Thinkin' about one in 357 Mag. Is rechambering to the mag version an option? There's quite a bit of difference in pressure between the rounds. Also, does the mag round require its own dies or can it be loaded using 38/357 dies?
Posts: 8169 | Location: humboldt | Registered: 10 April 2002
Why not just get it in maximum to begin with? I have one chambered for it, a bit heavy but shoots everything from 38 spl up nicely. 200 grn bullets at 2000 fps out of that little case impresses me!
Originally posted by theback40: Why not just get it in maximum to begin with? I have one chambered for it, a bit heavy but shoots everything from 38 spl up nicely. 200 grn bullets at 2000 fps out of that little case impresses me!
Because they aren't currently producing them chambered for the 357 Max.
Posts: 8169 | Location: humboldt | Registered: 10 April 2002
Craigster that is a very simple rechamber to do. you can rent a 357 Max reamer from these folks. you can do it by hand on a Handi IF you are very careful.
Doug Humbarger NRA Life member Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club 72'73. Yankee Station
Try to look unimportant. Your enemy might be low on ammo.
Posts: 8354 | Location: Jennings Louisiana, Arkansas by way of Alabama by way of South Carloina by way of County Antrim Irland by way of Lanarkshire Scotland. | Registered: 02 November 2001
Originally posted by craigster: Thinkin' about one in 357 Mag. Is rechambering to the mag version an option? There's quite a bit of difference in pressure between the rounds.
NEF used the same barrel (twist and contour) for the .357 Mag and .357 Max. My .357 NEF barrel is the heaviest of all the NEF barrels I have (really beefy). For some reason, NEF didn't taper the .357 Mag/Max barrels as much as their rifle caliber barrels. My .357 Mag is .75" at the muzzle my .308 Win. is .65" at the muzzle.
Originally posted by craigster: Also, does the mag round require its own dies or can it be loaded using 38/357 dies?
.357 Mag. dies will work for the .357 Max.
I've been contemplating reaming my .357 Mag to .357 Max. But I don't really see much advantage to it for my purposes.
wrong twist .. would be an abysimal disappointment to only be able to shoot pistol bullets.. 1:16 is fast for a 357.. wouldn't stablize 220 or 250gr bullets as a 358 win
Originally posted by jeffeosso: wrong twist .. would be an abysimal disappointment to only be able to shoot pistol bullets.. 1:16 is fast for a 357.. wouldn't stablize 220 or 250gr bullets as a 358 win
I agree. Ruger used a 1:16" twist at one time in .358 Win. Probably ok for short stubby bullets. But 1:12 to 1:14" is the standard for that cartridge.