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Stock Finishing - Tuning Card Scrapers
one of us
posted 02 April 2004 19:02

In previous articles, I described rehabbing older Bailey-pattern planes acquired from Ebay to replace all the family�s ancient wood planes�the ones I�m getting tired of inlaying mouths in every decade or so as they wear. I�ll rehab these oldies one more time and pass them on to my oldest boy who�s interested in luthier work�he�ll be the 5th generation of craftsman for some of these. I�ll describe resoling these woodies in another article, but as my card scrapers are essential tools for this work and mine all need a tune-up, I�ll walk you through that process today.

I pull the mahogany filing block out of the bin�any hardwood block the length of the file with a dead square rabbet to serve as a shelf for the file will do� and while holding the chalked file in place with my left hand I run the scraper down the teeth until I�ve filed away all the old wire edge and have a nice fresh, square surface to turn a new edge from. The chalk aids in preventing the single-cut mill file from clogging and I�m careful to not slide the scraper backwards against the file�s teeth�.a practice that dulls files exactly twice as fast as necessary.

A nice, fresh, dead-square edge.

Then moving both block and scraper to the Arkansas stones, I hone the edge dead smooth on coarse and fine stones. The smoother and squarer the edge, the better and more durable the eventual cutting edge.

Then I clamp the scraper to a hard, flat surface and use a burnisher to turn a wire edge inwards on both edges as shown in the sketch. The burnisher? The one I�m using is a luthier design by Timberline Tools of Mendanales, New Mexico, but any hardened and smooth steel will do�.like the back of the old Buck Brothers gouge shown or a valve stem or pushrod from your local junkyard. The burnisher should be oiled for best results.

Then I simply affix the scraper on edge and turn those wire edges outward to make two hook edges as shown in the second sketch. The purpose-built burnisher does that automatically and rapidly�.when using the gouge, I use two hands and rub the edge on a diagonal with the burnisher beginning horizontally and pushing the gouge twenty or so degrees downward during each stroke.

The result? The scraper, held in both hands and sprung a bit toward the body as it is pulled toward you, cuts this hard maple sole like a plane�.only with more control and precision. Learn to use scrapers, and you�ll cut your abrasive paper outlays to a pittance and even that varnish finish coat that egg-shelled on you won�t be a burden. That�s right�properly tuned they can cleanly remove as little as one layer of varnish.

I�m not into unnecessary tools, but this luthier�s burnisher halves the time and effort of tuning the scrapers. You can either buy or make one. How do you harden the 5/16ths drill rod? After it�s cut to length and the edges eased, simply grab it with soft-jawed pliers, heat it to cherry red with a propane or MAPP torch, and toss it in a pint can of linseed or motor oil�.too little oil and it�ll catch fire�.and do it outdoors, OK?
Posts: 663 | Location: Seabeck WA | Registered: 06 March 2003Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 03 April 2004 03:02Hide Post
Thank you sir! I'm relatively new here, and I've really enjoyed your lessons. At least, the ones I've seen. Are these archived anywhere? I'd really like to file these in hard copy so they don't get lost.
This lesson is helpful for me in my other hobbies, boat building and cabinet making (just getting into that)
Thanks again, Mark
Posts: 37 | Location: Michigan | Registered: 16 October 2002Reply With Quote
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posted 03 April 2004 03:04Hide Post
Cool, I do much the same thing, but I do not do one step that you do. I do not turn the edges in before turning them out for that final curl.

Why do you do that?



PS. If you ever want to give a tutorial on draw filing - PLEASE let me know. I should never be allowed to touch a file I think. Last night I was draw filing an octagon barrel. Even with a new file, I had to card it clean on every stroke and still I got gouges from chips.
Posts: 2257 | Location: Where I've bought resident tags:MN, WI, IL, MI, KS, GA, AZ, IA | Registered: 30 January 2002Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 03 April 2004 04:09Hide Post
The dges are turned inward first in order to give some body to the wire makes it thicker and more durable than one simply turned into a hook, first.

And I did a piece on's all of them:

Articles Published

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Milling Ear�s Fir

Maintaining Traditional Oil Skins and Tin Cloth;f=6;t=001998

Have a Trashed Chain Saw?;f=4;t=002115

Shop-Made Joiner Tools

Snow Today At Sprague Pond;f=3;t=001466

Chopping Mortises, a Quick Tutorial;f=1;t=008649

Cruiser Was a Logger�s Dog

Rehabbing Old Tools

Rehabbing Old Planes

Rehabbing Old Chisels

Spoke Shave Tune Up

The Drawknife;f=1;t=009003

Restoring a Classic Gunstock;f=1;t=011863

Files, Filing, Filling and Finishing�..Metal;f=1;t=011901

An Inexpensive 50-Degree Smoothing Plane;f=1;t=009153

Tuning Squares and Levels

Tuning Card Scrapers;f=1;t=009193

Rehabbing Woodies;f=1;t=009194
Posts: 663 | Location: Seabeck WA | Registered: 06 March 2003Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 03 April 2004 04:16Hide Post
Bob you have turned out a great artical again. How well does the 25' angle work as opposed to a 15'. I do a 15' as I have heard it more oftan.
Posts: 2045 | Location: West most midwestern town. | Registered: 13 June 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 03 April 2004 04:33Hide Post

How well does the 25' angle work as opposed to a 15'. I do a 15' as I have heard it more oftan.

If I understand correctly, you mean the 25 degree horizontal angle of attack of the burnisher as indicated by the bevel on the rosewood stock holding the burnisher pin.

I don't think the difefrence between 15 and 25 degrees in horizontal angle makes any diffrence. The tool is set for a vertical angle of 15 degrees used when turning the final hook...much more than that and the wire edge becomes too fragile.
Posts: 663 | Location: Seabeck WA | Registered: 06 March 2003Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 03 April 2004 06:38Hide Post
Great post! It's stuff like this that makes me glad I have a computer.....DJ
Posts: 3976 | Location: Oklahoma,USA | Registered: 27 February 2004Reply With Quote
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