Need recommendation for shot dispenser

Picture of Mark
Greetings all,

I'm trying to help my brother out, who needs a metering dispenser for some plastic BB sized round pellets. He wants something to dispense 50 at a time, the little balls seem to range from .013 to .017. I tried a Uniflow and it was not consistent enough, but the things metered well through a lee shotshell reloader. I only load for slugs and I can't seem to find just a shot dispenser without everything else attached to it.

Anyone have ideas or suggestions?



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Posts: 7789 | Location: Between 2 rivers, Middle USA | Registered: 19 August 2000Reply With Quote
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Try the Adjustable Shot Dipper, available at Simple to use, inexpensive and a worthwhile addition to any shotshell loading eguipment, especially for load development at the range, I think.
Posts: 195 | Location: Thessaloniki, GREECE | Registered: 31 January 2006Reply With Quote

Picture of Mark
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How is Thessaloniki today? A very close friend of ours was born and raised there.

A dipper will not work, these pellets have to be put into a small zip lock bag, and they need about 35,000 bags filled! A shot dispenser with a spout would be ideal, just put the bag over the spout, move the lever, and get the next bag.

for every hour in front of the computer you should have 3 hours outside
Posts: 7789 | Location: Between 2 rivers, Middle USA | Registered: 19 August 2000Reply With Quote
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For these quantities, I think that a Lee shotshell press is the ideal solution. In my Load-All II, I use both hoppers for metering lead shot. Broke one finger of each baffle and use a combination of both powder and shot bushings to drop the exact amount of shot I want. Quick and accurate. I do not measure powder. I weight each powder charge every time.
Weather is wonderful here, although hunting season is closed. I'm looking to find some wheel weights to make Lee slugs for some practice. I've found a really accurate load for the Lee 1oz. slug for smoothbores. Until the sabot mold is ready for a slug I designed, I will have some fun with the Lee slugs.
Posts: 195 | Location: Thessaloniki, GREECE | Registered: 31 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of johnch
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2 choices .
I use these for counting out pellets for goose loads .

Depending on the pellet size either a large or small primer tray .
Both hold 100 so tape off 1/2 .
A pistol or rifle throws them away

If the pellets are to big for the large rifle/pistol tray use a 209 shotgun primer tray .


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Picture of Dutch
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Wouldn't a simple RCBS powder dispenser work? Seems like a no brainer? JMO, Dutch.

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