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remington VTR problem
new member
I just got a new VTR and am having difficulty. When you chamber a round and try to rotate the bolt down it is DIFFICULT. I looked at the cases and there is a shaved spot on the brass where the extractor goes over the rim. THere is also a scuff mark made where the bolt edge rubs right next to the ejector button. It is actually shaving a small sliver off the cartridge rim with the extractor, AND the bolt is acting like sand paper right next to the ejector button(bright brass color where it is rubbing the brass). This is new factory federal Varmint bulk ammo loaded in LC brass. I am FRUSTRATED with this happening with a brand new rifle!!!! What should I do.

Posts: 79 | Registered: 13 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Westpac
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First thing I would recommend before placing the blame on the rifle is to make sure your brass is within spec. Many times new brass is out of whack. I don't rule out problems with the rifle, but in instances such as this, I always check the ammunition first. Check the brass by itself also to rule out any potential problems caused by too long of a seating depth.

Folks who handload ought to have an accurate case gauge to check new brass against before loading it. If they did, that would solve a lot of little problems like this. If the ammo is within spec, then I would have a gunsmith check for sharp edges that could shave brass and he can check to make sure the headspace isn't too tight.

This is my rifle, there are many like it but this one is mine. My rifle is my best friend, it is my life.
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Picture of cummins cowboy
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do what malm is saying, check a few different types of brass, so you can rule out any type of brass issues, Remington kinda throws guns together, I still buy them because they are the small block chevy of rifles, but that doesn't mean they don't need a bit of messaging, I really like the new triggers though, if a mechanical problem is found perhaps you could exchange the gun where you bought it, a good dealer should do this if a mechanical problem pops up early on.

in times when one needs a rifle, he tends to need it very badly.....PHC
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I tried other is STILL hard to close the bolt. Still shaving the rim on the extractor side and rubbing next to the ejector button?????????

Posts: 79 | Registered: 13 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Westpac
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Originally posted by 224TTH:
I tried other is STILL hard to close the bolt. Still shaving the rim on the extractor side and rubbing next to the ejector button?????????


I had a friend purchase a Remington 710 from WalMart, against my advice, to give to his son for his first gun. Yeah right, his first and last! Big Grin Turning the kid into a conscientious objector!

Well, as luck would have it, it was phuqued up right out of the gate. He wanted me to straighten it out but I told him NO! I wasn't about to have that POS hovering in the corner scaring the crap out of good guns. No sir. I made him ship it to the warranty center in California. He got it back within 10 days, fixed. Well as fixed as a Remington 710 can be without needing an ambulance. Big Grin

Send your rifle to the waranty center and let them square it away for you. I believe they even paid for his initial shipping.

This is my rifle, there are many like it but this one is mine. My rifle is my best friend, it is my life.
Posts: 3171 | Location: SLC, Utah | Registered: 23 February 2007Reply With Quote
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ok...this REALLY REALLY gets me cranked up.....a new gun with problems....a high dollar gun (relativly speaking) of course....

Also have another issue....we kinda broke off the tip of an allen wrench in the sear engagement screw on the trigger using a cheap allen head bit in a screwdriver while adjusting the trigger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what type of problem could that cause in the warrenty department???? This is very embarrising by the way!

Posts: 79 | Registered: 13 May 2003Reply With Quote
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The new X-Mark Pro triggers sear screw is epoxied in place to "slow down" the casual adjusterer of triggers, maybe they won't see it.

They are advertised as 100% gunsmith adjustable for weight of pull only. No mention of sear. Where you probably didn't actual turn the screw and change the setting, they may not say anything. They may not even see it. Or, they may. Factory triggers that are out of spec are repaired at the owners expense prior to any other work. Attempting to perform something on a factory gun that is againt company policy could void the warranty.

This is my rifle, there are many like it but this one is mine. My rifle is my best friend, it is my life.
Posts: 3171 | Location: SLC, Utah | Registered: 23 February 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of cummins cowboy
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Originally posted by Westpac:
Originally posted by 224TTH:
I tried other is STILL hard to close the bolt. Still shaving the rim on the extractor side and rubbing next to the ejector button?????????


I had a friend purchase a Remington 710 from WalMart, against my advice, to give to his son for his first gun. Yeah right, his first and last! Big Grin Turning the kid into a conscientious objector!

Well, as luck would have it, it was phuqued up right out of the gate. He wanted me to straighten it out but I told him NO! I wasn't about to have that POS hovering in the corner scaring the crap out of good guns. No sir. I made him ship it to the warranty center in California. He got it back within 10 days, fixed. Well as fixed as a Remington 710 can be without needing an ambulance. Big Grin

Send your rifle to the waranty center and let them square it away for you. I believe they even paid for his initial shipping.

I guess the saying why polish a terd applies, when it comes to 710's

in times when one needs a rifle, he tends to need it very badly.....PHC
Posts: 1755 | Location: slc Ut | Registered: 22 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Big Bore Boar Hunter
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Sounds like you may be having to little headspace. Check to make sure the chamber is clean and doesn't have any styrofoam or goobers in it. If that doesn't solve the problem, send it back for repair.

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