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Moderators: jeffeosso
Censorship on HuntAmerica
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Picture of scw
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Well, here I am checking in. Weird stuff going on over there.

Lots of familiar names over here. I wish everybody that used two different names would put them both up for a while so we can see who we know [Big Grin]
Posts: 281 | Location: Utah | Registered: 24 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Idared
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I don't feel so bad now for being banned as "trash" while other got at least a two word banning reason


I too, have to wonder at what is going on over there right now. I got banned for "Dumb remarks" and am wondering what is so intelligent about what is being posted in some threads over there now. I also said something about Pam Anderson, saying that probably Demi was actually the one there as she lived just north of Jack in Idaho. At the time I didn't feel it was any dumber remark than he was making but I guess he didn't like me slighting his "Blonde bombshell". Oh well, I do not regret trying to get him to back up his statements with facts and if that is what he got so mad at me for so be it. I also do not care to see people take cheap shots at others for no reason. Also if asking why he banned a friend upset him so be it also. One wonders sometimes how many real friends he has. [Confused]

As for talking with him as one person advocates, I feel that is a waste of time. He has shown over and over again how he thinks and acts. In all the time I spent on HA I don't remember him meeting one thing head on that people were upset over. He will no doubt lay low until this cools down and then regroup and go from there. He may have to mend a few fences when his server rent comes up again, but he usually manages to get enough donations so this year may be no different than others. Far be it from me to worry about. [Razz]

There is snow starting to show in the "High country" around here and that is far more enticing than arguing with a person who changes his mind weekly. [Smile]

I also do not think it would be fair to just boycott his sponsors but better to let them know the type of individual they are dealing with. Some are nice folks including the smith you were refering to on your way to Bozeman. Have a great fall hunting and may the hunting gods favor you. [Wink]
Posts: 845 | Location: Central Washington State | Registered: 12 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of dempsey
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So far just a dusting of snow here in the high country. I hope we get a cold snap and some moisture before opening day. I finally have my 8rem mag up and running and hope to break it in proper this fall.

I have backed off my earlier boycott thought, as Customstox pointed out Swamp will sink by his own doing unless there is a major change. I'm not at all disapointed in getting the boot just surprised it was what I posted that did it. I've had a more argumentative experience with him in the political room and nothing came of it. Of course this time he truely was a Army of One. All thats left is to sit back and watch the developents and start a legal defense fund for Howard [Smile]
Posts: 6205 | Location: Cascade, MT | Registered: 12 February 2002Reply With Quote
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Long ago, I did an initial post on HA about the Pinetree process to make an action. Later, I went back to register, but when reading the rules decided not to bother, as the required advertizing gimmick struck me wrong.

Beyond all that, AR and 24hr Campfire had better discussions.

However, the MRC bashing thread on HA I missed. Has it been deleted?
Posts: 108 | Location: Star Meadow, Montana | Registered: 30 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of John Y Cannuck
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Don't kid yourselves guys, Swamp reads, and sometimes posts here. I knew which board I was posting on.

By the way, as of this AM, I'm not banned yet. [Big Grin]
Posts: 872 | Location: Lindsay Ontario Canada | Registered: 14 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Longbob
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Swamp finally crawled out of his hole and got busy. At least I wasn't the last one banned. Whew! [Big Grin]
Posts: 3512 | Location: Denton, TX | Registered: 01 June 2001Reply With Quote
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Yeah Longbob, I got banned too! Can't say I didn't expect him to do it.

Looks like JimmyD223 gets to pay the $100 prize. [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]

Posts: 55 | Location: Corunna, MI, USA | Registered: 21 July 2000Reply With Quote
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Picture of alvinmack
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For awhile I was really starting to feel lonely [Confused] because I hadn't been banned thus far. But now I'm starting to feel like one of the guys as I am banned from posting.

On another note have any you gentleman ever had any success with Viagra? I think I need some.

Posts: 448 | Location: Lino Lakes, MN | Registered: 08 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by alvinmack:
On another note have any you gentleman ever had any success with Viagra? I think I need some.


You and Swamp fighting over the goat again?
Posts: 2339 | Location: Moses Lake WA | Registered: 17 October 2000Reply With Quote
<Savage 99>
I know someone who called one of HA's advertisers today and had a long talk with the owner. The person who called talks to business owners everyday and all things were discussed.

From what I understand the other shoe will drop very soon.
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"...You and Swamp fighting over the goat again?..."

They can fight as much as they like, the goat is MINE! And anyone who wants it will have to fight ME [Big Grin]

This is not a joke, both Walter and me love goats.
Posts: 68676 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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Picture of dempsey
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After some thought and reading thru some of Swamps posts, I've come to the conclusion he's basically miserable with his lot in life and as is so often the case misery likes company. I think he has a lot at stake in trying to turn a good profit with HA and is his own worse enemy in trying to do so. His piling on thread with JBelk could have been anybody who he felt used his site for soliciting business. It was no accident that after deleting the threads that brang this all about, he left the circus threads that followed. Anybody coming in at that point would come to the conclusion that Swamp was correct in his banning. He simply doesn't have the balls to let his own actions be left for all to judge. He eliminated those threads to cover his own tracks and banned the posters that were persistent in calling him to the carpet. I hope he does loose advertisers, I will take satisfaction in his failure and know full well feeling that way isn't a character plus. But he has it coming and will reap what he's sown with attempts to tear down the reputations of others. I only visited the gunsmithing room for the most part, and mostly to learn some things I simply couldn't find on other sites. All of those people to a man post here and I will feel no loss in not have posting privledges at HA.
Posts: 6205 | Location: Cascade, MT | Registered: 12 February 2002Reply With Quote
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Saeed, have you ever heard of people using goats as pack animals? From what I hear they can't be beat in the mountains.

Plus if you get snowed in you can eat them! [Big Grin]
Posts: 2339 | Location: Moses Lake WA | Registered: 17 October 2000Reply With Quote
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Dempsey, I think your last post was the best description yet of Swamp's actions over the last while.
Posts: 2339 | Location: Moses Lake WA | Registered: 17 October 2000Reply With Quote
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You and Walter love goats? How do you like them, rare or well done? [Big Grin]
Posts: 4917 | Location: Wenatchee, WA, USA | Registered: 17 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Walter likes them rare, and I like them well done.

We do have BBQs here by our pool regularly. In fact, one is planned for next week.

I make my own sauce to eat meat with. It is Tabasco, soy sauce and lime or lemon juice.
Posts: 68676 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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That sauce sounds delicious. I've been to a few weddings in Indonesia where goat was the main fare. I ended up liking it a lot. Haven't had any for a few years though.

[ 10-19-2003, 16:29: Message edited by: Stu C ]
Posts: 1210 | Location: Zurich | Registered: 02 January 2002Reply With Quote
perhaps we should try some goat JERKY???
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I've been told that goat is excellent, but haven't had the chance to try it. I will have to do so in the future.

As far as swamp, and my last post on this topic, here is an email I sent him two days ago. Still no response from him. Anybody surprised? [Roll Eyes]


I really appreciate the ban you've placed on me from posting. The fact
that you were argumentative in several posts (since deleted) and refused
to directly answer a question grew tiresome. In my time on HA, I have
done my best to help folks out, especially those less knowledgable on a
specific topic. Look back on my posts and tell me I'm wrong. I even
gave you information on where to find high cap mags for your AR15. But
things have gotten out of hand lately, and you have been the instigator
in several (not all) of these situations. My problem is that the moment
you were cornered, and had no knowledgeable or factual reply, you not
only edited posts, you banned posters. The sad thing is you banned many
excellent folks from the site. Grandview? Idared? They have always
been moderates, and have been banned. Perhaps some of Howards (or my
own) comments went over the top (for YOU), yet I view them as simple
replies to equally outrageous claims.I always enjoyed HA, and have many
cyber friends from there. I hope you do a little reflection on your
involvement before you ban too many more posters in the future.
Continuing to dismiss those with counter thoughts to your own will
continue to cause HA to go down hill....if you don't believe me, track
your post counts from a year ago to now. It used to take me two hours a
night to catch up on 3-4 forums. Lately, I was visiting 8 or 9 and
could catch up in well under an hour. You get the point. Continuing to
be combative and resist counter viewpoints to your own will continue to
cause a decline in HA participation/membership. If you value the board
as much as you claim, you should give that some serious contemplation.

Have a nice day.

Joe Kelpinski
aka "jfk"

Oh well, I doubt I'll hear back from him.

Posts: 55 | Location: Corunna, MI, USA | Registered: 21 July 2000Reply With Quote
<Bill T>
posted went thru a big "banning session" a couple of years ago, and look where they are now. I can understand if it's for offensive foul language, but for difference of opinion?? Bill T.
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<Bill T>

That is one BEAUTIFUL dog you have there!! Bill T.
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Bill T.
Thank you, he is a lot of fun. He actually pointed some quail this morning. He took me on a hike/hunt. Guess who ended up carrying the really tired party back up the hill. He is a real joy.
Posts: 4917 | Location: Wenatchee, WA, USA | Registered: 17 December 2001Reply With Quote
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My wife was just looking over my shoulder when I scrolled down to your new pup. She said "That dog needs a kiss RIGHT ON THE NOSE".

So give him one for my wife, would ya? [Smile]
Posts: 2629 | Registered: 21 May 2002Reply With Quote
Originally posted by Saeed:

"...You and Swamp fighting over the goat again?..."

They can fight as much as they like, the goat is MINE! And anyone who wants it will have to fight ME [Big Grin]

This is not a joke, both Walter and me love goats.

Kinky, you sure this belongs in the gunsmith forum? [Big Grin]
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I don't know what you do with goats, but we like to EAT them [Big Grin]
Posts: 68676 | Location: Dubai, UAE | Registered: 08 January 1998Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Paul H:

I would like to say thanks again to Saeed for providing AR at great expense to himself for all of us to enjoy.

Very true Paul,

While arguments do get heated (I've been avoiding the political forums because of this) there is no censorship at AR and it is a great gift from our host to everyone of us.

Thank You Saeed!

PS I've made some very good friends here and that is the icing on the cake!
Posts: 2717 | Location: Houston, TX | Registered: 23 May 2002Reply With Quote
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This is a well behaved and good mannered group. Most of the time. [Wink] [Smile] [Big Grin]
Posts: 200 | Location: Tin Top .Texas | Registered: 21 August 2001Reply With Quote
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Please tell me you're not bringing a goat to Idaho? The "they make great pack animals" story aint gonna fly.

I love Duff. I had a tri-color setter who was a sweetheart. I had to put Maggie down last year. My new baby is a tr-color French Brit, Criquitte. I'm too old to chase a young setter anymore <lol>. They are great dogs.

Posts: 784 | Location: Michigan | Registered: 18 December 2000Reply With Quote
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The reason I was up this morning at 5:30 posting on here is because Duff decided that it was time to get up and play.

BTW, you guys keep the goat quiet in your tent this year. [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posts: 4917 | Location: Wenatchee, WA, USA | Registered: 17 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Saeed next year you are welcome to hunt with us. Just bring some goat.
Posts: 2339 | Location: Moses Lake WA | Registered: 17 October 2000Reply With Quote
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Mmmmmm! Curried goat! Yum. - Dan
Posts: 5285 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 05 October 2001Reply With Quote
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