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Accuracy prospects - Mauser 98 - commercial vs military sporter
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Picture of Kabluewy
I would like an educated guess, or better actual knowledge, of whether I can expect better accuracy from a commercial Mauser 98 action, such as the FN, compared to a sporterized military action. Assume all things other than the action is the same. You know - quality and specs of the barrel, stock, trigger, etc. I just don't have enough experience with enough variety of 98 actions to venture an opinion on the subject. I do know that I've got/had some FN commercial actions/rifles that are/were very acceptable in accuracy - for hunting. The one military 98 that is shooting is a bit finiky, but of course the reason is elusive.

I suspect, in theory, the commercial should be more accurate, but I want to have more info than theory.




Posts: 12818 | Registered: 16 February 2006Reply With Quote
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The mechanics of accuracy depends on more than the receiver. It depends a lot on how straight and concentric everything is to the center line of the bore and how well it is supported. Therefore it depends on the quality of the person doing the work as much as anything.

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Westpac, by supported, am I correct in understanding that means bedding in the stock?



Posts: 12818 | Registered: 16 February 2006Reply With Quote
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I have had the experience of before & after once on a trued and tweeked factory rifle, and several times on simply glass bedding a factory rifle.

Once, several years ago, a friend who had patience and skill, took a short action stainless Ruger, in 308, and trued it, lapped the lugs, set the barrel back, recut the threads and chamber. As I remember, he said he used a palma reamer, whatever that means. He was used to working with Remingtons, and he bitched a lot about that damn Ruger, but he did it anyway. His work cut the groups in half or better. The accuracy improvment was very noticable. I later needed some cash and sold that rifle, but that is perhaps the main one that I wish I had kept.

I have also seen significant accuracy improvement from a good glass bedding job. I mean from unacceptable to very respectable accuracy.

So, Westpac, I know what you mean in general.

I would still like to read more comments on the initial question.




Posts: 12818 | Registered: 16 February 2006Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Kabluewy:
I would like an educated guess, or better actual knowledge, of whether I can expect better accuracy from a commercial Mauser 98 action, such as the FN, compared to a sporterized military action. Assume all things other than the action is the same. You know - quality and specs of the barrel, stock, trigger, etc. I just don't have enough experience with enough variety of 98 actions to venture an opinion on the subject. I do know that I've got/had some FN commercial actions/rifles that are/were very acceptable in accuracy - for hunting. The one military 98 that is shooting is a bit finiky, but of course the reason is elusive.

I suspect, in theory, the commercial should be more accurate, but I want to have more info than theory.



Yes, the commercial action with its solid left rail will be more accurate that the Military action with the thumb slot in the left rail, in theory. Outside of the thumb slot, I doubt there is any difference.

The commercial action, being stiffer, should also be less affected by imperfect bedding.

But I have owned rifles built on military actions that were more accurate than anyone wound need in the field.


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Hunting in Africa is an adventure. The number of variables involved preclude the possibility of a perfect hunt. Some problems will arise. How you decide to handle them will determine how much you enjoy your hunt.

Just tell yourself, "it's all part of the adventure." Remember, if Robert Ruark had gotten upset every time problems with Harry
Selby's flat bed truck delayed the safari, Horn of the Hunter would have read like an indictment of Selby. But Ruark rolled with the punches, poured some gin, and enjoyed the adventure.

-Jason Brown
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Originally posted by JBrown:
Originally posted by Kabluewy:
I would like an educated guess, or better actual knowledge, of whether I can expect better accuracy from a commercial Mauser 98 action, such as the FN, compared to a sporterized military action. Assume all things other than the action is the same. You know - quality and specs of the barrel, stock, trigger, etc. I just don't have enough experience with enough variety of 98 actions to venture an opinion on the subject. I do know that I've got/had some FN commercial actions/rifles that are/were very acceptable in accuracy - for hunting. The one military 98 that is shooting is a bit finiky, but of course the reason is elusive.

I suspect, in theory, the commercial should be more accurate, but I want to have more info than theory.



Yes, the commercial action with its solid left rail will be more accurate that the Military action with the thumb slot in the left rail, in theory. Outside of the thumb slot, I doubt there is any difference.

The commercial action, being stiffer, should also be less affected by imperfect bedding.

But I have owned rifles built on military actions that were more accurate than anyone wound need in the field.

The difference in rigidity between a commercial & military mauser is about the same as a noodle boiled for 8 minutes vs one boiled for 8.25 minutes.

I think Westpac about summed it up. I'll add this, the good milsurp actions tend to more true than most commercial actions thus negating any supposed stiffness benefit the commercials may have.

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Assume all things other than the action is the same. You know - quality and specs of the barrel, stock, trigger, etc. I

Commercial actions look nicer without the thumb slot, anything else is theory. There would be so little average difference I doubt anyone could project a statistical value. Maybe .1 MOA?
Posts: 1615 | Location: South Western North Carolina | Registered: 16 September 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of bartsche
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Originally posted by Westpac:
The mechanics of accuracy depends on more than the receiver. It depends a lot on how straight and concentric everything is to the center line of the bore and how well it is supported. Therefore it depends on the quality of the person doing the work as much as anything.

tu2X@ I have and have had a number of commercial Mausers. The same can be said of mlitary mausers X3 or 4.The best accuracy was with a McGowan 22-Varminter barreled military action that I just layed into an inletted Fajan stock.
I don't know if that answers your question but as to the action alone I'd flip a coin. beerroger

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Picture of ramrod340
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I've had accurate commercial and military actions. To me the barrel and bedding have far more to do with accuracy than the action. My gut says trying to TUNE a 98 style action you are going to spend a LOT of $$ and your gain is going to be VERY small if any. To me past Squaring the face and lapping the lugs you are are tossing good $$ after bad. The 98 style action makes a very accurate hunting rifle. If you want 600-1000yd target accuracy or benchrest accuracy start with a different action.

As usual just my $.02
Paul K
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i prefer commerical mausers for building my own guns ... that, and 3 bucks, might get you a coffee at starbucks ...
accuracy difference? i doubt it matters, as long as the milsurp aint 45 mauser

for $100-200 difference, I'll prefer to start with a known... .. and if you are going to grind off the hump, surface grind, and then think about sending off to heat treat .. well, i prefer markX actions, and paying less net ...

just me ..


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