I personally knew the gentleman, Roger Billings, who developed a hydrogen engine for vehicles way back in the early 70's. He attended and graduated from BYU in engineering. Early on, he and I participated together in Scouting (Order of The Arrow) activities on a regular basis. He developed a prototype vehicle with a hydrogen engine in it that he drove around Provo City. There were a number of local news articles about his hydrogen engine invention. It produced pure water as its byproduct. His patent on the hydrogen engine was, of course, immediately bought up by the big automakers and shelved in favor of gas powered engines and big oil. Had we had that engine in mass production at that time and through today, EVs wouldn't even have been considered. While we're at it, I was also friends with the grandson of genius Philo T. Farnsworth and I met Mr. Farnsworth on a number of occasions. Mr. Farnsworth had a home in West Orem (Utah). He is credited with having developed the television, although like everything else, there are others who would debate the issue and claim the credit.
I wouldn’t hold my breath for hydrogen cars. I got interested in hydrogen fuel cells in the 90’s. I learned a couple of things about hydrogen at that time. It takes more energy to make the hydrogen than it produces. IIRC it was a 20% loss. Storage is also a huge problem because the hydrogen molecules are so small it’s almost impossible to make a leak proof tank. Sold my investments in the fuel cells and never looked back.