We are making bottom metal, shown here attached to a CZ 22. The one attached has been cleaned up a bit, but to keep costs reasonable, we will deliver as shown in the lower example, i.e. fresh out of the mill!
The areas in red will have to be filed to fit..should take no more than three minutes. Of course, the "cheeks can be modified to suit or even elimilnated. Any reshaping to the guard is left to the builder's imagination.
We made no effort to accomodate the original trigger lever shape..it's damn ugly , but again, use your imagination.
These are no piece of cake to make up..takes about 4 1/2 lbs of 1018 to end up with a 4.2 oz product.
Cost is $175.00
Posts: 2221 | Location: Tacoma, WA | Registered: 31 October 2003
In the spirit of "something different", we offer a couple styles of floorplate. Shown here is the "pocket style", which gives an additional .140" magazine depth and the "Rigby style" which gives a total of .440" additional depth.
The example is our 5W model which is for the long magnum pre 64. The unit does not require an additional front guard screw hole to be drilled and tapped in the receiver.
These are extra cost options. The pocket style adds $125.00, the Rigby $175.00
Posts: 2221 | Location: Tacoma, WA | Registered: 31 October 2003
Here is our 4W copnfiguration (post 64 M-70) in 303 stainless with pocket floorplate. The pocket is .140" deep. Price $565.00
All of these new products were made in small quantities to check out public reaction. If ordered, they may not be in inventory at this time. Should there be a reasonable demand, we'll start production in February
Posts: 2221 | Location: Tacoma, WA | Registered: 31 October 2003
amazing -- just amazing .. let me get my 30 mauser destroyer out and see what it measure up to .. can you give me a rough idea of the length and C to C length between the screw holes on the cz 22 piece??
Duane, What is the inside box length on the Mini Mauser? The original box is a little too short to seat the 204 Ruger 40 grs without seating deep into the case.
Posts: 965 | Location: Texas | Registered: 19 May 2004
How about something like the CZ 22 above but without the action screw holes drilled, the front and rear tang left extra long, and the magazine opening not cut. Could be finished out to work on many different .22 rifles. 52 winchesters, Kimbers, Rem 37, etc. Or could be used for blind magazine centerfire rifles. Would not be a drop in affair, but a heck of a lot easier than starting with a chunk of steel.
Posts: 584 | Location: illinois | Registered: 03 April 2003