: Bryan, Texas | Registered: 12 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Mine! Get out your chapstick Adrook! Oh yeah and I can turn around real fast. Eeker

Happiness is a warm gun
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Originally posted by James Cardwell:
Jeffive, Please put me first in line to kiss Charlize and Monica's asses. dancing

Walter has invited both of them to go on safari with us!

He said "Saeed, you go chase your buffalo, I am going to stay in camp and entertain our guests!"
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And we thought Ol'Carmelo was bad.... Big Grin

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Picture of BrettAKSCI
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I shall stop feeding the troll for good. I invite you all to add Adrook to your ignore list. Good day and good bye!


Life Member SCI
Life Member NRA
Life Member WSF

Rhyme of the Sheep Hunter
May fordings never be too deep, And alders not too thick; May rock slides never be too steep And ridges not too slick.
And may your bullets shoot as swell As Fred Bear's arrow's flew; And may your nose work just as well As Jack O'Connor's too.
May winds be never at your tail When stalking down the steep; May bears be never on your trail When packing out your sheep.
May the hundred pounds upon you Not make you break or trip; And may the plane in which you flew Await you at the strip.
-Seth Peterson
Posts: 4551 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 21 February 2008Reply With Quote
pissers on adrok and his bsflag donttroll
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Walter is a true gentleman! How nice of him to sacrifice himself so you can hunt. LOL
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You are a gentleman and I humbly request that you ban Adrook. The type of stuff he posts on here adds nothing but acrimony to an otherwise informative, fun, sometimes BS loaded site but one we all love.



Rose lipped maidens--light foot lads!!!
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