Moderators: jeffeosso
Mike-D's finished stock
Picture of jeffeosso
Well Mike,
I managed to sand out the 16 scales per inch, and billy will be over next weekend to carve in the 20 scales per inch...

just a slap-on coat of poly to keep the water out...

also, i got the *K)(*#($@(#*%$&HH!@#%F@!#%F)!#@%$F)!@*(&H*K&H%F!*#&%F&H!)*(!@#$)!(*$!@_$)*!_@$(( curved pink recoil pad on... i aint the most happy in the world with it, but its on.

hope ya'll like it


opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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Posts: 40835 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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That is a very nice looking stock. What action/cal is it meant for?

The price of knowledge is great but the price of ignorance is even greater.
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I forgot to carve my initials on the side of the stock................cuz I helped.........I helped carry the wood beaver in the shop.

Looks good


High in the shoulder

(we band of bubbas)
Posts: 1868 | Location: League City, Texas | Registered: 11 April 2003Reply With Quote
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Looks good Jeffe

Are you building up a "library" of pattern stocks? Got any mannlicher type full stocks?

Red buttpads are Cool! thumb


What are you putting in that stock?

Posts: 586 | Location: paloma,ca | Registered: 20 February 2002Reply With Quote
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Lets see some close ups of the action inleting and fit!
Posts: 4821 | Location: Idaho/North Mex. | Registered: 12 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Could you turn and inlet a stock of this style for a pre 64 modle 70?
Posts: 156 | Location: Brush Prairie, Washington | Registered: 04 April 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of mix3006
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That's a beautiful looking stock,like a sexy woman,a full figured gal!!
If I ordered a red pad,I'll bet that it turned up pink,thank God for black.
Now that cheekpiece looks great too.
Posts: 191 | Location: Wollongong NSW Australia | Registered: 25 August 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of fla3006
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Did you keep the pattern ?

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Picture of Mike_Dettorre
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The stock is off a BRNO model 21 in 8x57. Jeffe didn't keep the pattern as I asked hime to return it to me.

I am very pleased with the way it turned out.


Legistine actu quod scripsi?

Never under estimate the internet community's ability to reply to your post with their personal rant about their tangentially related, single occurrence issue.

What I have learned on AR, since 2001:
1. The proper answer to: Where is the best place in town to get a steak dinner? is…You should go to Mel's Diner and get the fried chicken.
2. Big game animals can tell the difference between .015 of an inch in diameter, 15 grains of bullet weight, and 150 fps.
3. There is a difference in the performance of two identical projectiles launched at the same velocity if they came from different cartridges.
4. While a double rifle is the perfect DGR, every 375HH bolt gun needs to be modified to carry at least 5 down.
5. While a floor plate and detachable box magazine both use a mechanical latch, only the floor plate latch is reliable. Disregard the fact that every modern military rifle uses a detachable box magazine.
6. The Remington 700 is unreliable regardless of the fact it is the basis of the USMC M40 sniper rifle for 40+ years with no changes to the receiver or extractor and is the choice of more military and law enforcement sniper units than any other rifle.
7. PF actions are not suitable for a DGR and it is irrelevant that the M1, M14, M16, & AK47 which were designed for hunting men that can shoot back are all PF actions.
8. 95 deg F in Africa is different than 95 deg F in TX or CA and that is why you must worry about ammunition temperature in Africa (even though most safaris take place in winter) but not in TX or in CA.
9. The size of a ding in a gun's finish doesn't matter, what matters is whether it’s a safe ding or not.
10. 1 in a row is a trend, 2 in a row is statistically significant, and 3 in a row is an irrefutable fact.
11. Never buy a WSM or RCM cartridge for a safari rifle or your go to rifle in the USA because if they lose your ammo you can't find replacement ammo but don't worry 280 Rem, 338-06, 35 Whelen, and all Weatherby cartridges abound in Africa and back country stores.
12. A well hit animal can run 75 yds. in the open and suddenly drop with no initial blood trail, but the one I shot from 200 yds. away that ran 10 yds. and disappeared into a thicket and was not found was lost because the bullet penciled thru. I am 100% certain of this even though I have no physical evidence.
13. A 300 Win Mag is a 500 yard elk cartridge but a 308 Win is not a 300 yard elk cartridge even though the same bullet is travelling at the same velocity at those respective distances.
Posts: 10192 | Location: Loving retirement in Boise, ID | Registered: 16 December 2003Reply With Quote
Picture of jeffeosso
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(dang, what a long post)

The service that I am offering is that of duplicating your stock/pattern, on your wood, to allow a fella to upgrade his rifle to what he wants. I hope some day to become a custom stock maker.. and custom stocks are a different line of work than dupliation. I hope to let a guy have a fair cost alternative to what he's got.. say he wants 3/8 more drop, an inch longer LOP and a dropbox mag offered. .. All he would have to do is bed his rifle, bondo in the dropbox, and send me the pattern and blank. I will fudge the rest, do my best to ensure the butt is 90degrees to bore, and do that work for him.

I am not really in the selling blank business. That leads to way to much subjective details and besides, a fella can pick out a blank himself, let it dry on his time, and have it turned when he wants. I can get some fantastic claro and bastogne (my english is "fair") if needed, but not what I am trying to do.

I am looking to make a fair stock at a fair price, and let a man keep his money where he can find a deal. I think that if a man wants to use his wood for his stock, then I will offer a service to do that. I don't make the decisions of what to use Smiler I do reserve the right to refuse stuff (like a 500 a-square in myrtle wood), and will offer advice, but in the end, if it's within my skills to cut, it's not *MY* gun, nor *MY* call as to what you should have.

I have 5 more "discount" turnings available, and I will be trying to manage delivery expectations. I don't want to hold your stuff for longer than a few weeks anymore than you want me to!! I will be more than willing to take your name, let you hold your stuff until about a week before I can cut it, and then email you to send it on. Doesn't really help anyone to have a stock sitting in a box for 3-4 weeks, waiting for it's turn to ride the beaver.

I will be able to offer, at this time, an AR discount for additional work after a basic turning. More details on prices and rates will be on my website (in the next couple days)

I would really like to set expectations of what I am offering... I am offering a turned pattern, to be finished by you, that WILL be slightly oversized from the original to allow you to sand, file, and shape the finished pattern. I am offering duplication. I am not offering, at this time a $$$$$$$$ finished custom stock. There's a huge difference in price, time, and ability to deliver from a 1/2 day turning and a 100 hour custom stock. Frankly, at nearly whatever they charge, I would starve to death trying to due that work.

"Did i keep the pattern?"..

not exactly... as i had to know all the tricks to the stock, i did rough out a "draft" that is a little bit stouter... it might turn out okay, and be useful... i think it will.

working on gathering patterns.. any junk stocks your got.. even broken, would be a great help.. i'll even pay shipping!! Don't have any long long stocks.. the max i cacn work with is 41... and nope, i can not do 41.5.. it will NOT fit due to mechcanical limits

i am still not in love with my inletting.. partially because this is the last thing you do, and it usually requires that you leave the stock sit for the night and finish the next morning. It's one of those "statistics" lies... yes, 95% of the wood is removed, which leaves about 40% of the work... i am getting better, but heck, unless you have bedded the pattern to the exact rifle, it will NOT work right. I leave wood to be removed, rather than gaps.. best way I can think of it... i've heard complaints about other guys that 100% fit.. and those complaints are of gaps. I would much rather you be frustrated about removing a 1/16 from each side than to have a ruined stock with that much gap.

"can you fit X action into Y stock"
it's possible.. may even be probable, and I am willing to try it... send me a blank you don't mind if it get buggered up a little, and we can see... of course, i can leave it un-inletted and you can fit just about anything in... but that's WORK!!

i think what gag has done, i need to think about it, is to have made inletting mules, that can be placed and adjusted into anything. This is SERIOUSLY a place where you want wood left to fit.

I have 4 winchester stocks, including a richard's old classic (which is a nice pattern, to me), 2 or 3 CZs, including an american that will get modified: adding some drop and cast, and an english cheekpiece (not ready today fellas), about 1/2 a dozen mauser 98s, like 3 enfields, and even 2 1903s. None of these are truely TRICK stocks.

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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Posts: 40835 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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I will take one of those "Discount" turnings, but I don't have anything I want done right now. Can I just send you the money now so as to ensure a spot when I do have something ready to be turned?

Posts: 7090 | Registered: 11 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Jeffe, you are doing a very good job on the beaver. Gotta love that nickname for you duplicator. The best line I ever heard for a 95% is that "95% of the easy wood is removed. ALL of the difficult wood is still there."

Chic Worthing
"Life is Too Short To Hunt With An Ugly Gun"
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Man jeffe, looks really good.
Mike that is definately a kalifornia tooth pick stock. Big Grin
I can see why Jeff was giving you a hard time about it. Still it turned out really nice and will go well with your 8X57. BTW great caliber. thumb
Wish I could have been there. Frowner
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As a consumer of services such as yours, may I suggest that you label, number, or otherwise name the different styles of pattern stocks you offer so that buyers can easily identify what they want instead of you having to deal with my interpretation of a Rigbyish Winchester Super Grade stock with sculptural accents...
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And besides all of the above, Jeffe's one heck of a nice guy!

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a note from Jana, my wife, for you guys that came over

....Let your guys know that I had a WONDERFUL time this past Saturday! And thank them from me for the food and cleaning up after themselves!


opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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Hey Guys, what a blast at the WOODSTOCK 2005 gathering. I enjoyed meeting all of the people that had an interest in stockmaking and the show and tell part. Great food too!!! I got home about 4 yesterday and need a little rest after the 536 mile run. I got an idea!!! What would be the interest if I gave a free seminar on stock inletting, final shaping, and checkering of these semi-inlet stocks? Just a thought for something this fall after it cools off. Thanks to all that bought a copy of my CD. Jeff has built a good machine and he will be making chips fly now.

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You can sign me up on the seminar


High in the shoulder

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Posts: 1868 | Location: League City, Texas | Registered: 11 April 2003Reply With Quote
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excellent.. let me know when.. checkering.. and i was thinking of selling my checkerer


opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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If it's around the time of the big bore hog shoot I'm in. Second week of November.
Posts: 855 | Location: Belgrade, Montana | Registered: 06 October 2000Reply With Quote
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I'm in!

"There are only three kinds of people; those who can count, and those who can't."
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Sounds good to me. I even have something for you to show how to recut old worn checkering. sofa

Hog Killer

We Band of Bubbas & STC Hunting Club, The Whomper Club
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Picture of ramrod340
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Les, I love the CD. It really spells out some things I was missing. Some of those pictures made my mouth water.

Count me in on a seminar. Lord knows I have plenty of room for improvement.

As usual just my $.02
Paul K
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What's Les' CD about? Please clue me in. I might want to purchase it.

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Picture of D Humbarger
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Les where do you live?

Doug Humbarger
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Picture of fla3006
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Count me in.

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you want it.. it's lots of neat stuff, GIVEN advice from a proven smith, that did things perfect.

contact les directly for the cd


opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

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Posts: 40835 | Location: Conroe, TX | Registered: 01 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Doug, send me a PM. I am in central Texas in a RV Resort that has camping available for half price if you are my friend. They won;t try to sell a membership. I will see if we could rent the club house for a gathering of wood butchers. This would have to be discussed with the owner before we could bring all of those dangerous guns out among us old folks. Ha Ha
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